Eva Epitaph's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Eva Epitaph's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Sunday, April 21st, 2002
    9:15 pm
    Doom doom doom...
    I am sooo tired. Bah, what awful weather.
    Yesterday was nice. I got to see Errl, made out with him, and spent more cash at Hot Topic. I LOVE that fraggin store. I'm taking commisions so i can afford some new boots and such.
    Well, dad just came back from mexico. He got Parasites from drinking the water down there so he's had the runs all day. Its funny, we were driving home from church today and his face got all red and he did 100 mph down our dirt road, flew up the driveway, and booked into the house so he wouldn't shit in his pants >_< Lovely visualization, innit? He got me a silver bracelet with black onyx stones set in the middle of it from a shop down in Mexico city. I love it :) And i think he was to exhasted to bust a nut over my blue hair. Good deal. Well, LONG day tomorrow... I think I'll go sleep.

    Current Mood: devious
    4:48 pm
    Saturday, April 20th, 2002
    8:17 pm
    I'm Blue! Click to see what color you are!
    8:22 am
    The You Side:
    01. Time you start: this time
    02. Name: Amanda
    03. Nicknames: Mandy, Kat, pie, red
    04. Screen name[s]: Untamed5300
    05. Grade: *blushes*
    06. GPA: don't know, don't care
    07. Sex: womyn
    08. Age: nyah
    09. Zodiac sign: Taurus
    10. Location: Jackhole, Michigan (thanks, donrad)
    11. Height: 5'8 or 5'9
    12. Hair Color: red and blue
    13. Eye Color: aqua
    14. Love: hmm....
    16. Girlfriend/Boyfriend: yes, my errl
    17. If you could go out with anyone in the world who
    would it be? i'm happy w/ who im going out w/,thankyou
    The Past Side:
    18. Memory you miss most: back before my old "friends" went their seperate ways
    19. If you could go back in time, where would you go? sometime in the 80s
    20. Memory you would like to forget: bad stuff
    21. What'd you do yesterday? went to school and drivers ed
    22. Last person you talked to on the phone: Aunt Robin
    23. Last thing you said: i let the dog out as soon as i got up this morning (to a very sleepy mother)24. Last song you listened to: Jack of Jill- Fear Of Dying

    The Fave Side:
    25. Fav. Food: anything chocolate
    26. Fav. drink: diet dr. pepper
    27. Fav. TV show(s): Invader zim, Simpsons
    28. Fav. CD: I dunno
    29. Fav. Color: black,red, orange
    30. Fav. day of the week: saturday
    31. Fav. Month: oct
    32. Fav. number: 7
    33. Fav. holiday: halloween

    The What Side:
    34. Toothpaste: don't matter
    35. Ice cream: nah...I'll pass
    36. Candy bar: pass again
    37. Channel: 47
    38. Shampoo/Conditioner: dunno
    39. Song: too many...

    The Who Side:
    41. Best friend[s]: errl, Skott, clair, matt, jeannetta
    42. Funniest friend: jeannetta
    43. Silliest: clair :p
    45. Best at keeping secrets: me, errl, skott
    46. The one you have, but wish you didn't: I can't tell you
    47. Smartest: skott
    48. Sweetest: errl, skott, clair
    49. Weirdest: theyre ALL weird
    50. Most annoying: none
    52. Most conceited: none

    The Believe it OR not Side:
    53. Do you believe in angels: sure
    54. Aliens: yep
    55. Heaven & Hell: sure
    56. God: not sure sometimes
    57. Yourself: sometimes
    58. Flying Purple Elephants: heck i OWN two

    The Have You Ever Side [Answer YES or NO]:
    59. Been on a plane: yes
    60. Cried in public: yes
    61. Climbed a tree: Yes
    62. Fell asleep in a Movie Theater: yeah
    63. Met a celebrity: a few
    64. Met the president/ prime minister : don't think so
    65. Been scared to get shot: naw
    66. Gotten a cavity: nope
    67. Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: hell damn no
    68. Skipped school: NO NEVER (sarcasm)

