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Below is a log of the past 50 LiveJournal entries recorded in The Bairs Den

    Sunday, August 3rd, 2003
    Lazy day

    Drinking coffee
    Doing a little laundry
    Tom wants to mow the yard
    I need to give all the boys baths and trim their bangs
    I might play a computer game
    I need to work on communitysearch
    I should vacuum but probably wont

    See I told you it would be a lazy day

    I like it
    Current Mood: lazy
    Saturday, August 2nd, 2003

    *slurp coffee*

    mmmm.... good saturday morning all.

    *hugs her lj friends*
    Current Mood: groggy
    Friday, August 1st, 2003
    I've been so busy!

    I sure miss you guys.

    This week I've been working on userinfocommunitysearch. I'm trying to get caught up. I have almost 400 new communities to add! Everyday I get 7 - 10 emails from people wanting to register their communities. It's just crazy! I think it's picked up because it's summer and all the kids are on their computers more. lol If this keeps up I'm going to have to beg for help. I was plesently surprised to see that userinfocommunitysearch now has almost 500 members! Woohoo!

    Anyway, I'm doing good. We had a wonderful weekend with my family last weekend. Work has been ok. Not to much stress. Scott and I went to a Mariners game on Tuesday....and they won!

    Other than the userinfocommunitysearch project I haven't spent much time on LJ. I hope your all doing well.

    I wuv ya.

    ~bair-hugs :)
    Current Mood: busy
    Friday, July 25th, 2003

    I'm turning the cam off for the weekend. See ya Sunday :)

    Rick and Sara will be here watching the boys.

    Have a wonderful relaxing weekend.
    Current Mood: ecstatic
    Thursday, July 24th, 2003

    Ok, I gotta take a rest for a few minutes. *wipes brow*

    I worked my but off at work today. Our large Engineering copy machine is broken so I had to use the super slow back up machine to help people and get my work done. What a pain in the ars thats been!

    After work I came right home and started housecleaning. Yeah, you heard it. I'm house cleaning again. Damn my man needs to get back to work! LOL! I've vaccumed, dusted, did the dishes and I'm almost done with laundry. I need to change the bedding and clean a few windows then I'll be done cleaning the house...then its onto the dogs. Oh, man they are dirty little doggies. I want them nice and clean for the weekend while Rick and Sara are here.

    Speaking of Rick and Sara. Since they will be here I will be shutting the cam off for the weekend. I'll do that tomorrow morning before we leave.

    Ok, back to work for me...

    Later taters!
    Current Mood: productive
    Wednesday, July 23rd, 2003

    The other night I took my acryic nails off. *ouch* I figure we can save 28 bucks every two weeks. Hey! Every buck counts when your man isn't working. When Tom goes back to work and we get caught up again then I'll have them put back on again. hehe, now I have stubby little nails. Man they are in bad shape. Tonight I gave myself a little manacure and painted my nails. I think they look ok. I'm having a little trouble getting used to typing though. lol!
    Current Mood: cheerful

    I had a long frustrating day at work. *yuck*

    When I got home tonight Tom was under the kitchen sink installing a new faucet because the old one was...well...old and drippy. Guess what?! The new one drips too! woot! Poor guy.

    Tom went in for his third leg fitting. This time the actual leg parts were all connected and he got to stand on it. He also walked a few steps using the parallel bars. :) The first time in 23 years!!!! I wish I were there to see him. The guy that’s building his new leg for him said that the next time Tom comes in he would most likely be leaving with a new leg! WoOt! This is so exciting!
    Current Mood: happy
    Monday, July 21st, 2003

    Believe it or not, I have at least 150 emails in my inbox for userinfocommunitysearch. Everyday I get about 20 emails for that community! userinfocommunitysearch has over 400 members now! It's getting really hard to keep up. I noticed that since summer has been here that it's really picked up. The only problem is that I don't spend as much time on the computer in the I'm starting to get behind. *sigh* I'll just do what I can I guess.

    Hey userinfotbone...we've gotten tons of compliments on the new search form you made.'s time for sleep-sleep.

    Current Mood: productive
    It's hot here!

