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on my way to work [05 Sep 2002|03:58pm]
[ music | "As time goes by" song from british tv show my moms watching ]

well they cancled my health class so I had to switch, luckily they had one right after my sociology class.. even tho now I have to come home before going to work, which increases my gas bill even more! rah. Ne wayz, school is fine so far, I have to get my books tomorrow morning before math. Then go to work at the day care after school, and hopefully shell will be home so we can party, b/c it will be my only weekend off for a long long time! So if any one wants to hang out this weekend, let me know, otherwise, Ill see ya in a few months, lol. Well I dont wanna be late to work, my moms letting me drive her car, cuz my tire might pop.
das legna

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is it just me... [04 Sep 2002|12:37am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | cure cure cure cure cure THE CURE cure cure cure ]

or does taking cold medicine for over 3 days make you feel like you have absoulutely lost your mind!! Ne wayz.. school starts tomorrow, and I want this cold to go away. I started the day care last week, that was ok. Its a head ach but the kids are cute. I'm sure it was one of them that made me sick. NOw I'm working from 5-7 days a week, and going to school 5 days a week. I'm going to be pretty busy, but it'll be fine. Soon Ill be a free woman! free from my finacial burrdons!!! muhahaha shit i gota go to bed, I have to wake up real early and meet sarah and kerry at the park for coffee before school. I havent really slept lately.. me and jenn stayed up all night last night going random places.. including down town. THen some baseball players @ the diner tried to get us to go back to their "crib",... uhhhh.. I dont think so buddy. ne wayz I'm outa heeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa
das legna

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It seems the only time I update this is when I'm at work [20 Aug 2002|07:46pm]
Today, me and shell made a trip to Loch Raven to see how low the water actualy was. Its a sad sad thing, and pretty gross too. Then I discovered that no matter where I go, someone bums a cigarette from me. This weird acid head guy there by himself came up and asked for a cigarette and then proceeded to tell us about this weird psychodellic jam band that hes all into. Then last night at the park a bunch of little pot smokers ran up to me and kerry demanding cigarettes. Leave me alone! I'm broke!! Anyways.. I begged my dad for money to go to school, which is the last thing I wanted to do, but it was also my last resort. He hasnt given me an answer yet.. but hopefuly he'll consider it and say yes.

My car is almost dead, I had to borrow my moms van to come to work tonight.. its fun driving a big automobile.. I am invincible!! jk, I used to drive it all the time, and forgot how fun it was, especially with power steering. I want to go somewhere for new years this year.. maybe new york, or canada.. I heard both places are tons of fun. I really want to travel as much as possible until I die, thats all there is to it.

If any of you end up seeing that new show on animal planet, called "pet psychic" turn it off.. its such a load of crap.. I can't believe they made it a tv show. They even have people finding out how their dead pets are in the "after life" give me a break...

Well I gota get back to work once again.. have a nice night =)

das legna~
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shots [15 Aug 2002|06:58pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | books books and more books ]

yea today, I had to go back to the doctor, and I wasn't quite expecting to get two shots. She looked at my record and saw the last time I had gotten a tetna(sp?) shot was in 88'. That's 14 years ago. So that was the first one, then she said I should get the hepatitis shot too b/c the rate people are getting it these days are getting higher and higher. Thats fine, I just hate shots.. I can deal with peircings and what not, but shots make me ill. My left arm is now hurting like a bitch b/c the tetna shot is supposed to hurt for a few days.. and going to the gym w/ sarah after that didn't help too much.

I'm at work right now, on my break. Earlier I was surfing the web and learned all about music journalism.. and I decided with a passion that thats what I want to do. Two things I love put in one. So I'm telling sarah all about this and she starts laughing.. soon to tell me that thats what she had decided she wants to do. Parallel universe! From previous events I'm almost convinced our thinking process is linked.

Eddie is gone for college, so that kinda sux, but he is coming back wednesday I htink for his last show. And tonight is jasons last night before he goes back to West V.A. college. And kathy had left a few days ago. =( I hope she makes it ok, driving back cross country.

Jenn is back and I've seen her a few times, I missed her and glad shes home.

My grandmothers 70th bday bash is on saturday night, in the place above my uncles bar in fells.. its a suprise and there are going to be a lot of crazy theatrics there, so this should be a rememorable experiance.

school- I'm too late for financial aid, and I havent made enough money this summer due to all my pay backs, so my only option left is to beg my parents! I do not want to take off a semester at all. I really hope they'll help out.

