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Wednesday, October 20th, 2004

Subject:cheeks. he cracks me up.
Time:4:50 am.
hey. it's 1:57pm. i didn't get JCS. lol, as if that were a shocker. i did get another callback on that film, how fucking weird. it's later this week. they liked me for the "hot young lawyer". why do i sense some sort of diabolical plan involving me and my client? what if i have a makeout scene? .......or worse.

don't hate me! i'm an actor!
2 drink my wine

Tuesday, October 19th, 2004

Time:11:10 am.
I have so much to do...I need to rent Much Ado About Nothing so I know what I'm doing for my scene, also Wonder Boys, and Fisher King. Christ.
drink my wine

Monday, October 18th, 2004

Subject:God Bless the New York Times...
Time:10:21 pm.
Mood: giggly.
From Jack Hitt's article:

"After the Kerry party chewed their burgers and slurped their Diet Cokes and Frosties, though, they retreated to their bus, where they were greeted with a meal smuggled in from the Newburgh Yacht Club: shrimp vindaloo, grilled diver sea scallops and prosciutto-wrapped stuffed chicken. The story got lots of play since it fed into the Republican charge that the Boston-raised, foreign-school-attending war hero John Kerry is even more elitist than the New Haven-born, prep-school-attending Potemkin cowboy George Bush."
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Time:8:07 am.
I spent the weekend in Boston 'cause Emerson had its open house. We ended up going to Cambridge on Saturday Night and Sunday Afternoon. It's...ridiculous. Go. I saw three street musicians (good ones) in ten minutes, old people (and I mean, literal 80 year olds) dancing in Harvard Square, and amazing Italian restaurant that made me feel like I was in Europe, and awesome, awesome, friendly people. Man, I wish I was ridiculously smart so I could go to Harvard. There are four kids from my high school who are applying there early, I hope they all get in because what an awesome education and atmosphere.
4 drink my wine

Friday, October 15th, 2004

Time:9:57 am.
Music:Pink Floyd: The Show Must Go On.
Um, I just found out Everything is Illuminated is going to be a movie and it's starring Elijah Wood. AND...Jonathan Safran Foer goes to this coffee shop in Park Slope I've been wanting to go to for the past few months, Ozzie's. Weird. I wonder if I'll ever see him there...
drink my wine

Time:8:54 am.
Mood: indifferent.
Music:U2- Even Better Than The Real Thing.
I'm going up to Boston for the weekend, and I'm trying to make a mix...also trying to make a mix for my friend Robin at Vassar. I've been playing U2 and Jon Brion a lot lately. (I hope I <3 Huckabees does something for Jon. He wrote the music for it ;-P) what else...I feel like I can't put Joni on a mix...just that you have to listen to her album as a whole...I don't know, the only one I can really stand listening to her with is Van maybe I'll make a mix with just them two. I can't wait until I get out of this house.
drink my wine

Thursday, October 14th, 2004

Subject:My Bush Riddle
Time:8:46 am.
Music:Only Living Boy in New York.
(c) 2004 Sam Lipman

NOTE: All misspelled words are intentional.

See, well, the uh…the uh internets is powerful. The internets is so powerful we can track our enemies and kill’em POW just like that. Boom! Hahaha. Yeah that’s right, America, I’m going to grab those terrerists by their necks and kill ‘em. Ye-haw! Alrighty, alrighty. Now, the spy…I mean the patriot act is a great thing. Yes it is. It’s so great. Too bad 98% of you don’t know what I’m talking about. But my opponent here…my opponent here thinks he’s always right and yet he flippy flops. Just like that. Now I’m tellin’ you, you can’t go into the wrong war at the wrong time! Who will trust a dict- a leader! Decifet smeshiciet…we’ll clean that mess up, believe me. My opponent talks about taxin’ the top two percent of Americans...and yet he wants to spend all this money, I say, how are you going to squeeze money outta rich people? You make ‘em buy! You give credits to their companionies. You gotta go for the hunt! Go for the kill! Just like I did with Sa-dem Hussein, got right there in that hole with him! Yes, I did! And military records smechords. I still went to Yale! And Harvard Business School! And my daddy taught me all the things I need to know. Heck, my brother’s even a governor himself! Believe it or not! Yes he is! And believe me, it is great having a brother in charge of swing state. Now, I got Dick helpin’ me out, and if I got Dick, that’s all I really need ain’t it? Stem cell research! Who cares! Keeping Alaska as a wildlife reserve- Drill ‘er! What matters is this; Iraq will be a democracy and it’s all because of me, me, me, me, me.
1 drink my wine

Tuesday, October 12th, 2004

Subject:I feel weird for seeing Tanya. Oh well.
Time:5:40 am.