    The WeatherPixie

    Rick and Sara will be here in a little bit for a swim. I've been in air conditioning all day so 80 degree weather sort of hit me like a brick tonight when I got home.

    I watered all the flowerbeds and myself tonight. It felt good.

    It's swimming time!
    Sunday, July 20th, 2003
    It's so hot in this joint!

    Holy crap. I hope the house cools down soon. I need to get to bed. grrrrr...

    We had yet another really nice day. Well, I had a nice day. Tom didn't.

    When we woke up this morning Tom noticed that the toilet wasn't working properly. Little did I know that while I was gone playing around with my little sister...He had been to the hardware store 3 times! He was not enjoying himself too much. It was such a hot day to be working on the floor in the bathroom. The toilet still isn't working. We have a bucket in the tub. We fill it with water to flush the toilet. What a mess. Tom should have it fixed tomorrow when the other hardware stores are open. Since it was Sunday he couldn't find the parts he needed.

    This morning I swam for about and hour and a half. Oh it was nice. After lunch I drove into Bellingham and met my sister. She wanted to show me her new apartment. She has it set up so nice. I took her on a mini-shopping spree. I say mini because I didn't have much money to spend. :( I bought her a few kitchen and bathroom items. I think she liked 'em. :)

    When I got home Tom was working on the toilet and Sara and Rick were basking in the sun reading books. Sara was on an air mattress in the pool and Rick was poolside. I helped Tom for a few minutes until I had to go pee. heh! I had to walk next-door and borrow the neighbor’s potty. Bummer.

    We played in the pool for a couple hours or so. Scott came over later with dinner stuff. He helped Tom work in the bathroom and then helped me make dinner. Wadda guy.

    It’s back to work tomorrow. Yuck.

    It’s still almost 80 upstairs...yuck.

    ni ni.
    Current Mood: relaxed
    It's gonna be a warm day today.

    We expect lots of company. Have you guys used the random Weatherpixie yet? I love it. I get to see tons of cute pixies and all their different outfits. :)

    The WeatherPixie

    We had a great day yesterday.

    I woke up at 7am to the sound of Tom's lawn tractor. I lay in bed for an hour just listening to the mower and smelling the fresh cut grass. :)

    When I finally got out of bed I started a couple loads of laundry and hung all the towels out to dry on the clothesline.

    When Tom was finished mowing I went out and tidied up the patio furniture and swept the patio.

    Tom was working in the front flowerbed. It was starting to get warm. I helped him trim the Willow tree so that he wouldn't have to brush it away from his face when he was mowing under it. I also trimmed back our honeysuckle bush. It was starting to take over our hand washing station by the patio table.

    By the time we were done both of us were ready for a swim. Oh it was soooooooo hot! We went in and cleaned off and then hopped in the pool. Nicccce!

    At 2:30pm we needed to get out and start getting ready to go to Tom's company picnic.

    Tom's sister Sara and her husband drove over here and we drove them out to his parent’s house. His mom and dad followed us to the picnic. We had a really nice time. My guess is that there were about 60 people there.

    By the time we were done eating we were ready to leave. We had been there almost 3 hours. The four of us headed back to our house for another swim.

    We had a wonderful day. I love days like that.

    Today, my plans are:

  • add about 3 inches of water to the pool and check the chemicals.
  • to go to the pharmacy and pick up some medication that I forgot about yesterday.
  • I need to stop at my little sisters new apartment. I might take her out to buy something for her new apartment...I'll have to see what our money situation is like...
  • invite the neighbors over for dinner and a swim tonight.
  • stop by the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner tonight.
  • Wednesday, July 16th, 2003

    Tonight I rolled my ankle. :( I was walking in the grass setting the sprinkler to water Tom's new flowerbed. I musta stepped wrong rolled my ankle. Ouchie!

    I bleached spattered my favorite shirt today. I was dissolving chlorine for the pool and it splashed on me. :( Oh, well...

    Sawbuddy...Very cute buddy...hehehe. I liked the joke. :)

    Jenny...I'm glad your safe sweetie. Sorry to hear about your car.

    Betty...I wish I was on vacation with you. I think I'm gonna have to take a vacation like yours this year.

