LiveJournal for ¤starrÿ`eÿed`grrl¤.

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Sunday, April 4th, 2004

Subject:Red Room, Red Room
Time:9:55 am.
Mood: cheerful.
Music:Whole Lotta Love :: Perry Farrell.
Off to look at another house this morning. This one is for sale, so if Billy & I agree on it, dammit we are buying it.

It is a little farther out from the city than I would like - but the neighbourhood is so nice and leafy, and you can see the mountains from the bedroom window. Its a little brick rendered house, with silver birches in the garden, and an open fire place. Red feature wall, mint green exterior. This is much nicer than it sounds.

Has anyone noticed that there are a bunch of Internet love stories floating around in the media lately? Billy and I are pioneers! To think of all those times we were considered nerdy net freaks, and really we were just a foretaste of things to come.

In 20 more days, we'll have been together for two years. This makes me happy.

Roll on, lazy Sunday.
Comments: 1 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Thursday, April 1st, 2004

Subject:Swiped from [info]aetherisch
Time:8:16 am.
Mood: awake.
1. My journal is called _____ because _____.
2. My subtitle is _____ because _____.
3. My friends page is called _____ because _____.
4. My username is ____ because _____.

1. My Journal is called "Strange Fits of Passion" because I like the poem, and coincidentally am often passionate about strange things.

'STRANGE fits of passion have I known:
And I will dare to tell,
But in the Lover's ear alone,
What once to me befell.'

2. My subtitle is "Its only kinky the first time", because it always makes me laugh. It's funny 'cause its true. :)

3. My friends page is called "All these beguiling smiles" because you all have them. *wink*

4. My user name is "_starry_" because hexkitten was taken, and so was starryeyedgirl. I am piqued that I gave into frustration and picked whatever was available, because it isn't really me ;)
Comments: 2 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Tuesday, March 30th, 2004

Subject:We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.
Time:5:57 pm.
Mood: amused.
[info]nocturama_ reminded me that it has been too long since a Hicks tribute night was had.

How come people always flip and think they're Jesus? Why not Buddha? Particularly in America, where more people resemble Buddha than Jesus.

'Ah'm BUDDHA!'

'You're Bubba!'

'Ah'm Buddha now..All I gotta do is change 3 letters on ma belt...'

Comments: 6 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Monday, March 29th, 2004

Time:8:06 am.
Mood: aggravated.
This week can just go get stuffed. Yes, already.
Comments: 3 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Saturday, March 27th, 2004

Subject:Sympathy For The Devil
Time:8:38 pm.
Mood: Mohawk Envy.
Music:Janes Addiction :: Sympathy For The Devil.
Ho hum, another lost auction. We did alright, but in the end we were beaten by our unwillingness to add another ten grand to our budget. I hope the people who win it crap their calvins when they notice the burnt out oven ;)

Met up with Amy today and took her new mohawk out for a run on Chapel Street. She really looks quite darling with it! Scared the painted jezebels at Napoleon and spent much on apple green eyeshadow and glossy pink lip lacquer. Ended up seeing 50 First Dates, which was quite a charming movie, even if it did have Rob Schnieder in it.

I wish I could have a mohawk.
Comments: 5 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Sunday, March 21st, 2004

Time:7:08 pm.
Mood: drained.
I just returned from seeing The Passion of the Christ. I wouldn't recommend that anyone see it. Not because it is a crap film - it isn't - only because it is a truly draining experience.

'Between love and fear, passion is, and the way there is sudden, and the way back is worse.'
Comments: Bang, Bang, Bang.

Saturday, March 20th, 2004

Subject:The next sixty seconds could be like an eternity
Time:12:10 pm.
Mood: sleepy.
Music:Things Have Changed :: Bob Dylan.
Oh, [info]soulwearingskin, you've got me on a Dylan kick now. Tom Waits & Nick Cave owe a lot to him, lyrically, especially in their country baw p.o.v. songs.

