10:39pm 20/10/2002
mood: yeah
music: the tv 'cause dad's watchin' it
I've started posting in my new deadjournal so, if you have a deadjournal, add me, eh? I'll probably be double-posting, but maybe not.

ooh, and if you want a deadjournal and don't have one, i have an invite code you could use, just fyi.

also if you want a livejournal i have an invite code i'm not using...
Friends only   
09:28pm 30/04/2002
mood: crazy
music: Alanis Morrisette - Under Rug Swept - 04 - Flinch
I decided to make my journal friends only, because it's really disturbing for people i know to say things to me that i hadn't told them. Sorry for that, i suppose, but it was inevitable.

this isn't saying you can't add me as a friend, i just want to know who is reading my writing, who is reading about my personal life.

If you are someone who doesn't have a livejournal but still wants to read my journal, just reply to this with your aim/icq/yahoo/msn/email screen name or address (depending), unless I already have it, and I may or may not give you my special secret to seeing my journal without you having to have a livejournal.

That is all.... for those who aren't lj friends.
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