    Everyone else...~hugs :)
    Current Mood: blah
    Sunday, July 13th, 2003
    Go Mariners!

    I’m rushing around this morning trying to get ready for the game. I have a load of laundry in the dryer now that has a pair of jeans that I want to wear in it. I’m gonna wear my Mariners Jersey shirt and I plan on buying a Mariners sweatshirt when I get there.

    I think I’m caught up on LJ finally. Waves to everyone

    Slurp Mmmmm….coffee is good this morning.

    Tom is going to call Scott and see if he can swing up once during the day and let the boys out so that they don’t have to “hold it” all day.

    Boy I’m excited about today’s game. We will be sitting in the wheelchair section of 146. Click here and then on the 146 to see what our view will be like. I need to find some binoculars. Lol. We should get to see lots of foul balls drop in front of us.

    I think we will be leaving at 8:30am or so. Yay!
    Saturday, July 12th, 2003
    Go Mariners!

    We are going to see a Seattle Mariners game tomorrow! Yay us!

    Today I went to the bank and cashed in all the change I've been saving in my piggy bank for months. $200!!!

    Tommorrow is our 12 year anniversary. We will be leaving for the game at about 9am. The game starts at 1pm. I want to make sure we get there early so that we can go to the team store and see batting practice. :)
    Current Mood: excited

    I really want one of these :)
    Current Mood: amused
    It rained today...

    I decided that I wanted to wash my car myself instead of taking it to the carwash like I normally do. I wanted to give it a good thorough wash. Oh, it was a wonderful day this morning. It was about 75 out. I finished up my car at 3 pm. Oh, it was nice and sparkly clean. My cell phone rang. It was Olga. The boys were ready for me to pick up from the groomers. I dropped what I was doing and drove down to the grooming shop. It only takes about 2 minutes to get there. I chatted with Olga for a few minutes and then loaded the boys into the car. It was just starting to sprinkle. I was like...Oh great, I just washed my car and it starts raining. I kid you the time I got home it was pouring down rain and thundering. All the gutters were overflowing. I decided to wait in the car a few minutes to see if it would slow down or stop. No luck. I grabbed Winston and ran into the house leaving the other two in the car. By the time I got to the front door I was drenched! I looked outside and realized that all my patio chair cushions were now soaking wet. I ran out to get them out of the rain before they were soaked all the way through. *sigh*

    After that I ran out to the car and grabbed the other two boys and ran them into the house. They were looking at me like...what the heck is happening mom!

    As I was running past Toms van I noticed that both his windows were down. Oh great! I had to go out and start up the van so that I could close the windows (electric windows). By this time was drenched. I was in my shorts and a tee shirt. Water was pouring off me like I was in the shower. I thought to myself...what the heck...I'm drenched anyway I may as well just stand here in the rain and enjoy it. haha! So that’s what I did. I'm sure my neighbors thought I was crazy. lol.

    It rained for a solid half hour or so...In an hour the patio and sidewalks were dry because it was so warm out...

    Current Mood: clean
    Tuesday, July 8th, 2003
    Bair quick update

    Not much going on.

    I had a nice three-day weekend. We went to Scott's parents house in the afternoon for a fish bake on the forth. The boys (doggies) freaked out with all the fireworks so we stayed home that night and watched movies.

    Lots of company and swimming this weekend....

    Sara and Rick came over on Saturday night and we watched "Gangs of New York". Awesome flick!

    Tom had a little talk with the neighbor lady about how much time they have been spending over here. We have been feeling like we don't have any privacy lately. We've only known them for three weeks or so and she acts like we have known them for 15 years! She even was calling every day. Anyway, he put a stop to that. Don't worry we are still friends. She just needed to know how we were starting to feel about the whole situation.

    Today at work we got our new guy. He replaces the guy that got fired a few weeks ago. Come to find out that I know him. He's really nice. I've worked with him before. Once at another company and one time at the office with the company that I work for now. I think he will fit in nicely with our weird little crew.

    My Mariners are wining tonight...

