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funny how time flies [17 Jul 2003|01:54am]
[ music | echo and the bunnymen - the killing moon ]

Last year today Sarah, and myself got in a carchase and freaked ourselves out. Last summer was so fun and I took it for granted. I didn't realize that I would hardly ever see Katie except for her momentary visits into the Curiosity Shop. I wouldn't drive around in Matt's jeep with Sarah and freak out crossing the bridge to go to Ocean City.

must make this summer good! I promise myself this all the time. I MEAN IT! guh! So much I want to re-do.

MeTheMisanthrope: what a wet hot american summer

take me out tonite

alas [16 Jul 2003|04:22am]
[ music | The Smiths - There is a light that never goes out ]

Things are better this way, better this way. Can't force what just doesn't make that much sense. Still sad anyway, I'll miss everything I know it. I always manage to ruin the greatest things. Lot's of love anyway.

Does anyone know how to make a shockwave flash document into a .gif? Or, a movie into a .gif at all? I wanna make one of Beth Ditto dancing!

1 lights never go outtake me out tonite

when youre near me my heart just stops, I got good at being alone [15 Jul 2003|01:21am]
Beth Ditto, my darling hero.

Need I say more? The gossip was amazing. She's got great energy, even though something seemed off in her presence, I assumed she was sick. Carla's birthday present from me was her ticket in there, hopefully she enjoyed herself. We ran into Abby.

She bought Carla lots of drinks, the lovely girl. Abby has the best nose - I envy her nose like none other.

My mom didn't pay the phone bill so I didn't have Internet access for awhile, it was absolute hell. I'm too dependent on the internet, but it's okay because it seems as though everythings being done through computers anyway.

I put blue in my hair, which you can hardly see because I don't know how to use bleach whatsoever. and Jane fell asleep in between hair dyes and I needed her help.

I got some really neat movieclips of Beth Ditto dancing tonite, I just have to figure out how to turn them into .gif's.

random pictures I've collected throughout my internet break )
18 lights never go outstake me out tonite

[14 Jul 2003|03:58pm]
AHHHHHHH the gossip tonite. I haven't been this excited for a show in SO long.

1 lights never go outtake me out tonite

uggggh [10 Jul 2003|04:45am]
[ music | Modest Mouse - Bankrupt on Selling ]

I'm sooo sleepy but I have a million cravings for different foods and I'm so hungry therefor I can't sleep. ghugheaeq353qwetawetawetaetaheothaetu8oaeqheth.

3 lights never go outstake me out tonite

I guess I need more cowbell? [09 Jul 2003|10:44pm]
[ music | The Smiths - There is a light that never goes out ]

I spent the night at Erika's yesterday night, unfortunatly I was feeling light headed and achy. The waiter at the double T started talking to me about Cibo Matto, he's my new best friend.

I woke up in the middle of the night freezing cold, even though Erika doesnt even have AC, so I should of been sweating or something? Well, I was, but I was freezing. And shivering, so much I couldnt get back to sleep for awhile. I've had a fever all today, but no other actual symptoms except headache. The doctor is making me take 400mg of Ibuprofen four times a day. I HATE MEDICINE. Damn it all.

I miss dressing up and being vain. Theres a specific mood, and feeling I want right now, I just don't know what it is.

take me out tonite

ugh [07 Jul 2003|10:06pm]
I have a knot in my stomache the size of Texas.

I've come to the shocking conclusion that I probably smell like my house all the time WHICH
really sucks because my house smells AWFUL but I don't notice if I smell bad because I'm used to the stank. ughhh.

Thankfully the knot has decreased in size drastically.

my brothers cute. my butt feels bruised. all done.
take me out tonite

"...i'm a little inhebriated" [05 Jul 2003|11:34am]
That phrase will forever be etched in my memory. woot woot! woot woot! dap.

4th of July party at the dirtfarm. I was all in a bad mood from being hungover and from.. being stupid. Elsie, Sean, and Carla helped me feel better. There was a nice moon bounce where I exhausted myself and got kicked in the ear. We went to a creek and a bunch of people swam in their skivvies, or cut up pajamas Sonny so nicely gave us. SPEAKING of which, Sonny is by far the nicest human being I have ever, and will ever meet. Elsie wrestled him, unfortunatly got beat to the ground and all muddy but it was awesome anyway, she's so tough. Fireworks were lit from the backyard. We watched a weird kung-fu/zombie/vampire movie. Sonny got tons of popsicles from a broken down ice cream truck. Swimming in the creek with all the rocks gave me faint bruises on my legs and it couldn't make me happier.

