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poll time [10 Jul 2003|10:16am]
alright folks, quick opinion plz:

looks like aaron quit. we have a show on monday. facts:
- show is big -> hate dept, hanzel unt gretel, skumlove, voudoo
- we play first, meaning probably 8, and 25 mins
- 8 o'clock + monday == no one will be there
- 21+, most of our kids are 21-
- we can probably do the show with artificial keyboards (not sure how well it'll sound) as a two person thing
- something pleasant about having one guy leave the band in a queen drama hissy fit, and then see him replaced by a computer 3 days later. tho maybe thats just me.

shane (10:13:27AM): we need to take a poll to see if we should play or not.

.. post and reply: should we play the show still?
18 thoughts|think

rimac arena [10 Jul 2003|08:32am]
went to the first capoeira class, wasnt as bad as i thought. in my head, my main problem was going to be that i wasnt strong enough for it, but that was actually fine, instead i need to work on flexibility

got a huge blister on my left toe. i'll prolly be walking weird for a day or two

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i'm not entirely sure, but i think our keyboardist might have quit. it's gonna be a long day

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(ancient ucsd joke: instead of pronouncing rimac arena correctly, sing it: "reeeeeee mac-arena")
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[09 Jul 2003|08:49am]
[ mood | comes to this ]

vx twitch show, monday july 14 at brick by brick, with Hanzel unt Gretel, Hate Dept, Voodoo and Skumlove. for those who follow that whole music thing, skumlove is the band that Dino from fear factory formed after FF failed and fell apart.

spent yesterday at shane's working on the backbeats, we're going to that whole "one unified track with connections between all the songs" thing again, hopefully this time it will be actually possible to hear us. the more hardcore fans will notice that the songs will be a bit different at this show, we went through and shortened them in places to give us a bit less of that whole 8 minute progressive rock thing.

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mostly for tanya, but also for whoever listens to this sorta thing: hagelaz runedance - the falcon flies (ulver metamorphosis)

norse music gossip: ulver started as a black metal band, and so their singer (garm) met with emperor's singer (isahn, or something). when ulver started going more industrial/triphop isahn asked garm to remix an emperor song, the result being a reconstruct of "Sworn" that comes out sounding like some strange dark 16 volt/darkthrone homonuclus.

isahn was so impressed with it that he asked garm to remix a song of his wife's, who was in a 2 women folk/goth thing called hagelaz runedance. hagelaz wasnt a bad band par sey, but they needed a bit of help. the remix sorta scrapped the original feel of the song and made it much more like a forest version of the very urban "perdition city" album. it's ironically probably one of the best ulver songs out there, and by far the best thing that hagelaz was involved in =)

boredom factoid, i bought my korg ms2000 cause i read in an interview that thats what he used to get the slide effect near the end of the song. what do you mean "hopeless fanboy?"

6 thoughts|think

pie [08 Jul 2003|03:28pm]

we all heard the old urban legend about the guy who wanted to change the value of pi because it was in the bible as exactly 3. heehee, silly funny, but think about it a second, what would happen?

well, first things first, pi is defined as circumference divided by diameter of a circle. with a new pi, the circumference would shrink (or diameter grow) meaning that circles would now have their radii stick out of them, like some weird proboscis . . .

seemingly not too disasterous in and of itself. so we have smaller circles, no big deal, we just redefine 'radius'. our reality seems to survive mostly unscathed tho . . .

then tho, what about other factoids of pi? like that (shane, stop reading, imaginary numbers) eip+1=0. well, this will obviously have to change, and since we cant redefine 1 or 0 (heh) we'll have to redo e slightly. so now natural logs are out the window. i never did really Understand those anyways

more worrysome is the 'i' portion tho. quick review: imaginary numbers are those that run parallel to our reality, either little bit higher or little bit lower. it's possible to think of those as "go five steps in our reality, and then go up out of it by two steps" and write that down as 5+2i, or you could say "rotate our reality by a few degrees and go x steps". well, that no longer works: now when we rotate on the new pi we will either overshoot into the imagiary (smaller circumference) or overshoot if you went with the larger radius route

or wait, would that still work if instead of redefining e we redefined i? now make i be 'square root of neg 1 + a tiny bit' and does that rescue imaginary numbers? we now still go in a weird direction, but then new value of i means that we would also go up and down 'wrong' and end up at a new place... wait i dont think so tho, since the real number projection of it would still be the same, hee now we would have a disjoint location in the imaginary plane