*a monthly event showcasing extraordinary women in music and fashion. this event is held the last monday of each month. created by melissa ulto - dj miixy the digi pixi: women are given the opportunity to perform and are considered for future performances promoted by tarzaanEntertainment. vist:

monday night october 25th @ 9pm $5 cover

jesse robertson; VJ drue love; mixxy; andrea grant; tanya buziak

blaggard's pub is located @: 8 west 38th street in manhattan (between 5th and 6th avenue)
drink my wine

Saturday, October 9th, 2004

Time:10:18 pm.
Today was awesome, so awesome. Nathan's was selling hot dogs for 5 cents...ridiculous! had a lesson w/ scott, and yeah, everything is awesome, we started "help me" and talked about Jon Brion/Paris most of the time. I hope he gets the record deal he deserves, and the tour. I need to get myself some Waits...he wrote this song for los lobos and it's just INSANE! So good. Must get some. And also some Elvis Costello. Yes. Mona was with me and I took her to Park Slope, stopped off at the superhero supply store, to buy some stuff for my science project; my element is Aluminum...and it was really funny, I used the capery...and they put gloves and a mask on me...and some lady took a picture...guess I looked pretty god damn funny w/ mad scientist rubber gloves, a mask and an aluminum cape. my superhero name was obviously the aluminator...they all gave me best wishes on my presentation and wished that they could come watch me stand in front of 20 high school students in my superhero costume. Oh and I also bought a secret identity, cause you know, I need that if I'm going to attend to all my superhero tasks. I love it.
drink my wine

Time:12:17 am.
Dude, Dude...turn on PBS right now if you get it! This is so awesome I can't describe. Just turn it on...this awesome muslim american actor is on. I love him, I love him.
drink my wine

Thursday, October 7th, 2004

Time:3:53 pm.
Why does the media always try to scare the public?

I got a package today from this woman in California...she sent me two of her poetry books w/ a handwritten note (just, samantha, I hope you enjoy these poems! - Eileen)...I have never met this is weird...she also sent me this thing about a reading a fordham (maybe she's a prof there?) w/ Billy Collins and David Lehman...also insanely weird...I LOVE David Lehman and he was in my dad's high school class at stuyvesant. Weird. Oh yeah her name is Eileen Tabios. If I know you and you know that I met her, please tell me.
drink my wine

Wednesday, October 6th, 2004

Time:10:20 pm.
I cannot speak of America any longer, it depresses me and makes my head hurt. I have read and heard the names Kerry and Bush too many times. My ears hurt. I am listening to Mozart; he is poetry. I am not sure what song I'm listening to though, because my father got the cd from one of his work friends who is a classical music buff. For some reason Mozart reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe...for some reason, even his upbeat songs.
drink my wine

Subject:so god damn amusing, I just had to share this with you all.
Time:7:38 pm.
Connie Rice: Top 10 Secrets They Don't Want You to Know About the Debates
The Tavis Smiley Show audio

The Tavis Smiley Show, September 29, 2004 · After weeks of political wrangling, Sen. John Kerry and President Bush will square off for the first of three key presidential debates. Both camps have agreed to an elaborate, 32-page contract that spells out everything from the size of the dressing rooms to permitted camera angles.

But the controversy over the debates threatens to overshadow the events themselves. Some citizen groups complain that the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) isn't as non-partisan as it should be, and that Kerry and Bush won't be pressed on urban issues. Commentator Connie Rice says that's just the tip of the iceberg, and she's got another Top 10 list -- this time: Top 10 Secrets They Don't Want You to Know About the Debates.

(10.) They aren't debates!

