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[01 Feb 2004|06:08pm]
[ mood | headache ]
[ music | "sorrow" - bowie ]

Holy fuck, today is the superbowl? Should I be watching it? Should I care? (Should 'superbowl' be capitalised?)

I need to reply to comments and stuff that people have been leaving in my journal lately. I do not hate you or anything, I am just really lazy and awkward!!

So I went to the art exhibition at Elmhurst and it was sort of neat, although the fact that eighth graders draw better than I do really makes me want to claw my eyes out. It always has!! Kids who were born in the nineties .. it sort of makes me feel ill. Like today on Kid's WB! (yes I still watch it for Pokemon), they were doing some sort of Chinese New Year thing, and it was like 'if you were born in 1995, you're a Pig!!' and I honestly thought for a moment that they messed up. This means that sometime in the future, kids will not know about the original Ninja Turtles cartoon. That is sort of depressing.

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[01 Feb 2004|12:36am]
[ music | kitties chasing each other ]

ARGH! Half an hour too late to wish Julie a happy birthday. I guess it is belated now.

Speaking of Julie, I really ought to get a Monk icon. I mean, honestly.

I really want a sno-cone but I already had one for lunch. boooo.

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[30 Jan 2004|11:41pm]
[ mood | ugh ]
[ music | "heathen (the rays)" - david bowie ]

Oh yeah. I'm getting a 4.0 GPA. I guess I'll do specific grades later. Not like you care or anything.

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[29 Jan 2004|08:55pm]
[ music | teevee upstairs ]


Driving was scary as all hell today, as for some reason the plow/salt trucks did not visit the subdivisions around my school. Therefore the road was slushy. Thus, I started to fishtail a few times. The first time I shouted 'oh -- FUCK. SHITSHITSHIT' and then slammed on the brakes because I am very calm and collected. There was a kid walking home from school behind me and I think he gave me a funny look. Since, you know, my car was diagonal across the road.

I heard Bowie while I was driving home and that made me really happy. You've no idea.

UM. Apparently my self portrait has made it to the Scholastic Art Competition and has received an 'honorable mention'. It is not actually so honourable, as it is the lowest possible achievement out of the five 'prizes,' but I guess that's sort of neat. It says it is the 'oldest student art competition in the United States.'

UNFORTUNATELY, as I am something of a moron, I cannot include said self portrait in the CD portfolio that I am sending to my three college choices as part of my application. This is because I only took one picture of it before it was shipped off to Scholastic, and the picture is blurry. This makes me very, very sad, because it is sort of the best thing I've ever drawn but oh well.

If you for whatever reason would like to gaze upon it in all of its blurry glory, it is here )

AHAHA THE ZIM HOODIE I AM AWESOME, NO?? (for the purposes of the competition, it is called 'Zim-bang,' because my art teacher told me to name it that. I have no backbone)

If anyone in the Chicagoland area would like to stalk me (in the good way I mean), the art show thing is 1 February. Which is a Sunday. And it's at the Elmhurst Art Museum (150 Cottage Hill). Please do not bring weapons or daterape drugs.

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[28 Jan 2004|08:08pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | "space oddity" - bowie ]

I think I am 78th out of a class of 266. Or something. Something-sixty-six. For I was reading upside-down as the college admissions lady filled out my counsellor's part of a scholarship application. For my counselor, may I add. I was going to ask her if she thought she would mind that she signed for her (that is a confusing sentence), but I did not.

I really really really want to draw Sick Boy but I am afraid. Someone else do it for me. pleeeaaaase.

edit : Laura has just informed me that it is most likely 766. I AM NOT GOOD WITH ZEE NUMBERS, OKAY??

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[27 Jan 2004|06:49pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | television ]

This is my 1699th entry. That's vaguely depressing.

UM. hey, lyvejerbul iz totily fuxx0rd!!!1!!one!!! It constantly says that I am typing in an incorrect password when I try to sign in through the site (client works all the time), and just now when I tried to update via client, it said my journal was 'temporarily read-only'. This frightens me, given the thing they currently have on the front page regarding hackers and such. Although I am fairly sure I didn't .. uh, you know, do that. I would feel like a moron asking for help etc on it anyway so I won't and if I get hacked well then I guess I'll just cry.

I did not go to school today, as it snowed quite a lot and my mother didn't want me driving. She didn't want to drive as well; she didn't go to work. And now I have to go to school tomorrow and make up stuff. Sigh. Oh well. At least there is a Monk rerun on tomorrow .. I think. There was one on at midnight, but of course I had to be sleeping ..

