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Name: bodhi
Back December 2003
journal of a solitude
hidden inside
Hiding is the hidden purpose
of creation. Bury your seed

and wait. After you die, all
the thoughts you had will

throng around like children.
The heart is the secret inside

the secret. Call the secret
language and never be sure

what you conceal. It's unsure
people who get the blessing.

Climbing jasmine, opening rose,
nightingale song, these are

inside the chill November
wind. They are its secret.

How did you discover mine?
Your laugh. Only the soul

knows what love is. This
moment in space and time is

an eggshell with an embryo
crumpled inside, soaked in

spirit-yolk, under the wing
of grace, until it breaks free

of mine to become the song
of birds and their breathing.


mood: flu-y

notes from a cereal box.

Have a ginormous bruise on my right hip. I don't remember where it came from.

Only one more day of "real" class left: tomorrow. Then I finish up with the following:
Monday: submit final drawing portfolio for class evaluation.
Tuesday: Final test in Psych. Lab quiz in Anthro.
Tusday the 16th: Final final in Anthropology. 75 multiple choice questions. Cake.

Looking forward to some time to read books of my own chosing.

Looking forward to almost four weeks of rest.

Looking forward to not being M.'s assistant - four weeks hence.

Looking forward to bed - g'night.

mood: sleepish

mr. picassohead!

Click Here.

Make Art.

post the links to your saved work as comments!

mood: arty

(okay, I'm done.)
Feathered friends
"Smoky Joe's done firing, no use hosing the remains. Now we've got drunken heads and charcoal bunnies, funky frosted flakes. Now we've got lava lamps, the toast is coasting, blocking all the drains. And me and you wound up as effigies and made the hall of fame. But we are shouting, we are shouting. We are screaming, we are screaming, ahhh ...
I guess there won't be a model like those folks in old Pompeii, like Tutankhamen, Cutthroat Canyon, darkest dungeons in Marseille, with kiddies poking and provoking, scratching, fucking (out again?) Now we are shouting, we are shouting. We are screaming, we are screaming, ahhh ...

We're your heritage, a monument wonderfully preserved. They came to see us by the thousands but we never ever heard. Now I really need to scratch, it's torture that these kids have gone (and sent them?) for the birds. For the birds ... I'm shouting, I'm shouting. I'm screaming, I'm screaming, for the birds, for the birds!"

~tear garden - crystal mass

mood: kaspellized
music: (see above)

Desert Island Disc
"Can you recall that little boy with blood-red hair? He'd kick your chair, he'd twist your arm, he didn't care. Did you ever wonder what became of Billy-Boy? Wonderboy, the teacher's pet. Come in Billy, take a seat, let's hear about the fun you had. This is your life: shake Billy's hand, kiss Billy's wife. This is your life.

Remember George, who took it all against the wall? As George the Frisbee, George the ball, he'd whistle as he'd fly, and you'd stand by and cheer the guys on. How's your karma? Did you ever wonder what became of Rubber George?

This is your life: shake Georgie's hand, but watch his knife. This is your life.

Remember Joan, you met her on the phone that night alone you felt frustrated. Joan, the she-wolf in the shower, always in the shower. Did you ever wonder what became of Joan the Moan?

This is your life: shake Joanie's gland, kiss her wife. This is your life, and it's over."

~tear garden - crystal mass

mood: kaspellized
music: (see above)

your assignment.
go see this movie.

It plucked the rusted metal strings inside me that I haven't been able to reach in years. It reaffirmed my need for solitude and the necessity of balance within acceding that need.


mood: smoothed out.
music: teargarden ~ hyperform

look deep into my eeeeeey --- psyche.
What self-loathing librarians going through existential crises do to look busy while sitting at their desks staring flatly at computer moniters for over two hours straight.

beware - not for the faint of heart )

music: trapped in the land of lost self-help books.

meme attack
this is actually a pretty cool meme. & I'm proud to be only the 3rd person on my friends list to have taken it and given my "name"

you are darkmagenta

Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.

Enter your username to see your friends colors:

the spacefem.com html color quiz

mood: leveled off


please bear with me while I pare things down a bit. my head is just too full of noise.

call me Ishmael

pain has a curious way of making you not want to move your body.


mood: old
music: theme from Aqua Teen Hunger force ~ in my head

look what mythological character I am!

Which bad girl of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

mood: heavily medicated

note to self ---
when making a post to which you refer people, it's a good idea not to accidentally make the post PRIVATE!!


mood: exasperated

All hail the Great One! The most beauteous and supremely magnificent Glorificus!!

Not this one ...

THIS one )

mood: mommy-licious

and baby makes ... SEVEN???
It's a girl.

(I'll post photos later tonight.)