    This Sunday will mark our 12-year anniversary. We will be going to see a Mariners game. They are playing the team our old coach moved too. It should be fun and they better well win every game. Tampa Bay in close to last place in MLB!

    must go "sleep, sleep"...
    Current Mood: relaxed

    Boy, I've been lj-boring lately....
    Current Mood: boring
    Friday, July 4th, 2003

    Happy Independence Day!


    Click in the black box. :)
    Turn on the sound if you want.

    Current Mood: full
    Thursday, July 3rd, 2003

    Just a little present for my userinfoshoo buddy. Shmoo you :)

    Current Mood: ok
    I love my little pixie :)

    I especially love the fireworks tonight!

    The WeatherPixie
    Current Mood: tired
    Wednesday, July 2nd, 2003

    I think I'm depressed again... I don't feel like doing anything...not even playing on the 'puter...

    Scott and Steffi were here when I got home tonight. Scott was helping Tom spread some beauty bark in all the flowerbeds. They look real nice. Steffi was in the pool.

    I think I'll go turn the TV on and watch a baseball game...

    Current Mood: stressed
    Sunday, June 29th, 2003

    Oh M's got clobbered by the Pods again.... This is bad. They are the 3rd worst team in all of bb (sorry userinfoshooy) and we got our buts kicked by them two days in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B.A.D.!

    I need a grumpy icon....
    Current Mood: disappointed

    The WeatherPixie
    Current Mood: mellow

    The weather has turned for the bad today. I see the neighbors out in their yard setting up for the party tonight. The wind has kicked up and the clouds have come rushing in. It looks like it might start pouring down rain any moment. I went outside a few minutes ago and put the solar cover on the pool. I put the umbrella down at the picnic table...I hauled all the chair cushions to the storage bin so that they don't get wet if it rains....

    I need to go eat...
    Current Mood: hungry

    Yesterday was very busy around here. It was almost 90 degrees. hot, hot, hot, for around these parts. :)

    Tom and I were up early. He puttered around the yard mowing and weeding and I added a ton of chemicals to the pool. I also did a huge load of pool towels and hung them to dry on the clothesline.

    As the afternoon came upon us it got hotter and hotter. Tom asked me to call his sister and her husband and invite them over for dinner and a swim. They were to arrive at around 5pm.

    At 1pm Scott called. He had his daughter with him. He hinted around until I invited them up for a nice cool swim. :)

    While Scott and Steffi and I were in the pool Tom was starting dinner. He wanted to make it early so that he didn't have to mess with it later. He made Mac and Cheese. Mmmm, mac and cheese. We love it around here. :)

    We were all still in the pool when the neighbor lady and her bow walked over with their doggie for a visit. I invited them in for a swim with us. That was fun. :)

    Tom was the only one not swimming. He was sitting by the pool smoking cigs and waiting for the timer to go off on the oven. The phone rang and it was my sister. She wanted to know if it was ok for her and her friend Jessica to come up for a swim. lol. I heard Tom say, "Why not, everyone else is here." lol. So a little while later there were here with us.

    By this time I was burnt to a crisp and cooling in the shade with a bag of potato chips. The neighbors had left to go home and finish up on some chores before today’s big shindig. Scott was reading by the pool, Steffi was in the pool playing with the girls and Tommy was in the house getting the steak ready to bbq.

    Then Sara and Rick arrived at about 5pm. We all ate dinner and then Scott left. S & R took a nice refreshing swim and made Tom and I laugh our heads off while doing some goofy water ballet for our entertainment only. Oh my gosh, we laughed so hard. lol! Very funny stuff.

    The four of us came inside and Sara dished us up some yummy Ice Cream for dessert. Mmmmm...

    I fell asleep on the couch watching the Pod's stomp all over my Mariners. ouch. Tom turned off the TV but it was two hot to sleep upstairs so we woke up and went to up to bed about 1am.

    That’s it. I tell ya... having a swimming pool on a hot day is a blessing.

    I wonder what today has in store for us...
    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, June 23rd, 2003

    I just painted my toenails...yup. *nods*

    That is all.
    Current Mood: relaxed

    Today is sort of a somber day. Where there was 5 of us...there are only 3 now :(

    I'm getting caught up from last Fridays workload that I didn't complete because I helped a fellow (now x) employee clean out his desk.

