Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
3:30 pm - would anyone like a cat?
last sunday, my friend sara and i went to the Spyhouse on Niccolet and on the way home, we saw a little gray cat sitting by the side of the sidewalk, meowing at us. i went over to pet it and then we continued on our way. but kitty was very friendly and followed us the whole way home (about 6 blocks), running along side of us and meowing. by the time we got to her appartment, Sara had decided she wanted to keep kitty. but i guess things arent going to work out with that. not because anything is wrong with kitty, but there's roommate issues etc. Tokyo(what we named the cat, after the Tokyo Rose latte i bought at the Spyhouse) is house trained, has obviously been a house cat because she is declawed and doesn't have fleas.
so, would anyone like a cat?
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2:33 pm
i seem to have in my life made the acqaintance and in some cases, friendship, of a lot of people who, when it comes right down to it, are just very self-centered, selfish people. is this because i too am selfish and self-centered and therefore attract that kind of person? or is that because that is just how people are? if i hadn't left off emotional development in about the 9th grade i would be able to say "i don't care" and move on. but i can't.
on a side note, i have a bruise on my neck that looks like a hicky and hurts a lot. sometimes, there just aren't enough turtlenecks in this world.
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Sunday, February 10th, 2002
5:31 pm
Saturday, February 9th, 2002
2:44 pm
went club hopping with the ladies last night. there was this man with crotchless pants wandering around the dance floor. pant with no crotch kind of defeats the purpose of wearing pants, right? anyway, i was at at a gay bar by that time, so i wasnt too afraid of him. he wasnt going to be pointing that thing at me. but i was trying to figure out if his pants were also ass-less, because then they wouldnt be pants, they would be "chaps." of course he catches me checking it all out, trying to figure out my pants/chaps dilemma, leans over and asks "having a good time?"
by the way, if anyone asks, my name is Fiona.
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Friday, February 1st, 2002
7:20 pm
all i can say is "who lets these people out without their protective head-gear and where is my tranquilizing gun when i need it?"
on a side note, pick up this weeks City Pages and read the article about 'lobbyists' at the MN state capital. it's super duper interesting!! (and i get to work there, with them in two weeks. yay!)
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3:13 pm
i've finally got the ball rolling to study abroad in London next spring semester. it's going to be a lot of work to do this, but it's going to be well worth it.
i haven't really been online in two weeks (aside from at work) and it's been nice. it's amazing how much time the internet sucks away from your life.
...must check message board, cannot resist...
blah, can someone explain the point of Livejournal to me, because i just don't get it....
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Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
3:52 pm
everythig has been fine for about three weeks now.
....until today.....
today i feel lke punching a wall and then punching the wall again for hurting my hand and then crying .
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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
9:58 pm
i don't know how much i'm into this whole "school" thing right now (after the first day of the new semester..:P).
but then i look over at the security gaurds that work in my office and think...i don't want to be wearing a uniform at the age of 40....
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Saturday, January 19th, 2002
3:10 pm
Friday, January 18th, 2002
3:47 pm
Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
8:27 pm
"another person's success is not your failure"
this is something i need to tell myself more often.
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2:56 pm
More kick boxing info for those who were interested:
theres an intro class at this place in St. Louis Park and the first class is free! intro class is at 7-8 on thursday if anyone is still interested.
call me or email me!
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2:43 pm
i'm finally over my coke habit.
and by coke i mean what comes in those pretty red cans. i think i drank *at least* one can of coke every day for over two years.
pretty disgusting.
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Monday, January 14th, 2002
1:52 pm
i have some really awsome friends...even if its been a while since i've seen some of them. :)
current mood: tired and content
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Sunday, January 13th, 2002
2:57 pm - Humor?
Saturday, January 12th, 2002
6:22 pm
one hundred and twenty seven days until i can move away from god-forsaken Minneapolis and hopefully never look/come back...
i saw Richard Simmons at the Mall of America today. He was wearing a red sparkly tank top and tiny red and white striped shorts and leading a bunch of people in work out clothes to a Rickey Martin song.
current mood: disappointed current music: MtV2
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Friday, January 11th, 2002
2:04 pm
what the hell is wrong with drivers in minneapolis that they just CANNOT LET YOU OVER INTO THEIR LANE even if it means you're going to end up missing your exit or running into the fawking median!?#$
i resorted to flipping someone off today because of it. oi vey.
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Thursday, January 10th, 2002
10:02 am
9:57 am
9:01 am