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sunnie-side avenue
or, "be obsequious, purple, and clairvoyant"
monster house
I've been browsing NW Real Estate for the past week or two, getting ideas on what exactly we can afford to buy (we got our loan pre-qualification this week, yay!) and I keep stumbling across this place. It looks... interesting, and it's probably got lots of character, but it's just kind of peculiar. Not your normal cookie-cutter home, that's for sure.

Current Mood: curious

cruising lake washington
userinfole_merle, userinfo9thmoon, and I went on a cruise around the northern half of Lake Washington this evening, arranged by my Employees' Association. We got discounted tickets, which was nice, and they provided very good snacky stuff (which, of course, ended up figuring in my decision to take today off the diet, but I'll start fresh again tomorrow). The weather was perfect, and the cruise was lovely (and much more fun for the addition of good company).

After the cruise, we headed to The Cheesecake Factory for appetizers and dessert. The only sadness of the evening was that they were out of Godiva Cheesecake. *sniffle* But the Dulce de Leche was good. =)

Current Mood: tired

you're gonna carry that weight...
We just finished watching Cowboy Bebop, which we had never seen before (except for the movie, which we saw without knowing anything about the series). We borrowed all the DVDs from userinfobennybot, and we've been watching it late at night, several episodes at a time.

I'm really sad to see it end, because it was great. Very engaging. I loved the characters and the stories (I [heart] Edward), and I understand now why so many of my friends recommend it.

Of course, now we need to rent the movie. I imagine it's even better when you understand the characters and the backstory. =)

see you space cowboy...
I am officially a sap.
I'm watching an old West Wing episode ('In Excelsis Deo') and sniffling like a big ol' baby. When Mrs. Landingham says "Toby? I'd like to come along." at the end, and the boys choir starts singing? Yeah. Allllll choked up.

I love this show.

Current Mood: happy-sniffly
Current Music: TV: West Wing (Little Drummer Boy)

Oh, and also:
userinfosamhamm is my hero, for making me the MIDI file I needed to have my Good Eats cellphone ringtone again. =) (I just love knowing music geeks.)

Current Mood: happy

Calling the LJ Brain Trust
I'm looking for a good (preferably freeware/shareware) WAV to MIDI converter. Does such a thing exist, and if so, where could I get it?

Current Mood: busy

I'm generally ambivalent about animated icons, but userinfozannechaos put up a link to these, which led me to these (spoiler warning for 'LOTR: Return of the King' trailer on that second link), both of which have some very, very pretty icons. Ooh.

(on that note: bedtime. WHY am I still up?)
Happy birthday to userinfomelodywise and userinfoburan!
Working a 12-hour shift is bad for my mood.
I am Miss Crankypants tonight.

Current Mood: crankypants-like

In my dream last night, I was taking a job as a nanny/housekeeper for this couple, nobody I recognized, but I had (in my dream) a premonition that at some point during my employ with them, I'd come back to the house and find them both violently killed, and I spent most of my time trying to keep them from leaving my sight, because I was afraid that if they did, they would die.

*shiver* Luckily I woke up before that 'happened', but it's left me with a suspicious, shivery feeling this morning. And I have to work a 12-hr shift.

Current Mood: unsettled

Alegria and other musings
I just bought two tickets to see Alegria next month. Whew. That ate up most of my entertainment budget for the next couple of weeks, but I've been wanting to see a Cirque du Soleil show for a long time.

Today I'm going to pamper myself, I think. Take a nice long bath with a Lush bath bomb, then drive up to have dinner with Rich, and doing laundry later tonight. What a tough life I lead. ;)

Current Mood: happy

recap, Monday
Eeee. Rich bought me the Neon Genesis Evangelion box set! *glee*

And today was my Friday. I didn't do anything at work today. Instead, I rode with Marine Patrol for about 5 hours and had a blast. I love being on the lake... I think we're definitely going to have to get a boat some day.

Now I've got three days off ahead of me. Whatever shall I do with my time? I'm having dinner with userinfosilenceleigh on Thursday, which should be fun. That leaves Tuesday and Wednesday open. I really should get something accomplished around here, like laundry, and cleaning... but that's boring. Anyone want to get together?

Current Mood: giddy
Current Music: DVD: Cowboy Bebop

blah. hate stupid people.

(nothing that a good nap won't cure.)

Current Mood: burned out

RIP, Michelina's YuSing bowls?
I stopped by QFC tonight, looking for Michelina's YuSing bowls because I've developed quite a fondness for the Sesame Chicken, which has a lovely spicy sauce on it. For some reason, that flavor has been hard to find for a while, but last shopping trip I found it in stock at QFC and bought a few.

Well, now I'm out. And so is the QFC, apparently. Rich checked the other one in the area for me on his way home and also struck out... and the store employee says that Michelina's revised their line a few weeks ago. Neither of us could find any YuSing bowls.

If they've discontinued it, I'm going to be very sad. Sigh.
Friday Five: webstuff
  1. How much time do you spend online each day?
  2. More than I should, probably. =)

  3. What is your browser homepage set to?
  4. about: blank

  5. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
  6. AIM, ICQ, Yahoo! and MSN. Hoorj for Trillian!

  7. Where was your first webpage located?
  8. On the University of Utah's webservers, created in late 1994. An empty shell of it still exists (shock). Fortunately, its original form pre-dates the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. You can still see what my webpage looked like in 1998, though. *wince*

  9. How long have you had your current website?
  10. Since... uh... September of 2000, it would have to be, since I just renewed my domain for another year. The domain was a gift from my then-fiance, who purchased it and then sent me an email from what would become my new (and now current) email address. Ah, geek love...
Mounr Rainier could erupt at ANY SECOND. DEATH and DOOM and DESTRUCTION will be UPON US. AIYEEEE!

Current Mood: silly

livejournal haiku
I wasn't going to post this one, but it was too good to pass up.

LiveJournal Haiku!
Your name:solcita
Your haiku:feel the wind through it
as i walked out the door
to leave for dinner
Created by Grahame

Current Mood: amused

addresses and phone numbers
I decided to update my address book tonight in preparation for adding all my contacts to my new cell phone, and I realized that my information is woefully out of date. Half of you have moved since I last asked for phone numbers and addresses, I swear...

So, it's time for another poll. If you want me to have your information, please fill it out. I promise I won't use it for nefarious purposes, though you might get a stealth postcard or phone call from time to time. =)

Poll #167401: your contact information, should you choose to provide it
Open to: all, results viewable to: none

Who should letters or postcards be addressed to?

Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3 (wow, you have a long address)

City, State, Zipcode

Home Phone

Cell Phone or Pager

Any other phone number you think I should have

Email address(es)

Anything else?

I'm rather amused that, despite the fact we've added two electric fans (one that runs 24/7 and one that runs 16 hours most days) over the last two months, our power bill keeps going down.

Not that I'm complaining, mind. I just find it interesting.

Current Mood: content

good morning!
Time for an oldie-but-goodie, I think (I always love reading the answers to this one 'cause you guys are all so interesting, and it's been a while since I've done it, so...)
Poll #166806: Secrets (in 255 characters or less)
Open to: all, results viewable to: none

Tell me a secret? (Nobody will see it but me.)

Current Mood: curious
Current Music: NPR: Prairie Home Companion

about me
bright shadows
User: userinfosolcita
Name: bright shadows
Website: tabula rasa
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Back August 2003
thought of the day
go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.