(ha-ha [info]freemyheart, I beat you!)

mood: all mommy-like, & whatnot

no comment.

good-night new york!

mood: sanguine

swimmingly, and you?

I took a sidewise swan dive off the edge of an exam table this morning while I was having a routine blood draw. good ole syncope. my head is sore and my ego is bruised. one of these days they'll have to lock me away so I don't accidentally hurt myself more than ice and band-aids can fix.

on the "plus" side - I finally managed to be seen by neurology a couple of weeks ago, referred to and met with a neuro-cognitive specialist on Wednesday, and am currently waiting for insurance approval for a 6+ hour battery of every cognitive test in the book.

who knows what the shadow knows, or what it will find?

mood: sleepy
music: swandive ~ losing my religion (rem)

they raped the corpse of my childhood hero
Journal & Courier - Lafayette, IN / Bob Bloom:
"Universal last gave us
Jim Carrey as Grinch.
And when it got panned,
they didn’t even flinch.

They turned right around
and just like that,
they put Mike Myers
in the hat of The Cat.

And now Dr. Seuss
has again been abused.
For The Cat in the Hat
on film is ill used.

It’s not even for kids.
it’s not even funny.
To be totally honest,
it’s a waste of money.

It lacks the magic of Seuss,
of his lasting words.
On film, this Cat
is just for the birds.

Myers lacks charm,
he’s creepy as the Cat
Someone else should have donned,
that big feline’s hat.

He’s unctuous and grating.
he’s sure no laugh riot.
Too many entendres
for a kids’ movie diet.

The wisdom of Seuss
is missing in action.
The laughs are so scarce;
they’re only a fraction.

A mom and a neighbor
pop onto the scene:
Kelly Preston, Alec Baldwin
with not much to glean.

The film’s writers forgot
An important detail.
The lessons of youth
are the meat of this tale.

The Cat is a letdown,
I ruefully confess.
Once again the studio
has made Seuss a mess.

So here’s what I say,
this is my hook.
You’d be better off reading
your children the book."

read more reviews - submitted gleefully for your reading pleasure. )

mood: justified

6am wakeup call
tomorrow morning I get to register for my spring classes. Well, now it's technically this morning -- in about five hours actually.

Here's what I'm taking:

10818 - INTR 1320-01 - 8-8:50 AM M/W/F - American Sign Language I / 8 slots of 20 full
11960 - ARST 2318-02 - 6-8:40 PM M/W - Designing with New Tech. / 3 slots of 16 full
10082 - ARST 1315-01 - 8-10:40 AM T/Th - 2D Design / 3 slots of 18 full
13244 - ANTH 2316-05 - 10:50-12:05 PM T/Th - Cultural Anthropology / 2 slots of 30 full
10085 - ARST 2310-02 - 1-3:40 PM T/Th - Figure Drawing / 7 slots of 18 full

I'll be working M/W/F 11-3, Sat 8-5

It's going to be an interesting spring!

mood: all or nothing

poor Satchel -- he's having one of my kind of days.


mood: sympathetic

this is a meme, this is only a meme ...
"This message is addressed to everyone who is reading this post.

I want you to post anything that you want. Anything. Post a story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like, and then put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say."

Yeah - I'm a voyeur. I won't deny it.

mood: curiouser & curiouser
music: hungry lucy - unhuman

it's a hard knock life ...
Oh swoon! Someone understands me!!

mood: present and accounted for
music: fucking Annie

silly lj political tantrums - wah!

(self-absorbed ramblings inspired by a hilarious post by [info]frock.

it's all so silly. silly, silly, silly. so silly that one shouldn't even have to post their personal policy about it - but silly enough that eventually everyone does.

1. I add people I think are interesting.

2. I group them in filtered groups, based on how well I know them, how interesting their posts are, how OFTEN they post, and even by subject matter (i.e. all my "friends" who post mainly photos are kept in one filter, all my groups in another ...)

3. I maybe comment on 5-8% of the posts I read. I don't expect anyone to reciprocate me on a post-by-post basis.

4. My feelings are not hurt if someone drops me from their friends list.

5. My feelings are not hurt if someone I add does not add me back.

6. Sometimes I delete people from my friends list. But not very often. Sometimes I'm just overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people with whom I'm trying to keep up to date.

Everyone has free will - the only "rule" I follow is that of polite indifference. What else can you do in a forum like this? Pee your pants if everyone doesn't give you the self-esteem boost you (he/she/it) obviously needs? Whee. I'm glad most of the people I read have very similar "whatever" policies toward petty LJ politics.

mood: dourly amused.

and the pain came down ... and down ...

and down ... and down ... and down ... and down ...

mood: violent head pain
music: gregorian chant