freedom and technology

archive : 2001-05

EFF: EFF Supplemental Letter Brief in Corley v. Universal appeal
02:07 PM +1000, May 31 2001
Excerpt: 2600 Magazine responds to the court's questions in the DeCSS case. There's a good point made in the footnotes: The District Court's failure to define the term "function" creates...

wired: Digital Rights Gain a Foothold
09:00 AM +1000, May 31 2001
Excerpt: More watermarking schemes from the Rights Management end of town. Has it occurred to publishers that the effect of a successful permanent watermark for newly-published music could be that...

wired: Fears of a Website Inquisition
09:25 AM +1000, May 30 2001
Excerpt: Opinions on the Spanish draft legislation to regulate internet content: The measure, which was drafted by the Ministry of Science and Technology, would also allow government agencies to...

feedmag: A Case of Stolen Identity
02:07 PM +1000, May 29 2001
Excerpt: A Singaporean graduate builds a reputation out of plagiarised online articles, fictional awards and affiliations, and enjoys success for a while. FEED magazine unwittingly presents a...

newscientist: Prying eyes
10:44 AM +1000, May 29 2001
Excerpt: New Scientist on the EU Echelon draft report: Past evidence of Echelon is limited to media investigations and individual studies commissioned by the European Parliament. Its existence...

cnet: Net pirates nab TV episodes from the sky
09:18 AM +1000, May 29 2001
Excerpt: NBC learned something today: if you want to keep something secret, don't broadcast it in the clear. For years, a dwindling crowd of tech-savvy satellite TV subscribers has had the...

theregister: Disabled mother of four beats off MS, Mounties in piracy
08:13 PM +1000, May 28 2001
Excerpt: Microsoft's anti-piracy campaign seems to have hit a stumbling block: if "experts" can't spot counterfit products, can retailers reasonably accept blame for selling them? Further...

latimes: Major Music Labels Sue Launch Media, Aimster
10:52 AM +1000, May 28 2001
Excerpt: The RIAA hopes to repeat its Napster victory: The major record labels continued their legal assault against online music companies Thursday, filing lawsuits in federal court against a...

politech: Asia updates: Chinese Net-censorship, Malaysian crackdown
12:16 PM +1000, May 26 2001
Excerpt: For those under the impression net censorship is just about porn and bomb recipes: Item 1: A Chinese dissident who was convicted in December 2000 for allegedly advocating the downfall...

wired: Report Downplays Echelon Effect
09:48 AM +1000, May 25 2001
Excerpt: EU Parliament releases a draft report on Echelon eavesdropping: WASHINGTON -- A global surveillance system known as Echelon does exist and has the ability to eavesdrop on telephone...

wired: Download the Blues, and More
09:41 AM +1000, May 25 2001
Excerpt: House of Blues is about to start selling music online. Note that even at this early stage, "rights management" is causing compatibility problems. The House of Blues Digital began...

forbes: Wireless Security: Guess Who's Listening
09:54 AM +1000, May 24 2001
Excerpt: Forbes reports on the lack of adequate crypto in the wireless market. Much of this is PR stuff for the security industry, but the conclusion is accurate enough: the solution is strong...

slashdot: First Legal Test of the GPL
09:08 AM +1000, May 24 2001
Excerpt: The GPL may have its day in court: Trepidity writes "In stark contrast to the plethora of false alarms recently, there's a pretty clear-cut case that Vidomi, a DVD ripping product by...

slashdot: Digital Copyright
09:15 AM +1000, May 23 2001
Excerpt: Slashdot has reviewed Jessica Litman's new book Digital Copyright: She goes into excruciating, fascinating, absorbing detail about the process that produced current copyright law and is...

wired: Homeschool Gets Sex Education
09:16 AM +1000, May 22 2001
Excerpt: A lesson in trust: Home Education Magazine lost its domain name,, to a porn site when it failed to renew its registration with Network Solutions. The magazine,...

wired: Music Licensing Battle Hits DC
09:01 AM +1000, May 21 2001
Excerpt: RealNetworks changes its mind on government regulation of licensing. Note the keyword "streamline": WASHINGTON -- In February 2000, when a RealNetworks executive showed up before a...

