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// Why, George Washington, Why? / [Aug. 6th, 2003|12:25 pm]
[mood | discontent]
[music |"Duvet" by BoA*]

Libra Horoscope for week of August 7, 2003
George Washington was afflicted with smallpox, malaria, pleurisy, consumption, amoebic dysentery, rotten teeth, and Kleinfelter's syndrome. That didn't stop him from accomplishing feats that earned him a place in the history books. I suggest you make him your patron saint in the coming weeks, Libra. Draw inspiration from his heroic ability to overcome personal discomfort. You're in a prime position to render months of suffering irrelevant with a decisive triumph.

.... Kleinfelter's syndrome?!?!? Wooow, learn something new every day.

Why Georgia? - by John Mayer
lyrics )

So what, so I've got a smile on
But it's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head
Don't believe me
When I say I've got it down

Everybody is just a stranger but
That's the danger in going my own way
I guess it's the price I have to pay
Still "everything happens for a reason"
Is no reason not to ask myself

If I am living it right
Am I living it right?
Am I living it right?
Why Georgia, why?
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// Fantasy Race Quiz / [Aug. 5th, 2003|06:16 pm]
[mood |cute]
[music |"Love story (Club mix)" by Ruki vverh]

You're a Kender!
You're a Kender/Halfling!! They may be short, but
they aren't afraid of anything. They love
stuff.... Anything... Anything with colours..
anything shiny. Things always seem to
"appear" in their pockets and
pouches, but never call them thieves....
Oh...And they are -very- talkative....
Extreme.... They almost never stop
talking...And they always tell a tale.. whether
it's true or not... Don't get them started.

What Fantasy Race Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Noooo, that's not me at alllllll.
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// Airlines Piss Geek-God Off. BAD MOVE! / [Aug. 5th, 2003|03:27 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |"Seasons of Love" by Stevie Wonder / [Cast]]

John Gilmore ejected from airplane for wearing "Suspected Terrorist" button. Man, I hope he gets some smackdown delivered. Fuckwits.

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// Mmmmmmmm, wine. / [Aug. 5th, 2003|04:03 am]
[mood |liberated]
[music |"Vogue" by Madonna]

Because, sometimes, you deserve it.

(typos intentionally left unedited.)
userinfobeing_angyl: spmewhere , on the other side of "I'm too drunk to go down the stairs" is "O'm too drunk to go down te srairs, but I want cereal so bad I dn't care anymore".

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// Sooooooo teh geek. / [Aug. 4th, 2003|05:19 am]
[mood | pensive]
[music |"Lullaby" by Shawn Mullins]

userinfobeing_angyl: I need "bg" and "fg" for my brain
userinfodjdigit: haha yea
userinfodjdigit: Angyl job control
userinfodjdigit: % jobs
[1]- Stopped garden --plant 'tree'
[2]+ Stopped /opt/DOG/bin/groom gif
userinfobeing_angyl: *ROTFLMAO*

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// Observation. / [Aug. 4th, 2003|02:20 am]
[mood |tongue burning between my teeth]
[music |"Possession (Rabbit in the Moon" by Sarah McLachlan]

You may have had too much to drink when you spend a number of minutes searching for your pen, only to discover it wriggling in the clutches of the toes of your right foot.

Or maybe that's just the right amount.

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// "Shrubya" / [Aug. 3rd, 2003|09:09 pm]
[mood |wino]
[music |"Fumbling Towards Ecstasy" by Sarah McLachlan]


Mmmmm, Pong.

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// Ideas for next weekend? / [Aug. 3rd, 2003|06:23 pm]
[mood | relaxed]
[music |"Don't Change Your Plans" by Ben Folds Five]


Pinging for interest again. I don't know if I'll necessarily be up to going to SF for both events next weekend, but before I worry about making up my mind, I thought I'd see if anyone would like to climb on board.

Saturday the 9th is the EFF Freedom Fest (Golden Gate Park), and Sunday the 10th userinfodjdigit wants to go dancing, and I've been feeling like I could use a good evening of dancing my ass off. I'm more likely to go Sunday, I think, but I might do Saturday if there were enough interesting people involved and I felt like I was at a good place with my chores. Anyway, if either of these sounds fun, or if you've got a better idea I might enjoy, commenteth thou. I can provide transportation for people more or less along my way to SF if I go.

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// Taking to Wing. / [Aug. 3rd, 2003|04:56 pm]
[mood |*happy noises*]
[music |"Magic" by Ben Folds Five]

[Written last night, but I fell asleep before I posted it.]

Well, Saturday developed into quite a nice day, with the exception of probably having lost my cool raspberry hat. Regarding the hat, I guess I'll call the theatre and see if anyone turned it in or anything, but I have a strong feeling that it's gone. It's okay. I mourned it for a moment, then let it go. There will be another, even cooler hat, oh yes.