and circuitry would go haywire, since now when you look at an alternating current circuit in the frequency domain, it would be out of phase since the values of the imaginary resistors would be different. so all your computers short out, sparks go flying, etc etc

physics also not unscathed: we're used to gravity (and all other point forces) decreasing as the square of the distance but thats because of the nature of the sphere surrounding a point charge. with the new circle being smaller than it's radius, the same radius would yield a smaller spehere, meaning more lines of force, meaning less loss of strength. so we're all suddenly 5% or so heavier, buildings collapse, planets fall out of orbit, dark matter collapsing on itself, etc etc

eh. so i guess next time someone proposes to change pi to the biblical value (1 Kings 7:23): "He made the Sea of cast metal, circular in shape, measuring ten cubits from rim to rim and five cubits high. It took a line of thirty cubits to measure around it." tell them it's a bad idea and move on.


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4 thoughts|think

ee mye nee ny [08 Jul 2003|02:32pm]
my mom stopped by my work to wish me a happy namesday, i totally forgot that it's today

indeed, "Dzisiaj jest wtorek 8 lipca 2003. Imieniny: Edgara, Elżbiety, Eugeniusza i Prokopa"

so i guess to all the kids out there named Prokop, happy namesday.

actually, let me see if thats a lj user name. . . huh, it is. feel free to join me in wishing him the best here. and if you're fluent in russian, what sorta entry is that?

for those curious when your names day is, i tried finding a nice english based search function, but with no luck. you can hit this page here and then sorta browse, i guess. the months go january to june on top, july to december on bottom.
6 thoughts|think

old [07 Jul 2003|08:19pm]
A disciple of another sect once came to Drescher as he was eating his morning meal.

"I would like to give you this personality test", said the outsider, "because I want you to be happy."

Drescher took the paper that was offered him and put it into the toaster, saying: "I wish the toaster to be happy, too."

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so saddam is still alive. osama is still alive. i think that perhaps they come from a stock of superweebles . . .

okay, i admit, i just wanted to say 'superweebles'
2 thoughts|think

[07 Jul 2003|11:34am]
[ mood | exclusive ]
[ music | A Wiltzie vs Ulver - I love you, buy I prefer Trodsheim ]

old photo of a guy on telegraph street. he was playing this home made instrument, basically a fiberglass electric mandolin where instead of strings each fret had two wires. if he touched a fret, the wires would close circuit and you'd hear this 'square wave' tone out of the speaker. he would play it by quickly double finger tapping the melodies

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this just in to the communal webmaster@sio email address:
from: sonya medley
subject: Hey
Hi I'm Cora. Don't like your site

dont know what to tell you. i guess it beats the non-stop spam we get

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got new shoes, turns out all the (two) pairs i owned were technically marking sole shoes and not allowed at rimac. they look like this, including cheesy photoshop touchup:

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tom delay (#3 guy in gov) blamed columbine on the teaching of evolution in schools. i just read he also has a degree in biology.

call me cynical, but i question the value of that degree of his.

corollary: dont believe what they tell you about college. if you want power and success, be dumber than a brick, read the bible and join a political party.

10 thoughts|think

[06 Jul 2003|01:29pm]
[ mood | connected ]
[ music | macross+ - information high ]


eh, doko ni datte, hito was tsunegatte iru . . . 'i can quit anytime i want'


[04 Jul 2003|06:01pm]
[ mood | miniboss. ]

so you might have heard of the Total Information Awareness project. basically it's a giant database of everything you bought, browsed, checked out, and did, constantly ran through algorithms that spot dangerous behavior

well, some folks at MIT decided to reverse the 1984 (4891?) and set up a Government Information Awarness, which does the same thing but on government officials. so in case you're wondering:
- susan davis is owned by qualcomm and the UC system
- dianne feinstein is owned by mostly law firms (that explains quite a bit about cali) and the entertainment industry, with biggest single donors being Disney (duh), Global Crossing (?!) and Wells Fargo
- and barbara boxer is similarly owned by lawyers (2 times what feinstein gets), entertainment, with biggest donors being Emily's List (?), AOL, Disney, Vivendi (RIAA), and Viacom

and you wonder why all those RIAA bills pass? yeah, i didnt see Kazaa up on the big donor's list either.

and of course you bunch squiveling maggots simply vote for whoever has the coolest ads and belongs "to your party", meaning the entire election hinges on whoever can afford the better ad company. but i digress

click around, amuse yourself. site is a bit slow, it was just slashdotted

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here, have a song i wrote that goes with a boss fight and a image to get you in the mood:

(our heroes arent doing so hot in this screenshot . . . perhaps you can help them?)

