Sunday, February 16th, 2003
10:18 am
things seem okay today...
I don't know.. I hope anyway.
I think I'm going to the gym soon...
my abs hurt like a bitch from a few days ago when I tried out a new machine.. didn't really feel like it was doing much at the time.. but hell I was wrong.. It hurts to tighten my muscles at all.. sitting up is a challenge.. :(
I have work at 2 with my mom... :)
I get out at 6:30...
please, everyone cross their fingers that the snow doesn't start until after I'm home tomorrow from Connecticut..
current music: Bright Eyes ( silence is not the way)
Friday, February 14th, 2003
2:31 pm
I'm trying really hard to not be bitter today...
ha.. right..
I just want someone to like me god damnit.
( stupid quiz )
ugh.. work tonight..
/end bitching/
( silence is not the way)
Thursday, February 13th, 2003
10:17 am
Congratulations! Your general IQ score is 128. A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 111-128 is considered to be "above average intelligence".
you can take it here
well that was interesting...
I hate that I get headaches every morning when I first wake up.. it hurts badly.
it makes me laugh that on that list of fact thing I spelt the "quite" wrong in the "I'm quite a happy drunk" sentence..
heh.. :)
I rule!
or something..
I'm gonna download lots of happy energetic songs to play when I go to the gym.. I'm starting to enjoy the gym again.. I did a lot the last couple of times I went and I'm NOT sore.. like at all.. maybe I'm not in as bad shape as I had originally thought.
I don't have class til 12:30 today.. weehoo!! that excites me.. :)
okay.. gonna do something productive.. like get ready for class..
adios mis amigos <3
current mood: awake current music: Island in The Sun - Weezer ( silence is not the way)
Wednesday, February 12th, 2003
1:13 pm
driving to school this morning, listening to my Prime sth CD..
( this song put me into a good mood )
anyways.. classes all seemed to be intertwined today.. all the subjects were related.. good day though..
the boy in social psych's name is Jonathan though I did not find out myself, the professor actually took attendence.. a girl sat between us today.. didn't talk to him.. and it doesn't look like I'll have the opportunity on friday either.. we're going to be in the basement of the library and there is limited seating.. somehow I'm gonna have to run my ass from one group 1 to there in 10 minutes..
it's a good thing most of the class is upper classmen who just don't seem to care about actualy going to class..
I might have to cover for someone at work today.. this makes me happy.. I'll have 19 hours this week.. that is super fantastic.. my pay will be like $120... which is sadly a lot for me.. I'm used to $80 paychecks lately.. meh
downloading Nada Surf, oh how I love them..
( silence is not the way)
Tuesday, February 11th, 2003
9:21 pm - your pain is a white ball of healing light
argh.. stupid internet messing up the email sending process. I did two extra credit assignments for my child psych class yet for some reason I didn't get the points for it.. I did everything right so I'm thinking he just didn't receive it for some reason.. ughabug..
I am in love with this Pixies song.. "Where Is My Mind?"
it plays during the end credits of Fight Club (Brad Pitt... sorry) but yeah..
I've been thinking of the boy from my social psych class lately.. definitely has potential the more I think of him.. hermm.. gotta work the charm and talk him up.. or something like that.. I'm not exactly one to initiate conversations.. silly antisocial me..
I've done so much work lately.. it's crazy.. I don't do work.. ever.. and I find myself typing out my notes usually.. I just want a 4.0 or at least damn close to that this semester to bring up last semester's GPA (3.34.. meh :( ) that's no good for me..
I'm feeling very energetic and restless right now.. I have class at 8 am and I so know that sleeping is going to be impossible tonight..
...gonna go do homework!!! weeee!!!
kidding.. I'm not excited in the least bit
current mood: restless current music: This Is Your Life - The Dust Brothers (3 attempts at communication | silence is not the way)
Sunday, February 9th, 2003
11:42 pm
feel better now.. still a bit blah.. making some progress on the essay.. took a hot shower..
then I cried on my mom's shoulder.. then my brother's.. I <3 them so much.. :)
just had a cup of tea.. I have another hour or so of work.. I summed up each main character and now I'm outlining the basic premise of the movie..
then I'm going to mention movies that glorify drug use..
this is OH SO MUCH FUN!!! YAY!!! ughabug! :(
bah.. back to slaving away..
current mood: busy current music: Tori Amos (2 attempts at communication | silence is not the way)
Saturday, February 8th, 2003
9:42 pm
I just did about 3 hours of homeowork.. or so..
not done yet.. still have to write an essay.. that'll be tomorrow though..
I'm going to bed now I think
I feel accomplished.. :)
wee! my eyes are droopy..
work at 9 tomorrow.. until 2.. then gym time.. home and more homework..
yeah, my life rules.. I know how jealous you all are.. :oP
okay really sleep time now.. night dears..
current music: strange little girl - tori amos ( silence is not the way)
1:22 pm
not in the mood to work today.. not at all.. blah. :(
I have so much homework to do this weekend.. I have to write a freakin essay.. I'm doing it on requiem for a dream.. should be interesting to say the least.
I went to the gym this morning.. I'm proud of myself that I actually went, by myself... I somehow found the motivation.. well I found it when I weighed myself this morning actually.. blah.. :oP
there's so much freakin snow out there..
tonight I need to pick up a few things at walmart.. I might go visit kim at work.. I'm a little nervous about that.. we haven't talked since the whole brian thing... *shrug* things should be fine though.
well off to get ready for work and cram in some school work..