I'm not sure what went on while I slept, or maybe it's some side effect of my period having started and the release of the PMS crap, or maybe the vitamins reaching critical mass and kicking in again, but I woke up feeling a lot less "stuck and looping" than I've felt for almost two months now. Old questions have new answers. The static has quieted. It feels a lot better.

Anyway, Saturday's Adventure. [long] )

I came home feeling renewed and with that missed but familiar sense of bursting with energy. Fasted, feasted, digested, and back in touch with myself. I can feel the advance guard for the Fall gently in the air these past few nights, and suddenly I can feel the summer stasis loosening. I feel a movement, a reconnection to myself and my surroundings. I'm honestly not entirely sure what that weird funk I was in was all about, and there are just too many highly likely factors involved (see the beginning of this entry) for me to reasonably theorize. But I'm really glad I had today to remind me what being Angyl is all about.

In other news, userinfotyrsalvia linked up to neurotransmitter.net today and I'm already having a hard time dragging myself away. Yay geek arousal.

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// Winging it to wings. / [Aug. 2nd, 2003|04:40 pm]
[mood | hungry]
[music |"Bathtub Gin" by Phish]

I didn't get to sleep until some time around 9AM "last night". Fortunately, I only slept like 6 hours before leaping groggily out of bed, so it probably won't throw me off too terribly bad. Thank goodness for lots of tea. I started on an interesting long ramble last night sparked by a conversation with userinfotyrsalvia, but I fell asleep before it was coherent enough to post, and I'm not sure if I'll want to go back to work on it again or not. So there may or may not be another ramble with more questions and less concrete thoughts later this week.

I'm apparently going to see Winged Migration (pretty bird docu) tonight with a small movie mob. I'm periody, hungry, and lazy, so I believe I'll head up early (in the next hour or so) and get some dinner before the show. Anybody interested in coming along should probably talk to userinfotyrsalvia, it's her mob and there wasn't a public all-come invite. I'd offer a dinner-only group, cuz eating out alone is lame, but there's not enough time to arrange anything, even if I knew the food options down there enough to preselect a place.

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// Well, that explains what I'm still doing awake. / [Aug. 2nd, 2003|06:17 am]
[mood |AHA!]
[music |"I'm No Angel" by Dido]

Hello, Aunt Flo.

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// The story of my week. / [Aug. 1st, 2003|10:42 pm]
[mood | drained]
[music |"Fa Fa" by Guster]

userinfosteine got a new book - Astrologically Incorrect

"Lesson: When Libra approaches you with an opinion-seeking question, it's a signal that Libra has already made up her mind. It's the only occasion when this happens, so enjoy it."

"The Venus-ruled Libra spends life in a quest to be aggressively moderate. This back-and-forth movement is tiring to Libra and exhausting to watch. Yes, Libra is undeniably pleasant, ever so reasonable, and even-tempered. Yet when you're around her for long, you fear the knot in your stomach is growing into an ulcer and everybody knows only Virgos gets ulcers. There must be something wrong with you, you think. Before you accuse your mother of forging the date on your birth certificate, think. If this kind of mental contortionism makes you frantic for balance, just think what it does to Libra."

(See, that's why there's so much lag time in-between the awesome posts, and why they're so thorough. I'm my own thesis review board. You should thank me for going quiet when I process heavily!)

Also: I just tried this Pom Wonderful stuff. YUM! It's pretty wonderful, all right.
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// Ow, ow, it hurts. / [Aug. 1st, 2003|07:04 pm]
[music |"Hold Me Down" by Gin Blossoms]

That does it. You should all read userinfostonemirror's journal. This is an official endorsement.

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// Hey, Lurkers! Yeah, you! / [Aug. 1st, 2003|01:55 pm]
[music |"Mmmbop" by Hanson]

So, I hit my Userinfo today and noticed an ever-increasing number of new names listed on my "Friend of" section. Some of you I recognize as real life friends of some of the locals I know, and a few of you dropped me comments when you added me letting me know where you came across me and why you added me. However, there's a big chunk of you that are still quite a mystery to me. I read over a few journals on my readers' list and found myself wondering, based on the journal, what that person could possibly be looking for or enjoying in my journal.

Now, those of you I hangout, party, and chat with regularly, I just figure you guys like me and you'll read whatever I spit out because you know me and you can make sense of it. But, if you lurkers are reading, I'd appreciate it if you'd take this opportunity to kind of like, I dunno, introduce yourself, let me know where you came from, what you're getting out of reading, what you'd like to know more about, stuff like that. If you regulars want to pimp yourselves out, you're welcome to as well, of course.

Further useful details about my journal )

Oh, and a word of warning. I'm more or less extremely hard to piss off, but, believe me when I say this, you don't want to try to find out where my line is. You know that whole Angels with Big Flaming Swords and Deep Projected Voices thing? Yeah. We (my froods and I) don't feed trolls here, we let userinfostonemirror Lecter eat them. We can't fix your Issues, but we can hook you up with a phone therapist you can pay to help you fix them yourself. We like intellectual conversation, honesty, puns, and open minds. We think too much, we seek to be healthy, we believe life is magical, and we follow our bliss. Do you want to dance with us?

