freedom and technology

US deports journalist for reporting location

07:57 AM +1000, Apr 01 2003

The ABC says a reported expelled from Iraq by US forces for reporting his location was not an "embedded" journalist, and had not made any agreements to withhold information.

"We're about 100 miles south on the main highway. It's an unfinished highway. It goes between the Tigris and Euphrates River in the direction of Baghdad," journalist Bob Smucker told CNN in an interview as battle raged around him in southern Iraq last week.

That dispatch was enough to see the Christian Science Monitor reporter escorted to the Kuwaiti border by US forces and "expelled" for endangering a military unit by being too specific.

Mr Smucker was not one of the 600 journalists "embedded" with coalition forces who formally agreed not to disclose information deemed too sensitive by military commanders.

- ABC, Frontline journalists in Iraq face tough time reporting war.