Saturday, March 30th, 2002 |
10:35 pm |
wooooooweeeeeeeee what an awesome two weeks Hello everybody~ I hope none of you have forgotten me. I have been gone in florida for two weeks and also went on a cruise with a friend of mine. I HAD so MUCH FUCKING FUN! I want to go on a cruise again. I am so tan too. That was not my priority though. Meeting new people was and we did. Very friendly people in the Bahamas. Very cute people down there too! hee hee. I had so much fun and it was worth it. I just came back from a movie with my friend from cambridge. We went to a movie in Harvard Square. First we went and sat in Harvard Square park and talked for hours. She told me some pretty intamite. I love this girl to death. She is so awesome and openminded and sweet and honest. She is only 15 and I have only known her for four months. I never thought I would be such good friends with her. I am going ot miss her when I go off to college next year. So we sat in the playground in harvard Square park until it got pretty dark and cold.( Hey Nick, Bring back any memories?) We saw Monster Ball with Billy Bob Thorton and Halle Berry. That was the Movie that Halle BErry won her Oscar for. I love her to death but I am not really understanding why she won it. Oh well, nothing I can do about it. well I am off to read an Biogrpahy on Langston Hughes. nite nite. Oh for hardcorescotti, I know what your going through with your loss. I lost my grandmother two years ago and I still have a hard time going into her house and actually believing that she is gone.
Current Mood: awake Current Music: Incubus- I wish you were here |
Sunday, January 20th, 2002 |
1:58 am |
IT'S SNOWING OUT! I LOVE SNOW SOO MUCH!!! I have been waiting to get enough snow to go out and sled. Yes that is fuckign right, i enjoy sledding. Gotta a fucking probelm with that. I am damn ass good at it too! SO if ya don't like it, fuck off. hahahaha HAHAHAH my friend Lizzie, is trying to set me up on a date. Hahaha, she sent me a picture of him, he is a cutie. Beautiful eyes and actually taller then moi ( did not think that was possible) He is mad fly. Well I am going to drink sum corona and hit the bed. nity nite boys and girls! Emma Lou Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: Roll out- Ludacris |
Monday, January 14th, 2002 |
11:03 pm |
ahhhhhhh two down and two more to go.... I got throough two exams today. My god, do i hate exams. My friend and I were joking around about how far we would go not to take these exams. I said I would sleep with my teachers so I would not have to take these. NAH< I WOULD NEVER GO THAT FAR or would I???!?!?!?!??! *insert evil laugh* I am ssooooo tired and lonely. I need someone and quick. hee hee! My friend just invited me to go to Palm Beach for March Vacation with her! I cannot believe that! I am sooo excited. It will be nice and warm. Oh i cannot wait! yeah! he ehe. I have never been to Palm Beach before. I should probably go to bed for my morning exam tomorrow but I know i won't. I actually do better without more sleep. Weird, huh? i guess good nite goodie livejournal friends. And to those that cheered me up, thank you! *curtsee's* Emma Lou
Current Mood: awake Current Music: You rock my world- Micheal Jackson |
Sunday, January 13th, 2002 |
7:22 pm |
wow what a shitty day! I really do not feel like going into details. None of my friends are home to cheer me up! will someone please write me something to cheer me up? thank you even if you a random person who happens to be looking at my journal, it would all be appreciated! *curtsee's* Emma Lou Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: I can't make you love me if you don't- Bonnie Raitt |
Saturday, January 12th, 2002 |
6:34 pm |
so much so much so much going on! Let's see, where do I begin: I feel like such shit today. I feel like I am going throw up and i never throw up, so i get all stressed and nervous! I know it sounds stupid! I am so sore. I have this bruise on my hipe that is an explosion of purple and blue. It looks like the girl that I played in my b-bal game on thursday popped a blood vessel or something. I cannot even wear pants right now. I am also studying for exams for next week. Yikes, i am not lookign forward to this at all! I hate taking exams. Eventhough I get to take them untimed, i do not want to be in the theater forever trying to figure out my psychology exam. GRRRRRRRRR! Neway, My parents are having finacial trouble and there is nothing I can do to help out. It really frustrates me! if there