    The What Do You Think Of When You Hear Side:
    69. Side: which one?
    70. Bill Clinton: ass
    71. Lollipops: yummy
    72. Dreams: got lots
    73. Love: passion
    74. Whipped Cream: baad things ;)
    75. South Park: laugh- your ass off
    76. Christina Aguilera: ho
    77. Guys: penis
    78. Girls: viginas
    79. Death: cemetary

    The Which Would You Rather Side:
    80. Dog/Cat: cat
    81. Blue/Purple: blue
    82. Chocolate/Vanilla: swirlie!
    83. Pen/Pencil: pen

    The Questions That Don't Matter, But I'm Still Asking
    84. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: they get hurled off the bed
    85. Last time you showered: this morning- hence the shirley temple do
    86. If you were a crayon, what color would you be: black
    87. How many buddies do you have on your list: 29
    88. Do you like this survey: not really
    89. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: lots with cotton
    90. Last CD you bought: Souxie and the Banshees
    91. How long are you in the shower: LONG TIME
    92. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Buttercup: i don't eat em
    93. What does your screen name mean: untamed5300- the untamed part was an old band name
    94. Right, Left, or Ambidextrous: right
    95. How many licks does it take to get to the center
    of a tootsie Pop: id rather lick something else- but 105???
    96. Time you finished: right now
    Friday, April 19th, 2002
    7:04 pm


    I am 76% worshipable! And you? Find out!

    got this...

    My Starsign Is...

    This quiz was created by Daenara. Take it here!

    but am really this...

    My Starsign Is...

    This quiz was created by Daenara. Take it here!

    Which Angel would you be?
    Angel Falls
    12:17 pm
    Errl and I talked things out. After speaking with him, I felt so much better. I wasn't going to toss aside what I feel for him over something so silly. Skott is a wonderful person, and I have to thank him a couple hundred more times for listening and helping in every way that he was enabled to do. And he just won a Freddy Krueger glove on Ebay! -Sqweal- Its so beautiful…

    I have to drive tonight, right after school. Ugh. I'm still horrendously nervous behind the wheel. Especially with the crazy four-way intersection we have to maneuver through as soon as we leave the school building. Ahh well, the sooner I get it done the better. But it will be a total of three days in a row, (including tomorrow) two hours per day that I've driven. I dislike that.

    Errl made a list of his online friends (Which include many friends that are known personally) and I'm gonna do it too… Since I feel like acknowledging and thanking them for all the kind words and fun conversations we've had…

    Darkfirewolfe- wonderful chickee who should be accepted by EVERY Rocky Horror Picture show that does touring.
    deadinside666- I've only met you once, but you rawk the casba, chica.
    Deathbystoning- adorable Brit that resides in my favorite place of all time: London! His writing is breathtaking, I wish him the best.
    Enneirda- Coolest gal, EVER. And really does look like whatsernuts offa Uncle buck… Her name has forever left my head… She's a cutie ;)
    Errlwayne- Trent Reznor look- alike. Things are so much better, sweetie. I miss you, and will love you for a long time.
    Gothik- So photogenic! Very handsome. Such an amazing writer too…
    Hollish- I adore this girls humor! Too funny, cute, and a great writer. Wow, I make friends with lots of writers….
    irken_invader- He won't admit it, but he's such a sweetiepie. You shall all bow to matt, future ruler of the earth, and sacrifice all your Invader Zim merchandice to appease him…
    isafantasy- Wonderful writer and friend. Not to mention, quite a beauty and fun to draw!
    Marcassa- -Gawks- I wish I had your looks and wardrobe, babe ;)
    Skylarr- How are you doing??? Hows the home life??? How are you???
    spider_punk- Dude, where'd you go? I still have that picture for you…
    sweetprince- Assembles other worlds with his words…
    sweetvein- Purty girl… And very creative. I want that gothic teletubby!
    tashychan- This girl makes me laugh hysterically and is also in tune with all those Japanese bands.
    xbluexpixiex- Wow, we haven't talked in a while, have we? Hope to hear from you soon, how is the writing going?
    ziggarina- Holy crap, we have so much in common, and haven't even met yet! We will though, and cause I major disturbance, heheh. Love you!

