After reading the comments to this post, I decided I should probably have included my own opinion. But the reason I didn't is the same reason I sound wishy-washy and confused here. I see all sides of this pretty clearly and agree when them all to a degree. The real question is: who is making the request? How do black people feel? The article makes it look like some white suit decided to have a cow over this. How arrogant of him to assume that he knows what is best for a group that he's not part of! Then again, how nice of him to be sensitive and not leave all the fighting up to a group of people that constantly have to fight for themselves anyway. Then again, how ridiculous is it to take offense at these terms. Then again, how do any of us--and by "us", I mean myself and the 3 people who commented on my original post so far--know what it feels like to be descended only a few generations from people who were enslaved on the same soil on which we live? All of us are probably descended from slaves at some point in our geneaology, but not in the same, immediate sense as black people today. So I see all sides, including the one that is shaking their head and saying, "good lord, it's just a label for disk drives." My opinion is that this dude should have gone to an appropriate group that actually contained black people and given it to them to do with it whatever they wish, and then given his full support if they wished to act. That is both empowerment and sensitivity rather than paternalism.
via watrfae------------Quoted from www.whitehouse.gov 11/26/2003---
Colby, from Centralia MO writes:
Do you feel that Pagan faith based groups should be given the same considerations as any other group that seeks aid?
Jim Towey I haven't run into a pagan faith-based group yet, much less a pagan group that cares for the poor! Once you make it clear to any applicant that public money must go to public purposes and can't be used to promote ideology, the fringe groups lose interest. Helping the poor is tough work and only those with loving hearts seem drawn to it.
---------------------end of quote------------------------------So if you are a pagan, and you do community work, let this man know by way of holiday card, letter, fax or phone call. If you're not a pagan, and are as offended by his assumption as many are, contact him and tell him how you feel! I'm a pagan only in the sense that I am not Christian, Muslim, or Jewish, but I have enough friends who are actively practicing pagans in the typical sense and I have done enough study to know that this guy is dreadfully misinformed. Jim Towey, Director, Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives The White House Washington, DC 20502 (202) 456-6708 (phone) (202) 456-7019 (fax) www.fbci.gov
I don't get it. I swear, I went to bed at like 1, fell asleep by 1:30, and mmy alarm went off at 9:30. What is my problem? Must sleep more. But I have appointments and then I have to tutor one student, have a preliminary meeting with a prospective tutoring student, work at my computer center job, come home, do laundry, clean Rikki's cage, write up a care sheet for his caretaker, confirm my ride to the airport tomorrow morning (Tomorrow! Morning!) and probably 10 other things I'm forgetting, all in preparation for leaving tomorrow morning. Tomorrow! Morning! I'll only be in Austin for like 3 days, 5 if you count the days I'm flying but I don't, so it's unlikely I'll get to see anyone but dementia138. I'll be back for winter vacation though, so anyone that still wants to see me, can. I have no idea who will want to though. I seem to have pushed everyone away. Mmmm. Going to be a late night.
But actually, I've been posting at least once a day. So really, I've just not been posting anything meaningful. A small few of you know what I really have on my mind and where my alternate negativity and silence are coming from. For the rest.. I'm not sorry, but um, understanding, of the fact that my being so cryptic and closed-mouthed is annoying. It kinda sucks, and it's causing some people to consider me a negative and/or vacuous person. Which sucks for you, because I am neither. I might be inclined to be overly-negative at times but I am also able to deal with an amazing amount of crap without cracking and I'd really rather be resilient and occasionally a bitch than constantly cheerful til I crack.
God, I can't believe I made one of these announcements. Maybe I'll delete this right now. I don't owe anybody explanations. But I feel like giving them anyway.
So.. what do people normally post about? Things they do? Things they think? I've been making sock monkeys all night. The last one became a sock kitten. I just need to pick up some stuff for whiskers for it. They're really very cute. I really need to get my gallery put up so you can see my adorable sock animals.
Nelson complains that when I talk to him I don't talk about anything important. To be honest, I don't really talk about important stuff almost ever. I just write about it. The "deep" conversations I end up in are always brought up by other people and they are never about things I don't know a lot about. And I only know very specific things, none of which overlap with his specific things. I just don't do well with thinking and speaking on the fly, so I write more than I talk cause it gives me time to organize.
Merf. Friends just called looking for Nelson and now my feelings are hurt that they were uninterested in hanging out with me. I'm probably reading more into it than I should but as I said, I'm inclined to be negative lately. So I will eat tomato soup and make more monkeys.