meander | (Thu, 01 April 04; 03:08pm) |
I am not supposed to be writing this. What I am supposed to be doing is sorting out the clothes which currently sprawl from my half-open suitcase across my bedroom floor; I am meant to be doing laundry, packing for Student Cross and for next term, because I am only at home for another two days now, not including the week on pilgrimage, before I go back to Cambridge. I always intend to unpack properly during the vacation, put posters up, sort out my boxes of assorted useless - but important - personal things, but it rarely happens. I emptied the boxes of books, in a fit of industry, on my second day back, but the rest remains untouched. I delve into them when I need a particular thing and leave a trail behind me - small bottles from The Body Shop, rechargable batteries, cassette tapes, pens, an electric razor. The myriad smallnesses which, on the last day of term, are swept unsorted into boxes until I remember a notebook I need, my camera, my tweezers (I always panic when I cannot find my tweezers; I'm something of a compulsive hair-plucker). It's an odd mixture of organisation and chaos. I know the precise location of every thing in that mess of junk, I can find it in an instant, but then, absent-minded, I bear it off to whatever I need it for, scattering unwanted items as I go. Somehow, I never quite remember to either arrange them in my room or return them to their boxes; they remain on the carpet, and I know exactly where to put my feet so as to avoid them when I get out of bed in the morning. |
21 hours: keep turning |
Io Bakchos! | (Mon, 29 March 04; 01:31am) |
When I got back home early this afternoon I was so tired I stumbled straight into bed without even emptying all the cushions, bedding and leftover food from the car. I'd slept most of the drive home (sorry _aredhel!), and was so hungover my father tells me I was groaning, although he might be exaggerating. I woke up suddenly to warm sunlight flooding through the curtains and jumped out of bed, absolutely terrified I'd somehow slept through the whole evening and night and had lost hours and hours of time. Thankfully it was only half past five; it was the quality of light that had confused me. Maybe it is spring, at long last. |
5 hours: keep turning |
fetish filter | (Fri, 19 March 04; 04:32pm) |
I explained in this post that I am in the process of putting together an informative website on BDSM, which a number of you have very kindly offered to contribute to. I realise you all have busy lives and therefore asking you to write essays or articles for which you will not be paid is possibly a little over-optimistic. I'm therefore taking a slightly different approach. I will be posting a series of polls, asking questions about your own approach to BDSM. Answers can vary between simple yes/nos, short explanations, or greater detail if you want to give it. Partly this is to make it easier for you to contribute (it's simpler to answer a direct question than to write something that stands alone), which means I will have a greater (and more realistic) range of perspectives than simply my own, and partly this will enable me to compile a "FAQ" answered by a range of individuals, which is a feature I'm keen to include on the site. Do you want to be on the filter for BDSM-related polls and posts asking for contributions? Would you be willing to let me interview you by email? Do you have any ideas for questions which I should include in the FAQ, or questions you would particularly like or dislike to be asked? If you aren't on my friends list, you won't be able to be on the filter. If you want to take part, leave a comment and I'll add you. |
18 hours: keep turning |
silly memeage: "Ten Fictional Characters I'd Do" ... | (Mon, 15 March 04; 10:20pm) |
(from various people including mirabehn and the_alchemist) |
62 hours: keep turning |
Indonesian Formal | (Wed, 10 March 04; 12:57pm) |
As I've already mentioned, on Monday we held an "Indonesian" themed formal hall for charity. This was an endeavour of the Chapel Wardens, an ecumenical group of Christian volunteers who, since our new chaplain formed the group last term, have met weekly for lunch and to radically change the way religion operates in college - primarily in order to provide an alternative to CICCU. Keith, the new chaplain, is young, geeky, and an ex-natsci - the archetypal St Gargoyle's "kum ba yah" curate - but genuinely nice. This term has seen huge amounts of new innovations: a Tuesday meditative night prayer service, led by one of us each week in a different style (so far we've had Anglican, Catholic, Charismatic, Taize and Iona - the one I led); an ecumenical start of term emphatically-non-CICCU service, twice-termly Catholic mass followed by an evening meal; student participation in intercessions; inviting evensong guests to formal afterwards with the choir, and thence to port in the chaplain's room; a pancake party; and finally, the superhall for charity. One of our grad students, Susan, works with a scheme which helps rehabilitate gibbons into the wild after they have been rescued from being kept as pets, and one of the conversation areas they are released into is Mintin island in Indonesia. The people of Mintin village have always been helpful and supportive of the scheme, and before she came back to England last time Susan asked if there was anything she could do for them to express her appreciation. The village is almost entirely Christian, and they have been building their own church - but so far, due to lack of resources and funds, it does not have a roof, and they mentioned this to her. Susan worked out that because of the exchange rates they only needed about £80, so she decided to put it to us to come up with a fundraiser. |
13 hours: keep turning |
Dawn Treader | (Tue, 09 March 04; 11:04am) |
