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Joshua H.

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Draft [2004.06.04|00:15];_dir=ua_congressorg </long-ass-url>

Pass it along... They're trying to bring the draft back.
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In which Square Enix owns at least a part of my soul... [2004.06.01|01:08]
So I -finally- hit Level 11 with my character in FFXI. Only took me a month or two, but I took a couple or three weeks off there, so it's all good.

I've discovered another fun way to make cash fast... logging. So instead of wearing the blue fishing garb and throwing lines into water, I'll be wearing the green field garb and smacking trees with hatchets.

Now if I can get to L18 for the subjob quest and L20 for the chocobo... of course, all levels past 12 will depend on finding a good party, which is difficult in and of itself.

Ah well. Such is the life of an MMORPG'er.
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[ music | Metallica - One (Starcraft Mix) ]

Happy 22nd Birthday to me!

That is all.

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Name Color Meme [2004.05.19|22:11]
Copy and paste the following: < font color=yourusername >< b >yourusername< /b >< /font > into your journal.

jukor is I.
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OK, I decided on Gentoo. I'll do the bitshifting this weekend or in class tomorrow or Wednesday if I can set up a diskless cluster of the entire classroom to build my system for me.

Failing that, I'll just do the funness in screen or something. Whee... Yay for insanity. XD
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New site [2004.05.03|00:34]
[ mood | accomplished ]

My new mobile computing information site,, is now online. If you're wondering about the name, here's an analogy for you:
pokenet : pocket networks :: pokemon : pocket monsters. Make sense now? I'll flesh it out and start posting stuff fairly soon on it.

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[ mood | geeky ]

Heh, cool. iRogue has bindings for the Treo keyboard. The traditional vi layout even. Now I just need a port of vi for PalmOS. Yes, I am insane.

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Just another day... [2004.04.30|23:43]
[ mood | geeky ]

So my Treo 180 showed up today. I will definitely have to talk to T-Mobile about a data-only line for this and future smartphones, or at least the inet option for my current plan.

Being able to SSH into the home box in case of 'oh crap' moments will definitely be a good thing, not to mention being able to post on LJ from anywhere I have GPRS or via CSD on GSM. Wireless == t3h 0wn. The Treo's keyboard is actually very well done. It's not quite a 101-key keyboard in a small space, but the way Handspring implemented it is quite well done.

But that's enough ultimate geekery. PDA phones are probably the first step towards tricorder-style devices in the not-so-distant future.

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To autocross or not to autocross...

Tossin' that idea around right now. Basically, I could go, but I don't really have a ton of information about this event (in fact, barely any), unlike the BMWCCA event a couple weeks ago. Their next event isn't until next month, but I still dunno that I really want to go, as there's not a ton of information. I really hate to disappoint my "fans" (haha, yeah right), but I'm just not sure if I want go go to something that I don't have a lot of info about. The BMWCCA group seems a lot more organized than this group, and I don't want to go to the SCCA ones yet.

So, yeah. I guess I'll catch a movie tonight with some friends instead or something. Might still spectate, dunno tho.
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atsui da. [2004.04.16|19:24]
[ music | Utada Hikaru - Hikari ]

And it's not even summer yet. >_>

However, the nice weather that's finally back means I can drive around with my windows down again. And it's supposed to be nice on Sunday, which'll be good for the autocross. ^_^

In the tradition of Formula One and other open-canopy racing, my helmet is white like my car. It's an open-face helmet and is actually pretty comfortable, if somewhat hot (it has vents, tho, so it doesn't get -that- hot). I got an open-face because I wear glasses and drive a closed canopy car. I may eventually get a full-face one, but that's a ways off.

It'll be a fun Sunday, if anything. And since my dad's gonna go, I'll have pics and maybe a short vid for you guys. =D

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[ mood | bored ]

Ever have one of those days where you didn't wanna get out of bed because you stayed up too late gaming the night before? What about where you want to stay home and game instead of going to work? What about actually bringing your laptop to work so you can game, but not being able to because Customers Suck (TM)?

Welcome to my world. :P

[info]browren said FFXI seems like a MUD with a GUI, and he's probably right. It certainly seems more MUD-like than EQOA (EQOA seems kinda like multiplayer Zelda, honestly). It's definitely addictive and quite fun, actually.

But, that's enough rambling about FFXI. :P

I managed to locate my senior yearbook the other day after I got a wild hair to find it. Was cool reading the comments my classmates wrote. I sometimes wish I'd kept in touch with more of them than I do, but whatever. It's cool to have a past to look back on at times.

And now, I go back to work. :P

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Those of you getting Final Fantasy XI today (or already have it) [2004.03.24|15:12]
Catch me tonight and I'll get you a worldpass for the server I'm on.

(yes, this means you too, [info]browren :P)
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woah [2004.03.11|12:31]
[ mood | surprised ]
[ music | Z93 on the Satellit 800 ]

My laptop just showed back up here at work. O_o

THAT is fast service. O_o

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Dear FFXI... [2004.03.10|16:47]
[ mood | silly ]

I don't hate you; in fact, you're actually quite nice. However, my laptop is currently out of comission, so I will see you on the 24th if the laptop isn't back from repair before then.


Jukor of San d'Oria


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productive evening... [2004.03.08|22:11]
[ mood | productive ]

Well, I got 3 RA's tonight.... First one was for my 60GB Toshiba laptop HD. That was the easiest. The 2nd was for that GeForce4 440 Go video board. That was almost as easy as the first. The third, and by far the most difficult, was the one for my Inspiron 8100.

