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J. Kayleigh

[ website | Deadjournal ]
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[30 Jul 2003|04:53pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | muffled D's music in the next room. ]

D says I'm crazy...I'm not crazy or on crack.

I can't regret

this might mean something if I had someone to cheat on... [30 Jul 2003|10:18am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | Slow Coming Day--> A Part of Me Died ]


There's a 0 - 25% Chance You'll Cheat!

Sound about right?

You know the deal. Everyone gets tempted...

And the key to maintaining your relationship is not giving in.

You even go as far as staying away from anything close to cheating.

But everyone's human, so don't over do it.

You might come to resent your pure ways - and get a little too crazy to compensate.

Sound completely wrong?

So you're a cheater!

Either you're really prone to cheat (you find sex in any situation)

Or on the way to recovery.

With answers like yours, you know what it takes to shape up.

Are You Likely to Cheat?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
3 forget ~ I can't regret

[27 Jul 2003|10:54pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | none :) ]

okay..ignore the last entry...I was insane and I think too much...

I can't regret

[27 Jul 2003|03:26pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | slow coming day-->This emotion ]

new icons...they're nice...ganna go clean now.

I can't regret [27 Jul 2003|12:17pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | D's IM's ]

I want to keep this as emo-less as possible.....there's no way to do this without being emo though. I feel like I want to punch a fucking wall...

so I let this emotion get the best of me again..and this time..I have no one to blame but myself.

of course I could be all wrong..I could just be jumping the gun...

I wanna be wrong...

I can't regret

[22 Jul 2003|10:54pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | All American Rejects-->The Cigarette song ]

so I spent the day at home was weird I haven't stayed home all day in a while. but yesterday I felt like crap so I decided to heed chris's advice and sleep. I slept alot, just laid in bed most the day, watched "beautiful" I love that makes me wanna cry.

I worked on deadjournal, it looks good now. I love the graphic I made. mostly because the faith/wood shipper is just hot.

went to barnes and nobel..spent 30 dollars on books. haven't been there in a while, they moved some stuff around but I found the books I wanted just the same.

nothing really else to say. I spent alot of time with sammy. I'm ganna miss him when I leave, of course he did try to throw a mini piano at me might not miss him that much.


thats it...

2 forget ~ I can't regret

[19 Jul 2003|11:43am]
[ mood | envious ]
[ music | something corporate-->I woke up in a car ]

I really wish I coulda been there last night...

I can't regret

okay.... [15 Jul 2003|09:24pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Something Corporate-->Hurricane ]

so anyone who knows me well knows that I am very much into lj/dj design. I love working on them designing graphics for them and just...everything. So here are my top three favorite designs for dj/lj in no particular order.

laura's deadjournal

lidiya's deadjournal

My livejournal

go see them and tell me what you think of them all. good, bad, stupid, icky, annoying, plesant, cute, horribly, nice, intractable..anything.

1 forget ~ I can't regret

[10 Jul 2003|10:58am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | None ]


2 forget ~ I can't regret

[08 Jul 2003|11:31pm]
[ mood | excited ]

today kicked your ass...and tomorrow..I don't even think you'll have an kiss it goodbye...yay!!!!!!!

I can't regret

Imagining your kisses when I close my eyes ..they don't replace you holding me [07 Jul 2003|10:53pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Juice Newton-->Angel of the Morning ]

I went through my files and I found all these...

Auto response from TaintedTouch17 (9:44:47 PM): Where is my knight in white satin armor?
Ralphyboy84 (9:44:57 PM): on his way i'm sure
CrimsnTears1 (6:38:18 PM): white satin armor?
Auto response from TaintedTouch17 (6:38:18 PM): Where is my knight in white satin armor?
CrimsnTears1 (6:39:04 PM): i wanna be a knight!!!
CrimsnTears1 (6:39:10 PM): knights are cooooolllll
CrimsnTears1 (6:39:14 PM): they have swords
CrimsnTears1 (6:39:15 PM): and armor
CrimsnTears1 (6:39:20 PM): i want the armor mostly
CrimsnTears1 (6:39:35 PM): i could do without the knight status but i think id like the armor
brokn prmise rng (5:57:30 PM): ...white satin?
Auto response from TaintedTouch17 (5:57:30 PM): Where is my knight in white satin armor?
Auto response from TaintedTouch17 (11:40:21 AM): Where is my knight in white satin armor?
adoring tention (11:40:34 AM): I KIDNAPPED HIM
Auto response from TaintedTouch17 (6:22:57 PM): Where is my knight in white satin armor?
Dragon Phoenix38 (6:23:03 PM): I KILLED HIM NOW COME BACK
Auto response from TaintedTouch17 (8:19:46 PM): Where is my knight in white satin armor?
adoring tention (8:20:19 PM): He died last night after I ate his leg
Auto response from TaintedTouch17 (8:22:49 PM): Where is my knight in white satin armor?
SpiritHorse42591 (8:23:09 PM): ok i saw him in the bathroom
Auto response from TaintedTouch17 (10:06:59 PM): Where is my knight in white satin armor?
SuaavePete (10:07:03 PM): I ATE HIM!
SuaavePete (10:07:06 PM): HES IN MY BELLY!
SuaavePete (10:07:10 PM): rawr
SuaavePete (5:39:09 AM): IM MAH TUMMY!
Auto response from TaintedTouch17 (5:39:09 AM): Where is my knight in white satin armor?