    Current Mood: mellow
    Thursday, April 18th, 2002
    12:17 pm
    Help help help...
    I am utterly numb. I haven't spoken a word today to anyone or even acknowledged anyone who had spoken to me. Last night I thought was the end. I mean, the big, the end- games over, no going back. I came home from school yesterday feeling strangely indifferent. Not angry, not happy. Just there. And them I suddenly got moody. All the anxiety and stress and feeling of hopelessness crashed down upon my shoulders. I haven't slept in weeks. I'm on my fucking period. I'm taking eleven hour school days that include drivers ed, when I'm used to going for only two. I shit bricks when I'm behind the wheel of a car. I'm failing half of my classes. My hands are bleeding. I constantly need the affections of others so that I don't feel like a complex burden on people. And to top that all off- I haven't been able to sing or draw or write, all the things I would do to vent the pressure threatening to explode my head. I don't know why. My drawings have come out looking like shit, I'm uninspired, writing, drawing and singing garbage. My father is in Mexico for the rest of the week, so mom has to look after my sister and i. And it seems like she keeps reminding me that if she weren't there, than I would suffer. Perish, even. I love my mom, and yes, I ask a lot of her. Too much. But I'm not eighteen yet or I'd be out of this hellhole. So until then, I'm going to attempt to survive without causing anyone too much pain.

    At about five o clock pm yesterday, I sat down and watched a documentary on Rob Zombie. He was talking about how it was hard being in the position he was because he didn't really have any close friends, excluding Johnney Ramone, because he was constantly surrounded by clientel. SO he had to suck it up and keep things inside. I don't talk much. I was raised to go by, speak only when spoken to. And I'm a thinker. Before I make a reaction, I always think, "Will I hurt someone with my answer? Will They care what I think? I'm insignificant, why should my response even be heard?" I heard some of my old friends deserted me because they thought I shut out the world. I don't do that on purpose, I need interaction with people, and I'm willing to make changes so that I can be with the people I love and care about most. I started to cry. Mom came home and was only frustrated with my tears. I went downstairs and exercised, trying to think happy thoughts.

    When I came upstairs, mom told me that Errl had called. I was happy, I knew hearing his voice would cheer me up. So I called his house- he was busy, so his brother told me he would call me back. He did call back quickly, and we chatted for a while. It was all good until an old girlfriend was mentioned. I'm certainly not the jealous type, so I was fine talking about the subject. But Errl brought up the fact that this girl still carried a torch for him. And he added that he shouldn't be around her. He told his friend Jamie, who had informed him of the news with this girl, that she should stay away from him. But then said he liked the way her body felt, and that she was the person that might mess with his head. I didn't know what to think of that. Should I be worried? I wasn't sure. But I was sure that I didn't need to hear it at the time, and I had to choke back tears. I told him I never would tell him that sort of thing, because I wouldn't want to hurt him. Which is true, I wouldn't want to tell him if an old boyfriend was pursuing me and I enjoyed the way his lips felt or something… I admit it, I was already emotional, and perhaps I overreacted, but it hurt inside. Simply because I love him so much. I hung up with him and hid myself in my room.

    I found a boxcutter.

    I cried all last night. I held the boxcutter to my chest, knowing I wouldn't use it, but it was a dim consolation against all the darkness that was swallowing me. I found myself screaming outloud to God.

    My mother came in and yelled, threatening to have me committed to the sleep ward of a hospital. I ignored her.