"A debate is a head-to-head, spontaneous, structured argument over the merits of an issue," Rice says. "Under the ridiculous 32-page contract that reads like the rules for the Miss America Pageant, there will be no candidate-to-candidate questions, no rebuttal to your opponent's points, no cross questions or cross answers, no rebuttals, no follow-up questions -- that's not a debate, that's a news conference."

(9.) The debates were hijacked from the truly independent League of Women Voters in 1986.

"The League of Women Voters ran these debates with an iron hand as open, transparent, non-partisan events from 1976 to 1984," Rice says. "The men running the major campaigns ended their control when the League defiantly included John Anderson and Ross Perot, and used tough moderators and formats the parties didn't like. The parties snatched the debates from the League and formed the Commission on Presidential Debates -- the CPD -- in 1986."

(8.) The "independent and non-partisan" Commission on Presidential Debates is neither independent nor non-partisan.

"CPD should stand for 'Cloaking-device for Party Deceptions' -- it is not an independent commission on anything. The CPD is under the total control of the Republican and Democratic parties and by definition bipartisan, not non-partisan. Walter Cronkite called CPD-sponsored debates an 'unconscionable fraud.'"

(7.) The secretly negotiated debate contract bars Kerry and Bush from any and all other debates for the entire campaign.

"Under what I call the Debate Suppression and Monopolization Clause of the contract, it is illegal for the candidates to debate each other anywhere else during the campaign," Rice says. "We need a new criminal law for reckless endangerment of democracy."

(6.) The debate contract effectively excludes all other serious presidential candidates from participating in the debates.

"This is what I call the Obstruction of Democratic Debate Rule, which sets an impossibly high threshold for third-party candidates... Where are we, Russia? Isn't Vladimir Putin wiping out democracy in Russia by excluding all opposing candidates from the airwaves during his re-election campaigns? Most new ideas come from third parties -- they should be in the debates."

(5.) All members of the studio audience must be certified as "soft" supporters of Bush and Kerry, under selection procedures they approve.

"It's not enough to rig the debate -- they have to rig the audience, too? The contract reads: 'The debate will take place before a live audience of between 100 and 150 persons who... describe themselves as likely voters who are soft Bush supporters or soft Kerry supporters.' We should crash this charade and jump up in the middle to declare ourselves hard opponents of this Kabuki dance."

(4.) These "soft" audience members must "observe in silence."

"Soft and silent... In what I'm calling the Silence of the Lambs Clause of this absurd contract, the audience may not move, speak, gesture, cough or otherwise show that they are alive and thinking."

(3.) The "extended discussion" portion of the debate cannot exceed 30 seconds.

"Other than the stupidity of the debate contract, what topic do you know that can be extendedly discussed in 30 seconds?"

(2.) Important issues are locked out by the CPD debate rules and party control.

"Really important but sticky or tough issues get axed, because the parties control the questions and topics," Rice says. "For example, in 2000, Gore and Bush mentioned the following issues zero times: Child poverty, the drug war, homelessness, working-class families, NAFTA, prisons, corporate crime and corporate welfare."

(1.) Fortune 100 corporations are the main funders of the CPD-sponsored debates, and the CPD's co-chairs are corporate lobbyists.

The CPD is run by Frank Fahrenkopf, a pharmaceutical industry lobbyist, and Paul Kirk, a top gambling lobbyist," Rice says. "And the biggest muliti-national corporations write the checks that fund the CPD -- Phillip Morris, Anheuser-Busch and dozens more. The audience may have to be silent and motionless, but the corporate sponsors can have banners, beer tents, Budweiser girls handing out pamphlets protesting beer taxes -- a corporate-sponsored circus to go along with the Kabuki Debates. Could we get a more fitting description of our democracy?"

More Commentary by Connie Rice
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Tuesday, October 5th, 2004

Time:8:49 pm.
Dear Friends,

It happens again this Saturday night:

Saturday, October 9 at 11pm
CBGB's Gallery (313 Bowery at Bleecker)

Much love,

(No, not that Jeremy. But he's good so check him out.)
drink my wine

Time:1:06 pm.
Who the hell are we. My head hurts. I'm writing a new story. We'll see how it goes. I found a physics book, but it costs $66...and it's only like, a hundred pages long. I'll go to Labrinyth and see if they're selling a used one. It's weird. I asked a teacher to recommend me a physics book and he recommended the one he uses for his ap class. i feel weird. ive never taken physics and he knows that. I guess it's just philosophy. yes. nice.

