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the adventures of pandora and echo [01 Aug 2003|06:00pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | love cats - the cure ]

a couple of nights ago, userinfosulla and i had a kitten each in our laps, and being not even 4 months old, it was their first time facing the imac's dread "floating cursor of d000m!" overwhelmed by the cute, we unwisely let them attack, with unexpected results for our itunes playlist.

pandora looking mischievous, echo focused.

maybe they're windows users? )

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soooo bored [01 Aug 2003|02:32pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | safety dance ]

another boring friday, another set of quizzes...

Exotic Dancer
You're Exotic Dancer Barbie. You have some moves,
and will do anything for a few bucks. Take it
off girl, but keep it PG-13 please.

If You Were A Barbie, Which Messed Up Version Would You Be?
brought to you by Quizilla

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from my dearest userinfobunglehead [01 Aug 2003|09:37am]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | from the edge of the deep green sea - the cure ]

the force you had all feared. i have found another 80s quiz. behold.

1. Duran Duran or Culture Club? culture club, only cause i'm a fag hag.
2. "We Are The World" or "Do They Know It's Christmas"? "christmas" rules.
3. Adam Ant or Bow Wow Wow? adam is the sex.
4. New Romantic or New Wave? new wave for dancing, new romantic for hanging out.
5. Hair Bands or Heavy Metal? hair bands, but only to mst3k the videos.
6. Transformers or Go-Bots? transformers. dude.
7. Teddy Ruxpin and Grubby or Cricket (talking girl doll)? they all creep me out.
8. Fingerless lace gloves or bandana around the ankle? gloves, totally.
9. New Coke or Classic Coke? classic.
10. Simply Red or Crowded House? crowded house.
11. Did you ever do "The Rock"? erm, no.
12. Can you "Safety Dance"? you can dance if you want to.
13. Would you consider yourself Darling Nikki or Dirty Diana? the one problem with the 80s was the total dichotomizing of EVERYTHING.
14. Did you have plans to party in 1999? yeah, but prince stood me up.
15. Did you HEAR "1999" right after midnight, January 1, 2000? i don't have the slightest idea...isn't this an 80s quiz?
16. Were you sick to death of that song by January 1, 2000? never. blasphemy.
17. Did you identify more with Clare (Molly Ringwald) or Allison (Ally Sheedy)? allison, pre-makeover.
18. Were your teenage years more "Sixteen Candles" or "The Breakfast Club"? breakfast club.
19. What was your wildest Day Off, a la Ferris Beuller? probably the day we drove up to nyc from maryland just to get our nipples pierced and go to zenwarp.
20. "All Night Long" or "Caribbean Queen"? caribbean queen, cause he's singing like bob golthwait talks.
21. What would you have done differently to save Julian ("Less Than Zero")? :/
22. Mogwai or Gremlins? mogwai. that movie creeped me out.
23. Cyndi (fully poseable doll) or Jem? both, so jem can kick cyndi's ass and dye her hair.
24. Madonna or Cyndi Lauper? cyndi was my idol.
25. Corey Feldman or Corey Haim? haim, more girly.
26. Atari, Intellivision, or Coleco? i'm so primitive, i don't even know.
27. K-Tel or Ronco? :/
28. Mullet or Mohawk? mmmmmmmm, spikey....
29. Poison or Skid Row? weren't they the same guys?
30. Ratt or Brittney Fox? oh, please, kill me.
31. Rick Springfield or Corey Hart? rick springfield, a shout-out to my sister.
32. The Police or Sting solo? the police. sting got all new-agey.
33. Color of favorite legwarmers? pink and black.
34. Color of favorite big-ass 80s hairbow clip? pink.
35. How many times did you shoplift at Claire's Boutique? if you have to shoplift at claire's, you've got problems.
36. "Valley Girl" or "Punk Rock Girl"? punk rock girl.
37. If you could go back to the 80s knowing all you know now, would you? i would be a twenty-something and rock out. as it was, being a little kid in the 80s was pretty cool, too.

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put on yer thinking caps! [30 Jul 2003|02:31pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | duh ]

is there a good cover of "king of pain"?

if not, there ought to be. i have covenant in mind, but i think that's just because of the thematic similarities with "like tears in rain."

i want to start a grassroots movement demanding a cover, but first i need band suggestions. enlighten me.

Poll #162651: coronation of pain?
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

who should cover "king of pain"?