Well I gota get back to work, I gave myself an extra 10 minute break. l8er

das legna~

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hey now [08 Aug 2002|11:31am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Blondie-- thanx joe ]

Ok, so this weekend was interesting, I had my bday.. along w/ spitzer,.. who was passed out drunk on the couch by 7:00pm, and I was extreamly drunk the entire night. We stummbled to the beach around 1:30am I think.. thats most likely where I got my bruises. lol. We all tried to do cart wheels in the sand but that didnt work well. THere were screams of "murf!" and "YOu non toe nail cliping song writer mother fucker!!!" hehe.. yea.. Anywayz I had fun, and thanx for coming everyone. However I will never see "the canadians" again =( which sucks a big fat one.. but thats alright. I didnt smoke weed for 2 months and I smoke one time the day after my bday before going to the beach and then I get home and bam! I have a drug test for my new job. FUnny how things work out hugh? OH well, they extended it to a later date, so hopefully Ill be safe by then. Tonight is jamies show again... they're headlining this time. SO we all plan to get a little shwilly after I get off work then go see him play at 11pm. ~~The nice part about yesterday is my grandmothers came over to give me bday presents and they each gave me 50 bucks and my parents got me a Dean Markley pro mag pick up for my guitar a cd player for my car!!! Thank god.. I can play cds in the damn car. I have to go to circut city today so they can install it. how exciting. And I think they are already regretting the pick up b/c I was up all hours of the night playing my guitar on extream high volume. =)
This year has been great.. everything that has happend has put me one step closer to understanding life, and all it has to offer, and what my place is in life.

by the way,.. kerrie, if you read this, happy birthday as well, and hope you had a good trip!

ANd JEnn! I tried calling you from the boardwalk on your birthday but it was the wrong number! lol, happy birthday sweetie and Ill see you damn soon! =) LOve ya =)

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ugh! *dusts off keyboard* [01 Aug 2002|03:17am]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | The pixies- where is my mind ]

Well I did have a long eventful update, until my computer decides to shut down and erase the whole damn thing! thats ok, its just another one of those things that contribute to me walking out into the middle of the street, ripping my hair out, then pulling out a machine gun and taking down everyone in sight. But ne wayz.. GOD.

Moving along.. I dont feel like updating shit now, so I'm just going to say that Im going to be waisted on my birthday and if anyone has a problem with that, then to hell with ya.

ok, exiting out of bitch mode.. wait.. no.. no.. still in bitch mode.. Im getting off this stupid peice of shit mother fucking incompitant little jack ass of a computer that I have before I destroy it.

goodnite (*

ps.. fuck you joe!!!!!!! and I like your song =)

I will see u mother fuckers at the beach, goodnite!

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tumble in the rough [19 Jul 2002|01:07am]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Naked Sunday ]

The other day I was over shell's and out of the clear blue we decided that we are going to open up our own shop. First of all, we're going to take a few business classes and I'm going to take a few visual arts classes and graphic design,.. and in the process of schooling we're going to design our clothes.. and make a few.. then sell them at festivals and things to get our name out there.. along with hemp making that I'll do. So saving money up from that can get us started. YOu dont need much to start a business right away.. well the first 6 months anyways. Well then we're going to sell candles, and incense, cool lamps, photography (from me and kathys collection) and eventually get a cappacino machine and all that jazz and make it a shop plus coffee bar. We're going to design the whole place and make it like no one has seen before. Most of the stuff we sell will be our ideas or homemade.. so basically anything we come up with we'll just put up for sale. I'm planning on traveling a lot so I can keep up with photography.. and maybe even write for an airline like someone suggested to me. All you do is travel..for free.. take good pictures.. and write about it.
Well anyways.. so me and shell are really going to do this.. and its what I really want to do. This business guy that happend to be over shells that day.. who is kerry's old boss, said that he could hook us up right away, and get us a good place somewhere.. and he said it would be a smart idea to do it in fells. SO hopefully it will all work out.. its going to be great. =) And if we're owners then we can have a little time off to do other things on the side. But not for awhile.

My birthday is in a few weeks, and I'm hoping to get a little bit of money. I'm having my bday party down oc, but im not allowing anymore then 10 people to come.. cuz I dont want anything to get out of hand.