    So here I am, my eyes swollen nearly shut. I want the day to end. I want to work things out with Errl.
    Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
    4:14 pm
    well there goes whats left of my good mood. FUCK EVERYTHING, MY HEAD IS TOO FULL TO DEAL WITH ANY MORE SHIT!no sleep, no relaxation, no comfort. maybe i'll get lucky and get struck by a bolt of lightning while i'm running around outside. i get the world dumped on my shoulders and i'm expected to not make a sound. maybe someone will realize that i'm just a girl, not superwoman. sure, i have ten times more balls than anyone i'm surrounded by at school, but that doesn't count for anything when dealing with someone's braking point. i'm going to tell my mother that i'm not going to go to drivers ed. i'm going to tell mrs hyde that she should choke on her ego and fuck a donkey. i'm going to tell people that i am to no longer be considered a human being with hearing capabilites. i'm going to barricade away from everyone like i always used to do. fuck i wish it werent so difficult to survive nowadays. i'm going outside to think.

    Current Mood: pissed off
    11:31 am
    Stop forcing it
    Well here I am in the highschool library, talking with Mrs. Trumain about god. It all started when she asked me why I dressed the way I did. She wasn't trying to be critical, she was truly interested. Somehow we started talking about church. She asked me if I believed in god. It took me a second to answer. "sure," I said. But Of course I'm not sure, I've lost that faith. She went on for a while about how wonderful her church was and how she felt as though the presence of god was with her. I nodded politely and smiled on cue, hoping she would go away. I felt bad. Losing that faith and then having to listen to some babble about how he is actually here and how we should worship him just depresses me. How has she kept that faith and happiness? Whatever, I don't care.

    Yesterday was great. I left school early and got my prom dress at hot topic, along with a new pair of black pants and a top. I then headed over to the comic studio where I got to see Errl. My god it was so good to have his arms around me. I missed him so much. I can't wait until summer when I can see him whenever I please.

    I'm gonna call him when I get home. I need to hear his voice.

    Current Mood: depressed
    Monday, April 15th, 2002
    12:08 pm
    Fuckin librarians...
    Well, how often do you feel at ease with yourself? I walked in to school today- the front of my hair dyed blue, dark eyeliner in check, Invader Zim shirt pulled over a fishnet top, and black bondage pants a- swingin behind me. For some reason, today I felt more confident in myself than I ever have. I think one of the reasons why I detested school (and still do) so much was because I was always insecure trying to be myself- which isn't mainstream. You go against the norm here and you could be mortally wounded. I go to Napoleon schools- hick central, home of those wonderful boys that thought they would have a good 'ol time by hurling urine, oranges, and other oddities at pedestrians from their car window. Infested by the "preps" and "yuppies" there's no way you won't be noticed in a sea of conformity of you're even slightly different. But I honestly couldn't give a shit, being that I've finally accepted who I am, which is all that matters. And by the way, there is no avoiding labels here, so no matter what you'll be categorized into some sort of genre. But whatever.

    I'm so happy I can finally open my windows at night while I sleep and not die or hypothermia. It's a nice feeling ;) although I wish I could escape from this wretched school and run around outside a bit.

    Yay! I get to go to hot topic tomorrow and buy my prom dress! I think it'll be great to go and watch the looks on peoples faces when I stroll in. I like to cause commotions, what can I say?