2 thoughts|think

[04 Jul 2003|08:19am]
[ mood | gdamn it's a nice day today ]

saw an older chinese man at the farmer's market, with some sort of a "your name written in chinese" thing. i asked him if instead i could get "freedom / art / water" written. he said sure, ended up talking to him / his wife / his daughter. (this talking is really much more complex than it sounds. in reality, they each spoke maybe 10% of the english language, but in disjoint sets from one another, meaning that before every sentence they'd consult each other, and whoever knew most words would go ahead and venture an attempt at saying it)

he asked me about my habit of putting my hands together in the standard 'western praying' position when i say thank you, i said it's some strange hybrid i built between the catholic hand gestures and the chinese "thank you" where you put one fist inside the other hand, then bow. i totally forgot i do it, actually.

then he asked why i was getting those 3 words. i told him i was setting up a music studio and wanted that there, "so you're a musician?" "yes" "let me make you a second one then" and he quickly drew one character on a tiny piece of paper, "what does that mean?" "it means 'quiet' ". it's now standing up in my living room

the last thing he asked me, rather suddenly so i thought i misheard him the first time, was "have you found truth?"

yeah, truth is the moment

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also went out with devin/val + friends to see a movie of 1920's porn short films at the ken. wasnt what i expected. i sort of was thinking of little "penny arcade" sort of clips, like the very opening with a girl putting a flower in her hair, with some voiceover talking about the nature of this particular reel, etc etc

instead it was pretty much standard porn except silent and black and white... with a thing about nuns, and much more open attitude toward homosexuality. the 1920's were more progressive than our times. who woulda thunk, i blame the christianity revival.

and the dog thing will never be spoken of again. period.

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oh. and happy "terrorist attacks against the british mother country" day.

if you're american, please pause a moment and reflect that the only reason the revolution succeeded was because the french graciously came over and saved the communal colonist asses.

6 thoughts|think

[03 Jul 2003|08:13pm]
small heads up, there's a place in my complex opening up. 1br, $675, on university and 28th. it's a really old building, hardwood floors, etc.
6 thoughts|think

[03 Jul 2003|09:03am]
[ mood | leetarded. ]
[ music | blue meth - impressionistic decomposition landscape ]

sze gave me an old commy64. couldnt get it to boot yet, but i did get it to work with my mp3 player. here's "enter the dragon" on a commy64

writing a script to take giant amounts of random images and setting up a green screensaver/art piece in my room.

2 thoughts|think

al boom [02 Jul 2003|11:19am]
[ music | blue meth - fulfillment ]

i've been quiet on music lately, but actually there's a new blue meth coming out really soon.

'coming out'. heh. how about "available for download and given out on CD to people who i think might like it"

need help tho, i need someone who can generate me an image that looks like a FF3 screenshot for the cover. anyone have a friend who does retro art/games?

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re subject: 'al boom' is actually an album name for a polish rapper named Liroy, and the (stretches mind) Def Noizz Mafia, or something like that.


straw men [02 Jul 2003|08:51am]
[ music | "you're gonna die gonna die gonna die for your government" ]

let's see, 6 more soldiers killed in iraq, still no weapons of mass destruction, the newly installed dictator wants more troops to control the iraqis... man, somebody find the guy who made the vietnam war memorial, cause we'll need a new one

("what the hell do you mean 'dictator'? we just liberated them!". right, you see a different word for a military installed absolute ruler? "no, i voted for bush, i dont k-k-know many words")

well, i guess you pro war kids got you wanted. you got a neat little CNN show with fantastic buzzwords like "shock and awe", all the excitement of precision bombs and absolutely no blood, and all in the comfort of your own home. now that you're not spoonfed it through tv, it no longer matters, attention span as long as the next 30 second commercial. blah, does it hurt to be so stupid?

no, i'm not fucking going to let it go. real human beings died, both american and iraqi, so that shell can get better deals on oil. if you did nothing, you should be ashamed of yourself