My sisters roomate have Beavis and Butthead tapes WITH THE MUSIC VIDEOS its heavenly.
take me out tonite

hi [04 Jul 2003|10:17am]
I am not angie. I am angie's evil twin.

edit: I love my sister Carla and Elsie.
3 lights never go outstake me out tonite

mew mew [03 Jul 2003|02:49am]
[ music | Julie Ruin - i wanna know what love is ]

Hannah has a new kitten. It's black and adorable. I want a kitten so bad so I can hug it and put it down my shirt with its head popping out and keep it in the palm of my hand and hand wrestle with it.

Raul was going to get another tattoo today, but the guy had to be all proffessional about it so he's not getting it till later, but going to the tattoo place made me want another one REAL bad. Alice in wonderland tattoo, or edward gorey? Hum, Hum.

I went to year of the rabbit today. Drew, Joe, and Chris knew I was going to be there so they stopped by real real briefly to say Hi. I miss Drew. He was making fun of me like usual and I pinched his cheeks. Joe gave me a hug and it made me happy because it reminds me Joe hasn't forgotten me completly even though he acts like it. Chris is still being weird. I'll never figure him out.

..and on that note I will leave you with:

9 lights never go outstake me out tonite

DANCE! [01 Jul 2003|03:23am]
[ music | Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf ]


notseanpumphrey: i have a fever
notseanpumphrey: and the only perscription for that fever is dance

thank you sean, i agree wholeheartedly. Make a fool out of yourself, and dance dance dance.

7 lights never go outstake me out tonite

a woman in the moon, is singing to the earth... [30 Jun 2003|04:43am]
[ music | cibo matto - sugar water ]

My computer keep downloading this application on my computer, and no matter how many times I delete it, this keeps downloading back up:

Does anyone know what it is?

Vice City is my new addiction. But unfortunatly I don't have a playstation, so I'll just persuade Raul into constantly renting it. [btw he's sweet]. I don't think I'll ever get as entranced in this game as Caroline is. hahaha lazlo haha.

10 lights never go outstake me out tonite

[29 Jun 2003|03:24am]
[ music | Rasputina - Dig Ophelia ]

To sum up tonite, Raul, Elsie, Caitlin, and myself got lost on a way to a show in Baltimore, and miss the band we were really going to see. But, we go to Paper Moon afterward - Sean being with us. Elsie is such a dear dear person, I wish that no matter what was going on there was something I could say or do to make her happy, because I've never met anyone with such a purely good good heart. Ohh Elsie I love you.

I love being able to be in the car with the windows down. Drew's back from lacrosse camp, oh how I missed him. blahblahblah

2 lights never go outstake me out tonite

my review, because you give a damn. [28 Jun 2003|01:13am]
[ music | nancy sinatra - these boots are madefor walkin ]

Thank god for the wonder of buying movie tickets ahead of time, because I was all ready for Charlies Angels: Full throttle. If you didn't like the first one, you wouldn't like this one, but since this is coming from someone who LOVED the first one.

GREATEST SEQUEL EVER! I loved it. Really good sequences of the three lovely ladies kicking ass and the best costumes ever. Some good [yet predictible] plot twists and MORE CRISPIN GLOVER! PLUS, the guy from Even Stevens. I'm taking kickboxing classes if it kills me. I WILL learn how to fight.

Raul, Kate, her friend Kate, and myself went to Johnny Rockets to celebrate me getting my diploma. You people are absolutly lovely. and the waitresses had to dance to Aretha Franklin.

14 lights never go outstake me out tonite

still excited.. [27 Jun 2003|12:19am]
..and to add to the good day, I'm petsitting Pablo's cat for the night and It's the most pretty cat ever and her name is Lumen and she's shy and wonderful. Not good for Pablo and Emily that they have to be away from their precious, but it makes me happy tonight.
5 lights never go outstake me out tonite

I am so great! [26 Jun 2003|06:46pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Smiths - I Want the One I Can't Have ]

I got my diploma! MY DIPLOMA! I'm now a high school graduate, that never finished high school. I'm so very excited. I got a 88% in Social Studies, a 98% in Science, a 99% in Literature. Ahhh! Not only did I pass but I did GOOD. I never do GOOD! Luckily Caitlin was there to share my excitement because we just went swimming. Good day. Ft. Reno tonite, even better!