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the weekend [28 Jul 2003|02:33pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | olivia newton john - "sortin' out our sordid lives" ]

soooooooooooooooooo, on friday we set out once more for userinfoventana's parents' house to get ready for manray. i had a fantabulous outfit - that just wouldn't stay in place. i had "the girls" trying to escape the corset, the corset sneaking up my hips and displacing my skirt, which was trying to open in the back. needless to say, not so good for the stomping, so i had to settle for swirly dancing. alas. but i did look pretty good, according to reports. i liked my makeup a lot, at least!

the crowd was slightly different friday night - there was more gawking at the scantily clad ladies. now, i clearly have no problem with go-gos. but frat boys wearing their only black hogging up MY dancefloor so they can get a show cheaper than the foxy lady are just unwelcome. if i had been stomp-capable, i would have "accidentally" stomped their feet many times over. :>

but we did have a great time. userinfosulla looked awesome, as usual. he wore the totalitarian bitch dress and the german officers cap. rawr. userinfoventana put together a lovely ensemble of pickings from her sister's wardrobe and a wicked cool necklace she wears for bellydancing. sex0rs. pics to follow in userinfosulla's journal, hopefully tonight.

saturday we were back on the road around noon, not too shabby. off we drove back down to providence to pack up the kitties and head down to my dad's house for his birthday party. the girls did *very* well for a 2.5 hour ride. they mostly slept. kitty road trip pix to follow. then when we got to his house, i thought we'd wisk them upstairs, but they seemed eager to meet everyone!!! so we took them out and were literally passing them around! my toddler cousin tommy was calling out their colors (he's a genius) and did a nice and gentle job of petting them. but really, i was shocked by how sweet they were with all those strangers and all the noise in a strange environment. we all spent the late afternoon/early evening on the screened-in porch. the girls were staring outside, watching insects and enjoying the breeze.

it was great to see some family again, even if briefly. my grandmother is doing really really well, and seems very happy. i guess a year after my grandfather died, she's had time to adjust, and she always was very much "her own person." she was fondling the kittens a lot!!! after some obscenely chocolately cake was had, most scattered to the winds.

then, we watched The Best Movie Ever. sordid lives is a hysterical cult comedy that takes place in texas - a lot of white trash laughing at themselves and righting wrongs done over affairs, transvestism and (gasp) homosexuality. literally, the funniest movie i've seen in years. complete with a drop dead gorgeous delta burke.

we spent the night at dad's, while the cats spent the entire night thumping around the room, exploring and conquering a new environ. spent a little time watching the sunday shows with dad, then some great british show on public tv about the six wives of henry VII. yeah, geekiness runs in the family.

on the way home, we stopped at our family friend patrice's for dinner with her, mom, my sister and her fiance. that was more quality time than at the big party, of course. and again the kittens just enjoyed another playground of furniture and windows. they were intially scared of the ancient miniature schnauzer, katie, but soon figured out she wasn't a threat.

it was great seeing so many people and catching up, but after a weekend like that you kinda need another one to recover! this coming weekend we have no big plans. we're considering manray's saturday nite with new wave/electro/me dancing like an idiot, but we'll see. i'll definitely dress more fluidly.

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damn, another light went out [28 Jul 2003|09:27am]
[ mood | sad ]

bob hope died. he just seemed like a good person, and he brought so many people happiness.

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drum roll, please. [28 Jul 2003|08:50am]
happy birthday userinfoatalanta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gah [25 Jul 2003|04:32pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | she bop - ms. lauper ]

i'm achingly bored.

someone, something entertain me for this last half hour of work!!!!

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happy hairs! [25 Jul 2003|10:54am]
[ mood | excited ]

i got a hair cut, i got a hair cut!!!

it's not perfect at all, but it's a lot better. a little too much like the bowl cut, i'd like it longer in front and shorter on the sides and in back. BUT it's off my neck and able to be styled.

which will come in handy tonight at manray!!! yes, we're burning up the club circuit these days, thank god. can anyone join us and userinfoventana?

i already tried out my ensemble to ensure it'll work. rubber corset, poofy white skirt with crinoline underneath, 6" platforms, and the newnew patent spikey collar. sparkly silver makeup, maybe a few of those fake stick-on jewels. mmm, maybe i should stick some below my collarbone, help adorn the girls....

heh, i like mixing my metaphors: black/white, rubber/crinoline, fetishspikey/fluffysparkly. yay dressup!