Expanding on that... I started out by being on hold with tech support for about 30 min or so. When I finally got a live person on the phone, I explained my problems. I was told they needed to go through a diagnosis of it, to which I said "I formatted the HD in preparation to ship to Dell". They had me go into the BIOS and change a setting ("Smart CPU Mode" or something) to make the CPU clock itself down if it wasn't being used. Er... there's a reason I wasn't using that... It's called I play GAMES on my laptop, so I like MAX PROCESSOR POWER. >_>

Anyway... I finally made it very clear that the reason I called was to get an RA... and an RA I got. And a call tag too, so I don't have to pay freight.

Three for three tonight. It's good to have mad skills. :P

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mo' stuff [2004.03.07|22:16]
[ mood | silly ]

Heh... One of the worst bits of this downtime is that I won't be able to play FFXI 'til I get my laptop back in repaired or replaced form.

On the other hand, I'll be able to play EQOA more. :P

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stuff [2004.03.07|18:45]
[ mood | blah ]

So, yeah. I'm running the three-pass eraser on my laptop's HD. Death becomes it, or something. Dell will be getting a call from me this week and I'll be sending it off to them for repair/replacement. If I can't get a C-series Inspiron or a Latitude D800 as a replacement if it's irreparable, I'll make it very clear that they won't be getting my business afterwards.

This blows. So, I'll probably not be around for a couple of weeks, except maybe on EQOA if I feel up to it.

As always, if you really need me, email or SMS works.
JH out, at least for now.

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It seems the thermal problems have subsided somewhat. I disabled i8kFanGui's control of the fans and just let the BIOS have its way. CPU's running around 65C, which is a bit warm, but better than the 90C+ it was. I'll probably flash the Inspiron BIOS back, ghost my drive, nuke the drive with the three-pass eraser disk, then call Dell for an RA.

Ah well. C'est la vie, or something like that.
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Pining for happier days... [2004.03.05|20:12]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Kawasumi Ayako - Yell ]

So my laptop seeems to be having thermal problems, not to mention the fact that the trackstick (an absolute godsend, IMO, during hardcore coding sessions as well as general chat and junk... eraser head mice > touchpads) no longer seems to be working properly. As an aside, the GF4Go doesn't work with my LCD, so I'm probably gonna call Dell tomorrow or Monday to get an RA for it and ship the thing back to 'em. If these thermal problems don't resolve themselves, I might just call Dell up and see about getting it repaired or trading up for another model, preferrably a Centrino-based Latitude.


So most schools are on spring break now... I remember a day 2 years ago I had lunch with a friend of mine who was home from school over her break. I skipped out on my friends during our 2-hour "lunch break" and went to the mall to eat with her. Somehow, I miss those days, like I suppose I miss her, but that's a different story entirely. On a related note to that, the weather's finally warmed up to the point that I can wear short sleeves to work again. And because the AC at work isn't working 100%, I was exhausted after work the other day. Henceforth, I decided to get a large vanilla shake from Sonic on the way home... I remember a day 2 years ago I went out to dinner with a friend and we went to Sonic afterwards and just talked for an hour or so... My how things change.

I want to go back to those days. I want to go back to not having bills to pay... I guess this is just a minor depression from all the crap that's happened in the last day (laptop refusing to boot, trackstick not working, and other serious badness).

I guess I'll just back up my data, wipe the drive clean, install Win98 or some other insanity on it and run dnetc for a day or three and see how it likes 100% CPU load.

Blah. I hate computers. X_X

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EQOA vs. FFXI. Round 1. FIGHT! [2004.03.02|22:35]
[ mood | geeky ]

*cue Michael Buffer*

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you tonight's main event... In the blue corner, weighing in at a hefty 6.5GB and hailing from Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, is our challenger, Final Fantasy XI. A recent comer to US shores, FFXI is the latest offering in the famed Final Fantasy series. It hopes to put up a good fight against our defending champion...

And now, in the red corner, weighing in at one DVD and hailing from Silicon Valley is our defending champion, EverQuest Online Adventures. This should be a great fight... and now... Let's get ready to rumble!

*end cheesy intro sequence*

Okay, okay. So I can't make it as a ring announcer. :P Anyhoo, I'll do a brief comparison of my personal pros and cons for FFXI and EQOA (3 of each).

First, I'll put EQOA on the stand...

1) Ability to select what server you want to log into
2) Controller-centric controls
3) Well-defined "threat assessment"

1) No coordinate system/map
2) Somewhat outdated graphics
3) Limited class system

Now, FFXI...

1) Job system from FF3j, FF5, FFT
2) Excellent graphics/music
3) Multiplatform (PS2 and PC)

1) Unable to choose what server to log in on without a "World Pass" for that server
2) Very hefty footprint for PC install
3) Very limited threshold of playability

Expanding on #3 there... My laptop is a 1GHz P3-M, 512MB RAM and a not-that-old nVidia GeForce2 Go 32MB video board. Granted, the GF2Go is essentially no more than a GF2MX, it's a halfway decent card, if kinda slow for today's standards. My PC scores somewhere between 1400 and 1600 on Vana'diel Bench2 (stating that it can play the game, but I might experience some choppiness at times). I said "OK, so it can run it" and I pick the game up. It runs fine and is quite smooth... provided there's no more than 3-4 PCs/NPCs on the screen at the time. Then it goes to choppy hell and gets worse with the number of characters. I figure this is due to the NV11 GPU being somewhat suckish as well as the 32MB of RAM. Hopefully the GeForce4 440 Go 64MB (NV17 GPU) I have on the way to me will remedy that situation.

All in all, I enjoy both games, though I think I like EQOA better due to it being more controller-centric and such. FFXI is neat and should be fun. The only problem I have with it are the steep system requirements, but that should resolve itself when that GF4Go gets here as well as when the PS2 version comes out.

*cue Michael Buffer once more*

And the winner is....... neither! It's a tie, as both offer their own form of gaming!

*end post-fight commentary*


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