Infekktion's Journal
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in Infekktion's LiveJournal:

    Friday, April 18th, 2003
    10:06 am
    + pulling me down.
    Where to start? I have a new puppy dog. She might not be mine for keeps, though. I don't want another dog dying on this damn road. I'm so bored lately. And tired. There's never anything for me to do except be locked up inside this house and listen to music. The MINISTRY concert was very awesome. ^.^

    Eric and Pikey liked it a lot. They're upstairs listening to one of their live albums right now. I might be going to some pool hall whenever a couple people get out of school. I wish I could go see some old friends, but I can't trust a lot of them. Maybe I just need new ones, but I also hate this town and the people it has living in it.

    Current Mood: bored + tired
    Current Music: "Hate Me! [Funker Vogt Remix]" - Læatherstrip
    Sunday, March 30th, 2003
    6:44 pm
    + there will be no stopping me.
    I've been searching almost all over Denton for a dub. And well, Denton people suck. I talked to my "twin" a little earlier, and she called Sean [whom I just called] and he's talking to someone right now that might be able to get me my dub. Only problem, I don't think anyone's got a fucking ride. >.< Damnit!

    I went out to eat with my family today. And after three plates of Mexican food, I gave up. I added up my checks after that. I've saved a little over three hundred dollars. That will, of course, be eaten up when I pay for Tech School. And I've still got to take the GED test. *sigh* What a drag... ;x

    I need new clothes. And I need some more hair dye. I can't seem to leave my hair alone for more than two weeks. But I plan to keep it the way it is until my hair just grows too long. Well, I'm cold and I've got to wait for Sean to call me back. *le sigh*

    Current Mood: stressed + cold
    Current Music: "Entropy" - Informatik
    Friday, March 28th, 2003
    5:19 pm
    + and are left to lick my wounds.
    "I have been,
    Ripped apart,
    And crushed,
    By a thousand lies..."

    There's not much to say; not much to do. I was hoping Whitney and Aaron could come out to visit me for my birthday. That won't be happening, though. My plans with Melsa, Bill, and Ross have fallen through. Which means I won't be getting drunk tonight either. What a drag.

    I dyed the tips of my hair a bluish-greenish. I like it, a lot. I haven't taken any good pictures. I haven't taken many pictures lately at all. My boi got me smiling in one.

    We fought last night; bigger than usual. Of course, I was the one to start screaming and yelling. At least no punches were thrown this time. Shoves, yes. But that wasn't anything serious at all. All these fights have pushed me away from him a lot. I've been falling for another, lately. But I'm about to just shove that away. The feelings obviously aren't mutual, not to mention he's got a better life without me. Damn.

    I've been thinking about taking up my friend's offer to photograph me. She wants me to model for her, along with a few other girls. I'm far too insecure to do anything right away. It'd be a big self-esteem boost. And it's not like I couldn't use one of those at a time like this.

    April 12th. MINISTRY. Deep Ellum. My birthday present from a great friend over time; asshole in certain moments. I'm bringing along my boi's best friend - Pikey. I got him listening to MINISTRY a couple weeks ago. And what's better than taking him to their concert to promote their new album...? Aaron wants me to get him a patch. If I did, I probably wouldn't see him to be able to give it to him. Why can't I give up on the boi?

    "Did you ever realize,
    My strength that you devoured,
    Will rot your heart,
    From inside out..."

    Current Mood: hurt + disappointed
    Current Music: "Refuse" - Android Lust
    Tuesday, March 25th, 2003
    2:18 pm
    + i'm slave at your request.
    I forgot how shitty livejournal is if your account isn't an Early Adopter or a Paid Account. *sigh* I don't even know why I made this. I've got plenty of other journals on plenty of other providers, but livejournal made my roots. I found out yesterday that my boi lied to me. What a gip... -.- but that's life, isn't it? I eventually forgave him, but he has none of my trust back. I haven't been to work in quite awhile; I need to start going back again soon. Uhm, yeah.

    Current Mood: bored + tired
    Current Music: "I Worship You" - Razed in Black