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and on the domestic incompetancy front: microsoft owned corbis sues amazon under the DMCA law, with amazon fighting back using.... the DMCA law. thats your congress critters at work, the best laws money can buy.

blah. i think anyone who spends a half second being proud in either being republican or democrat, conservative or liberal, needs to be headchecked. i always feel like i'm looking at a bunch of 13 year olds in limp bizkit shirts on one side, and 13 year olds in linkin park shirts on the other, arguing which shitty band is better

get a grip and get perspective. neither side cares about you, and both would gladly sell you into sex labor if they thought they could get away with it.

then again, thats why we have two parties. with two parties, everyone has someone else to blame for everything thats wrong. if you're republican it's all those stupid democrat's fault. if you're democrat, it's all those stupid republican's fault. a wonderful self-complete system, you just show up and vote, and nothing changes. meanwhile, disney extends copyright laws into infinity so they dont lose their copyright on mickey, pfeiser makes itself legally immune for the lead they accidentally put in vaccines, and we spend trillions on hypersonic bombers that can hit any place on the planet in 2 hours, in order to save us from . .. . uh. . . i guess those iriquoi gorillas i keep reading about.

oh yeah, did you know enron is gw's biggest lifetime contributor? if you listen to a song, you go to jail. if you steal $2 billion, well, i dont know, just dont do it again, k?


here's one from me and your local dryad:

7 thoughts|think

foot onn and 4 other things [01 Jul 2003|09:14am]
[ music | "pure style and grace / she hates her pretty face" ]

july 14th: Hate Dept, Hanzel und Gretyl, Voodou, Skumlove and us. djing by that one dude from the revolting cocks. brick by brick, 21+.

we go on at 8, sharp.

(why cant fucking san diego figure out how to put on split 18/21 shows, like in LA? if you're 21 you get a wristband and can buy alcohol, if you're 18 you dont and dont. we havent done an all ages show since, what, january?)

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built my futon. it came with two sets of instructions, both for different futons, and fairly contradictory. took some cleverness, but it looks a bit like this

note the ugly box it came in, in the corner

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everything has been updated.

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the movie will be screened today. erik had to resubmit cause of some pixelation in the first submission and the judges let it slip that "it was one of the best ones they received". n1nj4s 4evah.

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something i picked up from jamie is the self honesty emotion test. it doesnt matter what you tell yourself you think or feel about a situation, the only true thing is your immidiate reaction when you read the words, hear the voice, see the person, whatever the stimuli might be.

you cant fake that split moment.

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if you squint your eyes just right, it looks blurry [30 Jun 2003|10:42am]
[ music | episode arthur, part 7, teeth ]

music from movie, keep in mind the whole about a day to write all music for film thing

delivery soundtrack - last fight
delivery soundtrack - running theme
delivery soundtrack - dog scene

all under 2 mins for the bandwidth challanged
(more hardcore blue meth fans will note the subtle use of the 'gl' theme in the running song)

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"redo it, ninja in the shot . . ." [28 Jun 2003|07:14pm]
we be santa monica ninjas

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viekusotee apudaito [28 Jun 2003|11:21am]
vxt show, featuring hate dept, hansel and gratel, and one guy from the revolting cocks

brick by brick, july 14.

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i'll post some music from the movie in a bit. the part during the zombie ninja fights is damn nifty

i get to be one of the zombie ninjas.

[26 Jun 2003|09:23am]
[ mood | parareal ]
[ music | "congratulations / you have won" ]

while i waiting for the route 7, an older woman, dressed a bit bum-like came up to me and asked for change. before i could say anything, the guy who was with her moved in and said "dont give her any, she's a damn alcoholic, she'll drink all of it". she then starts hitting him (not awfully hard) and calling him various things

i paused for a second. first mental instinct was that this was some sort of a 'good cop bad cop' thing, except that the guy wasnt asking for money. instead he was cussing back at the woman. i sorta stood there and looked at the scene. just then, a girl walked by behind them with a shirt that said "barely legal"

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[25 Jun 2003|02:00pm]
(update to previous post)

i just realized that i actually saw that one girl before: she was at the LA import car thing dan dragged half of cab to, and i took photos at.

(at first i tried to rewrite that to not end the sentence in a preposition but then gave up and defiantly ended both clauses in one. i mean 'both clauses one in')

anyways, yeah, this is her:
2 thoughts|think

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