Ohh, yes, also, grades for the classes which I am aware of :
(too lazy to make a table; it is first quarter, second quarter, exam, semester)

English: B B A- A (WHAAAT??)
A&P;: B B B B
French III: A A C A

.. umm. I think those are the only three classes in which I actually have grades that matter, anyway. Ha ha. awesome.

edit : And if by 'rerun on Wednesday,' I mean 'new episode on Friday,' I would be absolutely correct.

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[25 Jan 2004|06:37pm]
[ mood | tired ]


survey de mary )

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[25 Jan 2004|03:37pm]
[ mood | blah ]

Hey, liars are great.

I'm going to do homework now and possibly stab myself in the face after I'm done. If there is time I'll do my portfolio.

My fingernails are getting really long.

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[25 Jan 2004|01:23am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | "all the madmen" - bowie ]

Hello journal world.

Remember that sketch of Jack Sparrow I showed you last month? Yeah I don't either. Anyway here is the coloured, uh product I guess :

lusty pirate )

I was going to be kidnapped today but I asked my kidnapper politely if it could be rescheduled to next week.

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[19 Jan 2004|11:42pm]
[ mood | sympathetic ]
[ music | "'heroes'" - bowie ]

Arrrrgh. I am sorry, you, even though you probably won't see this or won't even know it's about you. I like being cryptic. yeeesss, I do.

I don't really have anything relevant to say. Why don't I blink anymore?

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[18 Jan 2004|01:31am]
[ music | "rock 'n' roll suicide" - bowie ]

Oh god. It's really difficult finding Bowie images. And uh, most of the sites I found them on are run by thirteen year old girls who think Bowie is 'SO SEXY' and want him to divorce his wife (who is a model, by the way) so he can marry their prepubescent selves. And who also want him to 'bring back the Ziggy Stardust era.' Ohoho.

anyway, I have a Bowie icon now. I would have had one earlier but I couldn't find any decent pictures that you know were actually the right size. Dammit. He's the Duke here, which makes me slightly unhappy, but I couldn't find anything similar to this in a more normal 'persona' ..

I have not been blinking a lot lately. I've also been listening to the same 24 Bowie songs on repeat for the past nine and a half hours. hahaha.

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[17 Jan 2004|06:01pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | "china girl" - david bowie ]

I have this disgusting urge to paint a Bowie portrait, but I think I will hold off on that for awhile until I remember how to paint correctly again. (it's been a few months)

Thankfully, bowieNet makes up for my atrocious memory and has given me a setlist for the show I saw (and the other two, but jeez, those just aren't imporant), and they are here if you are interested at all (and I don't know why you should be) : list de set )

Visuals used during Heathen (I think) were really amazing. Good god almighty, come back soon, Bowie. :'(

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[15 Jan 2004|12:01am]
[ mood | VWEEEEE ]

There is a grape soda next to me. um.

BOWIE!! I just got back from zee concert and sweet monkeys it was AMAZING. yes AMAZING and wow. Wow. Uh. First song was Rebel Rebel and the second was the new single the name of which I forget, and then it gets fuzzy from there. He did do a Pixies cover (!!) and Ashes to Ashes and I'm Afraid of Americans which was just amazing and great because at the end, where it goes "God is an American" over and over, Bowie stood out on this catwalk type thing and held his arms out to his sides and crossed his ankles cruxifiction style while red, white + blue spotlights shone from behind him. (red and blue at each hand, white as a halo) Oh man. Last song was Heroes. Um, encore was great too; he played Suffraget City (excuse spelling error; I am dead tired), a new song, and another one I knew, then launched into Ziggy Stardust, which everyone sang along to. (Everyone also screamed WHAM BAM THANKYOU MA'AM in Suffraget, which was amazing and great.)

Bowie is all funny and awesome and he kept making fun of himself and yee. He said we were a very polite audience and it was nice, which made it hard to tell that we were Americans. (I applauded because I'm awesome like that) OH AND he played Under Pressure and his bassist girl sang Mercury's part and it was great too. During some song (I forget which; it could have been Fashion), he did the back-toward-audience, arms-wrapped-around-self, making-out-with-imaginary-person thing and it was amazing. I lack proper adjectives to make this interesting, don't I?

sdfljl. I think he was wearing Converse. He is so thin and it makes me cry because he's so goddamn attractive and is like fourty years older than me. And you know he really is attractive when even I say he is.

oh, yeah. Macy Gray was the opening act. Meh. I liked her dress, though. Annoying lady some ways behind me kept screaming 'MACY GRAAAYY' and I almost turned around and shouted back 'SHE KNOWS HER NAME, THANKS.'

I bought a t-shirt, pins, and patches. The pins are sort of awful but they are the OFFICIAL kind of awful which somehow makes it okay. sdfsdfd. oh man. Can I sleep tonight? No.

