archive : 2001-04
politech: Estonian socialists want U.S. to outlaw "online hate speech"
02:20 PM +1000, Apr 30 2001
The article includes links and further background, so I won't post them here:
An Estonian socialist, apparently speaking for much of Europe, wants the U.S. to ban websites, mailing...
theage: Govt bans editor
10:23 AM +1000, Apr 30 2001
Victorian Premier Steve Bracks suggests "the daily press" takes precedence over internet news sites:
The State Government's banning of journalist and editor Stephen Mayne...
wired: Watermark Holes? C'est La Vie / Crypto-cash
09:41 AM +1000, Apr 30 2001
$28 million buys a whole lotta keystroke recorders.
Attorney General John Ashcroft said this week that he needs more money to spend on encryption-breaking.
On Thursday, Ashcroft...
cnet: Electronics giants promote video security
12:33 PM +1000, Apr 27 2001
The RIAA joins the MPAA in misjudging the value of watermarks:
Digimarc, Hitachi, Macrovision, NEC, Philips Electronics, Pioneer and Sony this week said they are forming the Video...
theage: Rights group slams plans for DNA database
01:01 PM +1000, Apr 26 2001
This is a little outside my usual field of interest, but worth mentioning nonetheless:
A politician's suggestion to take mandatory DNA samples from Australians at birth was described as...
wired: Questioning the Oz Net Censors
11:35 AM +1000, Apr 25 2001
SYDNEY, Australia -- Australia's 16-month-old Internet censorship law, while less intrusive than originally feared, is largely ineffective, a waste of tax dollars and gives a false sense of...
bloomberg: EU Close to Taxing Digital Products Downloaded From Internet
10:09 AM +1000, Apr 24 2001
No word on how they intend to implement this:
Malmoe, Sweden, April 20 (Bloomberg) -- European Union governments are close to imposing a tax on music and software...
telegraph: Key to breaking Nazi code was in the patent office
10:02 AM +1000, Apr 24 2001
Via the cryptography list, an article in the UK Telegraph suggests a different narrative to the usual Enigma story. It's not quite as simple as the headline suggest. The interesting part is...
In brief: SDMI, Yale censorship, Napster, COPPA fines
10:20 PM +1000, Apr 22 2001
RIAA threatens Princeton University over the upcoming release of results from last year's SDMI Public Challenge. ( see )
Yale university pressures a student newspaper to...
SSL hacked by.. Lycos?
07:55 PM +1000, Apr 22 2001
Here's part of a discussion across the cryptography and coderpunks lists. "Vertigo" claims to have knowledge of software used by Lycos which effectively implements a man-in-the-middle attack...
UMUC: The Future Of Fair Use
07:36 PM +1000, Apr 22 2001
>From a post to the iplawlib list:
The Center for Intellectual Property is hosting a one-day face to face seminar on June 15, 2001 on the Future of Fair Use. Many wonder whether there...
10:09 AM +1000, Apr 20 2001
I've been unable to update the weblog for a few days due to technical difficulties. Everything is fixed now. Nothing to see here, move along..
telepolis: Digital Safe-Deposit for Dutch Citizens
10:06 AM +1000, Apr 20 2001
..which begs the question, why would anyone voluntarily store "financial or medical information" in a system with the sole purpose of allowing access by "law enforcement authorities or the...
zdnet: Action! Piracy clampdown targets movies
10:05 AM +1000, Apr 20 2001
As with Napster, the MPAA is aiming for the easiest target in its action against Gnutella: the ISPs.
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has sent hundreds of letters to...
Automated detection of steganographic content in images
10:05 AM +1000, Apr 20 2001
Via the cryptography list:
I announce the initial release of stegdetect. Stegdetect is an automated tool for detecting steganographic content in images.
It is capable of detecting...
Anonymous Jim Bell trial reports
10:25 AM +1000, Apr 17 2001
Detailed day-by-day reports of the Jim Bell trial, posted anonymously to the cypherpunks list:
( see ) ( see ) ( see ) ( see...
Taiwanese MP3 copyright raid
10:24 AM +1000, Apr 17 2001
Two articles at The Register detail an MP3 copyright raid of National Chengkung University. The first shows the corporate line:
A multinational recording-industry front group called...
politech: More on Italy requiring news sites to register, pay fees
10:13 AM +1000, Apr 17 2001
Via politech, a clarification of earlier reports of censorship in Italy:
Beginning April 5, 2001, any web site that publishes information must carry the name and address of the editor...
wired: Cashing In on Cyber Crime
12:18 PM +1000, Apr 15 2001
FBI gets a bigger wiretap budget; Gingrich fails to understand the word "unprecedented":
President Bush's proposed budget sent to Congress this week asks that "additional resources" be...
politech: Italy reportedly requires news sites to register, pay fees
01:05 PM +1000, Apr 12 2001
Unconfirmed reports of new publishing controls in Italy:
Hi I am an Italian citizen and I want send you this mail about a new law of the italian parlament about Internet in Italy. All...
cluebot: Cypherpunk trial summary
04:31 PM +1000, Apr 11 2001
Declan McCullagh has posted links to all his Jim Bell trial articles on Cluebot. I'll post that here rather than follow the whole trial:
( see )
Sample exploit of OpenPGP DSA flaw
03:30 PM +1000, Apr 11 2001
Via coderpunks, an academic Java exploit of the recent DSA flaw in OpenPGP:
This article explains the flaw, and gives you a Java cryptanalysis program so you can see and exploit it for...
ninemsn: Teen planned copycat school massacre
06:49 PM +1000, Apr 10 2001
No charges, no history of violent behaviour, and no explanation as to how or why three students had posession of another's diary:
A student at a New South Wales high school planned to...
prnewswire: PGP Security's NAI Labs Partner With National Security
09:33 AM +1000, Apr 10 2001
Strange bedfellows:
SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 9 /PRNewswire/ -- NAI Labs, a division of PGP Security, a Network Associates, Inc. (Nasdaq: NETA) company, today announced they are...