15 lights never go outstake me out tonite

thinking out loud. [26 Jun 2003|12:37am]
[ music | hole - Old Age ]

I've been debating on getting a second job. I'm thinking about applying for Ritz in Greenbelt or trying to get my job back at Visions. Apparently it's a lot better now because our old boss is back. Blah blah blah

The gossip is coming! July 14th! [Carlas birthday] AH! So is Blondie! AH! But thats real expensive, and I'm real poor. Should I go to hellfest? Hum hum hum.

I was looking on Pheer and for show information for a show this saturday it says "Elsie is much cooler then you'll ever be" or something. IT'S SO TRUE. Elsie where are you, by the way.

I went to year of the rabbit tonite with Hannah, the atmospheer was completly ruined by a crappy band. No offense to the crappy band, but you sucked. I miss taking pictures. I miss dressing up. I miss being awake all the time, and never being tired. I don't do most things because I'd rather be sleeping. It's depressing when you'd rather not see your friends because you want to sleep. Or skip a doctors appointment you've been waiting for.. to sleep.

Allright, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I am sick of people walking all over me and being an a-hole. I WILL get some backbone. I will stand up for myself. I will quit keeping people close to me that really shouldn't be.

Raul said that we're gonna only get 20 days of sunshine. I will be so ridiculously upset about this. Sun not Rain! I want to be able to go out of my house with a tank top and skirt and walk outside all day and not have to hide under something to aid myself from getting little drops of water on my glasses. I want the sun to make my eyes squint so I can hardly see an inch past me. I want to be able to walk around at 4am because it's warm outside and the only thing holding me back from walking barefoot is my leg being bitten by bugs, not the mud hidden beneath the grass.

Theres an open casting call for that show "starting over." I should go and make up some elaborate story and try and get myself on a crappy show for middle aged women. Speaking of crappy television, whats with that show striperella? Theres about a million things wrong with it. An episode where she has to defeat the villain who invented a pill to make models gain weight. dun dun DUN. God forbid women having meat on their bones! If women can have channels dedicated to them, men should be allowed to, but it would be nice if it didn't demean the opposite sex so. kill kill kill.

2 lights never go outstake me out tonite

I <3 [old] greenbelt [22 Jun 2003|06:45pm]
[ music | The Cure - Burn ]

A subtle limp to my step, caused by my swollen foot makes my walk home from work not as enjoyable as the day could of allowed it to be. It's so nice out. The kind of nice where you could just sit out there as bugs bite at you, but you're too involved in your own world to notice, so you sit for hours on end thinking of the most trivial things and it fascinates you nonetheless.

I love the people in old greenbelt, everyone has their own little eccentricities that can almost very easily cover up their friendly and welcoming personality. Too many people dislike those people, but they're so charming and it makes me so happy. Some people are too judgemental.

My personality is so obviously effected by the weather.

1 lights never go outtake me out tonite

grr [20 Jun 2003|02:26am]
[ music | Rasputina - Transylvanian Concubine ]

Hey, how about this. Get your own identity. Quit sucking other peoples to make your own.

3 lights never go outstake me out tonite

for those "superficialimacoolscenesters" [18 Jun 2003|03:43am]
[ music | Portishead - Glory Box ]

Still feeling unmotivated, still feeling reclusive, still feeling like a misanthrope. I don't like it when people think they got me all figured out, especially when they're the exception for how I usually am. Especially when I'm caught off guard and not always in the best of places. Especially when they're stuck with this misconception on how I view them, because I don't dislike them, I just can't take people sometimes.

Despite the excessive amount of pretention, I like the Hershorn [however you spell it].

Maybe I just don't understand how a white canvas with lightly sketched green and red lines is artistic, but I figure if they can display some of those attempts to be "art", I could make it big as a starving artist.

2 lights never go outstake me out tonite

Hoppin' on that bandwagon [17 Jun 2003|12:57am]
Everyone's doing that thing where you pick out 20 people on your friends list and write something, without saying who it is.

You think you're one of the 20? )
9 lights never go outstake me out tonite

ode to katie landy [16 Jun 2003|08:42pm]
[ music | animals - House Of The Rising Sun ]

Katie Landy came into the store today, she threw jelly beans at me and drew a picture of her pet lemer, or moose, or chincilla or whatever she got. I miss her. Sean got his hair cut and it looks pretty and Raul gave me a ride to work because he's the nicest and his little brother is cute but I'm intimidated by little kids cause I'm a freak.