A fly just landed on my computer screen and we're currently having a stare down. Loverly. Well I think I've written just about enough.. goodnite (*

Oh by the way me and an old frined named joe had just reunited our friendship last night after a long time, I'm really happy I got to see him =)

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Thats what I'm talking about =) [10 Jul 2002|11:19pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Tool- Sober ]

Lately it seems things have just been falling right into its place. I realized so many things about myself, good and bad. The good I'm concentrating on and the bad im working on making better. I guess in a way I feel like I have matured a lot in the past month or so. Right now I'm searching for my career interest, which is kewl because I am exploring a lot of new areas and I even got invited to a movie premere as this directors guest in october. And I might be an extra in this new film that chris rock wrote and is directing in baltimore. I want to also try to get an intership or a small job at a radio station if I can, to see what area of work I'm really interested in. This book I'm reading is actually giving me a lot of guidence suprisingly. I've learned a lot, a whole lot in this past month. I see things differently, I feel differently, and even think differently to a certain extent. And I'm happy. I have reached a level of complete happiness with myself.. and I'm very proud to say. I think drugs were clouding my clarity... no, I know they were clouding my mind, so fuck that. They're cool every once in awhile.. but thats about it. Well I gota go finish my book, I only have a few chapters to finish.
Goodnite (*
das legna

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working [02 Jul 2002|07:37pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | The damn goo goo dolls are stuck in my head.. ]

Im at work right now on my break, my cigarette only lasted for about 1 minute unfortunatly, so now I'm roming around doing nothing. I picked up some more hours so thats good, well I have 5 minutes left so I better go get a new library card.
das legna~

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[02 Jul 2002|02:53am]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | stone temple pilots- "seven caged tigers" ]

Tonight, this guy joey and I jammed out to this blues music, it was pretty awesome I must say.. The first time I ever really jammed with anyone. =) It made me really happy to just play for other peoples enjoyment.. it was so much fun.

Then shell and I went out for coffee at the diner and now I'm not a bit tired! And I must sleep for work tomorrow. I'm listening to this cover of Depesh Mode "Enjoy the silence" done by this band called failure. Its good, but not as good as the original.

I think soon I am going to get all the books I have been dying to check out from the library, and grab my guitar and go to some secluded feild somewhere and just spend all day having alone time with myself, reading and playing guitar. I think I need one of those days =)

I'm not sure whats going on w/ school next semester, I'm not sure I'll have enough money by time school starts to pay for it myself, but I'm am sure as hell trying. TOmorrow I am going to clean out my car inside and out, since I havent done that since I have gotten it, then put on whatever stickers I have been saving for when I actually got a car, then go buy a newspaper and look for a nanny job in there. I figure its less trouble doing that then going through an agency. Or atleast find job #2, so I can get all this shit payed off. Shell offerd to help clean the car w/ me, cuz shes the one that helped me trash it, lol, with all of our random trips to places. ;) I am really happy I finally have my own car, the one thing I have always wanted, and needed more then anything else.

After work tomorrow, I'm going for a night time swim over gregs at like 9:30, that should be fun, I dont think I have swam at night time yet this summer, it the best time to go.

Well I must go, long day tomorrow, nitenite (*

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[26 Jun 2002|06:34pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | coldplay ]

"We live in a beautiful world"- coldplay

I must say that song is beautiful in itself and I think everyone should listen to it because it makes you stop worrying about your every day troubles and makes you see that this is a beautiful life =) Call me chessey but I think everyone needs to stop being so uptight all of the time and relax, look around and see how beautiful this world is. Its amazing. ;)

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ok well.. [21 Jun 2002|12:11am]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | portis head ]

O.C. was fun as shit.. me and shell had a great time.. and we finally got to meet up with anna and ryan, and hung out with them for the day.. saw kerry and her friends that were down for their senior week. We hung out with a lot of ppl that work there for the summer.. a lot of canadians heh. The only downfall of the trip is my car was being a peice of shit and over heated.. didnt start.. smoked out the tail pipe.. oh about a hundred times. BUt we made it home safely. Then we chilled at gregs till pretty late. I have been working for the past 3 weeks at the library.. its a chill job, it can get boring but I see sooo many books that I want to check out. I just have to get the fine off of my library card. I get my paycheck on wednesday I think.. so that means I have to wait till I work on thursday! damnit.. another week. oh well. My sister bought a new celica so the other car is all mine now. :) I just have to pay her $1100.00 in payments stretched out for a year.

My dad is leaving tomorrow morning to go back down to North Carolina to put my grandfather in a nursing home and take care of all this shit.. cuz we're told hes not going to be around much longer.. and hes pretty much all alone down there. Poor guy. I feel bad for my dad too cuz I think hes real upset a/b it.

well ne wayz anna and kathy agreed to coming to jessies cook out thing on saturday.. so I'm excited and I hope we can all have a good time, a vegitarian cook out and lots of beer! SOunds like fun to me.:) NO DRAMA=good time ;)

Ne wayz I'm off to bed
Nitey nite(*
das legna~

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hehe [13 Jun 2002|12:39pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | UNGLUED ]

this is for u joe.. "penises are flamable.. they can be immolated simply by the oxegen in the air.."