Mona crawled up three flights of stairs and woke me up at 4 am. She was crying outside of my door, so I picked her up and brought her into my bed. We laid there for a while. She's so warm. but she was snoring so loud I couldn't sleep. I brought her downstairs at 6.

I wish I could cook. I'm going to learn.
drink my wine

Monday, October 4th, 2004

Time:5:53 pm.
just shaking my head. You people.

I feel like this should be all glittery and read "My Life!"

It's not all that interesting...I guess it me it is...but I'm a person whose name only matters to myself.
Ah hah! Arturo Bandini.

I have to write about a moment where I lost my innocense, and I'm excited because, I haven't really written fiction about him yet. I'm going to change names and everything...and reconstruct a lot of the story, but I just love this person and his character traits so much. pure love. Lol, I mean, it's not like he took my innocense, it's just, I grew up with him. and no, I'm not some moody teenager just saying that and how much I'll regret it in the future...this is a clear picture for me. I grew up with him. I'm probably going to the gig on the 20th, and I love the living room, so that's cool...Tribeca is turning into an awesome area. I have so many places to go, I'm going to sign up for one of the workshops at 826nyc. I'm also becoming an ally for my friend's muslim ally group at teachers & writers in the city. I'm really really excited for that. This girl, is just so awesome. it's so weird though...I don't know, I guess most poets are...the ones I've connected w/ anyway in the poetry's cool because we connected as artists first...I saw her read, she saw me read, we became friends. I have to stop by the library at some point and rent the fisher king, and pick up some elvis costello cds. I've been listening to Van Hunt a lot lately too...I just found his cd again...and Court & Spark still...and the Amelie soundtrack. I have to take pictures of my puppy and post them up because she is literally the cutest thing in the universe. She sleeps most of the day, curled up in my lap, chases my feet, runs with my other dog Hampton and is just, so friggin cute. I have to go over to Maria Regina tonight and sign up for driver's atleast I can drive to the city. I feel like charlie kaufman. speaking in montone voices to myself. I'm tired, but not lost...not scared just tired. is it possible to be tired and ready to sleep when you're lost or does your brain wake up automatically. I'll let you know.
drink my wine

Sunday, October 3rd, 2004

Time:7:30 pm.
I just saw I <3 Huckabees. I don't think I can get everything down about this movie. It made me think a lot, but the ideas they discussed were ones I'd either already thought about or had read about...and it got me into coming up with some philosophies on my own. I'm having trouble getting them down on the page without sounding like a lunatic. I started my new book today, and I love it. I have to get another one by the same author though, because the other book was his first one. Mona slept in my dad's lap while we drove around; it was the cutest thing ever. I'm thinking about writing a new essay, a story I guess really. I used to pick up trash I saw on the trains, because I was digusted with the people who would just leave newspapers and spilt drinks and just crap, so I picked them up, and this one conductor saw me do it once, and we had this conversation about how nasty some people can be. and then he saw me do it again and was like, "I knew you looked familiar!" Yes, I am the girl who picks up other people's garbage on the train. Our phone line's dead and that sucks, I hope it works later. know what I hate, but what most people love? Laying in a dark room and listening to music. I hate it. It makes me feel so haunted.
drink my wine

Saturday, October 2nd, 2004

Time:10:12 pm.
Today has been. amazing.
drink my wine

Thursday, September 30th, 2004

Time:4:38 pm.
Mood: content.
Music:Comptine D'Un Autre Ete: L'Apres Midi.
My new obsession is the Amelie soundtrack. I can't get over that music (or that film, for the matter) I wrote a screenplay as my college essay, lol. I'm hoping it'll fly with some of my teachers. I listened to Ravel for most of the morning. ::shocked face:: and then, one of my essays is on Amelie, so I decided to watch it again to put specific points in my paper. My other one (the screenplay) is the first time I read at the bowery poetry club. :-)
2 drink my wine

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