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: Nine Inch Nails- Head Like A Hole
    Sunday, April 14th, 2002
    11:42 am
    dum de dum
    1) Name? Amanda Michelle Geer
    2) Sex? Female
    3) Birthday? 5/6
    4) Hair color? Red
    5) Eye color? Aqua
    6) Sibling?: 1 sister
    7) Song?: Ada Adore- Smashing Pumpkins, The Nobodies- Marilyn Manson, Fear Of Dying- Jack Off Jill
    8) Band/singer? Marilyn Manson, Lords Of Acid, Smashing Pumpkins, Jack Off Jill, Ozzy Osborne
    9) Actor? Johney Depp
    10)Actress? Milla Povich
    11)Movie? Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Pee Wee Films
    12) Clothing brand name? Whatever. As long as I like it.
    13) Animal? monkey, bat
    14) Day of the week? Friday
    15) Color? black, red, orange
    17) Store? Hot topic
    18) City? not Jackson
    19) Country? I've never been out of the USA... but i want to go to London
    20) Sport? Wrestling.
    21) Internet site? Too many...
    22) Ice cream flavor? Vanilla
    23) Season? Autumn
    24) Holiday? Halloween
    25) Flower? rose
    26) Cartoon? INVADER ZIM!!
    27) Hobby? Drawing, singing, writing
    28) Flavor? Coffee, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate
    29) Hot or cold? Hot
    30) Sweet or sour? Both
    31) Spicy or bland? Spicy
    32) Half-full or half-empty? It’s half full
    33) Soft or hard? Depends
    34) Light or dark? dark
    35) E-mail or letter? both
    36) Phone or instant message? mmm phone if i know the person.
    37) Day or night? night with a full moon
    38) Radio or CD? Unlimited Cds
    39) Rain or shine? Rain
    40) Cat or dog? Cat
    41) Are you Hetero-/Homo-/Bi-sexual? hetero
    42) Are you in love? Yes!
    43) Are you in a relationship? yup
    44) Have you gotten your first kiss? yup
    45) are you cool? hell yes.
    46) Would/did you have sex before marriage? would I? Dunno…
    47) Is there a difference between a crush and being in love? a big one.
    48) Do you believe in true love? Yes
    49) Can long-distance relationships work? Only for a period of time
    50) Have you ever had a long-distance relationship? yes.
    51) Have you ever been in love? yes
    52) Have you had sex in the past and regretted it? ::paints red 'v' on forehead.::
    53) How old were you when you got your first kiss? 13
    54) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Nuh uh.
    55) Have you ever been in love with someone so much that you've cried over them? yes.
    56) Have/would you ever see(n) an "X"-rated movie? hell yeah
    57) Do you enjoy French-kissing? if they dont suck at it.
    58) Would you (honestly) sacrifice your life for your beloved? yepper
    59) What do you look for in a lover (physically)? i dont know. just that i find them attractive.
    60) What do you look for in a lover(mentally/emotionally)? little jealousy, open-minded, good sense of humor, FUN, understanding
    61) Have you ever dumped someone? yea
    62) Have you ever been dumped? No, not yet -knock on wood-
    63) Have you ever had your heart broken? yes.
    64) Are you (honestly) afraid of commitment? nope.
    65) Are you attracted to people with accents? english accents are sexy.
    67) Do you drink? not really
    68) How often do you shower? every damn day!
    69) Do you trust others easily? No, I lock everything up inside

    Physical appearance
    1) What do you most like about your body? my eyes
    2) And least? My flat chest
    3) How many fillings do you have? two
    4) Do you think you're good looking? Not really
    5) Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? Yea…
    6) Do you look like any celebrities? I’ve been told that I look like Tori Amos and Shirley Manson by a couple people…

    1) Do you wear a watch? Not often.
    2) How many coats and jackets do you own? lots.
    3) Favorite pants/skirt color? pants: black, skirt: black
    4) Most expensive item of clothing? Shoes.. i think.
    5) Most treasured? My bondage pants just bought at hot topic
    6) What kind of shoes do you wear? Boots with lots of buckles
    7) Describe your style in one word: Gothic/punk

    Your friends
    1) Do your friends 'know' you? Not really
    2) What do they tend to be like? fun. diverse.
    3) Are there traits in you that are universally liked? um... i dont know
    4) How many people do you tell everything to? no one
    5) How many people tell you everything? i dont think anyone tells anyone EVERYTHING.