Quick links
11:56 PM +1000, May 20 2001
Excerpt: Catching up on some old news: FBI trolls for customers, complains about encryption: ( see ) EU wants ISPs to archive email for seven years; "Only people who have...

newsbytes: Bill Ties E-Rate Funds To Net Anonymity Blockers
11:08 PM +1000, May 20 2001
Excerpt: The article isn't clear on how the leap was made from "radical [militant] organizations" to anonymous email: Schools and libraries receiving E-rate discounts for Internet access would...

bbc: EU condemned over planned "snoop laws"
05:08 PM +1000, May 18 2001
Excerpt: Via slashdot: Proposals are being put forward to the European Union to make communications companies keep records of all phone calls, e-mails, faxes and net use for seven years, just in...

yahoo: Mumbai cops place obstacle on information superhighway,
09:19 AM +1000, May 18 2001
Excerpt: Via slashdot, news that Mumbai law enforcement is planning strict control of internet access: Mumbai, May 15: The next time you walk into a cyber cafe in Mumbai, you won’t be able to...

wired: Music Execs Find New Target
09:12 AM +1000, May 18 2001
Excerpt: Having secured royalty payments from online distributors and networks, the RIAA attempts to escape its own royalty obligations: WASHINGTON -- Digital music executives told Congress...

latimes: TV Makers Take a Side on Anti-Piracy Technologies
05:11 PM +1000, May 17 2001
Excerpt: Just in case digital TV doesn't have a high enough barrier to entry already, manufacturers are planning on adding copy-protection crypto. Like the DVD CSS copy protection system, it's not...

wired: Worldwide Copyrights a Quagmire?
09:03 AM +1000, May 17 2001
Excerpt: Wired reports on the Hague Convention: The treaty in question is a heretofore obscure proposal known as the Hague Convention, which European nations generally support, but the U.S....

newsmax: U.S. Considered Sharing Security Secrets With China, Syria,
08:34 PM +1000, May 16 2001
Excerpt: FOI catches up with cypherpunks: According to a top-secret 1992 memo, the Clipper chip contained an "exploitable" feature allowing the government to secretly monitor...

wired: Iran Clamps Down on Net Cafes
05:19 PM +1000, May 16 2001
Excerpt: Iran catches up with Australia: TEHRAN -- Iranian telecommunication officials have called for regulations on Internet cafes and hundreds of such cybershops were said to have been closed...

usatoday: Judges ask new questions in DVD-copying case
09:04 PM +1000, May 15 2001
Excerpt: Renewed optimism from 2600 in their fight against the MPAA: Lawyers representing "hacker quarterly" 2600 Magazine said it was "good news" that the...

politech: Spain plans to require all web sites to register, pay fees
07:49 AM +1000, May 15 2001
Excerpt: Spain follows Italy in proposing compulsory registration for web sites: Freedom of expression is in real danger now in Spain, if the Electronic Commerce (Society of Information...

fairfax: Chief censor struggling with new technologies
09:22 PM +1000, May 14 2001
Excerpt: I haven't posted for a few days due to travel and starting a new job. This is a little old but worth a read: New technologies such as DVDs created a headache for classification...

efa: Analysis of ABA report Jul-Dec 2000
10:58 PM +1000, May 09 2001
Excerpt: The ABA has released an analysis of DCITA's 6-monthly Internet censorship report: The Key findings from this analysis are: * the statistical reporting of the ABA's investigations...

cryptome: High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection System
10:23 AM +1000, May 09 2001
Excerpt: Cryptome has published a document purporting to be a specification for the HDCP copy protection scheme announced by Intel in February 2000: This specification describes the...

telepolis: Dutch government puts Trusted Third Parties under pressure
09:42 AM +1000, May 09 2001
Excerpt: Notice the language: "force", "prevent", "oblige". Lawmakers still have not learned they cannot override the laws of physics. I particularly like the (apparently serious) reference to...

yahoo: Documents Show FBI Web Surveillance
11:25 AM +1000, May 08 2001
Excerpt: (This is a few days old - apologies for the delay, we've been upgrading the server) The FBI has released documents, partially "blacked out to protect national security and...

wired: U.S.: DVD Decoder is Terrorware
10:09 AM +1000, May 04 2001
Excerpt: If DeCSS - a DVD decoder - is such a dangerous device, why aren't there controls on the availability of other decoders, such as those made by Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic..? Attorney Daniel...

wired: MS May Have File-Trading Answer
03:43 PM +1000, May 02 2001
Excerpt: Note the key phrase in the last paragraph here: "..Windows would refuse to play.." - a long way from copy prevention . PITTSBURGH -- Microsoft has developed a prototype system that...

wired: DVD Piracy Judges Resolute
08:54 AM +1000, May 02 2001
Excerpt: The 2600 DeCSS case is underway once more. NEW YORK -- A trio of federal judges lobbed sharp questions on Tuesday at a law school dean who argued it should be legal to...

cnn: FBI "hack" raises global security concerns
08:42 AM +1000, May 02 2001
Excerpt: A lesson to the rest of the world - don't assume US laws won't apply to you. Note that the search warrant appears to have been obtained after hacking the server and downloading files....