in more mature news: the kittens did great at the vet yesterday. good weight, healthy in general. no worms, though we'll do the deworming just in case. no feline hiv, no feline leukemia. distemper and rabies vaccinations. and they were veryvery well behaved, the doctor and the assistant both said so. they mewed a little in the car on the way there, but were kinda sleepy from the shots on the way home. aw.

i'm used to my old cat who would alternately freeze and shrink in terror or assault the vet; the more i learn about these cats and how well-adjusted they are the more i realize ebony must have been really messed up by some experience before we took her in (she was already 6 weeks old when she walked into our yard). poor ebony.

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ooooooooooooooooo [23 Jul 2003|02:42pm]
make the room stop moving.

i thought lunch would keep my head from floating away, but alas. it's a big balloon caught in the breeze and i'm struggling to maintain eye contact with other humans. naaaaaappppp.

thanks be i gots no plans tonight.
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mark yer calendars to partay! [23 Jul 2003|09:06am]
[edited to reflect our space-time continuum]

SATURDAY, AUGUST 16!!!!!!!!!

Come out of the heat into this very coool venue...

Industrial, EBM, Synthpop, Goth and Alternative on the dancefloor,
by DJ Subvert, with a special return visit by DJ CYPHER!
And, as always, we invite your requests and B.Y.O.CD.

Digital Paintings by BONNIE KANE will adorn the dancefloor

On the monitors, Video Slideshow by SAL of all your favorite Contempts

AND, of course! Contempt's Go-Gos will keep the place moving!

Contempt at REMOTE (lower level)
327 Bowery (between 2nd + 3rd St.) NYC
$5w/ pass, invite, printout, $7w/o
21+ w/ID please

**If you would love to see Contempt become a monthly event again,
please make an extra effort to attend this event or bring a couple extra

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healing [23 Jul 2003|08:44am]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | think - information society ]

ugh. i'm back from my brief hiatus. sunday night after dinner i got this ungodly queasiness, and by monday morning i had stabbing pains in my belly. then i got a fever, which passed by evening. i ate english muffin, banana, pastini and broth. tuesday was better, but not good enough to be all friendly and stuff at work - still a lot of stabbing pains, but no fever. last night i ate a normal dinner, hurt a lot, went to bed, but i think this morning is all right. i've had a few moments of doubling over, but not tooo bad. and it's a quiet morning in the office, thanks be.

in other news, the kittens were totally chill during their first thunderstorm in the attic last night. they rock. they also tried to eat the charcoal filter in the cover of the litter box. so much for that idea!

geez, so now it's wednesday and i'm already planning for the weekend. friday we're back at manray with userinfoventana, saturday we're scooting down to CT for a family partay at dad's house, and we're bringing the cats to meet everybody. we'll definitely spend the night, as that's a loooong haul.

and someday i'll get my hair cut. :)

that is all.

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so, the truth comes out! [20 Jul 2003|10:44am]
bow down
m(-_-)m I down to you, almighty dark one! You bleed
pure gothiness.

How Old Skool Goth are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

heh, much better. all the people at manray who *left* the dancefloor for peter murphy can kiss my spider-webby ass.

substantial post about my fab weekend with userinfoventana to follow, sometime.
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attention: art lovers!! [18 Jul 2003|04:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | what would brian boytano do? ]

you'll probably be disgusted by this story. but all mafia afficionados, take notice.

victoria gotti has a show up in chelsea

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aawwww shucks [18 Jul 2003|02:24pm]
from userinfomrzero, among others:

YOU are the helper.
Fairy godmother, good witch/wizard, good fairy.
Almost a sidekick, but better. You aren't
always around, but your presence is well known.
You do everything you can to make every
situation better. like the heart and soul of
the story. without you all would be lost.

what fairy tale role do you play? (this time with pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
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giving the people what they want. [17 Jul 2003|11:49pm]
[ mood | thankful ]
[ music | beloved - vnv nation ]

well, what the cat-obsessed people want.

kitty pr0n!!!

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crazy quiz results [16 Jul 2003|10:54am]
[ mood | ditzy ]

I am 44% Goth

Goth ny night, normal by day. Deep in my heart I know I am evil, but not on the company's time. I do need to eat.

Take the Goth Test at

the test clearly sucks *cough*, but take it just because it mentions sam rosenthal!

