Hali's Journal

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Saturday, April 19th, 2003
9:17 am - oversized girl dog
damn that's one HUGE BITCH.

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Monday, January 6th, 2003
1:18 am
being at home makes me really sad and i want to go back to school and sit in the dorms and be bored there. without my family. without anyone from ventura county. without anyone from ventura county giving me their stupid ass fuckin snotty scuff ventura county attitude bugging me. i HATE YOU!!!

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Monday, October 14th, 2002
3:05 pm - i am better than them
...i didn't get the job.


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Sunday, October 13th, 2002
9:25 pm - i am watching South Park right now. yes RIGHT this very second.
alright FINE!!! i keep getting pestered by all of you for never writing in my journal. sooo Hmmm HERE YOU GO... I find out tomorrow if I get the job for Director of Marketing within the S.P.A.C.E. program in Associated Students here at CSUN.

Umm, I am on the production staff for Cypress Hill's "Smoke Out" concert at the LA Colliseum. Last night I went to Plea for Peace at The Palace and IT WAS AWSOME!!! On Oct. 19th I'm gonna see Mad Caddies play for my first time ever! They were one of the first 6 punk bands I had ever heard of. And uhh, college still rocks. latah.

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Sunday, September 22nd, 2002
10:58 am
college is SO tight. everyone needs to go to college. oh man, it is just so awsome you dont even know.


current mood: hungover
current music: Pride by:NUFAN

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Thursday, July 25th, 2002
2:07 pm - SB bars RULE!
before that, we were in Santa Barbara on State St. and snuck into this bar because we heard a band playing. Then some really super hot guy came up to us and was like, "Are you guys trying to lay-low because you're underage?!" And we started laughing and nodding our heads cause it was hard to hear people and then he goes... no really he's all like, "Well its working!!" and then gives us the thumbs up. hahhahaha

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2:05 pm - X marks the spot
last night my friend and i went to the cross on the mountain in ventura and these people smoked us out and gaves us drinks.

current mood: amused

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2:01 pm
hey everyone. life is good. my whole summer has been super boring. but its getting better.

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Monday, July 15th, 2002
11:47 pm
boys are so simple, but i (along with all others of the female sex) overanalyze them ALL THE TIME. it just makes things harder. WHY DO WE DO THAT. fuckin crapass piece of shit.

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at warped tour on friday in ventura, i got to interview a bunch of bands for a free local indie-zine called: THREE & A HALF. So make sure you pickup a copy at your local music store (Salzers always has a bunch) so you can see what yours truly gets to do in her spare time.

oh yeah, and all the bands i saw fuckin kicked everyone's ass. especially yours biotch.

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11:36 pm - pens & pencils
my family, when all 5 of us are together, sticking a pencil in my eye and jiggling it around sounds like fun.

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Saturday, June 29th, 2002
1:52 am
i am soo stoned right now. tee hee

current mood: high

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Monday, June 17th, 2002
11:12 pm - ATTN: All Drug Users.
You must click on these sites:

Gov's Street Terms 4 Drugs


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Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
2:18 pm
i have a runny nose.

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Tuesday, June 11th, 2002
11:46 pm
I am SO EXCITED!!! Today was my last official day of HIGH SCHOOL. YAYYY. Grad night is this thurs... then Graduation is on Friday. This is so fucking awsome, i've literally waited my whole life for this. And now that its here, i'm just overwhelmed with joy. have a nice life everyone... don't let the man get you down. peace out!
love, hali

current mood: ecstatic
current music: no cos the speakers are broken... again

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Thursday, June 6th, 2002
1:11 pm - i stole this from Crispy... i hope he doesn't mind...
Fallen for your best friend?: Yes
Made out w/ JUST a friend?: Yes
Been rejected?: Yes
Been in love?: I thought I was once, but I don't think thats what it was now...
Been in lust?: Yeah
Used someone?: No... never
Been used?: Of course not
Cheated on someone?: No
Been cheated on?: No
Been kissed?: Yes
Done something you regret?: No, nothing I regret, But I have made dumb choices

Who was the last person...

You talked to?: Al(lie Bunker)
You kissed?: not telling.
You had sex with?: no one
Who told you they loved you?: its been awhile.

Do you..

Color your hair?: i just did for the first time this weekend. fuschia tips and a bunch underneath the top layer of my head.
Have tattoos?: nope. its against my religion.
Have piercings?: yeah... ears, and something else will be soon.

Have you / do you / are you...

Stolen anything?:yes, and I got caught..Im horrible at that
Smoke?: cigarettes are disgusting
Schizophrenic?: Roses are Red\Violets are Blue\I'm a Schizophrenic\And so am I

Obsessive compulsive?: depends... ok yes
Panic?: try not too. but can't help it
Anxiety?: that sorta goes with the PANIC question doesn't it?
Depressed?: no
Suicidal?: no, not in the slightest

