trichinopoly ash's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
trichinopoly ash

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space and time

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[23 May 2003|04:53pm]
This journal is now friends-only. Leave a comment if you want to add me, and I'll add you back.

[18] //

[20 Sep 2002|09:58pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | c ]

had a heart to heart with two dear friends.
i'd forgotten how goot it feels to vent sometimes.
thank you.
love you both.

[5] //

[12 Sep 2002|05:36pm]

possibly the last night for a while.. [30 Aug 2002|01:27pm]
[ mood | a mélange of emotions ]
[ music | coldplay - a whisper ]

Spent the entire morning fixing up the surprises I made for my baby. I see him in exactly 2 hours and I really hope he likes 'em. I'd write the details of what I created, but I've a feeling he might log on and I don't wanna risk it.

Adz's party is tonight. It'll be the last big bash of the summer where all the kids will get together to chillax for a bit before school starts. Although I'm assuming most of 'em will show up to the upcoming engagement. Anyhow, it'll probably be the last time I see A 'til the Coldplay concert which, lemme assure you, sucks majorly. It's gonna hurt. I don't think I'll last. Gah.

Speaking of CP, this CD is just too fucking goot. It blows my mind with every track and I haven't been able to stop listening to it since I got it. I want to have the words and the notes ingrained into my skin, my nails, my pupils, my tongue, my hair, my breath. The same way I want him.

Hm. I think that's probably the most sincere analogy I've ever come up with.

Nobody said it was was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said that it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start

[30 Aug 2002|03:10am]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | coldplay - green eyes ]

latest update on my website can be found at hrdc.

[4] //

[22 Aug 2002|12:51pm]
[ mood | sneezy ]
[ music | abbey on the phone ]

this quiz makes no sense to me right now since i've never heard any of his music.. )

[2] //

[12 Aug 2002|05:35pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | karsh kale - chilla ]

. )

i've had an incredibly bad headache since thursday. i think it's a super migraine. i'm scared. and now i'm hungry so i'mma go have some delicious thai soup.

[30 Jul 2002|06:46pm]
[ mood | irritated ]

i'm tired, pissed and uncomfortably warm.

i guess i'll try to cheer meself up by watching 'em ace ventura movies.

[29 Jul 2002|03:47pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | hitler laughing at *m*a*s*h* anecdotes ]

i'm bumming around at work. i should be going on break officially in about oh..15 minutes or so? right now i'm just y'know, yea.

i'm bored.
but it's not that bad.
at least i bypassed 'em schewpid firewalls. woo, yea!
although i can't check me mail or anything else really.

o well.
you win some, you lose some.

and i almost drank from hitler's can o' coke.

[28 Jul 2002|11:02pm]
i absolutely need to update my website and have one of those mind-jolting orgasmic epiphanies. domo has been sitting inactive for quite some time. i'm long overdue.

but instead, i will sit here and listen to my favourite ashcroft tune for the six hundred and forty-seven kerjillionth time and be more moved than ever.

this is music.

i'm afraid i'm the only one who caught that pun.

[28 Jul 2002|01:57pm]
i am hot, sticky and salty.
[2] //

[27 Jul 2002|02:30pm]
i dunno why mei ng's book has had such a big impact on me. i can't stop thinking about it now. and usually i like books with no definite endings; in fact i love them, but this time i keep wondering of the events that might or mightn't follow, of how the characters will continue their lives. i'm just as confused as them, if not more.

[26 Jul 2002|10:14pm]
[ mood | famished ]
[ music | richard ashcroft - on a beach ]

been reading and crying all night. relating, remembering, imagining. and ignoring a pile of impending tasks. i have to update my website. i need to email dina. i want ben to write back soon. i should stop ignoring gourab's phone calls. but i can't seem to see my way through this shite.

my nails are dirty.. [26 Jul 2002|06:39pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | richard ashcroft - song for the lovers ]

can someone please list some nifty communities that would be worth joining?

inflatable [25 Jul 2002|10:17pm]
i love too much
i miss too much
i hurt too much
i cry too much
i laugh too much
i talk too much
i lie too much
i eat too much
i itch too much
i need too much
i want too much
i wish too much
i look ugly too much
i feel ugly too much
i feel shitty too much
i feel depressed too much
i blame too much
i whine too much
i complain too much
[5] //

[25 Jul 2002|08:14pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | richard ashcroft - crazy world ]

eating chinese food naked
is proving to be an intriguing experience so far

today is thursday and i am waiting for a phonecall

this world wouldn't be a world without you in it )

[2] //

alone with everybody. [24 Jul 2002|09:44pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | richard ashcroft - new york ]

The Pope [Catholic Church version]
Aah, John Paul II is here.
Anyone wanna place bets on how many babies will be born 9 months from World Youth Day?

The Pope [Operation Mayflower version]
He's an existentialist like me! Yet another thing we have in common. Kid's definitely my fave.

Coldplay tickets have been purchased. It will be more than a concert for me. It will be an experience. I'm going to make sure A can come because without him, what could potentially be one of the best moments of my life, will be indubitably ruined. Entirely.

I wrote your name on a tree
Along with the days this is taking you
Away from me

I'm out on a beach
Sat on a rock
Thinking of you
And the love I've got

[11] //

[23 Jul 2002|09:41pm]
i dno
life is srta rlly shitty smtimes ykno?
lk xtrmly

n it cudda bin one of em nites tnigh
but i gss i avrtd it thx to eye n me mum
thnk ye both

i js wsh the ideal situ happnd smtimes
tha i wdnt hfta do tha xtra bit
bt mebbe all the xtra bits wll add up
n a day wll cm wn tha wshll be grntd

"and" [22 Jul 2002|05:45pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | fan whirring ]

mm it's warm and rainy and it's what i call "sultry weather" and the skies are falling and the wind is cool and the leaves glisten more while the grass grows greener and the sounds of traffic are muffled and the drops chase each other on the windowpane and the wipers dance their merry dance and it all goes swoosh swoosh swoosh.

and i love it.

today just whizzed by and i really dunno where the time went and i stood outside in a little huddle during lunch and the lightning crashed so very close to us and suddenly the thunder clamoured extremely loudly and two people screamed and clawed at my arms and i just laughed and closed my eyes and counted the seconds one two three.

and i loved it.

rick, a regular employee at hrdc, cut off his wonderful messy hair and i asked him why and he said it'd been getting too shaggy and i said i'd liked it more before so he laughed that amazing hearty laugh of his while his eyes just crinkled up so and i was more convinced than ever that he's a dopehead, i was.

mm messy shaggy hair, grippable hair and did you know that if i was a boy, i'd have a messy moptop just like milan from that finite class i took during the summer after grade eleven and he was the one with such delicious hair that i simply wanted to rake my fingers through it everytime i saw him and i dunno why i never did.

so, if you're a boy and your hair's grown a bit and you're wondering whether you should get a haircut or not, DON'T and you'll make me very happy.


[4] //

[21 Jul 2002|02:19pm]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | richard ashcroft - new york ]

my baby's gone for 6 days
i hope time turns into a runny soup so i can bear this excrutiatingly painful separation

but for now i'm just sitting at the table
hearing songs and wishing i was able

i hope i see you on the inside
brave new world

[2] //

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