On Saturday, the_lady_lily, devalmont and I went to the Girton Spring Ball. This was mainly because the theme was "Dawn Treader", and at the end of last term I saw a poster for it in the Classics Faculty and immediately ran to Liz squeeing "A NARNIA BALL!!! WE SO HAVE TO GO!" but I've since been converted to Spring Balls in general. Unlike their May counterparts, the year is still cold, and so rather than being an open air funfair-cum-music-festival they take place for the most part indoors. About twenty different rooms of various sizes and functions were decorated in different ways and with different themes: there was Aslan's Den, which had cushioned nooks in the walls hidden by curtains (for sex or smoking, presumably, although we didn't enter into one ourselves) and laid-back live folk music being played; Nightmare Island, a rave room with flavoured oxygen available instead of alcohol; the Magician's Study where magic tricks and comedy were being performed; a series of rooms decorated as "islands", each with a different theme (a film room, a speed dating room, a games room) and different kinds of drink available accordingly; Dodgems (outside); the Faun's Glen where beautiful topless gold-painted fauns gave massages; a lazer quest (cunningly disguised as "cave quest") and huge amounts of food and drink from salads and fruit to burgers and donuts. There was far more live music than we could ever hope to listen to, but we managed a substantial amount and got a few hours of serious dancing in, which was definitely necessary. |
84 hours: keep turning |
new layout | (Sat, 06 March 04; 11:23am) |
Finally, something new at, although not what I was expecting. I got back from Catriona's at 3am and somehow this happened (the images are for a livejournal layout I never got round to using) and I didn't get to bed until 7am. I woke up three hours later and now have an essay to write, a tailcoat and dress shirt to hire for Girton Ball tonight, and various errands to run before I have to stay up until 7am tonight as well. |
45 hours: keep turning |
interesting meme | (Thu, 04 March 04; 12:18pm) |
(from blackmetalbaz) |
25 hours: keep turning |
Request for submissions (yes, pun intended) | (Wed, 03 March 04; 01:31pm) |
As some of you may already know, I'm working on a BDSM website for my domain. I'm intending it to be informative more than anything else, written for people who have never really explored the scene or don't know anything about it rather than old-timers (although there's no reason they shouldn't find it interesting). I want to raise awareness and discuss issues, which would work much better if there were a number of different viewpoints other than my own. |
51 hours: keep turning |
Week 6: update | (Tue, 02 March 04; 12:57am) |
i. Fascinating lecture by Henderson on Friday, on Horace's Epistles. He was talking about the problems with self-analysis and self-presentation in published correspondence, and it was all strangely relevant to livejournal. I shall transpose: |
26 hours: keep turning |
how RPG-based Secret History fanfic was born | (Tue, 24 February 04; 10:09am) | ||||
Just in case you haven't trawled through the fifty-something comments on my last entry (which is more than likely), I'm re-printing this for your amusement and delight:
Genius. |
19 hours: keep turning |
two things | (Mon, 23 February 04; 11:44am) |
1. Do any of you know of any LARP games running in Cambridge or about to start? I'm getting the roleplaying bug and don't really have enough people to scrape a group together; besides, I don't really want to have to DM. (I'd prefer something more freestyle than dice-based, but either is good.) |
65 hours: keep turning |
Peter Pan readthrough | (Sun, 22 February 04; 09:59pm) |
I met up with many many strange people (as in strangers - although they are all strange, too, in a deeply wonderful way) yesterday for fluffymark's birthday party and a readthrough of Peter Pan, which was a fantastic success. Highlights included: andrewwyld's remarkably eloquent (and grammatical!) Tinkerbell (and his suggestion "drink every time someone says something gender-bending!"), mirabehn's casually cruel Peter (and beautiful tin whistle playing), the dialogue between Hook and Peter where Peter imitates his voice, which was done quite uncannily by mirabehn and the_alchemist, quite how many rude bits there are if you're looking for them, and robert_jones proving to be very very good on the piano. |
30 hours: keep turning |
w**k (thanks to Z for the utterly crude pun) | (Sat, 21 February 04; 01:39am) |
Stoned. Fascinating conversation with Iain this evening. We were talking about work, and our reactions to it, which is more interesting than it sounds - I'm continually anxious about work, how much I'm doing, how well I'm doing it - an anxiety which is aggravated by the fact none of our work is graded, only corrected - and it was really helpful to talk frankly about it. I aired a lot of my stresses and it was good to have someone who genuinely gets it, and to hear how positive we were both beginning to feel about it this term. It's not that I regret the choices I made in my first year - I had fantastic fun, and no matter what anyone else says I think the whole experience was a positive one, and changed me for the better in a lot of ways - it's just that I had this constant background anxiety and guilt that I wasn't doing enough, wasn't taking enough advantage of being here, I mean for fuck's sake, being at Cambridge. |
15 hours: keep turning |
the grass is riz | (Thu, 19 February 04; 04:39pm) |
Dear Dr Millett, ("present condition!" I giggled when I first read it, "it makes it sound like you're pregnant!") |
16 hours: keep turning |
madness, pre-midnight | (Mon, 16 February 04; 11:47pm) |