Ew, I'm being lame and tired and blah feeling too much lately. I feel so.. just.. I don't know of a word to describe it. Too numb to be sad about anything, but theres nothing to be sad about, theres MUCH to be happy about, but It feels as if I'm watching everything thats happen to me in slow motion and I can't do anything. Ughhh I make no sense. I think I just have a messed up sleep schedule and that's all to blame.

5 lights never go outstake me out tonite

[16 Jun 2003|01:35am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Zombies - Time of the Season ]

I want more animals. I don't know how much I can stress this, if I could, I would have a ZOO in my house. Kind of like Michael Jackson but not creepy.... or a different type of creepy. But I'll never name any of them "Blackie." I went with Kate today for her to get a new puppy. It's the softest most precious thing ever.

People shouldn't put numbers in their screen names unless it enhances the name. My little sister is way too obsessed with her appearance and it makes me sad because she's so little and.. it's just going to get worse as she gets older. Someday, I will be famous for writing well written, life changing articles and books about bad body image and how stupid it is and how no one should let media and all that hublub get to you. People are to hard on themselves, and me saying this isn't complete hypocracy, because I'm well aware I'm hard on myself, but at least I realize this and I really don't think I perpetuate anything that I would classify as helping out with the industry that makes money off of making people feel inadequate, ugly, and just downright shitty. At least I try. oh, and, Excuse the rant. Wait, don't. It's my journal.

wonderful boy makes me happy. I hate when I get 'girly'. yeashutup.

I need to go to school and clean out my locker. This should be weird. It's the last week for everyone, I'll talk to Whitney about it before I go and see when she's got a free class, so I don't have to do it alone. I might, just maybe, get a little sad. I'm so out of there, I soo hated it while I was in there, I'm so happy I'm free from all that highschool bullshit. But I miss everything, don't I? yes.

3 lights never go outstake me out tonite

[12 Jun 2003|09:15pm]
[ music | le tigre - much finer ]

My trust in people can be so naively placed that it overpowers any ounce of common sense I have and allows for just about anyone to walk all over me. I might as well just announce to the masses [even more so then now] that I'm an easy target for some good old fashioned abusin'. Those who've pulled it off many times probably know this as well, I let you do it again all the time. Do I like being hurt? Maybe that masochistic side of me is what causes this "trust" in people. I would think I'm smarter than to go about my outlook on most people the way I do. Anyone whos stupid enough to let people walk over them the way I let people deserves all that anyway. But I'm still so bitter. Become a hermit. Live alone, cut off society, own lots of cats, just don't trust people the amount you do. Anyone can manipulate what they're allowed to. Optimism is your worst friend.

take me out tonite

"no really.. you made out with him?!" [11 Jun 2003|02:43am]
Hannah, Caitlin, and myself are making cookies and fudge. Except I'm not really, I occasionally go in the kitchen to dance and pour chocolate chips in a boiling pot and have Caitlin penetrate marshmellow fluff in my mouth and get it all over my face.

I broke my toe tonite, not really - but it hurts. It's all Caitlin and Sean's fault too, ha.

I just felt like updating. Oh, How much I'm waiting for Saturday.
3 lights never go outstake me out tonite

Tell me am I right to think that there could be nothing better... [08 Jun 2003|04:54am]
[ music | postal service - nothing better ]

I have two small, faint bruises on my leg. They make me happy.

Seans tonite with EVERYBODY. Played taboo, it's fun. Sean's my BRUTHA. I got to catch up with Isaac for awhile, nice talking to the chap.

12 )

9 lights never go outstake me out tonite

[07 Jun 2003|02:35am]
I wrote a really long entry that made no sense, mocking poetic type enteries. Then I realized how NOT funny it was, and deleted it. Despite the advice from Hannah, Caitlin, and Sean.

The weather is wonderful outside. It made everyone so nice and it made me happy and friendly.

I miss HIM. an obnoxious amount.
3 lights never go outstake me out tonite

see the stars they're shinin bright, everythings all right tonite [06 Jun 2003|02:16am]
Kitchen's are places where the unfaithful meet. While one is hovering over a bowl preparing something, and is approached by someone with ever so unspeakable intentions.

I was seperated at birth with a certain girl named Hannah.