FRENCH EXAM TOMORROW!! Je suis triste. :(

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[11 Jan 2004|10:59pm]
[ mood | headache ]

Hahahasdflkj. I have not been posting here lately and I am sorry although I know none of you really care all that much!!

uh. The cats have names now. Yes. The boy is Magellan and the girl is Cassie. Guess which one was my idea. I took pictures the second day we had them but I'm really too lazy to upload them. SOMEDAY

sdfjlsdf. I went to sleep at one both Friday and Saturday. I don't know why I am so tired lately, although I think getting minus six hours of sleep every day during the week is really not such a good thing.

The people in the deadjournal jthm community are getting more moronic by the day. I should never be a community moderator because I would rule it with an iron fist. of BANNING.

I have finals on Wednesday and Thursday. I think I'm seeing Bowie on Wednesday too. The fact that I don't know makes it sort of sad.

OH JESUS. okay. I keep catching the first episode of the new Real World season, and although I really hate that show (for obvious reasons) I sort of like the music they use. And there is this one song they use somewhere near the end that sounds HORRIBLY familiar; it's instrumental with guitars and it makes me think either Graham or Radiohead although I am fairly sure it is neither. I muuusst fiiiind out what it iiisss.

I just watched Un Chien Andalou again because I think we're going to watch it in English soon. I'm not sure why, but we are.

edit : Sweet monkeys, it was Professional Murder Music. YES that is nothing like Radiohead and/or Graham Coxon. whoahoho I'm sort of a moron if you haven't noticed yet. BUT I STILL HAD HEARD THE SONG BEFORE SO EVEN IF I'M STUPID AT LEAST I AM NOT CRAZY.

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[05 Jan 2004|09:09pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | kitties running around upstairs in my mum's room ]

I now have kitties. :D

The boy is very calm and outgoing. He's also kind of a klutz. The girl is all skittish, but she's nice. She jumps really effin' high.

STILL NO NAMES. My mother and I keep referring to them as 'the boy' and 'the girl.' It is sort of sad. The girl keeps lying down in the litter box. She is weird.

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[04 Jan 2004|11:12pm]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | cats music ]

I have the music from the 'Cats' game at orisinal in my head. Those stupid cats.

Speaking of cats!! Um, we were going to go adopt this cute pair of tuxedo cats (brother and sister, I believe) today, but then it had to go and snow. Like, a lot. So, uh .. tomorrow, I think we will be getting them. I still miss Vincent, and I'd rather have him than any other cat, but it won't happen. (His ashes are in the garage at the moment, actually. o_o; It's scary; they're right by my car.)

We do not know what to name these cats. I want to name them Napoleon and Josephine. My mother and sister are not too keen about that.

School tomorrow. Boooo.

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[03 Jan 2004|11:19pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | printer printing ]

ladskjflds, it took me four hours to write my The Sound and the Fury essay, although the first hour was spent writing the first two sentences. I hate starting essays ..

And guess what, I'll probably get a C on it. :D Yaaaayyyyeee for procrastination!! (I've had since October to write this, and it is due Monday.)

Also! We may be getting cats tomorrow .. I do not know. I've stopped sobbing every time I think of Vincent (aka, kitty), so .. I can't take being lonely anymore. rrr. We were going to get fish, but .. cats > fish.

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[03 Jan 2004|03:16am]
[ mood | drained ]

La la la.

Sweet monkeys, I am seeing David Bowie in ten days. AIIEEEE.

I believe I am seeing Peter Pan later. I should mosey on off to bed then, so I can be awake for it. And after I get back, ohh, Quentin Compson, I am going to have so much fun dissecting you and thinking up homosexual undertones regarding Dalton Ames in your motivations in essay format. WHEEEE I LIKE HOMEWORK (that I really had two weeks to do).

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[02 Jan 2004|02:03am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | inuyasha ]

There's this promo for the new season of Home Movies which has Brendon playing guitar and every time it's on, I stop whatever I am doing and sing along.

I do not like how they pronounce her name 'Kilala' in the Inuyasha dub. How do you get that from Kiara? Where is the extra consonant coming from?!

I like this icon for some reason. ha ha. The keyword lacks innuendo that is pretty simple to think of, and I'm fairly proud about my avoiding it. whee.

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[01 Jan 2004|03:29pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I was going to do some sort of 2003 recap thing, in which I'd count down from 31, the numbers being corresponding dates (months don't matter) in which something monumental happened. And then I sort of realised that's dumb. and uh so yeah.

My breakfast was fondue. Or rather FONDON'T as I kept calling it. tee hee, I am annoying.

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