is one thing I would do for my parents, it would be giving them finacial freedom. I mean they put two other children through private high school and private college. Now, it's my turn and I have had to turn down six (6) colleges that would be PERFECT FOR ME but are private colleges and are too expensive. I know it is not their fault but it makes me mad that i am suffering because my parents could not stratigize their money so that I would not be limited to huge universities. ( i know i am going to get lost in those places). I know that sounds so selfish but do i have a right to feel this way? *shurgs* I just know that I am sad because I do not even know if I am going to be able to stay at my school anymore. My parents have not been able to keep up with the payments and they almost held me from taking my exams this coming week. This is not the first time it has happened. The only good thing that has happened this week is that My friend from Chile is here and is staying for two weeks. I love her to death and I am so glad she is here. She is going ot Emerson next year and she always makes me sooooo happy no matter what happens. Current Mood: angryCurrent Music: ColorBlind- Counting Crows |
Friday, January 4th, 2002 |
9:38 pm |
Well today was very interesting! I finally met Nick! His username is z-vapor. He has liked me for awhile and after 8 months. EIGTH FREAKING MONTHS, we finally met eachother. He was so sweet! And he was so nice with gorgeoues eyes. We mostly hung around Harvard Square. We went out to eat and just had normal conversation. he reached out and held my hand. it is so sweet. He made me laugh a lot. Then we went walking around and sat down on the bench and talked somemore. He is so nice and very friendly. I just do not think i like him like that . I love hanging out with him. He was very understanding and said that he enjoyed himself also. I love being friends with him and i loved spending time with him! nick, if your reading this, you were awesome today and I do not regret it at all! Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: Rape me- Nirvana |
9:33 pm |
I have decided not too bash myself anymore. I know that is hard but I mean I am sick and tired of telling people that i am ugly or fat or whatever. hey if i have a guy telling me that i am attractive, then i should just believe them. Wait that sounds so concieted! OY VEY! |
Sunday, December 30th, 2001 |
7:17 pm |
OMG I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG! It is called Alive by P.O.D. I think the song is so beuatiful. My friend and I were eating pizza downtown and we heard. I instantly feel in love with it. You people on my friend's list have to download it. IIIIII FEEL SO ALIVE FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME it is a mad phat song! peace I am out! em-dawg Current Mood: energeticCurrent Music: P.O.D-ALIVE |
Wednesday, November 28th, 2001 |
10:54 pm |
AHH LIVEJOURNAL SUCKS MY ASS! There is always a fucking problem with my friends page or something else. CAN"T THEY FIX IT FOR FREAKING GOOD! oh well i should nto complain i am not a computer genuis so whatever! bye Current Mood: aggravated |
Wednesday, November 21st, 2001 |
9:05 pm |
WOOOO LONG TIME NO WRITE! SOrry, busy with these damn college essays. Okay that is the last time i am going to ever fucking talk about college. Oy vey! It is driving me nuts. I am soooooo happy to be on vaction! I have a whole six days off YIIIPPPPPIEEEEEE I am going up to New Hampshire in the woods away from this busy ass world be by at peace with my thoughts. hee hee I sound like Henry David Thoreau! I would really love to into the middle of nowhere and be by myself. For a tiny but. I cannot wait for snow. I am going to sledd my ass off! Ouch that would be quite painful. hee hee Ny nose is so itchy! ahhhh I cannot take it anymore. Let's see, Let's see what else do i have to say. Oh everyone in my school is all about teh fukcing semi-formal. AS USUAL! I have no date. I never get asked to these things. DAMNIT, i amjust going to go to these things by myself and have a kick ass time! YEAH BABY! see ya HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Current Mood: bouncyCurrent Music: Sour Times- Portishead |
Thursday, November 1st, 2001 |
8:56 pm |
