XPLANE Corp. Legal Notices and Information XPLANE Corp. (“XPLANE”) maintains this web site as a service to its customers and peers in the design, learning and business communities. The following rules and regulations apply to all visitors or users of XPLANE's web site. By downloading any of the materials contained on this web site or otherwise using this web site, you agree to comply with and be bound by the terms and provisions as outlined in this legal notice. If you do not agree to them, do not download materials or otherwise use this web site. Ownership This web site and the materials contained in it are copyrighted and are protected by worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions and other laws regarding intellectual property. 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Disclaimers and Liability Limitations This web site is provided for informational purposes only. XPLANE assumes no responsibility for its accuracy, and all information is subject to change without notice. Any downloads, use of, or actions taken based upon, any of the information contained on this web site is done entirely at your own risk. IN NO EVENT SHALL XPLANE OR ANY OTHER PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE CREATION OR DELIVERY OF THIS WEB SITE BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS WEB SITE, EVEN IF SUCH PERSONS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. EXCEPT AS MAY BE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THE LICENSE TERMS ACCOMPANYING ANY DOWNLOADED SOFTWARE, XPLANE AND THE OTHER PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE CREATION OR DELIVERY OF THIS WEB SITE SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NONINFRINGEMENT. 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When you access a non-XPLANE web site, understand that it is independent from XPLANE and that XPLANE has no control over the content of that web site. Trademarks XPLANE trademarks and service marks identify XPLANE products and services, letting the public know the source of those products and services. Following is a list of certain United States trademarks and service marks in use by XPLANE, some of which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. This list is not exhaustive, and XPLANE may own other marks that are not included here. » XPLANE® All other product names, company names, or marks mentioned on this web site or in the XPLANATiONS may be trademarks of their respective owners, some of which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Feedback and Privacy XPLANE does not want to receive confidential or proprietary information from you through this web site. Please note that any feedback, information or material you provide at this site shall be deemed to be non-confidential. 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Software License Agreement Any software or files which you download are governed in accordance with the license terms accompanying the file. All files are downloaded at your own risk. Miscellaneous Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. If you have any questions or problems concerning the terms and provisions outlined in this legal notice, please contact us. ©1994-2002 XPLANE Corp. All rights reserved.