I barely ever put up that message anymore. It's still great though

but...why did everyone either want to kill or eat my knight...?

10 forget ~ I can't regret

the result of minimal sleep and lots of soda.. [07 Jul 2003|10:30pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | if you tell you you'll think I've lost it... ]

TaintedTouch17 (9:51:15 PM): *dances aboot*
TaintedTouch17 (9:51:21 PM): ^ look I'm canadian
amisoletaire (9:51:30 PM): eh?
TaintedTouch17 (9:51:46 PM): going to the pub tonight, eh?
amisoletaire (9:51:50 PM): eh budday
TaintedTouch17 (9:51:56 PM): well that was kinda irish and canadaian
TaintedTouch17 (9:52:00 PM): but u get the point
amisoletaire (9:52:09 PM): rofl!

TaintedTouch17 (9:54:21 PM): I'm so hyper but I have no way to let out my energy
TaintedTouch17 (9:54:32 PM): I wish someone was here, and they would take a night swim with me
TaintedTouch17 (9:54:34 PM): but no one is
TaintedTouch17 (9:54:35 PM): :-(
amisoletaire (9:54:49 PM): i would!
TaintedTouch17 (9:54:50 PM): I love swimming at night..just not alone
TaintedTouch17 (9:54:57 PM): I know you would but are you here?
TaintedTouch17 (9:54:58 PM): noooooooo
TaintedTouch17 (9:55:00 PM): I don't think so
amisoletaire (9:55:39 PM): well..
amisoletaire (9:55:41 PM): i could be!
TaintedTouch17 (9:56:03 PM): yea when monkey's fly and micheal jackson turns black again
amisoletaire (9:56:24 PM): ROFL!!!!!!
amisoletaire (9:56:26 PM): hahaaha!

amisoletaire (10:07:03 PM): I still don't know all your secrets!
TaintedTouch17 (10:07:45 PM): one does
amisoletaire (10:07:56 PM): yuh huh
amisoletaire (10:08:00 PM): bertha does
TaintedTouch17 (10:08:11 PM): bertha will speak to no one!
amisoletaire (10:08:36 PM): bertha is a zoombeanie!
TaintedTouch17 (10:09:05 PM): bertha is my bitch from the state pen..
amisoletaire (10:09:14 PM): GASP
amisoletaire (10:09:19 PM): there are two of them!
TaintedTouch17 (10:09:26 PM): they must be twins
amisoletaire (10:09:41 PM): Amazing!
TaintedTouch17 (10:09:42 PM): that bitch lied to me..oh she is sooo getting spanked
amisoletaire (10:09:49 PM): Spank her!
TaintedTouch17 (10:09:56 PM): oh I'm going to

I can't regret

so today kicked your ass [07 Jul 2003|10:21pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | AFI-->Ever and a Day ]

yea it was goodness. well the end part anyway. took sam to a doctor's app, and then we went and bought pants...yay!! man pants!!!!! well shorts...still yay!!!!!! then I found kayrn we played a round of DDR, then we left. got home. was there for like 3.5 seconds. then me and kayrn went down to michelle's to chill. We are sitting outside when it starts to rain. We continue to sit, and then it starts to down pour, so we're drenched and we decide we're already wet why not jump in the pool. SO kayrn and I go first, then miche follows, we swim for a while. It was just one of those moments you know, the little things you know you'll remember. so we get out, I get all in a towel and we chill. it was great. today was great, tomorrow should be too..I hope...yay!!!

oh and I like killed michelle pads doing end of the century...damn song. I always miss the jumpy bouncy part...which is weird because I am naturally bouncy..I mean for godsakes I'm made to bounce and yet i miss all those steps...grrrrr so I was beating on the arrows, kayrn was laughing her ass off. it was great

today was great. I hope tomorrow goes well.