    I had such a nice weekend...I didn't want it to end...

    later taters.
    Sunday, June 22nd, 2003

    I just found my little sisters LJ. She is userinfoippy97. I'm thinking about adding her to my friends list. I think it would be a great way to keep in touch. I should probably ask her first though. :)

    My little brother has one too... he is userinfoi_am_smrat.

    It's funny what a small world this is. I wasn't even trying to find either one of them. I just found them on accident.
    Current Mood: lazy

    :( I can't find 'em userinfolaciann :( I even called Costco and they told me the manufactures name and I still can't find 'em.

    They are called Copper Plated 10 light string set. They are manufactured by Whole Bright industries. :( I want 'em! *Cries*

    Maybe I spelled something wrong. Who knows.... *pout*
    Current Mood: disappointed
    Pig Money

    I've been saving money in my piggy bank for our 12-year wedding anniversary. I just counted it all up (now I have to roll it.). $225!! What prompted all this counting was that yesterday while I was out I bought our anniversary presents.

    On Sunday, July 13th @ 1:05pm
    we will be going to see

    The Seattle Mariners
    Tampa Bay Devil Rays

    Yay!!! I'm really excited. Even though they are almost the worst team in the league... It’s a Lou Piniella game and it should be real good. I hear that they are almost sold out for all the Tampa Bay games in Seattle.
    Saturday, June 21st, 2003

    I need to go get my drivers license renewed TODAY!

    We had fun last night.

    Current Mood: rushed
    Tuesday, June 17th, 2003
    Hello :)

    Tonight our new neighbors brought over dinner for us. We didn't have to do a thing. I thought that was nice. :)

    My Mother in-law called tonight. She wanted to tell us that while they were at our house for Fathers day dinner someone tried to break into their house. In November while the entire Bair family was in Florida for Thanksgiving holiday they had their shop broken into and tons of stuff stolen. Since the last break in my brother in-law paid to have a security system installed throughout the home and shop area (he owns the home...its a long story). Well, Sunday it paid off. The person tried to get in the kitchen window that they had left open. When they stuck their hand in the window the motion detector set the alarm off. Dad said that they left in a real hurry through the next-door neighbors hay field. You can see the trail right through the field!

    This is now the second or third time their home has been broken into. Can you believe they had their home insurance canceled because of all the break-ins? Man that would have sucked if the intruder would have gotten in the house.

    Okay, time for bed...good night friends...
    Current Mood: sleepy
    Monday, June 16th, 2003
    I think he loves me. :)

    Getting older isn't really that bad when you get One of these :) )
    Current Mood: loved
    Bucky's leg

    I just got back from the vet office with Buck. He has a really swollen right front elbow. The doc did some blood work because he has a fever. Poor little guy. He might need to have some x-rays tomorrow if the swelling doesn't go down. Right now he is on Antibiotics and some mild painkillers. He's not allowed to roughhouse with the boys or do any kind of walking for a week. He also can't jump up and down off of furniture. *sigh* I even have to carry him outside so he can do his business. :(

    I put the :: cam :: on his little kennel so that I can keep an eye on him today.
    Current Mood: sympathetic

    I was able to get a vet appt for Bucky at 9:30 this morning. The poor little guy wont even let me look at his foot. I think it's his foot now. He can move his leg. I hope he didn't break a toe or something. :(
    Current Mood: sympathetic
    My poor little Bucky..

    Bucky some how hurt his leg or foot. We don't know what yet. He wont put any pressure on it at all. I had to carry him down the deck stairs and back up so that he could go potty. :( There was a bunny about 3 feet away from him this morning and he just sat there and stared at it. Normally he would be crazy running up and down the fence line. :( I just called my boss and told her that I was going to be late to work. Our vet closed office and I need to find a new one. :( Tom thinks it in between his toes. I hope he didn't hurt it by jumping off the bed last night. Or even worse...falling down the stairs. :( I just wanna cry. I don't like to see my babies in pain. :(
    Current Mood: worried
    Sunday, June 15th, 2003

    13 people for a bbq/swim today. It's hot out too! I have lots to do today. Love ya!

    Current Mood: rushed
    Saturday, June 14th, 2003

    The party was great! We had an awesome time! We didn't even need to put the canopy up because the sun was shining and it was awesome out!