Would indifference be considered positive or negative? It always feels like days are too short, but when I want them to go by the fastest they're dragging by so slowly. Days - quit mocking me.
1 lights never go outtake me out tonite

hopped on the bandwagon [05 Jun 2003|05:33am]
[ music | Modest Mouse - Dramamine ]

aliceflight 106%
thatleila 102%
dominanefret 98%
rrrretro 98%
bjorkdoll 98%
_couture 98%
damerebelle 95%
thatelectricity 95%
_danger 94%
mievre 91%
grown2forgetyou 91%
snufalupagus 87%
grooverboi 85%
houglet 85%
heartledfall 85%
asscrap 84%
karamae 80%
mydeadbody 80%
houglet 76%
roysie 72%
the_roxi 69%
buckette 69%
beautyfiend_ 61%
kewpiecat 58%
bboyneko 50%
How compatible with me are YOU?
5 lights never go outstake me out tonite

[05 Jun 2003|02:38am]
[ music | Church, The - Under the Milkyway ]

another survey stolen from roboticlikeme )

take me out tonite

I have toes! [05 Jun 2003|02:15am]
[ music | Siouxsie and the Banshees - cities in dust ]

Again tonite, Justin and myself had ourselves a little indulge with some late night Denny's.

This time - we sat next to a couple of middle aged creeps, that you could tell were cheated on their spouses with each other. I didn't have my camera, but if I did - the picture would come out something like this crudely drawn picture I made:

I got free cherry cheese cake and I'm full full.

I failed my permit test again for the fourth time. I'm such a winner.
It's not that I don't know my stuff, because I do - I really do. I just get so nervous when I have to take tests I forget everything and can't concentrate. Either way, I highly suggest no one be on the road if I ever start driving, which isn't seeming to likely anyway.

Here are my goals for this summer:

1.Take as many as the following classes:
-Ballet/Modern Dance
-Flash programming
-Driving school

2. Get my ass a-driving!

3. Go to at least half of the museums in DC I've neglected to visit. The Visionary ArT Museum in Baltimore, as well.

4. Go on at least two road trips. Places in mind:
-Boston [again]
-New York
-Across Country to visit weird road side attractions

5. For that matter, any kind of travelling will do.

Ok, that was a spur of the moment list, I have lots more I want to accomplish.

6 lights never go outstake me out tonite

tension tension [03 Jun 2003|09:57am]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | Cat Power - Fate of the Human Carbine ]

Two friends I don't usually talk to often called me at 9am this morning because they took an excessive amount of acid and were asking me to help them reach sanity. This was kind of a standard procedure when I hung out with them more often. Anyway, It was really sad hearing them freaking out and they had to go and I'm worried sick because I don't think they're in an even close to okay state of mind. I don't know my facts about acid either so I don't know how good they are in general. :\ I feel like such a mother.

take me out tonite

i <3 denny's [03 Jun 2003|03:20am]
[ music | Queen - Bohemian Rapsody ]

Justin and myself went to Denny's at 1:30 out of boredom and a slight bit of hunger. We met two guys [ben and kyle, i believe] and we played MASH and it was fun.

Raul left for Chile. *sigh* two long weeks.

4 lights never go outstake me out tonite

[01 Jun 2003|06:14pm]
[ music | smashing pumpkins - never let me down again ]

Tangerine popsicles remind me of last summer. and someone I don't ever want to remember. Why did you have to taint such a good popsicle flavor.

10 lights never go outstake me out tonite

random [01 Jun 2003|05:01pm]
[ music | Joy Division - Disorder ]

MeTheMisanthrope: guess what i'm doing right now
rahrahdeceptacon: what?
MeTheMisanthrope: checking out the web page for the international society of arboriculture
MeTheMisanthrope: i could send you a link....
rahrahdeceptacon: I'LL KILL YOU!

If every band in the world had an organ, the world would be a better place. I. love. organs.

The instrument, that is.

6 lights never go outstake me out tonite

we're just havin ourselves a little cry [01 Jun 2003|02:53am]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | mirah - million miles ]

Today was Francesca's 16 b-day party, which was supposed to be a suprise, but talking to her I find out she knew every little detail about it. So I wasn't able to anticipate it as publicly as I wanted to, for no good reason. Thanks to Tatiana, I was able to have as much FREE! wine as I wanted to.. so I'm completly out of my mind right now.