Draft Privacy Code released
09:47 AM +1000, Apr 09 2001
The Federal Privacy Commissioner has released a draft of the new privacy guidelines for public comment:
The guidelines explain the features of a privacy code and the standards of...
More on CPRM seminar
08:35 AM +1000, Apr 09 2001
A different insight into the CPRM seminar than the earlier Slashdot post:
I went to the talk. The basic scheme is to build a system where everything in it is covered by intellectual...
fairfax: Push to log Web records
08:21 PM +1000, Apr 08 2001
This is nearly a week old, but worth mentioning. Apparently the ASIC wants ISPs to log everything:
Internet service providers should be required to keep records, monitor account...
politech: Germany plans DOS attacks against overseas sites --Der Spiegel
07:32 PM +1000, Apr 08 2001
For those who aren't able to read German texts: According to a recent SPIEGEL ONLINE report, Otto Schily, German Home Secretary, publicly considers plans to perform "Official" DOS-attacks...
wired: Feds Post Indecent Material
07:15 PM +1000, Apr 08 2001
The FCC attempts to recreate the "Jehovah" scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian:
In a fascinating 28-page report released Friday, the nation's radio and TV censor has offered dozens...
theregister: MPAA believes all Netizens are criminals
11:44 AM +1000, Apr 06 2001
The Register reports on Jack Valenti's testimony at the Senate Judiciary Committee:
"Otherwise rational people, who wouldn't dream of stealing a video cassette off...
Summary of Stanford CPRM seminar
11:20 AM +1000, Apr 06 2001
Via slashdot, here's a summary and rebuttal of Jeffrey Lotspiech's CPRM lecture:
Oh well, back to the task at hand. I will list some assumptions that I have and, acknolodged or not, I...
msnbc: How your private data is at risk
09:54 AM +1000, Apr 06 2001
It's a summary piece, but a nice opening to web security issues for non-techie folk:
AS OF THIS WRITING, both eBay and Yahoo have inconsistently deployed security features to their...
theage: Bracks stands by ban on The Exorcist
09:43 AM +1000, Apr 06 2001
More censorship in Victoria. Note the selective enforcement:
The State Government is sticking to its decision to ban the screening of The Exorcist: The Director's Cut on Good Friday,...
seattletimes: Kirkland sues over Web site listing officers'
05:33 PM +1000, Apr 05 2001
Missing the "Nuremberg Files" decision entirely, a police department sues over personal details online:
Wading into the murky legalities of free-speech rights on the Internet, the city...
nytimes: Law Newsletter Has to Sneak Past Filters
11:52 AM +1000, Apr 05 2001
On the stupidity of keyword censorware:
There is nothing wrong with David Carney's spell-checker. It is on purpose that in his e-mail newsletter, Tech Law Journal, he misspells words...
Summary: the CPRM decision
11:42 AM +1000, Apr 05 2001
NCITS rejected the CPRM ATA copy protection proposal on Monday. Here's a selection of articles on the decision:
The defeat of the proposal, which would have been part of a set of...
Stanford: Content Protection for Recordable Media -- Jeffrey B.
10:58 AM +1000, Apr 05 2001
Via the Cryptography mailing list, an announcement for a seminar on CPRM at Stanford includes the following observation:
Recently, articles have appeared in the press that CPRM will be...
Politech on the Jim Bell trial
10:49 AM +1000, Apr 05 2001
Some interesting observations on the Jim Bell trial from Declan McCullagh:
As an aside, this is a very interesting trial. It appears to be the first time the new "interstate stalking"...
Pew Research: Americans support Carnivore
10:43 AM +1000, Apr 05 2001
>From the results of an opinion poll on "criminal activity on the internet":
These concerns may be a factor in the public's support of the right of the FBI and other law enforcement...
Telstra: Dial A Coke
10:17 AM +1000, Apr 05 2001
Telstra and Coke are trialling a new payment system using mobile phones and vending machines. I'll post a brief review of the machines in the next few days.
In an Australian first,...
Australian IT: NSW introduces cyber-crime laws
10:23 AM +1000, Apr 05 2001
The main point of interest here is the damage estimate for the "ILOVEYOU" Outlook worm. There's no mention of the fact that all the crimes cited in the article were committed outside NSW:...
ZDNet: Microsoft urges global antipiracy effort
05:12 PM +1000, Apr 03 2001
Is Law Enforcement abandoning its War On Drugs in favour of "Rights Management"?
In violence-wracked Colombia, police in December turned their attention from battling narco-traffickers...