Anyway. Second week of diet. Would gladly commit hari kari into a bowl of jelly if only I could eat the jelly first. Severe sugar withdrawls from the lack of my beloved sugary cola drinks. But I have lost four kilos. Yay!

The hair looks brilliant. Cotton Candy Pink turned out to be an insipid sunrise orangey pink, so I slapped some Pretty Flamingo over the top, and shortened some of the black bits into a kind of an over-fringe. Tash is the best hairdresser in the world, ever :D

New mattress arrived - off for a noon nap. *sigh*

A worried man with a worried mind
No one in front of me and nothing behind
There's a woman on my lap and she's drinking champagne
Got white skin, got assassin's eyes
I'm looking up into the sapphire tempered skies
I'm well dressed, waiting on the last train
Standin' on the gallows with my head in the noose
Any minute now I'm expectin' all hell to break loose
People are crazy and times are strange
I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range
I used to care but things have changed
Comments: 4 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Friday, March 19th, 2004

Subject:Pretty Vacant
Time:7:53 am.
Mood: happy.
Well well. Got a lovely email from my big boss today about some work stuff and he ended it with:

"By the way, I also meant to say that you have a content glow about you - what ever it is you are doing - or taking :) - keep doing it, it's working for you BIG time."

What a nice thing to read first thing in the morning!

Haircut tonight - thank God! First run of Manic Panic's Cotton Candy Pink. I hope it turns out alright.

And I just noticed that my cute girl on the Illicit tee I bought has cut the head off the animal she is riding and is holding it on a stick. How didn't I notice that in the store?

Happy Friday, beautiful people.
Comments: 4 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Thursday, March 18th, 2004

Subject:Cupping and Bruises and Needles, Oh My!
Time:11:28 am.
Mood: energetic.
Well my first visit to the Acupuncturist was somewhat akin to visiting a dungeon, except that a Dom wouldn't be caught dead in socks and sandals on the job, or indeed, at any other time.

24 needles for 20 minutes - most of them in my head and neck. Had a grand old time face down on the bench, pretending I was in Hellraiser. The rest of the needles were in my back, hooked up to an electric device that made them vibrate. We ended with 12 suction cups over my shoulders and back for ten minutes. I look like I've been attacked by a lovestruck Hoover.

All in all I feel bloody fantastic. Can't wait for the next session. I never want to see a normal doctor again.
Comments: 9 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Tuesday, March 16th, 2004

Subject:Head Explodey II
Time:5:22 pm.
Mood: Famished, I tells ya.
Gah, another day of head exploding achy-ness. I booked myself into an acupuncture session, where a little man will poke me with many needles to eradicate the brain pain. Please please please work.

Today I discovered that Kelp tablets smell like guinea pigs. And that they taste about as good as they smell.

In other news, the metabolism diet is horrible. Only twelve days to go. After that, the word grapefruit leaves my vocabulary. Blerch.
Comments: 6 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Saturday, March 13th, 2004

Subject:Hi Ho, Hi Ho..
Time:12:47 pm.
Mood: Vampy.
..its off to a wedding we go.

The peep toe stilettos are as painful as anticipated but BOY do they look sexy.

Soon-to-be-crippled-_starry_, signing off.
Comments: 6 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Thursday, March 11th, 2004

Subject:Such a Fine Time, Such a Happy Happy Time
Time:7:05 pm.
Mood: content.
An uneventful day; bliss.

This afternoon we visited a property that we are going to make an offer on. We should get a copy of the vendors bid sometime next week. A lovely little house, blue and white, sitting serene beneath a maple tree. Dreams are made of this.

The property is also accompanied by a lovely real estate agent. No, that wasn't a typo - he really is lovely. Quite honest about our chances of buying prior to auction (slim) and very up-front about the house itself and what the sellers are hoping to achieve. I like him. Whatever happens with this house, something good will come of it.

My co-dependent work relationship with unbalanced client is degenerating into open hostility. I know I need a holiday when I start fantasising about her getting hit by a car. Isn't that awful? Thats me, warts and all.

