Elsa Lanchester's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Elsa Lanchester's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, May 18th, 2003
    8:24 pm
    book clubbin'
    I yapped with many fine ladies today about how the life of an artist can change perceptions about the art. We talked about the concepts of ambition and success.

    Once you've learned something vile about someone creative, does it change your perception of their work?

    What the hell is success anyway?

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Big Trouble in Little China
    Saturday, May 17th, 2003
    10:15 pm
    out and about
    J and I did bunches of house stuff today. I mowed and handed him nails while he worked on the roof siding stuff.

    I finally got out to the free little zoo. It was awesome. M and I were watching the sea lions and seals. Seals turn around while they're swimming. They also have toe(flipper?) nails. The lions were all sleepy, the tigers were restless and the snow leopard was panting a lot. The wolves had an interesting relationship. The female was clearly dominant over the male. He followed her around and did what she did. She-wolves rule.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: major league
    12:23 am
    as you choked
    you said it made you feel dirt-y

    Today sucked.

    Dang. I'm too into this Pete Yorn stuff. (I know, you're all like, "that's radio stuff".) No. It's good.
    Stories and cigarettes have ruined the lives of lesser girls. That's no lie.

    I wish I had carpeting in my house. I feel like sprawling on the floor.

    Current Mood: quixotic
    Current Music: Pete Yorn-Music for the Morning After
    Wednesday, May 14th, 2003
    10:14 pm
    die laughing
    Good god! Watch Futurama! They landed on a giant amazon women planet. What could be better than a white-bread idiot, a cyclops, a drunken foul-mouthed robot and several freaks of nature? I've laughed so hard I gotta puff on my asthma inhaler. Ahhh...Adult Swim.

    Damn! I've been getting almost 7 hours of sleep lately, and I'm still dead tired.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: TV being turned off-good!
    Tuesday, May 13th, 2003
    7:27 pm
    Some guy screamed something at me while he was driving past. I couldn't understand any of it. I wanted to yell back, "GET SOME SPEECH THERAPY, PIG!" But, I didn't. He was probably drunk on Schlitz. Honestly, if you're going to scream something at someone, it should be intelligible.

    Dante is doing bad. Really bad.

    The IRS sent someone I know a letter. The kind that says you have to meet with them. Yuck! Poor guy!
    Monday, May 12th, 2003
    7:23 pm
    Acupuncture. I would like to try it so much. Yay! Little bitty needles, makin' me feel all better.

    Wait, lemmings! They're weird!

    Current Mood: weird
    Current Music: reading mail and stuff
    Sunday, May 11th, 2003
    4:18 pm
    escribiendo, escribiendo
    Como una machina loca.
    I just spent the last few hours writing. That's it. No more. I do feel kinda keyed up, though. Now, I'm hungry for art supplies. However, taking a trip to "the Dick"(Dick Blick, they're cheap) gets me poor. I should use up what I have first. Damn you, Cadmium Yellow, why must you plague my thoughts so?
    Wait, I've got all that spray paint in the basement...and a paper bag...I could...spray paint paper bags!

    I think I need to get out of the house for a while.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: racing thoughts
    Saturday, May 10th, 2003
    5:14 pm
    welcome to the junkie house
    I walked the dogs, went for a bike ride, volunteered, and visited a good friend.

    I am very comfortable playing board games with women who are recovering addicts. They're a genuinely twisted and interesting group of people. I feel normal around them.

    If only I could eject the part of my brain that makes me analyze and have feelings. Of course, I'd have no morals or principles, just like the majority of what sleazes around college campuses. I'd also believe everything people said to me. And my body would be an object, not an extension of my mind.

    I need a deserted island to go to. Now.
    Friday, May 9th, 2003
    11:47 pm
    horror-it's good
    What started out as a stagnant/shitty night is slowly progressing towards something somewhat better. An American Werewolf in London is on the telly. Yay! Werewolves and sexy Nurse Alex. Woo!

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: werewolf movie!
    7:54 pm
    sore mouth
    I went to the dentist. Even if you say, "no iron hook, please." They don't listen. It's the law that they have to poke at your gums until they bleed. No cavities. Free toothbrush. I forgot to ask if I could have a toy instead.
    I had soup and jello for dinner.

    Ack! There's this horrible commercial on about how creepy Celine Dion loves her minivan. Fuck! No wonder Elvis shot the TV!

    Current Mood: sore
    Current Music: Elvis not shooting my TV
    Thursday, May 8th, 2003
    7:43 pm
    Jean-Luc Pee Card
    Woo! Star Trek Next Gen is so stinky. There's a Wesley episode on the electronic wet nurse. Wesley's tight pants are foul!

