For a full collections of recent headlines, visit the links below. Link over to's Special Reports section for our full coverage of major space topics and events.

New Life Form Found in Mars-Like Conditions
A new species of bacteria has been discovered thriving without oxygen in the harsh waters of northern California's Mono lake, where conditions perhaps resemble places on the red planet that might support similar life forms. >>READ MORE

NASA Astronaut: Returning Hubble To Earth, Too Risky
NASA is in a cosmic quandary as to the fate of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The end of the grand old telescope's mission is scheduled for 2010, when it shall be plucked from its orbit and returned to Earth in the cargo bay of a space shuttle. >>READ MORE

Exploding Stars Create Clouds of Cosmic Dust
Astronomers have long known that we're all made of stardust. Now they've gotten an enlightening glimpse into one of the explosive events that loads the universe with the dusty seeds of life. >>READ MORE

Diamond in the Rough: Looking for Life in Rocks
According to SETI Institute scientist Friedemann Freund, common rocks such as gabbro and granite carry a payload of complex chemistry that may have played a dynamic role in life’s origin, and the co-evolution of life and Earth’s oxygen-rich atmosphere. >>READ MORE

Better Images Sought in Columbia Probe
The Columbia accident investigators urged NASA on Wednesday to provide better, quicker pictures of separating shuttle fuel tanks and the vulnerable underside of the spaceships' wings to check for potential damage from launch debris. >>READ MORE

International Space Agency Heads Support International Station
Dark Matters: New Telescope to Seek Elusive Matter and Energy
Practice Makes Perfect: Engineers Prepare for Mars Rover Landings
From Kitty Hawk to the Moon and Beyond : A Celebration of Flight in Midtown Manhattan
Pluto Mission Jeopardized by Possible Funding Slash
New Theory: Catastrophe Created Mars' Moons
Poll: Support for Space Program Steady
X-43A: High Hopes For Return to Flight
New Map of Water Ice on Mars
NASA Pluto Mission to Rely on Lockheed Martin Atlas 5
Reverse Course! Mars Motion Soon to be Backward
Gravity's Rainbow: GRACE Mission Pushes Forward
Dennis Tito Ready to Invest in Suborbital Rocket, But Wary of Gov't. Regulators
U.S. Air Force Lowers Boom on Boeing Delta Program
Debate Intensifies for Simple Vs. Advanced OSP Design
Undersea World Points to Possible Origin of Life, Maybe Even ET
X Prize Entry Starchaser Successfully Test Drops Piloted Capsule
White House Touts Global Warming Research
Panspermia: Spreading Life Through the Universe
Earth, Mars Similarities Fuel Speculation About Life
ISS Wedding Update: She Says 'Da,' Russians Say 'Nyet'
Kistler Aerospace Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection
Going Hypersonic: Flying FALCON for Defense
Shuttle Manager Linda Ham: Blame No One
X Prize Looks to Spaceports for Rocket Races

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