But on a serious note, I do think I may take a weekend away by myself somewhere sunny. I was thinking the Gold Coast. Beaches, silence, and a good book. Sounds peachy.

All days should be this relaxed.
Comments: 2 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Wednesday, March 10th, 2004

Time:8:50 pm.
I'm sitting in a dark room. The room does not have a light in it, like every other room in this place. There's no reason why this light shouldn't work, apart from the fact that it's my light and it's in my room. I'm the reason the light doesn't function.
Comments: 2 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Subject:The Common Element in All Your Unsatisfactory Relationships is You
Time:8:29 pm.
Mood: Wry.
I think theres something in that for all of us.
Comments: 12 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Monday, March 8th, 2004

Subject:Defiant Expression of Concern Denied Due to No Comments Allowed
Time:7:26 pm.
Mood: concerned.
Faisal, get thee to a doctor, pronto!

Take care of yourself, Mister.
Comments: 4 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Sunday, March 7th, 2004

Time:8:17 pm.
Mood: exhausted.
title or description

"The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind
and another
his mother called him "WILD THING!"
and Max said "I'LL EAT YOU UP!"
so he was sent to bed without eating anything."

I have to buy a copy of that book.

I went to the schmooze today at the Grand Prix. It was actually quite exciting. The noise those things make is nothing short of phenomenal. The celebrity race was extremely amusing. Imagine being allowed to speed along and crash up a swanky BMW all you like.

The people I work for are juvenile skirt chasing schoolboys. It didn't help that the girl in front of us was wearing no knickers. I wonder if anyone noticed but me?

And before I pass out, a thingy stolen from Mirella. I couldn't be arsed to make it amusing, but I did it anyway.

Much Ado About Nothing )
Comments: 10 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Friday, March 5th, 2004

Subject:I'll Never Get This Time Back
Time:9:20 pm.
Mood: frustrated.
I just lost nearly three hours worth of work because of a stupid fucking computer. I don't know when I will find the time to redo all that work. Life fucking sucks.
Comments: 1 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Subject:Old Habits, Old Friends
Time:8:32 am.
Mood: Still giggly.
I met up with one of my old housemates last night for a reunion drink.

I should have known better. When we lived together we were both going through that 'I can drink my body weight in cheap scrumpy six times a week and still manage a kebab on sunday' phase. I slipped back into that mindset with alarming ease. In fact, even after six hours sleep, I still think I'm a bit pissed. I had a marvelous time though, which is the point, really.

Wedding shopping this weekend. What does one wear to a formal wedding these days? I suspect it is shoes that will hurt a lot.

I really really need a George Costanza sleeping partition under my desk. Oh yes, it will be mine.

Happy Friday, my pretties.
Comments: 4 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004

Time:8:25 pm.
Mood: preoccupied.
I'm sick of people's shitty moods. Including my own.

Doctors visit on the morrow. I do hope they have something useful to say.

Come Sunday I will be attending a wanky corporate thingy at the Grand Prix. A client who they are hoping to win will be there, and if they succeed I'll be brown-nosing for all I am worth to get the subsequent service centre placement. Escape from psychotic finger pointing ass-master client would be a superlative joy.

Billys place finally got sold. Only $5000 less than reserve, which isnt so bad considering the market place. House hunting resumes this weekend. I'm looking forward to it and dreading it in equal measures.

Phil and Simone are off to Brisvegas from Friday. I will miss them, even though we aren't the closest of friends. Everybody is leaving but me.

Next year, next year.

I'm leavin on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again...
Comments: 3 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

Sunday, February 29th, 2004

Subject:Indulge Me
Time:1:54 pm.
Mood: Self Indulgent.
Music:Bill Hicks :: Philosophy CD.
I don't know what most of you look like. Indulge me by posting in response to this meme thing, hmm? And while we're at it, lets introduce ourselves like human beings.

Reply to this entry by posting a picture of yourself in the comment section.

Me )
Comments: 20 Shot Me Down - Bang, Bang, Bang.

LiveJournal for ¤starrÿ`eÿed`grrl¤.

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