    I accidentally burned my arm on the oven rack. It changed from a clean pink line to an itchy rash. Crap. I hate oven rack burns. They're almost as bad as pizza burns in your mouth. Or a nasty slivered hangnail that bleeds.
    Wednesday, May 7th, 2003
    7:51 pm
    I'm thinking about place and how it affects people. Was your childhood home sold? Did you grow up in various apartments? Why do surroundings makes some people feel grounded and others trapped?

    Several years ago, my parents sold the home I grew up in and bought something really nice. It's a beautiful home. I don't feel comfortable there. Everything is nice looking. It has no history like the old house did. I sometimes miss the old house. It had holes in the walls from when Big Sis and I slammed the doors too hard. The basement had a trap door that rusty nails jutted out of. My dad had to put three coats of paint in my bedroom to cover up the things I painted on the wall.

    Current Mood: nostalgic
    Current Music: shit TV
    Monday, May 5th, 2003
    9:59 pm
    I just want to curl up in bed with Neil Gaiman's Smoke and Mirrors. Maybe I will I actually worked on a drawing of a chitin tonight.

    Dante kitty is not okay. He's acting really sluggish. He's not himself at all. He's not indicating that he's in any pain. He won't hardly eat. He didn't even take a swing at the dog when she was sniffing his head! That's not Dante! poor thing.

    Current Music: Buena Vista Social Club-El Carretero
    Sunday, May 4th, 2003
    8:48 pm
    Aunt Creepy, part II
    My sister had her baby. It's a boy. His name is Cannon. Bleh, terrible name. Why don't people name their kids Vlad or Ivan anymore? Those are good names! Mom said he's healthy and cute. I guess that's all that really matters.

    I fucked up some terrific plans I had with a friend today. Crap! I'm still kicking myself over wasting his time. He was very cool about it. I'm lucky.

    I got the grad school admissions letter back. I'm on a wait list to get in. I can't believe it! A wait list, for library school? Oh well, I was going to delay for a year anyway. Elsa has much shit to get together.

    Seattle, I can't wait to see you again.

    Current Mood: frustrated
    Current Music: hermit crabs moving little stones around
    Saturday, May 3rd, 2003
    10:13 am
    power tools
    Oh, I've got some strange feelings inside me today. I think I need to go to Home Despot and fondle to table saws while quietly mouthing "I love you". The same goes for the drill presses. Damn! I have a strong craving for power tool debauchery! I'm not even gonna say what I wanna do with the welding equipment. Oh the luster of a propane tank....

    Current Mood: devious
    Current Music: buzzsaw
    Friday, May 2nd, 2003
    11:07 pm
    art vs entertainment
    Okay, people (all 3 of you that read this journal) what's the difference between art and entertainment? Fire back with all the strength of John Berger, Walter Benjamin and Theodore Adorno. I dare you.
    In a theory and practice class I had, the city's director of public art came in and espoused that the Mary Tyler Moore statue was enterainment and not art. He felt the same about all the Peanuts character statues. He was snotty and pretentious. I think art can/should be thought provoking. Even if the thought is,"that's disgusting",or "that sucks". At least you paid enough attention to think something, anything. Maybe we just need a better word for "art". a word without any baggage. impossible?

    Current Mood: pensive
    Current Music: Desi Arnez-Babalu
    Thursday, May 1st, 2003
    9:16 pm
    fear of a black toilet
    I was just thinking about my rich dentist republican uncle. He had a fancy oblong black toilet in one of his bathrooms. Little kids were scared to use it because they couldn't see their pee. Pretty scary. Think about it, children.

    Elsa, don't you have some work to do? Why, yes I do.
    Right now, I'd rather think "hot thoughts" about Chow Yun-Fat and Weird Al. Oh Chow....oh Al...

    Current Mood: naughty
    Current Music: Neil Finn-Driving Me Mad
    7:09 am
    you be the DJ
    Help! I need suggestions for music, sung in Spanish, that rocks and isn't all sappy.

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: dog freaking out in my ear
    Wednesday, April 30th, 2003
    9:41 pm
    cookie monster
    Bleh! The people fucked up my prescription and it took forever and I didn't get it anyway! Phhtt! It should be fixed by tomorrow.

    A cookie lovin' aardvark is living in my tummy and lapping up the goodness. I'm baking many cookies for a retirement party tomorrow.

    Besides eating cookie dough, the best part about cookie making is when the cookies are all done baking. I open up the oven and let the warm air glide up my shirt. It's quite satisfying. Yes, you can try that at home. No closed course needed.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Steve Martin-King Tut
    Tuesday, April 29th, 2003
    8:56 pm
    don't fight it, baby
    Ack! I just can't get into this project for my Spanish class. It'll be okay. I've got to write and present about catholic baptism. Ick! Baptism gives me the creeps. J has a freaky story about how he was forced to be baptized at the age of 9. Bwah!

    I'm not afraid of fire. I wonder if fire is afraid of me.

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: my inner Tom Jones
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