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hopeful |
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the hip hop hopiest song you can think of |
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1. If you could run away with one person who would it be and to where? I don't know who, but i would go to a small town somewhere in upstate new york. I'd get a job in the local diner, and I'd buy a litte house and live there until I was old and had too many cats to count
2. If you could see something in your future what would it be? I'd most likely see my family, the many children I will invitably have.
3. If you could get rid of one person in your life who would it be? I wouldn't, everyone in my life is important in one way or another
4. If you could be really good at something what would it be? I have no idea, probly helping people with there problems, since that's the field I want to go into anyway
5. If you had to kill yourself how would you do it? I wouldn't, but I'd probly OD on sleeping pills.
6. If you could read one persons mind who would it be? my dad's and if not him..well you all know who
7. Which song do you think best describes you? JoDee Messina "bring on the rain" I know I know country, but I dunno it's very much my attitude these days.
8. What's in your dream house? an old victorian, or an old farm house. 4 bedrooms, dinning room, old country kitchen, formal sitting room, family room, 2 1/2 bath, wrap around porch, a nice swing set for the kids, lots and lots of land for the kids to play on,
9. Would you have wanted to been born a boy or a girl? girl
10.Why do you hang around with the people that you do instead of those "other people" over there? because it's the crowd I fell in with and there the people I care about the most and I wouldn't have it anyother way
11.When you die do you believe things will be better for you? yes
12.What song gets your eyes wide and stops your breathing as you forget the world and lose yourself in insanity? haven't found that song yet
13. Is 13 unlucky? um...maybe
14. If you could get back together with your first love would you? yes
15. What kind of behavior just really pisses you off? ignorance
16. How many times will you forgive someone? ..as many as it takes
17. If you had to choose one of your friends to die, who would it be? I'd choose myself I could never send one of my friends to death.
18. Pro-life or pro-choice? Pro-choice
19. If you had to lose 2 of your 5 senses what would they be? Smell and hearing
20. If you could erase your entire life and start over, would you? no