The Wayback Machine -
Lauren Marie
20 most recent entries

Date:2003-05-31 00:10
Subject:Go to these sites:
Mood: disappointed




I am quiting. I knew that selling knifes to people in thier own homes was bad but this is a nation wide scam and I do NOT want to be a part of it. Sign the petition for me and hopefully they can go out of business. grrrrrrrr on them:(

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Date:2003-05-27 20:15
Subject:I GOT A JOB!
Mood: ecstatic

I work at Vector Marketing Corporation. I sell things to people who call and want to see our stuff.

I sell knifes and hunting supplies so hopefully I won't get killed. But I get 12.15 an hour so thats cool.
YAY FOR ME!!! I can buy a computer for school now!!

(6 thoughts | Speak to me)

Date:2003-05-24 22:50
Subject:USC 7 info
Mood: bouncy

Kristin and I went to USC 6 last year cuz prom was boring!

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Date:2003-05-24 22:12
Mood: bored


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Date:2003-05-19 17:44
Mood: chipper

I got into Washington State University!

(6 thoughts | Speak to me)

Date:2003-05-19 14:35
Mood: bouncy

<33 Happy Birthday IZZY!!!!!!!!!! <33

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Date:2003-05-12 14:41
Mood: excited

I bought tickets online to go to the Matrix Reloaded yay!
Kristin and I are going and its going to be SO MUCH FUN!! I am really excited about this movie. I loved the first one so the second will be great!
I got put on another medication- Abilify- and its just making me lightheaded and tired but other than that its kind of working. I have yet to see the full effects so we’ll see what happens.
I have my appeal meeting at WSU on Friday. My mom and I are flying out there in the morning then flying back home that night. I am nervous…
WSU Appeal Countdown:

(Speak to me)

Date:2003-05-08 12:09
Mood: busy

You are Jubilee!

Though you may be young and inexperienced, you have
great potential and will someday become an
admirable figure. For that to happen, though,
you must overcome your juvenile belief system
and adopt a more mature view on life.

Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're smart, you're thin, you're pretty, and
goddamit, people love you. You are destined for
great, great things, little Princetonian. Let
there be a never-ending stream of Country-Club-
Like institutions in your unmarred future.

Which Ivy League University is right for YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla


(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Iraq -
Although a developed and powerful nation, it is a
nation full of strife, battle, totalitarianism
and international resentment. Very cultural
and historically interesting, but overshadowed
by its modern-day self.




World Power.


Target of International Criticism.

Located in Area of Constant Struggle.


Americans Attack For No Reason.

Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

you smell like butt
congratulations. you are the "you smell like
butt" bunny. your brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Can Talk to Animals!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Speak to me)

Date:2003-05-07 20:31
Subject:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Mood: chipper


(Speak to me)

Date:2003-05-01 14:34
Mood: giggly

I am leaving for ellensburg tomorrow go me!!! hehe. It will be fun to watch my sis play b-ball. I just wish I could get my cell phone back to call kristin.

(Speak to me)

Date:2003-05-01 10:22

normal guys

You Attract Normal Guys!

Not that "normal" is a bad thing... you just prefer not to get your heart broken.

You've probably dated enough losers in your life, learned from it, and become an ultra cool chick.

And it's this togetherness that attracts the right kind of guy.

Healthy guys aren't afraid of intimacy or commitment.

They'll call you after a first date, but they won't want to move in after one week.

Normal guys can solve their own problems - and will help you solve yours.

To keep things blissful with your normal guy (or to get the right one), it's easy.

Continue to be the super incredible chick that you are, no emotional baggage or issues.

Normal, incredible guys love girls like you.

What Kind of Guy Do *You* Attract?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

(Speak to me)

Date:2003-04-25 14:32
Mood: bouncy

Do you normally (more often than not):