    1) Are you in a relationship right now? Uh huh.
    2) Rate it on a scale from 1-10: relationship bond: 10, but I wish I could see him a lot more
    4) What song reminds you of your special someone? Something I can Never Have- Nine Inch Nails
    5) Have you ever loved a person so much that it hurt? Yes
    6) How many people do you say 'i love you' to on a daily basis? Not many
    7) Have you ever cheated on your significant other? Nope
    8) If not, would you ever if given the chance with the guy/girl of your dreams? Hell no, I’m not scummy

    1) Favorite band ever? Too many to choose from…
    2) Most listened to bands: J,LC; Dashboard, John Mayer
    4) Can you play an instrument? Used to play piano and saxaphone, now I focus on my electric guitar
    5) Type of music most listened to? Old metal, Goth, punk.
    6) Type never listened to? Country, gospel.
    7) Favorite book? Anything by Neil Gaiman

    1) Do you detest religion? Pretty much
    2) How do you think this universe was formed (explain in detail)? Well, I don’t believe we came from monkeys.
    3) If you currently follow a religion, do you think people who belong to another religion are ignorant? No. That’s how they believe, so let them be.
    4) If you were in a hostage situation, and you were given a choice, to either praise the demon they follow or die, what would you choose? Die

    1) What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands? The same as when a man and woman hold hands
    2) Do you detest homosexuality? nope
    3) Do you agree or disagree with gay or lesbian couples bringing up children? I agree, I see nothing wrong with it as long as both people that partake in the relationship are able to take care of the children properly.

    General Questions
    1) Whom do you believe is the smartest man alive at the moment? i dont know.
    2) What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day? RAINY.
    3) Do you consider yourself lucky? yup
    4) Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide? not the ones who do it for attention..
    5) Choose one word to describe how you feel most often: worried
    11:42 am
    I need the green.....
    Yesterday was great. I drove at school in the morning in this junky station wagon for a while, and did a decent job. Afterward, I headed over to The comic studio meeting where I met up with Skott and Errl. I missed Errl so much... And it was so great to see Skott, too. We then met up at Hot Topic where Errl got a pair of boots :) They had to take off, and i stayed in the store, gawking at everything. I eventually picked out a pair of black bondage pants, two Invader Zim Tee shirts, and some blue hair dye so I won't have to keep having it done proffesionally. Now I'm trying to earn money fast so i can go back and by a $74 punk dress they have there so I can wear it to the prom, as well as a $29 pair of boots with straps up the sides. Anyone have any suggestions? I think I'll post another commision offer... Since I'm already drawing a dragon for someone at school. I feel like drawing anyhow. Aaaand, dad's in Mexico for a week, so i don't have to go to church today. Yeah!

    Current Mood: anxious
    Saturday, April 13th, 2002
    8:26 am
    8:14 am

    You Are Edward From "Edward Scissorhands."

    You are very shy and often misunderstood. Innocent, sweet, and artistic, you like to pass your days by daydreaming and expressing yourself through the arts. You are a truly unique individual. Unfortunately, you are quite lonely, and few people truly understand you.

    Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!
    Friday, April 12th, 2002
    12:05 pm
    So here I am, in school again. With nothing better to do than twirl my hair and hum dead songs to myself. I love this weather, where the sky is clouded and ebony strewn and soft raindrops kiss your cheeks as the soft wind of SPRING dances about you. Yes, Spring has finally arrived in Michigan. And I'm more impatient than ever. Being stuck inside with no one I care for, while dreading the tests awaiting me and screaming inside because I haven't slept a wink in weeks? God, I miss Errl. I need to cool my frustration somehow. (ha, frustration is so frustrating) And dammit, I want the humidity to go down. I've been brushing my hair like a maniac in a vain attempt to keep it from curling up. Meep. My head feels as though there's a little person inside trying to break out. I need coffee. And some marshmellow peeps. *sigh* I have to drive from 10 am to 12am tomorrow morning. It would be a lot easier if the car we were traveling in wasn't threatening to fall apart. Ah well. Maybe I'll go chat with Josh or something?