( silence is not the way)
Thursday, February 6th, 2003
9:52 pm
zack's online!!!
actually paid attention in my child psych class.. I guess it's not that bad.. but it still is no fun... then I got stuck in 20 minutes of traffic.. I swear the highway department thinks completely illogically.. must be run by men..
sorry, bitterness.. ugh.
we're supposed to get lots of snow here.. maybe classes will get cancelled.. PLEASE let classes get cancelled.. or maybe I'll just skip.. no I won't.. meh.. stupid me actually going to class.. stupid.. gah!
( silence is not the way)
Tuesday, February 4th, 2003
12:21 am
I went on AIM this morning during english class to check who was online and apparently forgot ot sign off of it..
someone went on, and erased my WHOLE buddy list.. well actually, there's one person on it, but I don't know who it is.. and the category name thing that screen name is under is "gotcha".. hah.. *shrug* they did get me.. it makes me laugh
oh well..
I just finished two internet classes for intro to music... it's pathetically easy.. yay..
I think I might hit the hay already...
(2 attempts at communication | silence is not the way)
Monday, February 3rd, 2003
12:50 pm
I am mostly healthy again.. yay!!!
sleepy though.
it's beautiful outside.. I think it was something like 47 degrees :)
it's about damn time.. I can't wait til spring
I'm already sick of most of my classes.. they're just so boring for the most part.
plus I don't really have any real friends in them. there are people I talk to but no people that I would willingly spend time with out of class.. except for nick of course and stephanie
last semester I had 4 classes with steph and zack and one with nick.. meh.. I think it's just zack I miss though, I knew I would, he really kept me entertained all of first semester.
my life is so boring.
( silence is not the way)
Saturday, February 1st, 2003
10:54 pm
yep... still feel like death
did the emt thingy this morning, it went well. :)
been lounging around and sleeping allll day..
this sucks ass...
going to bed again soon..
current mood: sick current music: sigur ros ( silence is not the way)
Friday, January 31st, 2003
8:10 pm
stupid freakin sickness, I'm getting so annoyed with it, no matter what I just can't seem to really get over it.
today all I ate was a clementine, an english muffin and a packet of oatmeal.. and I wasn't actually hungry any of those times I ate..
and I've had this weird taste in my mouth all day..
this has been one of the worst first weeks of school ever..
current mood: sick current music: Sigur Ros (1 attempt at communication | silence is not the way)
12:50 pm
still lacking a voice for the most part.
but I feel good and that's what really matters.
I must go to umass again and buy my english book today. She gave us homework to do over the weekend.. blah.
I have to buy stupid software for my music class too.. that's shitty.
oh! The new Placebo CD is wonderful :) I'm listening to it right now..
it is a tad bit different from their other CDs but nothing major..
I gave nick his copy this morning and his eyes lit up.. he was so excited.. both of us plan on actually buying the CD when it comes out too.. anything to help support Placebo and when they come to the US we're gonna go to all the concerts within driving distance.. heh :)
umm yeah, that's about all
current mood: okay current music: English Summer Rain - Placebo (2 attempts at communication | silence is not the way)
Thursday, January 30th, 2003
1:46 am
The Michael Jackson Baby Drop Game
current mood: amused (1 attempt at communication | silence is not the way)
1:28 am
I'm an irredeemably eejitous, liberal, disgustingly generous, relatively well adjusted human being! See how compatible you are with me! Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
I am 80% compatible with you :)
(1 attempt at communication | silence is not the way)
12:02 am
I feel better.. still coughing but it seems like my body had made some sort of peace with itself..
guess what? someone leaked the whole new Placebo album onto kazaa... *nod*
I have most of it downloaded, good stuff.. I intend to buy the CD anyway when it comes out but I needed to hear some new stuff by them.
I am so glad that I have a breakfast break with nick on monday and wednesday, he keeps me sane.
nick keeps nit picking with zack.. like he says his walk was awkward or his voice wasn't deep enough... oh and his hair.. *shakes head* he tells I'm too picky but then he pulls apart everything about the guys I date.. I guess that's just what friends do.
ha, he said he "picked a guy out" for me the other day... some guy walked by and he thought "he'd be good for jess" :)
I should go to bed soon... I'm waking up at 10 tomorrow.. only one class at 12:30, thank god. child psych, I swear, I'm gonna shoot myself before that class is over.
I have friends in almost every class now. History's the only one that I don't talk to anyone in.
ugh, there goes my stomach again, doing flips... meh
( silence is not the way)
Wednesday, January 29th, 2003
11:13 pm
I'm sick.
got home from classes, went online for an hour then slept for an hour and a half, on and off..
had to go to work, it was hell. I felt so ill.
came home, kinda ate and then slept from 6:30-10, on and off.
my sleep has been fitful. I can't seem to get comfortable. :(
I think I'm gonna make myself some tea. that usually helps a bit..
I've barely eaten anything all day... 3 clementines, a small muffin, half a cup of soup at work and a small bowl of soup at home.
that's it.
and I'm not hungry which is how I know my body is completely fucked up.. :(
current mood: sick ( silence is not the way)
Tuesday, January 28th, 2003
11:46 pm - stolen from the oh so wonderful candi
I doubt that people will answer this but... might as well...
01. What do you call me?
02. What song makes you think of me, and why?
03. If you could give me one present, what would it be?
04. What one thing/event do you associate with me?
05. How well do you think you know me?
(3 attempts at communication | silence is not the way)