Thursday, April 3rd, 2003
4:20 pm
i'm spending my tax return on two more rolls of film stock and developing. right now is about waiting for mr phil mercury to get in touch with me about that last smidgen of shooting, and talk to nora about the one shot for which i need her. and the titles. and then i'm home free. i hope.
oh yes, and ROW E SEAT 1 AND 2 23 JUNE 03. yeah boyeeee.
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11:26 am
the weather is gross and rainy today. spring weather in boston is alarmingly bipolar -- either gray, precipitave, and windy, or sunny, temperate, and besotten with a high pollen count.
i am listening to game theory's big shot chronicles and anna domino's this time as if the sound of chiming guitars and high-pitched vocals that either beg petulantly or report from a distance could part the clouds, stop the wind, and bring forth some gorgeous weather. big shot is almost too painful to listen to after 4 july; the choruses are so big and the vocals so sad and hopeful that it's perfect for early spring. the church's starfish might be good springtime music too, if it wasn't associated with such a painful moment last year.
i filled out the form for the film night at the nice rephouse in boston, and i'm putting together a small kit with information about the production. this is all so nervewracking, but i get a good feeling from it all.
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| Wednesday, April 2nd, 2003
12:37 pm - the fisher king always makes me think of mothballs
i just got euphonia's zine deliciosa, which as you may know is one of the loveliest and most poetically written zines out there. one of her memoirs in this issue recalls how she first heard some of her favourite bands.
i was thinking about this last night (before a certain raccoon decided to poke its head out of the sewer grate AS I WAS WALKING PAST IT, thanks muchly) because i saw the fisher king for the third time in my life. it's one of those movies that i love, but i never think to revisit too frequently. this seems to be the pattern for most films by the indescribable terry gilliam. his films have played a role in some key moments of my figuring out what i like/d, and yet i don't hold him high in the pantheon of my favourite filmmakers. though i rarely revisit his films, i always enjoy myself thoroughly when i do.
( the universe is expanding and expanding and expanding )
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| Tuesday, April 1st, 2003
ian from the million year picnic comics store and allegraslade have joined forces to make a flier for the upcoming show at the milky way.
here's what you can do.
if you are in boston and can print out 8.5 x 14 pages, print out and/or photocopy this bad girl and post it where people can see it. (boston rules about flyering are strict. please post them somewhere that will not get me in trouble if they are posted.) i can't pay you, but if you come to the show i'll buy you a drink.
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8:57 am
| Monday, March 31st, 2003
8:58 pm
i've been grouchy lately. i'm working on that.
here are some pretty things to get you through your day.
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1:00 pm
| Sunday, March 30th, 2003
7:02 pm
| Friday, March 28th, 2003
10:21 am - speakers are speaking in code
i'm going to see my beloved wilco (along with my not-so-beloved sonic youth) on 23 june. the seats are not as great as i'd hoped, but i think after sitting in the front row for their last boston show i can live with this. (plus, i'll be on the john stirratt side of the stage, which i REALLY can't sneeze at.)
i won't bore all of you with how much wilco in general and yankee hotel foxtrot in particular meant to me last year. the record was the soundtrack to my independence, my burgeoning creativity, and -- at the risk of sounding pretentious -- the navigation of my burgeoning desires. the music still sounds wonderful to me, of course, but there are songs that make me cry even now, at this emotional and geograpic distance. i wonder what seeing the band will be like, a year from when i first moved into that rat's nest of requited pain (yeah, i'm secretly fifteen, what's it to you?).
in spite of all that, i'm happy.
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9:57 am - a gentle reminder
2 8 M A R C H 2 0 0 3 Consolidated Works 500 Boren Street, Seattle 7:30/all ages/$10
"Alphabet" makes its Pac NW premiere as part of Ladyfest Seattle's Girlie Fun Show. Thrill to comic book artists, burlesque dancers, and -- oh yes -- my little French-horn-and-Connect-Four shindig. ( fluxbox, you are let off the hook, but i expect a full report from auditorium. ^_^)
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| Thursday, March 27th, 2003
9:31 pm
there's nothing quite like calling a musician's union to look for a FEMALE french horn player. the request always makes it sound like a sexual fetish.
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| Wednesday, March 26th, 2003
10:14 pm
dude, WILCO IS PLAYING BOSTON. in a truly perfect world they would share the bill with my beloved throwing muses, and kristin and tanya would join them to sing backup on "my darling" and "say you miss me". but i really can't be bitter, since i'm seeing them less than a year after the amazing orpheum show and jeff said he was going to take this year off. so i'm willing to settle for seeing them play with a band that elicts a "{shrug} whatever" from me.
work was slow today. so i wrote. not to sound coy or anything.
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10:50 am
you know how you have those days when you can tell excrement is going to hit the fan and smear across the walls, and it's fifteen minutes before you're due in to work? we had a fire drill and i got a demanding and indecisive customer in my first hour. i also found that a few other office ladies take the same issue with the graphics guy that i have -- that he listens to stern loudly in the morning. it's an issue that has been addressed before, which doesn't make me feel like a tightass. if he wore headphones, played it at a low volume or kept his door shut it wouldn't bug me so much, but since i need to deal with that obnoxiousness first thing in the morning i just load up on the sleater-kinney and throwing muses to combat it. :)
during the fire drill i worked a bit on my metafilter swapmeet cd. the caramel center now looks like this:
4. "you're so good to me"/langley schools 5. "N.I.T.A."/young marble giants or "the marriage of queen lotheria"/the lothars if i can't find it 6. "help me lift you up"/mary margaret o'hara 7. "this time"/anna domino (mp3 is located! YES!) 8. "motorcade"/count zero 9. "now they'll sleep"/belly 10. "make the weather"/the waitresses 11. "fish"/throwing muses 12. "holland 1945"/neutral milk hotel ... 16. "DecemberSunlight"/theThe (pretentious capitalization theirs)
what's killing me is that a few of the cds i want to use were put in my mother's attic when i moved out, and i only have a small fraction of my collection. thankfully i still have some mp3s of stuff i want to use, but i'm hoping the langley cd will magically appear.
