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olivia newton john - "sortin' out our sordid lives" |
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soooooooooooooooooo, on friday we set out once more for ventana's parents' house to get ready for manray. i had a fantabulous outfit - that just wouldn't stay in place. i had "the girls" trying to escape the corset, the corset sneaking up my hips and displacing my skirt, which was trying to open in the back. needless to say, not so good for the stomping, so i had to settle for swirly dancing. alas. but i did look pretty good, according to reports. i liked my makeup a lot, at least!
the crowd was slightly different friday night - there was more gawking at the scantily clad ladies. now, i clearly have no problem with go-gos. but frat boys wearing their only black hogging up MY dancefloor so they can get a show cheaper than the foxy lady are just unwelcome. if i had been stomp-capable, i would have "accidentally" stomped their feet many times over. :>
but we did have a great time. sulla looked awesome, as usual. he wore the totalitarian bitch dress and the german officers cap. rawr. ventana put together a lovely ensemble of pickings from her sister's wardrobe and a wicked cool necklace she wears for bellydancing. sex0rs. pics to follow in sulla's journal, hopefully tonight.
saturday we were back on the road around noon, not too shabby. off we drove back down to providence to pack up the kitties and head down to my dad's house for his birthday party. the girls did *very* well for a 2.5 hour ride. they mostly slept. kitty road trip pix to follow. then when we got to his house, i thought we'd wisk them upstairs, but they seemed eager to meet everyone!!! so we took them out and were literally passing them around! my toddler cousin tommy was calling out their colors (he's a genius) and did a nice and gentle job of petting them. but really, i was shocked by how sweet they were with all those strangers and all the noise in a strange environment. we all spent the late afternoon/early evening on the screened-in porch. the girls were staring outside, watching insects and enjoying the breeze.
it was great to see some family again, even if briefly. my grandmother is doing really really well, and seems very happy. i guess a year after my grandfather died, she's had time to adjust, and she always was very much "her own person." she was fondling the kittens a lot!!! after some obscenely chocolately cake was had, most scattered to the winds.
then, we watched The Best Movie Ever. sordid lives is a hysterical cult comedy that takes place in texas - a lot of white trash laughing at themselves and righting wrongs done over affairs, transvestism and (gasp) homosexuality. literally, the funniest movie i've seen in years. complete with a drop dead gorgeous delta burke.
we spent the night at dad's, while the cats spent the entire night thumping around the room, exploring and conquering a new environ. spent a little time watching the sunday shows with dad, then some great british show on public tv about the six wives of henry VII. yeah, geekiness runs in the family.
on the way home, we stopped at our family friend patrice's for dinner with her, mom, my sister and her fiance. that was more quality time than at the big party, of course. and again the kittens just enjoyed another playground of furniture and windows. they were intially scared of the ancient miniature schnauzer, katie, but soon figured out she wasn't a threat.
it was great seeing so many people and catching up, but after a weekend like that you kinda need another one to recover! this coming weekend we have no big plans. we're considering manray's saturday nite with new wave/electro/me dancing like an idiot, but we'll see. i'll definitely dress more fluidly.