WHAT A FUCKING WEEK! Oy vey, first a good friend of mine's aunt passed away. She is the type that holds in stuff so I am not sure how she is doing. Well at least she comes to me when she is upset. Then I just found out that My mom good friend was killed in a car accident yesterday! It was a freak accident. it is so sad because she was such a nice lady. I Am going ot miss her! Well, a head basketball coach claled me just to say hi and how is everything! well everyone have a good weekend Emma Current Mood: drainedCurrent Music: Tuesday's gone~Lynard Skynard |
Wednesday, October 24th, 2001 |
8:10 pm |
WOW I AM SUCH A KUlTSY PERSON! I sprained my fucking thumb in our soccer game today. I am teh goalie and I wa scatching a ball to save it and it jammed up! OUCH IT HURTS! It looks like a a fucking sausage link! Current Mood: embarrassedCurrent Music: ColorBlind- Counting Crows |
Friday, October 19th, 2001 |
4:48 pm |
UGH! This has been way to fucking long of a week. I just need to be by myself fr awhile! See ya later people Emma |
Tuesday, October 16th, 2001 |
8:45 pm |
oy VEY! it has been quite awhile since I had posted. Sorry guys, I am still alive I m just been fuckign busy with all of this college shit. I visited one college and they want me to have the basketball coach come watch me play! I almost shit in my pants when i heard that! It felt so cool to hear that. Me and my mother are finally getting a long. it is abotu time. I need parent sin my life right now, especially with all of this college stuff i am dealing with. I just realized how much I am going to miss my friends, school, and my house a lot. I am very ready for what college is gunna bring me but I do not, DO NOT WANT TO GROW UP! I mean I am goign ot miss my good friends that i have had for a long ass time, and teh new ones i have just made this year. I want to stay in touch but I know that I lose touch with some. I going to miss talking the train to school with friends and giggling and laughing teh whole way. I am so scared adn excited. I have just made so many new and old attachments at my school it is hard to realize that I will be in a new place next year making new attachments. CRAZY! really CRAZY! ah i get myself so worked up and then i get dperessed. Oh well, just suck up and deal with it!
Current Music: Cruisin'-Gwenyth Paltrow and Huey LEwis |
Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 |
5:34 pm |
This has been the craziest day! God, my brother lives in ManHattan 10 blocks from the World Trade Center. We just heard from him and he just really shooken up. one question: Can you imagine being on that flight and realizing " Hey guess what? You're gunna die today" I am feeling so sick to my stomache when I saw the second Flight crash into that building. ALso, these construction people were talking about how they saw 43 people jump to their death on just one-sid of the building!! That scares me so much. It scares me that these poeple were in my state and even in thsi country thsi fuckign morning whiel I was at school. Two girls' fathers were supposed to be on thjat flight from Boston to l.a. So many innocent people dying becuase sumeone wanted to get a point across. I mean, I just watch that fucking tape and can't evenb imagine what those people were thinking as that plane was going into that building. WHY WHY WHY WHY! Current Mood: shockedCurrent Music: Pixie-Where is my mind |
Friday, August 24th, 2001 |
10:37 pm |
hahahahaha I have this tank top with the word Diva written across it. i was looking at it in the mirror (and ya know how it switche steh lettering aroudn backwards) it says AVID. hahaha pretty amusing! Current Mood: amusedCurrent Music: Happy HArdcore_99 ballons (remix) |
4:20 pm |
grrrrrrr LIVEJOURNAL NEEDS AGOO DKICK IN THE FUCKING ASS!!!!!!!!! They won't le tme view my friend's list. mofo's please get your act together and fix it. Shesh! Current Mood: bitchyCurrent Music: Huey LEwis and Gweyneth Paltrow-Cruisin |
Monday, August 20th, 2001 |
10:25 pm |
when will i stop being pushed down for teh wya i feel. I can never ge tto express the way i feel! |
Saturday, August 18th, 2001 |
10:37 pm |
ever felt like u couldn't be loved by anyone? *sigh* Current Mood: depressedCurrent Music: Dave Matthews- BArtender |
Wednesday, August 15th, 2001 |
9:43 pm |
oh i feel so cute! wow taht was conceded! i am such a dork. I got a new haircut thsi weekend and I like it. hee hee. Well see my face is so fat so I look bad with long hair so i got it cut short and I love it. it looks cute. I even went into the bathroom and mimicked a pantene pro-v commercial. hahahah NOW I AM OFFICAL THE BIGGEST DORK! I am almost doen with work. no more kids annoyign and molestign me anymore! byye everyone hey peope comment ia m feeling lonely =( Emma |