I can't regret

[06 Jul 2003|11:03pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Sarah maclouglin-->ice cream ]

sammy is two years old today...

he's growing up too fast.

I can't regret

bored [06 Jul 2003|07:55pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | the hip hop hopiest song you can think of ]

1. If you could run away with one person who would it be and to where? I don't know who, but i would go to a small town somewhere in upstate new york. I'd get a job in the local diner, and I'd buy a litte house and live there until I was old and had too many cats to count

2. If you could see something in your future what would it be? I'd most likely see my family, the many children I will invitably have.

3. If you could get rid of one person in your life who would it be? I wouldn't, everyone in my life is important in one way or another

4. If you could be really good at something what would it be? I have no idea, probly helping people with there problems, since that's the field I want to go into anyway

5. If you had to kill yourself how would you do it? I wouldn't, but I'd probly OD on sleeping pills.

6. If you could read one persons mind who would it be? my dad's and if not him..well you all know who

7. Which song do you think best describes you? JoDee Messina "bring on the rain" I know I know country, but I dunno it's very much my attitude these days.

8. What's in your dream house? an old victorian, or an old farm house. 4 bedrooms, dinning room, old country kitchen, formal sitting room, family room, 2 1/2 bath, wrap around porch, a nice swing set for the kids, lots and lots of land for the kids to play on,

9. Would you have wanted to been born a boy or a girl? girl

10.Why do you hang around with the people that you do instead of those "other people" over there? because it's the crowd I fell in with and there the people I care about the most and I wouldn't have it anyother way

11.When you die do you believe things will be better for you? yes

12.What song gets your eyes wide and stops your breathing as you forget the world and lose yourself in insanity? haven't found that song yet

13. Is 13 unlucky? um...maybe

14. If you could get back together with your first love would you? yes

15. What kind of behavior just really pisses you off? ignorance

16. How many times will you forgive someone? many as it takes

17. If you had to choose one of your friends to die, who would it be? I'd choose myself I could never send one of my friends to death.

18. Pro-life or pro-choice? Pro-choice

19. If you had to lose 2 of your 5 senses what would they be? Smell and hearing

20. If you could erase your entire life and start over, would you? no

I can't regret

randomnisity...if that makes any sense. [05 Jul 2003|11:17pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | cars passing by ]

brian and maj came over today while mom n dad were out.

they're freaks.

I'm bored...

D n michelle are hanging out...I'm all alone *tear*

tomorrow is the party thing..should be..yea

I don't know why I'm updating..maybe it's because I want to hit 1000 updates...I have like 763 or something like that...I think I could hit 1000 before the end of the year.

definetly going to be with D and laura on tuesday, funness should ensue.

I fell back on old habits today, I was paranoid and thought D was mad at me. Atleast I'm getting back to something.

people need to update more...

D update

right now when you read this...

and anyone else who reads this too..I need stuff to read tomorrow while my family sits in the back yard and argues about whether of not my grandparents should sell there house, and who has done the worse offense against the family amoung the sister, and brian will be there and he's sure to cause some kinda trouble. I swear if caset says one word about waxing..I'm ganna like take my razor and shave her eyebrows off. I'm tired of hearing how she waxes and oh it so great and blah blah blah.

eh, I should probly go to bed, dad's out but I don't know for how long.

I'm ganna be up tonight I can already tell, call the cell phone if you are up and bored like me..440-7270

2 forget ~ I can't regret

So I fall, you know I just can't handle this at all [03 Jul 2003|07:48pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | something corporate-->Fall (I heard it at laura's was good..I downloaded it) ]

"lets never talk about this again,

because i didn't want it to mean

this much to me"

you have a problem talking about something that

means a lot to you. but you wish it really

you're the type of person who avoids

the things that shouldn't be avoided

What Taking Back Sunday quote are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 forget ~ I can't regret

Figures... [26 Jun 2003|06:59pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | the hip hop hip hopiest song you can imagine ]

Happy Deathday!
Your name:jaykayay
You will die on:Thursday, February 6, 2025
You will die of:Gunshot
Created by Quill
1 forget ~ I can't regret

[25 Jun 2003|07:41pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | none ]

hypermeeples 98%
deprived_sanity 95%
kyjellymonster 91%
suaavepete 91%
jamminjewboy 76%
desterado 72%
How compatible with me are YOU?
3 forget ~ I can't regret

nothing changes [21 Jun 2003|04:46pm]
[ mood | broken ]
[ music | Yellow Card---> October nights ]

we say were different things have changed...nothing's changed.

I'm still not enough, there's still someone you want more out there...

I can't regret

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