If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: Not here I can tell you that much
Can you do anything freakish with your body?: wiggle my ears, flare my nostrols?, bend my thumbs backwards, raise one eyebrow at a time, bite my toenails? haha, ummm, there are a few others that i refuse to write here though.
What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: Eyes, cleanliness, hair, open-mindedness
Would you marry for money?: Maybe
Have you had braces?: No sir
When was the last time you had a hickey?: Last summer @ Kutz.
Could you live without a computer?: Depends where I am... on a desert island? sure i could... here at home? hell no.
What is your favorite place to visit?: my secret hiding place
What is the last movie you saw?: Harry Potter
Do you kiss on the first date?: No
Do you have any dimples?: yes, one on the right side of my face
Do you drink alcohol?: Sometimes... not really
Did you like or did you like high school?: Of course not. What a joke it is. I can't wait to graduate next week.
Who do you want to kiss?: geez. there are a lot of people that i want to kiss, but the act of actually going through with most of them or even the opportunity coming up to pursue that kiss with someone is rare.
When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: OFF. i like the dark.
Do you think you can draw well?: HAH! HEll NO
How many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet?: 10... but i only wear about 3 of them.
Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: weather pending... sandals, UGS, converse, slippers, pumas... whatever you get the point
Do you write poetry?: Not so much anymore
Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: sides
Dog/cat?: 1 dog/2 cats
Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: They affect each other... if you're hurt physically then you cry because someone did something to make you sad... and if you're hurt emotionally then your stomach can start hurting and whatnot and you just feel like your body is just shutting down...
Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: Yes
Are you a sex addict?: NO
Do you know someone who has cancer?: Yes
Do you like to argue?: Occasionally
Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: ooo tough choice
Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: yep.
How many phones and TV’s do you have in your house?: 9 phones, 11 tvs
How long is your hair?: A bit past shoulderlength
Do you get along with your parents?: Only cause I'm never at home
What color of eyes do you prefer?: No real preference
If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?: Oh heck yeah, in a second.
Are you a daredevil?: yes for sure.
Do looks matter?: depends who i'm talking to... haha just messin.
Are you trendy? I just wear what I can find when I wake up. Half the time I don't even match so no, i guess i am not trendy.
What do you look for in a guy/girl?: Humor, Open-Mindedness, trust, & good hygene.
What is your nickname?: Once again, depends who you're talking to... Hal, Halixandria, Halster, Zebra, Boo, Boo-Rae, Hal-EEE, i dunno. eh, who cares
Would you bungee jump?: yeah
Do you think you are strong? Yeah
What's your least favorite thing in the world?: Ignorance with a Short-Temper.
What would you change about yourself? My body
Quote?: 100,000 lemmings can't be wrong.

current mood: indescribable
current music: Stretch Armstrong

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Monday, June 3rd, 2002
2:16 pm - This WEEKEND WAS FUN. YAY to seeing MOLLIE! YAY to seeing NFTY FRIENDS!
I got to see a bunch of old friends and then get drunk with my sister and watch some hilarious but intense (well it seemed intense) movie called Human Traffic. yay for getting drunk after not getting faded in a really really long time. AND, My hair has experienced its first encounter with unnatural hair dye! It has some dark pink (almost fuscia)tips in it now... heh, its cool, and I figure now is the best time to get all of my hair dying, ear/whatever piercing punk rock ideas outta the way while im still young. so far the only thing that sucks about it is that i have to somehow hide it from IN N OUT or else they'll write me up for having colored hair. haha, i saw the movie Undercover Brother... spare your time and see something else. haha, theres more, but nothing to exciting.

p.s. i learned today that venezuela is 9x's (nine times) the size of Ohio... coming in at a fatty approximate: 912,000 sq. km. VS. Ohio's measely 106,000 sq. km.

current mood: bouncy
current music: Green Day - NIMROD

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Thursday, May 30th, 2002
4:11 pm
why wont my mom let me drive to san diego this weekend? she says its to far. doesn't make sense.

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Wednesday, May 29th, 2002
i've missed 3 days of school in a row. Friday, Tues. (Mon. was Memorial Day... no school for anyone) and then again today. Thursday Night-Sunday afternoon was his big NFTY event called Spring Conclave. Then on Tuesday a girl at work paid me $20 to ditch school and work for her from 8:30-2. And now today (Wednesday) my mom and I have to go all the way to Cal State Northridge to clear up all this nonsense they've been having with my papers and housing and everything so i can fuckin go there already in the fall in peace. What a little bitch they're been lemme tell ya. Advice to all of you applying for college, make sure you get it all right the first time. And then call them to make sure that they got it right, and then call again just to double-check. And by then, it might all be half right if you're lucky.

i miss NFTY already. Seth, Noah M., Shanna, and everyone else in BITY... I'M COMIN DOWN THIS WEEKEND SO GET READY TO PARTY LIKE ITS 1999!

Shanna-Charlie is coming with me... don't be a hoe and try to pimp him or else i'll tell him how dirty you are. bwa ha haa.

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Tuesday, May 21st, 2002
12:04 am - i shot a snake 3 times with my BB gun this weekend
sometimes i dont feel like anyone loves me. i havent felt this way in a long time, but tonight i do. maybe its just all this confusion as the school year is coming to an end, or the fact that a couple of bad things happened all in a row all tonight all withing approximately 1 hour of each other, (yeah that sounds like it) but whatever it is, it sucks a lot. i want to cry myself to sleep, but i won't. im not going to bury myself within my own wallow and completely unpractical lack of will to live at this place in time. no, im stronger than that and smarter than that. bad things will happen, and in my future career (within the entertainment industry) things a lot worse than this night will happen and will occur a lot more often too. this is kids stuff. what fuckin bullshit we hafta go through to "grow up." man, i hate being a kid.

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