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walmart can kiss my kitties' asses [14 Jul 2003|02:02pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | nowhere girl - atp ]

we went to get an air conditioner for the sake of the kittens' comfort, but when we opened it up we realized too late that someone must have already returned it because most of the hardware was missing. now we have to go back and get another one. this was the last one off the shelf at that store, so i'll have to call around to make sure another store will have the right one available. it mostly ticked me off because you don't mess around with my babies. i'm a maternal terminator and if you get in the way of my plans for my cats i will destroy you.

tonight we'll settle this and the girls can enjoy the whole summer in blissfully cool air.

then tomorrow: first trip to the vet. let's hear some novenas, everybody.

on to more fun topics!

echo is now pretty socialized. she's definitely more reserved than pandora, less talkative and less demanding of physical affection. but when she wants love she lays on her back, showing off her nipples with her legs splayed - hahahaha!!!! tooooooo cute! she doesn't mind us petting her belly, but i wouldn't count on that lasting.

pandora is still the bolder one, always looking around, planning trouble.

neither of them have been the least bit aggressive, no biting or scratching. omg, sulla must take pictures of them play-fighting (no yelling, hissing or injuries), it's so entertaining.

what's new with me? work is boring as sin. no news from his potential employer, so still so idea of when we'll be out of r.i. soon i'll start thinking about where to move to in philly, but not just now.

we had a fabulous little visit from our nyc friends, ian and shea. it was a theme visit: commie fun! we had sandwiches at cuban revolution, then went to the russian sub museum. holy cow was that ever fun!!! seriously, you get a tour but then you can just hang out and look around at your own pace. heeeheee! it was used to film a lot of "k-19," and it's the real deal. we took loads of pictures: posing by the big red star on the sail, sitting at the officers' dining table banging shoes, sulla with the torpedos... good times. dinner at paragon on thayer was a huge flashback to college days. that night was waterfire, which we all thoroughly enjoyed after the crowds had thinned. then sunday we had a little lunch before they had to scoot back south.

it was brief but great time together! they are sooo very dear to us, and we hadn't laid eyes on shea for many, many moons. we really got to catch up a lot, and make tentative plans for a nyc trip for the next contempt!!

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somebody shut me up [12 Jul 2003|09:57am]
[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | caribbean blue - enya ]

oh. my. god.

the kitties are out of the carrier. they played for a long time last night after being all sleepy at first, they ate a lot, successfully used the box (!!!!!!!!), and got sleepy again. aw.

and they have names!!! the black one is echo; she's more cautious and does everything after her sister does, she barely mews at all, and she doesn't like to be touched yet. we'll work on that. the black and white one is pandora; she's an attention whore, she loves being handled, she loves playing, she's very curious (duh) and talkative.

cats are nocturnal. i am not. but i do respond to a "mew" like new mommies respond to hearing a single cry from their babies. around 3:45am, pandora woke me up with a mew, and i went to check to see if they're all right or scared or anything. pandora drowned her toy mouse in her water, which is a different yet elegant death, don't you think? but water is distasteful so it's my job to get it out.

then, around dawn pandora starts up meowing in most pathetic style just to get some love. i got up around 5:30 (keep in mind i'm on the outside of the bed and have much more sensitive kitty-hearing than sulla) and just spend some time petting panwhora. echo wouldn't let me touch her. :( i go back to bed, and she starts up again, and this time sulla is awakened as well. so after a while we go see if she's okay, and we bring her to our bed to cuddle there, but she's a little nervous without her sister, who doesn't want to be picked up yet, so back she goes. and we go to bed, and the mewing begins anew. she did eventually get quiet, and we got back to sleep. when we got up again at nine, they were sleepies.

just normal kitty development. i'm in ecstasy.

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looooooooove [11 Jul 2003|07:56pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | under the gun - sisters ]

the kittens are here.

sorry to everyone who's seeing them twice...but they are twice as adorable as either of us!

they haven't come out of the carrier yet, they're soooooo sleepy. they've never left the house before, so this must be pretty scary. i'm going to let them take it really slow. but it's so tempting to manhandle them! they are fluffy-fluff-fluff.

we will name them soon, i promise. we just want to see how they behave first, and at this point we'd have to name them sleepy and sleepier. :)

watch, they'll be super-nocturnal and keep us up all night with pouncing and crunching and clawing. i wouldn't mind.

i'm in love.

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