Ask or answer questions? both
Bathe in the morning or at night? morning
Converse or participate in awkward silence? Converse
Talk or listen? Depends who i'm with.
Dress up or dress down? both
Stay up late or get to bed early? Late.
Get what you want or get what you deserve? get what i earn!
Get attention or give your attention? Get attention
Stand out or blend in? both at times
Give a hand or give hand outs? Give a hand.
Listen to music or watch tv? Music
Win or lose? Win.
Plan or follow-through? Follow-Through
Smile or cry? Smile
Get up early enough to see the sunrise? not really
Use books or Internet for research? Internet.
Sing it or hum it? When i'm by myself, I sing. When i'm with someone, I hum.
Style your hair or just whatever? haha BOTH!
Call or get called? Get called
Visit or have people over? Have people over.
Eat or skip breakfast? skip
Make a meal or go out for one? Make a meal.
Drive or get driven? drive
Do what you had planned? Sometimes.
Attend or skip class/work? Attend.
Act like yourself or act appropriately? Act like myself.
Laugh or get laughed at? Both.
Indulge or abstain? Indulge.
Help others or help yourself? Help others.
Eat what's good for you or eat what tastes good? i eat what is good for me
Turn it up or just get closer? Turn it up!
Start it or finish it? Start it
Stay bored or get things done? get things done
Apologize or be stubborn? Both. Haha.
Tell them you have a crush on them or hope they figure it out? Tell them.
Pay for yourself or get paid for? both, depending on situation
Lean in first or wait for them to make a move? Wait for them
Get rejected or never ask? Never ask, I don't ask people out. I wait for them to ask me. i'm a dork
Hope it happens or make it happen? make it happen
Try your hardest or hard enough? try my hardest
Work it out or put up with what you got? Work it out.
Talk it through or ignore it as much as you can? Talk through it.
Know or think? Know
Trust or suspect? Depends on who the person is.
Fill out surveys and post them? Obviously ;)

(Speak to me)

Date:2003-04-25 14:05
Mood: lazy
Music:peach italian sodas are good

I am in Pullman now, and it was semi hot just a couple hours ago and NOW IT IS HAILING and i bet it will get nice again. Funny weather, so silly.
I am goin to sellas tonite and then tomorrow there is this "rave" sponsored by the school haha so kristin and i are going to go.
i am tierd. i got up at 3:30 AM yesterday to catch my 9:50 flight BLAH. oh well. Then i went to bed at 11 pm....
I am just waiting for krissy beans to get out of her class and then we are going to go hang out.

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Date:2003-04-09 17:24
Subject:awwww ...look heres more!
Mood: ditzy

discover what candy you are @


Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!


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Date:2003-04-09 17:21
Mood: loved

discover what candy you are @

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Date:2003-02-18 22:02
Subject:hmmmmm......yea noot quite...

cam ho

Your Hidden Sexual Talent is Cam Ho-ing for Cash

You've got red lipstick and an X10.

For a few bucks the fun will begin.

Your pants won't be on for long,

If someone offers to buy you a new thong.

What's *Your* Hidden Sexual Talent?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

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Date:2003-02-18 21:56
Subject:Updated Friends List
Mood: blah

Hey all, i am just lettin ya know that i am updating my friends list, and i might have taken ya off just cuz i can't comment as much as i want tolist, and i might have taken ya off just cuz i can't comment as much as i want to. I hope ya'll don't mind, just one more person you don't have to worry about;) If you really really want to stay on and can bare not getting comments alot, comment, otherwise i will just keep it to the ones i have had the longest (which includes all friends i know in person;)) Anywho- Have a great day, ;)

(3 thoughts | Speak to me)

Date:2003-02-17 17:35
Mood: chipper

You are a Pink Medusa. You may scare people at
first, but they become intrigued and start to
love you. You have an almost hypnotic affect on
some people. You are outrageous! Muwaahahaha!

What type of Ecstacy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Date:2003-02-13 20:32
Mood: excited
Music:tATu- Stars ;)

HIYA! i haven't updated in a long time, but its cuz i am busy. i am helping my old dance team (at kamiak) out and cleaning the routines with them and such. i am going to my bros bball game tomorrow nite to watch them and him, and then saturday I LEAVE FOR WSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GETTA SEE KRISSY BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WAHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!HIYA! i haven't updated in a long time, but its cuz i am busy. i am helping my old dance team (at kamiak) out and cleaning the routines with them and such. i am going to my bros bball game tomorrow nite to watch them and him, and then saturday I LEAVE FOR WSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GETTA SEE KRISSY BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WAHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!
anywho-- i will update later, i love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heather i love you sweetie and i really hope i can see ya soon! i will keep callin ya and we can talk lots cuz i love you and i miss you!
krissy bean I GETTA SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!
to my friends to all those who have supported me throught out the years, THANK YOU! you know who you are and i love you for it:) you have made me the person i am today:)to my friends to all those who have supported me throught out the years, THANK YOU! you know who you are and i love you for it:) you have made me the person i am today:)

(4 thoughts | Speak to me)

Date:2003-02-09 12:45
Subject:go me
Mood: amused

this friday i will have had this journal for 27 MONTHS= (2 years 3 months) GO ME;)

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my journal