Anita's LiveJournal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in
Anita's LiveJournal:
Sunday, November 12th, 2000 | 8:42 pm |
Cafe De La... I have no idea why I keep singing Cafe De la...I gatta stop listening to my MD!!! I wonder if others..can look in my livejournal..i hope not. But in have like no to set it. or did i already set it..i dont nkow. anyways..i'm like running out of money..since i bought mom's know spent so much money wiht Melissa at the mall on Saturday. Also like on Friday..or something..Melissa called me a chink..thanks. MEANY! but..usually she's pretty nice.and stuff..and she's like one of my best friends! so i dont know. hmmm...maybe she wasn't referring to me! I don't know like totaly man! ok now i'm just typing crap..ok so continue.
Tomorrow mom and dad is coming home by email from dad...MOM DIDN"T BUY ME THE 嘉毞猸 CD季季 NO季季季 OH my god..and dad said probably just buy it here..but i JUST KNOW that mom is going to say no..because i have a MD@ SHSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWSH!
Anyways...all my clothes and stuff smoke now..cause i stayed CoCo's house...yesterday and the day before that..and..last weeks friday so yeah! oh and later like in a few minutes..i'm gonna watch G.T.O!
Onizawa (云氏中介歹)
YAYY! Then after i'm going to some video that joey and alex...
Anways..bye..4 minutes till GTO! YAYAY! |