Spicy Brains

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Friday, September 26th, 2003
10:53 am
Happy birthday to userinfosaintswife!

current mood: good

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Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003
5:02 pm - Voting with your pocketbook
You know, I want to stop buying things made in China, but I really, really, really can't.
*Everything* is made in China or Taiwan nowadays. You can't really get around it. Unless you're willing to do without. Or look a lot harder then I have time to look.

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2:58 pm
The Potion Maker
9thmoonium is a milky, pasty peach gel pulled from the heart of a wolverine.
Mix with 9thmoon! Username:
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

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2:44 pm

You can laugh at me if you want.

Last night, on the way home from work, I finally found something I've been looking for for ... fourteen years, I think? A really, really long time.

I finally found
the harmony
to Alice in Chains'
Bleed the Freak

and it was fulfilling
and it was wonderful
and it made me very happy.

Take happiness where you can find it, eh?

current mood: satisfied

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12:13 am
Got DSL back.
I should be asleep, but I've been on There crack all night. I finally figured out how to use a port-a-zone, and I almost bought Rosetta's chair, 'til I remembered she was selling it so she could buy a couch...

current mood: zzzzzzz

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Monday, September 22nd, 2003
10:35 am
Back to work.
I only had 85 emails, a half dozen fires smoldering, and everybody was so happy to see me.
I gotta not jinx this by talking about how cool it is.

current mood: appreciated

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Saturday, September 20th, 2003
3:11 pm
We moved furniture today.
I also d/l'd There with the 56k modem, but I'm afraid to try to log in.

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Friday, September 19th, 2003
9:36 pm - Question for my favorite crazy-survivalist-type
userinfocommander_zero, what kind of gear/supplies would you suggest that your average Joe Citizen should have in every room in his house?

I'm thinking things like flashlights, self-defense, food, water, blanket, etc - I mean, you can keep all that stuff in one room, but what if, when the time comes, you can't get to that room?

I'm trying to mentally catalog what I need to find room for in every room in my new place.

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Tuesday, September 16th, 2003
1:55 pm
userinfokitiara shares a post by userinfogreenpad about marriage, feminism, equality, and the Fairy Tale Princess Wedding.

Definitely worth a read. I'll post a mini-rant about it later. =)

current mood: thoughtful

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12:24 pm
Has anyone heard from userinfouranushertz or userinfoxenagoddessfire?

current mood: worried

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11:09 am - more dreams
Last night I dreamed that userinfodantheserene kissed me in his ex-wife's closet.

I don't even know userinfodantheserene. Yet.

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10:57 am
If there is a god, it made some mistakes.

current mood: thoughtful

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Monday, September 15th, 2003
1:10 pm - also
Me and userinfol2g rock. We've been working on the house one night a week for a few hours, just generally cleaning it up, cleaning it out, stuff like that.
Thursday night we cleaned out the garage. Like almost all of it. We did such a good job, and now there's room to store furniture and motorcycles in there, and stuff.

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11:06 am - Weekend update
Still no net at home, hopefully it'll be fixed Thursday (pleasegodPLEASE).

Friday: After work, spent the evening with my sweetie. We watched Zoolander and the Zero Effect. And we ate food, I think.

Saturday: How is it that I can't remember Saturday? That was only day before yesterday. Um, I did something... then I went to Mom and Dad's, where I was intending to help paint their porch, but instead ended up pruning overgrown bushes and getting on the roof to help with the new roof they're covering the porch with. The most dramatic part of the day: I got on the roof and back down FOUR TIMES without freezing up and freaking out about stepping off the roof onto the ladder even once. Even when I almost slid into the gutter. Yay me.

Car started making funny noises, like a belt squealing and slipping, but it's right behind the dashboard and there are no belts behind the dashboard, so I don't know what it is. It's sporadic, and it's not the alternator.

I think I did something Saturday night but I don't remember what.

Sunday: Morning will be written about in another filter. (heh) In the afternoon I went to visit me hermana userinfolorraine and pet her kitty and drink coffee and eat tookies and watch a lot of Gilmore Girls. That was very fun and I needed it.
Sunday night I went home and me and userinfole_merle watched the Discovery channel special "Living With Tigers" which was way WAY better than that Nefertiti thing they got us all excited about.
Then we went to bed early.

To steal a line from userinfoflaminghalo,

The End.

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10:18 am - Stress dreams
In my dream, I woke up with userinfossanu in my bed. He was ordering Chinese food on a cordless phone. When he saw I was awake, he leaned over and kissed me on the forehead and gave me a big smile. I wondered what I was doing there, and what he was doing there. Even in the dream, I knew he and I weren't "together". I lived in a rented room at userinfonder's house. We had parties on the roof. We got on the roof by climbing the lattice where he was growing clematis.
The clock said 10:00 on the dot. I was supposed to be at work at 9:00. He'd decided I was too stressed and needed a day off, so he'd snuck in and turned off my alarm. Doing a favor for me. Whether I liked it or not.
I was upset. I thought it was disrespectful. He thought that my being upset about it was even more of an indication that I needed some time off.
Then my alarm went off for real, and I woke in a panic and lay there with my heart pounding trying to convince myself it really was only 8:00.

current mood: tired
current music: Ramstein

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Friday, September 12th, 2003
4:52 pm
My country station is playing Johnny Cash's remake of NIN.

current mood: surprised

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3:30 pm
I am having a very bad day at work.

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10:57 am
Oh my god, I'm eating cheese out of a can.

I got a wild hair for crazy foods Monday when I did my weekly lunch-food shopping. I even bought those little Ritz cracker peanut butter sandwiches.

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Thursday, September 11th, 2003
4:26 pm
ho ho ho
who wouldn't go
ho ho ho
who wouldn't go
up on the housetop
click click click
down through the chimney
with good Saint Nick

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1:35 pm
I went to a new grocery store on my lunch break.
The cashier looked at what I was buying and started making jokes about wild parties and cranberry shots.


current mood: amused

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