Roseli was there tonight. She's like a spanish lizzie mcguire. She had a boyfriend that seemed beautiful and she seemed happy, but her personality towards me was as if she didn't remember me although I know she did. Her personality seemed foreign but I deffinatly missed her.

I was supposed to make a speech. I was worried about how it would sound the entire night, I had a knot in my stomach and I was so curios as to what would pop into my head and how it would sound. I was allready drunk, and Tatiana had made a speech about Cheska to build my speech. I was the first to speek. Tatiana saying "And to talk now, one of her cousins who is also her best friend" and I look behind me and see slides of me and her growing up. I start to cry. Not tear drop, tear drop. But I REALLY REALLY cry. And not just drunk tears. I realize how through most of my 17 years she really really has been my best friend and I get all sentimental and I can't speak and she has to come up to me and hug me while I mumble my words and Tati cuts me off short and doesn't let me finish what I had to say, although I don't think it made sense anyway.

Tio Tavo was there, it made me really really sad, I couldn't tell if he was newly drunk or if he was just strung out from his binge. None the less, his ramblings sounded so unclear to me but made so much sense to me and I felt closer to him because he expressed how much me and Carla mean to him because we always stick by him.

I loved tonite so much even though I emberassed myself and was loud and said "MY KNOCKERS ARE NORMAL SIZE" and the restaurant heard me and I didn't make sense and my little sisters could even tell I was drunk and I told my dad I loved him and talked to Melanie closer then I ever talked to her before and Francesca could tell how much she means to me and Kara so me bumble like a fool. Carlos must of gotten lost picking us up.

I love my family more than ever.

I don't usually like bright eyes, but the song "lover i dont have to love" is.. well... amaazinggg.

7 lights never go outstake me out tonite

*yawn* [31 May 2003|03:06am]
drama sucks. people don't. Well, some people. But my friends don't. I love them all.

Chris got mad at me because I locked him out of my house. Babyfat Drewzlebee is too wonderful to have himself got walked on so much.

I'm so very very tired, but If I'm not online before I go to sleep I can't sleep. EW I'm so addicted to the internet.

Hey, but my night ended pretty well.

I stole this from roboticlikeme, and I'm bored )
take me out tonite

:\ [30 May 2003|03:17pm]
[ music | Miranda Sex Garden - Peep Show ]

I don't like it when people die. Even people I don't know. Okay, hello obvious.

No. But I'm really REALLY REALLY oppose death. I'm going to protest it and never die. I'll eat healthy and never ride in cars or planes and stay in my house and get just the needed amount of sunlight and drink water and honey. I don't think anyone should ever die ever.


1 lights never go outtake me out tonite

"my dad thinks wal-mart is high class" [30 May 2003|02:13am]
And thank goodness I had a night to balance out the crap from yesterday.

My uncle is OKAY. Makes me so happy and feels like a huge weight is lifted.

I went to work today, feeling all blah. Sarah visited me towards the end and we decided to do something afterwards. Matt came along, and the all of us [rosa, too] decided that we were all hungry and should go to IHOP plus that way we'd visit Raul. I knew they were going to be obnoxious. I was so scared they were going to get him in trouble. Sure enough when we get there they're all loud and throwing silverwear and I'm trying to make them shut up because I'm the non-fun one but that just ends up making more of a ruckus and Matt was kicking me under the table and rawr.

Anyway, we're leaving and we go back to Matt's [which on the way there we pimp the shit out of the Chicago soundtrack] to see Joe, Johnny and PAT whom I dearly adore and I'm gonna attack him and he's gonna be my best friend. Deffinate 4's company thing going on there.

now here's my favorite part:

Matt pulled out his motorcycle, why or how he has one, I don't know. Despite my horrendous fear, I hop on the back and go ridin' around bowie [not for long though cause I kept squeezing Matt's boob cause I was freaked out] and I'm gonna become a biker chick or something. Funnest thing ever. I'm in love with motorcycles and I'm gonna be Matt's little sidekick.

I made Rosa finally watch wet hot american summer, and then I walked her home. I swear that girl has a little black comedian inside of her.
2 lights never go outstake me out tonite

[29 May 2003|03:24am]
[ mood | moody ]

I'm just not feelin' today. It was a fun night and all, but I was anxious and sad and cranky and it's not even the kind of sad and cranky that inspires me to write or be creative and artistic. The kind that makes you feel stuck and pointless and unmotivated..

..I'm just not feelin' today.

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