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the next few days: [13 Jun 2002|12:38am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | dancing days- stp cover zeplin ]

tomorrow (thursday) morning.. get up, go to an interview at 2:00, then go home and pack for the beach.. go to work at 5:00. 9:00 I get off and drive to my house get my shit, and pick up shell. 9:30- hit the road, and go to O.C. 12:00am-meet up with anna and ryan.. then go stay at that dude jeremeys house that shell knows.. 10:00am friday morning go to beach.. sleep on beach.. stay on beach all day relaxing.. 4:00pm.. go party! find a random places to stay until 5:00pm on saturday.. drive home, and go straight to gregs house by 8:00pm:)

Today was an ok day, I applied at blakehurst.. and they called back like 2 hours later and set up an interview.. then me and shell hung out with danny, then ben.. then danny and ben together.. went to the diner, saw greg there :).. and merr the giggling cat.. lol. Blah blah blah.. yea so I'm tired.. goodnite(*
das legna~

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blah blah blah [10 Jun 2002|01:26am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | smashing pumpkins ]

would anyone like a beer?, or maybe some popcorn while everyone is huddled around the livejournal campfire throwing nasty words at eachother? get over it.. go home.

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why oh why [09 Jun 2002|04:52pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | the cranberrys ]

why does my family have to be obsessed with nascar.. like seriously.. watching a bunch of multimillionares drive around in a circle for 4 hours isnt my idea of an interesting sport. Anywayz.. I have just sadly recieved a new cold.. thanks SARAH! erg, which made my visit to oc yesterday suck. I didnt even get to meet up with anna b/c kathy had to get home and I was progressively getting sicker throughout the day. Thats ok, hopefuly me and anna can go swimming again at her pool when she gets back, that was a lot of fun.. maybe if my neighbors wernt there. Jenn has left for cali, and I was so deliriously tired last night I forgot to call and say goodbye. But she's supposed to call soon. Well kathy is on her way over so gota run, ps. I like my new job at library.. its very relaxing.. and I will have money finally!!! in 2 weeks.. lol.
das legna~

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but.... [27 May 2002|04:38pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | stp cover- "break on through"- the doors ]

that does not mean theres a open invitation to anyone! I'm sex deprived b/c im not a slut.and I would like to keep it that way. :D unlike a few no named people I know ;)

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two words.. [26 May 2002|12:08pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | The smiths ]

Sex Deprived!

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at this late hour... [21 May 2002|12:52am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | Depech mode ]

I'm tired as fuck. Someone told me that guys find it unattractive when a girl curses a lot.. I guess I'm screwd, I cus way too much. Well yea the last few days have been pretty hectic.. so much drama, it sux. I think it may be coming to an end.. but ya never know.. especialy with my group of friends. Holy fucking shit! theres a huge ass mother fucking spider on the wall.. its brownish and tan and it has long hairy legs.. what kind is it joe?? Hope its not deadly.. lol. Yea I have a final tomorrow at 1, and I should really be going to bed. My time schedule is sooo off still, I keep going to bed at like 5-6 am then getting up at like 3 its not good. I have to get back on track. My last final is wednesday and then I have 2 interviews after that. Hopefuly all will go well. I have a free ticket to the cenater to see star wars. LoL, this should be interesting. I have no clue what day tho. Whatever I'm stoned as fuck, im going to bed. NIght night (*
das legna~

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sweet sweet rain [18 May 2002|04:08am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | The cure- wish ]

Just getting back from crazy fun cross country trip, shell just got back, kathy is back with me, and jenn came down, so tonite we all hung out and went to the diner.. we saw david s. there and we called him over and chilled there for awhile, and had a lot of fun, hes a really funny guy! SO then we decided to go do something but obviously on a night like tonite, there was nothing to do, so after awhile we called it a night. It was a lot of fun, and hopefuly we'll hang out with him again soon. :)

Right now at this point in my life, im happy, and I'm satisfied with my life. WHich is a damn good thing compared to my entire life up to this point. Whatever I'm sick of talking about my life.. lol. Sarah, I love you, and you will be able to let go one day, and you will find yourself again, I promise.

well well, first final sucked, the only question I got right was the question a/b LSD. lol j/k but I know I didnt do too well, we'll see. 2 finals to go. wohoo. And two interviews had just arisen, cockeysville library and whitemarsh library.. the interviews are both on the same day.. like an hour apart. I dont know which one I'd rather work at .. oh well, I'm gonna go jam with jenn upstairs on my guitar.. NIte

das legna~

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