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Below is user information for icelandic <fire> dancing girl. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:puppiesbyproxy (625327) puppiesbyproxy
Name:icelandic <fire> dancing girl
Location:Bellingham, Washington, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Lolita Prodigy (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Memories:10 entries
Interests:126: activism, affection, agressive guys, ambiguity, angst, anthropology, anthropomorphism, banana slugs, bdsm, being flexable, biology, broken mirrors, bruises, burning man, caffine, cage dancers, cellophane square, celtic music, chains, charisma, clitori, costume design, cuddling, culture, cuteness, cynicism, dancing, dark eye makeup, ddr, debauchery, defenstration, digital photo editing, doppler, downtown, dr suess, dreads, dumpster diving, ebola, egalitarianism, entropy, epistemology, equality, ethics, evergreen state college, extreme fun, eyeliner, fetish clothes, fetish gear, finding things, firedancing, fleetwood mac, folk music, freak dancing, freak manor, free food, french, george orwell, go-go dancers, gothic lolita, guys with long hair, hardcore elitism, hitch hiking, homelessness, hot hot kana, huckleberries, iceland, inside jokes, insomnia, introspection, japan, japanese, jim morrison, joules graves, jägermeister, kawaii, land of mu, lolita, long hair, long haired guys, loud music, mark leyner, metal workers, milo and otis, nipple piercing, nonconformity, nudity, ontology, parties, peircings, penguins, performance protesting, philosophy, pirates, poi, poi dancing, poi for peace, porn shops, portland, poseurs, post modernism, protesting, radical cheerleaders, raw food, sapiosexuality, sca, self-employment, sex, shannon hoon, sign language, simon and garfunkle, sleep deprivation, sleeping under stars, smashing the state, social politics, striped tights, techno, telepathy, the grateful dead, the horseshoe cafe, the human condition, the river farm, tongue piercings, trampolines, uber-cute, vending, voltaire. [Modify yours]
People27:_albeit_, _wanderer_, allshapesdivide, amusementdevice, annahsophia, becala, crustyprincess, dsi, gelf_girl, hairy_bill, igniprimum, keegangoesgrrr, keira9198, leluiahkiani, masakist, midnight_knight, midnite_stalker, not_a_goth, notasyouthink, pixykatt, puppiesbyproxy, sayaka, spunkwater, sshivradrastae, teri_lee, thevamplestat, ugly_boy
Communities16:an_tir, bham, burningman_camp, cirquedelarue, freakmanor, ljbham, long_hair_guys, mycology, nwpartykids, peak_oil, poi_juggle_fire, psilocybin, pyronymphomania, shutter_2_think, tesc, the_black_drop
Feeds4:choblog, dictionary_wotd, oil_peak_news, tesc_resnet
Friend of:51: __iwanttodie, _albeit_, _wanderer_, allshapesdivide, alokhe, amusementdevice, annahsophia, australiancandy, becala, cheapdialogue, chocolateaddict, crustyprincess, daphneaguilera, delilarei, dovinia, dsi, fairlina, gelf_girl, hairy_bill, hydralisk, igniprimum, iwannabearomeo, iwillbepure, jammypieface, keegangoesgrrr, keira9198, keric, leluiahkiani, lunar_shrubbery, masakist, midnight_knight, monstrrr, not_a_goth, notasyouthink, pixykatt, poet_warrior_, pubert_chan, punkzoe, puppiesbyproxy, rhi_rhi, saint_lucifer, shadowpixie, spunkwater, sshivradrastae, tangerinepotato, teri_lee, thevamplestat, thinkingmonkey, trumidnite, ugly_boy, wildzephyr
Member of:19: adbusting, an_tir, bham, burning_man, burningman_camp, cirquedelarue, freakmanor, ljbham, long_hair_guys, mycology, nofaux, nwpartykids, original_look, peak_oil, psilocybin, pyronymphomania, shutter_2_think, tesc, the_black_drop
Account type:Free Account

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