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| Tuesday, March 25th, 2003
8:47 pm - itchy and small
killing time before baron munchausen.
i'm thinking a bit about my metafilter mix cd. as usual i came up with the soft, creamy center before i thought of the opening and closing (though i'm thinking it's going to end with "december sunlight" by the the). right now the middle looks like:
"help me lift you up"/mary margaret o'hara "this time"/anna domino (please god, let me still have that mp3) "motorcade"/count zero "now they'll sleep"/belly "make the weather"/waitresses
for the time being, the title is "ours is the life of the moon" (a line written on a wall in that play, yeah, you know, THAT ONE). it was going to be songs about nighttime and nocturnal activities, but i decided to make it more general. i'm probably going to buy one of rinde's cds so that i can justify that title. :)
i still feel clumsy in ballet, but i was actually able to turn a pirouette tonight. it wasn't a great pirouette, but IT WAS A PIROUETTE. now i just need to work on my jumps. it sort of feels like working at the huntington, in the sense that i don't feel like i fully belong, but everyone is really nice and helpful, which gives me the belief that i will at some point do well with it. i really like having tension in all these opposing parts of my body and having to draw forth a beautiful movement from being at conflict with all these parts of me.
a small alternarag might be working on an article about me, too. eeeeep.
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11:17 am
moving away from my subjects in some ways helps me to see them better.
"blocking your good eye to strengthen your bad eye? that doesn't make sense. it's like slowing down to go faster." -- highway ulysses. i'm stopping here before i quote the entire scene.
side note: music and my coworkers. i broke my cardinal rule of listening to the the at work (since there was just too much love in the world for eminem yesterday) and my boss thought i was listening to old tom waits records. somehow the green pajamas is going over well with them, though.
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| Monday, March 24th, 2003
8:59 pm
instead of sputtering forth analytical jargon, i can now answer the question "what is your next project?" with three little words:
"a prosthetic leg."
this post is mostly for the benefit of allegraslade. again.
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12:47 am - a moral quandary at the movies
eminem won. and they say this isn't the year of the woman. damned wifebeater, if only lili taylor would steal his oscar and shove it up his tight little --
wait. wait.
roman polanski won?
hi. my name is chelsea, and i am a hypocrite.
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| Sunday, March 23rd, 2003
10:27 am
so. albany.
the screening itself went fantastic. about fifty people showed up, most from the central new york area, though fluxbox came all the way from seattle JUST TO SEE MY FILM! (okay, so he was really out there to visit family -- the pit stop was just because of me, i swear.) i always feel a little keyboard-tied when i read his posts because he's so articulate and at times seems so on top of things that i can't think of a good response. in person he was fun to talk to, though, and he brought his cousin, who knew one of chriscat's friends.
albany independent film forum head ben ropp (who could be seen as central new york's answer to anton gold) put together an outstanding program with several other short films directed by women. my fave, of course, was my pal karen cho's "love is a four letter word", which dealt with the disappointments of one couple's relationships in terms of the films the boy was making. interspersed throughout were interviews with people about how they defined love, and shots from his film. lindsay jo white also turned in a lovely paean to insecurity in love, "sidney and sebastian", which played like a cross between the unbelievable truth and "it's springtime, charlie brown!" (that's a compliment, really!), and there was a fun music video from a gaggle of stylish drag queens.
for my part, i am slowly growing more comfortable with the hidden. this is the first time i've shown it before an audience and they really seemed to dig it. i still need to cut in some random shots of things to express the passing of time a little better, but the colors look great and my actors are amazing. who knew?
albany itself? that's where we get into a tangle. the city spreads itself over a twenty-five mile radius that's almost unnavigable without a car. there's some gorgeous architecture downtown, and it's an easy city to not spend money in since the movie theatre is way out on the perimeter of town and there's no record stores. though i was happy to do all the walking i did (made up for missing ballet this week), i wish we'd hung out with ben or lindsay to find some of albany's hidden treasures. ben is already talking about having me come up to show the finished version of the hidden, so the jury is still out on albany. (oh, and chaptal, there's a giant sculpture of nipper that you would totally appreciate that's on top of one of the buildings. ^_^)
unrelated note: remember how i said weds night was going to be the last time i saw highway ulysses? uh, i lied, though this time i mean it -- i caught the last performance last night, from very close up seats. it made me cry. i also ended up talking to rinde eckert's agent for a while (!), a crazy yet amusing coincidence.
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| Saturday, March 22nd, 2003
7:28 pm - first, an apology of sorts
many of you are responding articulately and passionately to the government-at-large's grotesque political action. i applaud you for that -- your words keep me well-informed and are a voice of sanity among the misdirected anger detonating around the world in the name of our alleged freedom.
reading your words makes me feel guilty and self-centered. while i am politically active, i don't know how to articulate my political beliefs the way you do, and i'd rather keep my life (and by extension my journal) focused on my art and my life. some of my life right now consists of paying more attention to the news, discussing politics with my friends, and attending peace vigils. i'm just one tiny person in the world and i don't know how to respond to the terrible actions in the world, and i admire all of you who are doing your part to spread peace and combat war.
we now return you to your regularly scheduled madness....
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| Friday, March 21st, 2003
11:30 am
i'm in albany!
screening went REALLY well (yes, including the hidden).
fluxbox was there!
more when i get back to boston.
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