    Current Mood: moody
    Current Music: Smashing Pumpkins- Ada Adore
    Thursday, April 11th, 2002
    12:17 pm
    I'm looking at the school's clock. Half an hour until homeroom. Time enough to vent.

    I no longer have control of my life. And that's all that I want. Control. That's why I was anorexic for so long. That's why I scrubbed my hands until they bled. That's why food irritates me so. And I'm becoming so fucking bitter and angry that I'm being swallowed up by my own negative psyche. I'm being dissected and stretched beyond my limits. At this moment I'm gritting my teeth and despising all those that are involved in making me feel this way. Fuck you. FUCK YOU ALL. You don't have to like me or accept me as a friend or as a "good child," but allow me to survive in this world as someone who doesn't regret every minute of it. Insecurity is a captor of mine as well as a darkened waltz partner. I only feel safe with few people any more- and frequently I am denied access to them because of shit from those who care nothing about me or my sanity. I've fallen in love with someone, and by far I am extremely thankful for that. And I have met new people who have become close friends? Skott, Adrienne, Bobbi Joe, Matt, Clair, and of course, Errl counts as my friend as well? Some of which I barely ever see, but communicate more over the Internet than anything else. And by making mention of that, I should put Isabelle's name here as well, since she is my online friend who has offered much desired consolation. And I am so blessed to have friends like them. But I honestly feel like a burden to people, although I have no other way to express the painful realization of all that I am, than to confide to them so I am not completely discarded. I need time to think?.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
    6:09 pm
    accept it
    why do i hurt so much inside? Is it simple depression? Am i feeling guilty about a transparent something? I'm not sure, but boy do i wish someone were here to comfort me and tell me things are okay...
    9:42 am
    Good god someone kill me
    Yesterday i got out of school early to go to the comic meeting. The whole time I was there, my stomach was in knots and i felt like throwing up. I had to sit there and anticipate the horrible experience I would have shortly- driving for the very first time in Driver's Ed. I arrived at the school promptly at five pm where I met up with the two other girls that I would be riding with. One of them i knew already, Jamie, who was a freshman in the highschool. The other girl came from a different school to take the driving class. Mr. Bauman, the teach, had us get into an ancient white car with a worn cheesehead, sticky steering wheel, and stubborn seatbelts. Jamie drove first. I was sitting in the back, taking deep breaths and trying not to do anything that might embarrass me further. Jamie and the other girl had both driven before, so the experience was only totally new to me. Jamie did well, but she kept mixing up the accelorator and the brake >_< When it was my turn to drive, i had to revor from Jamie's mess- she had pulled into a park parking lot and hit the accelorator instead of the break, ramming us atop a hunk of wood meant to mark vehicle spaces. I put the car in reverse and pulled out. I was stiff as a board the whole time. I kept wanting to do the "granny shuffle" when i turned corners, instead of hand-over-hand steering. Then- to put the finishing touches on the lovely time, i had difficulty turning corners when other vehicles were on the opposite side of the street i was turning onto, and at one point when i turned, the steering wheel got STUCK and we nearly collided with a mailbox and the side of a house. Mr. Bauman had to jerk the wheel quickly at steered us out of the way. My turn came to an end when I had to pull into the parking lot of Mcdonalds and park between a large truck and a small car- which scared me, but i didn't do too bad on. Mr. Bauman told me i did a good job for my first time, and before i knew it, i would love driving. Yeah, right. If anything, i'm pushing myself to learn to drive so i can kidnap people like Clair or Errl and go do fun shtuff instead of wasting away at the house. My insides were all churned about and i was surprised i kept everything down. I decided to stay home today to recover, since there was no sleep for me and i still feel crappy. Maybe mom will take me to Hot Topic and make me feel better? Hope so, but probably not...

    Current Mood: distressed
    8:35 am

    All ducks aren't sweet and innocent and you prove that. You have a nasty streak.

    Find your inner rubber ducky.
    Tuesday, April 9th, 2002
    8:23 pm

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