    Tom is out finishing his mowing from earlier. I'm getting ready to clean the kitchen and living room. Our neighbors are brining dinner over and cooking for us. We might even go for a swim.

    Gotta go!
    Current Mood: rushed
    Friday, June 13th, 2003

    Thank you userinfosunshine_two for the link to my new WeatherPixie. :)

    The WeatherPixie
    Current Mood: drained
    Wednesday, June 11th, 2003
    Oh! Two more things before sleepy time...

    How would you like to be riding along on a motorcycle on a nice sunny morning minding your own business....when a female dear jumps out in front of you to commit suicide? Well that happened do a guy at work this morning, and he live to tell about it. Amazing.

    Oh! Oh! And our refinery was on the news last night. Some dumb collage kid threatened to blow up our refinery recently. Nice. I saw an aerial photo of the refinery on the 11pm news last night and knew it was our refinery before the news anchor even said it.

    okay, okay, good night friends....

    I really need to quit eating DQ Blizzards right before bedtime. This is becoming a very BAD habbit. I wonder what crazy dreams I'll have tonight.

    nighty night....

    Jessica was here tonight. She did a wonderful job on the house. We gave her a raise.

    Ok, now i'll go to bed.

    Current Mood: sleepy

    Tom is out planting some new flowers in his new flowerbed and Jessica is in the bathroom cleaning. I'm trying to think of what to make for dinner. It's really pretty outside right now. I hope it stays like this for tomorrow night. :)
    Current Mood: chipper
    Sunset Cruise

    Tomorrow night Tom and I are going on a Sunset Cruise around the San Juan Islands. It's a fundraiser for our local Womencare Shelter. There will be live music and drink. After, there will be a silent auction. It should be really fun. I'm really excited. :)
    Current Mood: relaxed
    Monday, June 9th, 2003
    Winston Relaxing

    This is an old picture. Winston was still a puppy. *giggle*

    Current Mood: amused

    I am so cold right now. I can't seem to warm up. I think it's because it's been in the high 80's all week and today we were lucky to see 70! I'm sure it didn't help that yesterday I got a little sunburned.

    Tonight I updated the profile page over at boston_buddies and I plan on working on communitysearch. Hopefully by tomorrow night I'll be able to repost all my Alpha lists.

    I'll be here if you need me.
    Sunday, June 8th, 2003

    My doggies know what I mean when I call them to go "sleep-sleep". Every night I call Benny, "Benny! Let's go sleep-sleep!" He slowly wakes up from where ever he's sleeping and walks to the bottom of the stairs and stops. He looks up at me with sleepy eyes and waits for me to pick him up and carry him up the stairs. He knows how to climb the stairs fine but I have spoiled him since he was a puppy and carry him up the stairs and set him on the bed. He's so dang cute.

    Ok, it's time to go sleep-sleep...Benny............................................

    ni ni.... *yawn*
    Current Mood: sleepy
    Does my man love me or what?!

    He just drove down to Dairy Queen to pick us up some Blizzards.

    Things I need to do today...

  • Finish laundry
  • Watch Tom mow the lawn
  • Play with my doggies
  • Swim
  • Bask in the sun
  • Wait for Jessica to come and finish cleaning my house *sigh* Yep! Jessica is back and I'm VERY happy.

    Poll #143306:
    Open to: all, results viewable to: all

    For all you Doggie/Bair watchers out there...where would you like the cam pointed today?

    View Answers

    On the doggies inside the house (if they aren't outside with you)
    0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

    Out the computer room window so that I can watch Tom mow the yard for the next hour or so.
    2 (50.0%) 2 (50.0%)

    Pointed out the pool side window so that I can see you wandering around outside by the pool.
    2 (50.0%) 2 (50.0%)

    If Tom mowing is voted on...After he's done where would you like the cam pointed?

    View Answers

    On the doggies inside the house (if they aren't outside with you)
    1 (25.0%) 1 (25.0%)

    Pointed out the pool side window so that I can see you wandering around outside by the pool.
    3 (75.0%) 3 (75.0%)

    Current Mood: lazy
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