For the past few days I have felt strangely dislocated, as if I were on a bewildering cocktail of drugs. It is only severe sleep-deprivation, I think, but I am not tired, only distant, anxious in an empty, out-of-focus way. Today I sat down to read while I drank a cup of tea and looked up again to find it was three hours later. I wanted to continue reading but felt a sort of emotional sickness at the idea, put the book down and stared at a point on my coffee table, trying to assemble my thoughts. I could not work, that I was out of the question. I picked up a tin whistle and played Salley Gardens, plaintive and halting, and was shocked by how loud the notes sounded in the strange silence produced by the constant, unregistered whir of the computer fan. |
17 hours: keep turning |
The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Zen | (Tue, 10 February 04; 01:49pm) |
Dr Pattenden, presumably as bored by Latin prose composition in the style of Seneca as I was, interrupted our supervision today to tell me a story about the previous Bursar at Peterhouse. Apparently the guy started a society, the purpose of which was to invite eminent business men, gangsters and suchlike, to dine with the students. The students would, he hoped, talk to them and learn how to get on in the world. He wanted to call it "Streetwise", only something more high-brow, so in the end it was named "Sapientia Viarum"; the wisdom you get from the streets. Only sapientia is like sofia in Greek, something altogether loftier, and via is the M11, the interstate. What he wanted (Pattenden explained with a wry smile) was "Sollertia Vicorum", sollertia being a skill you learn through practice, and a vico being the backstreet where you learn it. Which led to the question, what does "Sapientia Viarum" actually mean? The concept was somewhat incongruous, and in the end the closest Pattenden could come to a translation was the wisdom picked up on the motorway: "The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Zen". Apparently the society has since been disbanded, which is unfortunate - I'd have joined it just for the sake of the name. |
29 hours: keep turning |
train-writing | (Sun, 08 February 04; 11:35pm) |
42 hours: keep turning |
frustra et partiones | (Sun, 08 February 04; 11:27pm) |
So last night = the happiest I've been in a good while, the sort of ridiculous, silly, drunk happiness that comes with good friends and good music and alcohol and fitting comfortably into my 20" corset. I didn't get much sleep, I'm not thinking straight and I've been overtired and emotional today but I want to write yesterday down before I forget, like I put off writing about the munch and the Calling and then suddenly it was too late and I'm liking my social life at the moment, I want to record it. However, I am fuzzy and sleepy and this will not be in proper sentences. |
15 hours: keep turning |
sôphrosunë (ah, the joys of transliterating accents) | (Thu, 05 February 04; 05:27pm) |
Somehow - I don't know why - I didn't start writing the essay until about 2.30pm this afternoon. It makes no sense, as I was up by half past nine. I cannot account for the missing four hours (four because one was spent in rehearsal for Diary of a Nobody, which was fun but didn't do much to restore my confidence in the quality of the production). So I find myself with fifteen minutes until I have to go to choir and only a page completed (although I have vast quantities of written notes), and have no choice but to hand it in later this evening, after the deadline. It's frustrating and disappointing, but at least I'm happy about what I'm writing, even if it's taking a while. |
18 hours: keep turning |
library, and rooms ballot | (Thu, 05 February 04; 12:26am) |
I have just got back from my first shift working in the college library. This is something I've meant to do for extra cash since I got here (we aren't allowed part-time jobs during term other than the ones available in college, which are limited to a maximum of 6 hours a week so as not to disrupt work) and I'm glad I am. It was an odd experience, actually. I worked from 8.30-11.30pm and the library was practically deserted; I was allowed to have work with me but there was no computer, so I sat in the swivel chair behind the spacious front desk with crit on the Eclogues in my lap and scribbled notes by hand (not something I ever do, except in lectures). The windows in there are very high, which is wonderful in the daytime as it makes it spacious and airy but at night the blackness of the glass gave an odd sort of mood, combined with the whine of the catalogue computers and the electric strips which make your retinas ache. I felt studious and private, with the whole place to myself - at last, I am an official librarian! However, I mainly entertained myself inbetween essay preparation by texting Alex pretty much continuously about the weekend, since I seem to have developed an attention span of approximately eight minutes. |
3 hours: keep turning |
sleep when you die | (Mon, 02 February 04; 10:27am) |
Strange, time-warped weekend. The Democritus essay which was due in on Thursday afternoon didn't get finished in time, as I had a 2-hour intensive Latin grammar supervision which I'd forgotten about. It was with the lovely Mark Bradley, who made me tea (the other two didn't get tea; ha! although they were also late) and grinned as we shivered our way through the supervision in scarves and gloves; it took place in a little-used room in college, whose high ceilings and large windows looking onto the snow rendered the three electric heaters he'd set up completely ineffective. I suggested that next time if it was still this cold we just had it in my room, since Mark doesn't have a study in college. And no, it wasn't just a ploy to get him into my bedroom. |
7 hours: keep turning |
belief questionnaire | (Sat, 31 January 04; 05:42pm) |
Do you believe: |
2 hours: keep turning |
more annual snow-induced goodness | (Wed, 28 January 04; 07:13pm) |
21 hours: keep turning |
snow, and putative erotica | (Wed, 28 January 04; 01:12am) |
Kneeling on my bed at 00.57am, in my grey fuzzy sheep pyjamas and bare feet, head and arms through the open window and clouds of snow clinging to my hair: |
30 hours: keep turning |
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