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// Collected bric-a-brac / [Aug. 1st, 2003|11:34 am]
[mood | pensive]
[music |"Duvet" by BoA*]

1) Someone please send me this song on mp3? Thanks, userinfosaizai!

R.E.M. Title: Gardening At Night Album: Chronic Town

"I see your money on the floor, I felt the pocket change. Though all
The feelings that broke through that door just didn't seem to be too real.
The yard is nothing but a fence, the sun just hurts my eyes. Somewhere
It must be time for penitence. Gardening at night is never where.
Gardening at night. Gardening at night. Gardening at night."

2) "While pensive poets painful vigils keep, / Sleepless themselves to give their readers sleep."

I've cited the referenced two Alexander Pope quotes to different people over the past two days, to the overwhelming response of blank looks. I read The Rape of the Lock my Junior year and was quite impressed with the subtle biting wit evident underneath exceptional word use and, while I didn't latch on in the way of Whitman or Joyce, I was nonetheless pleased enough to do a decent amount of reading and quote-collecting. Consider this my recommendation to check him out some time.

"Know thou thyself, presume not God to scan; / The proper study of mankind is man."

3) Anyone interested? EFF Freedom Fest, Saturday, August 9, San Francisco (Golden Gate Park).

4) userinfobill_maher. Aww, yeah. That's almost as keen as Poindexter's resignation.

5) userinfoneuroscience rocks my world. Color me physically aroused.

6) Linkage: a link to the past )
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// No Comment. / [Aug. 1st, 2003|03:04 am]
[mood | amused]
[music |"Sex (I'm A)" by Lovage]

userinfoartistic_chaos told me to take this, and she always does everything she's told, so:

Quiz )
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// 'Bout time! / [Aug. 1st, 2003|12:59 am]
[mood | optimistic]
[music |"See You Again" by Lapdog]

userinfobeing_angyl: oooh
userinfobeing_angyl: hey
userinfobeing_angyl: its not july anymore
userinfobeing_angyl: thank the gods
userinfoartistic_chaos: yay!!!!!!!!
userinfobeing_angyl: *glee*

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// Angyl-Zen. / [Jul. 31st, 2003|07:41 pm]
[mood | contemplative]
[music |"Precious Illusions" by Alanis Morissette]

userinfobeing_angyl: what does something mean when it can be made to mean anything?
userinfoanthologie: I dunno
userinfoanthologie: that it's very bendy? :)
userinfobeing_angyl: hehe
userinfoanthologie: :)
userinfoanthologie: that's the limit of my propheticness at the moment


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// Hanging Notes from Krishna's Flute. / [Jul. 30th, 2003|03:53 pm]
[mood | quixotic]
[music |"Rhapsody In Blue" by The Gathering Field]

sakhi murali visala-cchidra-jalena purna
laghur atikathina tvam granthila nirasasi
tad api bhajasi svasvac cumbanananda-sandram
hari-kara-parirambham kena punyodayena

[Hey flute-friend, what sort of good things have you done that such a hard, dry piece of bamboo like you, with more faults (knots) than holes, enjoys being squeezed by Krishna's lotus hands and tastes an endless stream of nectar from his kiss?]

- Vidagdha Madhava, Rupa Goswami

Krishna's flute weaves the tale, and I dance, helplessly bound by each pied note. Resting, floating, tending gardens, consorting with the light of the new Moon upon the shadows of the soul. Pictures moving in their frames, a miniature world accessed by waves in the smirking darkness. In the eye of the storm, a manic half-life of encrypted emotions and thoughts reluctant to be pondered. The street vomits forth beatboxed young urban Kerouacs of the next generation professing disillusionment, sexual prowess, and other classic romantic themes rhythmed and rhymed in realtime. Milestones passed yield words surrendered, to the punctuation of turnouts. Frothing bowl of foam tinged red above, a city glowing in the distance like a smaller Earth-bound sister of the darkened Moon. Fulcrum.
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// Hindu Mythos Quiz / [Jul. 30th, 2003|02:46 am]
[mood | contemplative]
[music |"Take Me to the River" by Talking Heads]

quiz )
Saraswati is a Hindu goddess of learning. She is the goddess of speech (Vac), the Flowing-One. She represents the union of power and intelligence from which organized creation arises. Saraswati posseses all the learnings of the the Vedas, scriptures, dancing, musical power and poetry. She revealed language and writing to man. Her origin is the lost Vedic river Saraswati. This is the source of her profound connection to fluidity in any aspect (water, speech, thought...). She is wisdom, fortune, intelligence, nourishment, brilliance, contentment, splendour and devotion.

Also, I think I might need these. (Size Medium please, if anyone's feeling generously inclined.)

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