LinuxSquid's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in LinuxSquid's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, September 8th, 2003
    8:48 pm
    Pirate Shirt Acquired.
    At userinfojadasc's suggestion I went to Fool's Mansion in Salem. I could drop some serious cash in that place. It was an exercise in self-control walking out with only two shirts. But I now have fun gothy clothing! Squee! Stopped in Newbury Comics near Fresh Pond on the way home and bought a couple more goth music compilations. I'm finding lots of really cool stuff on the used CD racks fairly cheaply. (I'm mostly buying used CDs these days, in part to save money and in part because I don't believe in giving the RIAA any more of my hard earned cash than I absolutely have to.)

    Sure wish I could find some Inkubus Sukkubus around here, though. Might have to resort to mail order on that one.

    Came home, am currently eating dinner, work later.

    Turns out someone I know off a local goth mailing list is the son of someone I know off a motorcycle list. Small world, innit?

    Current Music: Alien Sex Fiend - I Walk the Line
    12:30 am
    calling all pervy hobbit fanciers.
    Tell me they didn't make this poster for all the readers of the Very Secret Diaries.
    Sunday, September 7th, 2003
    10:14 pm
    oh yeah, if anyone knows a place to get a black pirate shirt in bikergeek size (*real* XL, not waify-goth-boi XL) by Friday, I'd appreciate it. Boston-area brick-n-mortar stores preferred, as I prefer to handle/try on the shirt before purchase.

    I've been invited out to Man Ray and I am determined to go this time rather than angsting and having a fashion crisis. I refuse to let angst run my life.

    6:04 pm
    thank you, userinfotemima, for a very lovely evening.

    Current Mood: ecstatic
    Current Music: Atomic- sleeper
    Thursday, September 4th, 2003
    6:27 pm
    silly quiz
    Higgs Boson
    Higgs Boson -- You are crazy and wacky and nobody
    really understands you. Theoretically your
    humor gives the universe mass and existence,
    but the explanation as to how this all works is
    still in the works.

    What kind of subatomic particle are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    12:39 am
    Link Sausage
    Remember when I posted the story about my mom, who lives in NJ, trying to renew her driving license and having documentation issues? (FWIW, she's a US citizen who's been in this country for over 50 years.) Here is a story about the new ID regulations and how they're catching people off guard. Back in high school when I was 17 I wouldn't have had enough documentation either--all I had was a birth certificate and social security card. My high school hadn't yet gotten around to issuing photo IDs--for all I know they still don't. I certainly didn't have any of that other stuff like military discharge papers, firearm ID, marriage certificate...need to be 18 to have most of that stuff.

    In better news, one of the big record companies, Universal, is finally getting it--"it" being that consumers won't pay huge prices for crap music. They've cut the wholesale price on CDs from about $12 to about $9. Hopefully this will result in a similar price reduction at the retail level. I'd be a little more willing to experiment with buying music if it were cheaper.
    Wednesday, September 3rd, 2003
    11:34 pm
    It's official.
    userinfolittlebuhnee is expecting her first child.

    Monday, September 1st, 2003
    9:25 pm
    For Munchkin fans
    A spammer just tried to sell me a domain in the .eu TLD. (If in fact there is such a thing.)

    I want the "" domain.

    further domain names could boggle the mind.

    1:17 am
    One you lock the target...
    I've beens spending a fair bit of my evening playing with gdam, a piece of DJ software that allows you to do stuff like beatmatch and crossfade MP3s. I'm having fun. I used to enjoy DJing parties years ago. It was a good way for me to help people have fun while removing the need for me to socialize. I'm also enough of a geek to appreciate the technical aspects.

    Now that I've started an appreciation for music again I'm enjoying DJing again--even if it's only for myself this time, and all I end up doing is making mix CDs for the car.

    Current Music: Front 242 - Headhunter
    Sunday, August 31st, 2003
    9:48 pm
    Looks like I lamed on going to tonight's party. And I wanted to be social. Oh well.

    Current Mood: lame
    Friday, August 29th, 2003
    8:22 pm
    5:45 pm
    stop me before I filk again.

    userinfobrowngirl, this is all your fault.
    Thursday, August 28th, 2003
    6:40 pm
    And on a more serious note
    Today is the fortieth anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. The text of the speech is here.

    Here in 2003, we're a lot closer to Dr. King's dream than we were in 1963. But we still have a long way to go. There is work still to be done while our criminal justice system values a white life more than an African-American one, and African-Americans get harsher sentences than whites for the same crimes. There is work still to be done while the public suspects police officers of pulling people over for "Driving While Black"--regardless of whether those officers are actually doing that. There is work to be done as long as a young African-American woman's fellow students at a prestigious university believe that she got in the door not by dint of her academic achievements, but because she was the beneficiary of some racially-based quota. There is work to be done as long as one-third of African-American men under thirty are under the supervision of the criminal justice system. There is work to be done as long as election officials employ duplicitous methods to get supposed "felons", most of whom are African-American, off the voter rolls--when most of those voters were not convicted felons at all. There is work to be done as long as a young man or woman cannot bring the love of his or her life home to meet the parents because of the color of that other person's skin. There is work to be done as long as an African-American family cannot move into an upper-middle-class neighborhood no matter how good their income, their position in the working world, or their credit rating, without being harassed and without their white neighbors considering selling their houses.

    The biggest legacy of Dr. King, though, is that he took a group of disenfranchised people and empowered them through peaceful means. Those who were not alive to hear Dr. King's speech may not know this but there were a lot of people during the civil rights era who were advocating more violent means of solving the nation's racial problems. Several suggested actual armed revolt. Many of those leaders were taken seriously on all sides. Had African-Americans actually engaged in large-scale violent demonstrations or armed revolt, the results would have been violent and ugly. Think of what happened to the Branch Davidians at Waco, only multiplied a thousandfold and repeated across America in a hundred cities. The Rodney King riots in L.A., the "long hot summer" of 1968 in Newark NJ and Watts, would have been a cakewalk. After the violence was over, those who suggested civil rights for African-Americans would not have been taken seriously for a very long time, if ever. As it happened, change happened mostly non-violently. Those who were formerly voiceless now have a voice, and can advocate for change from within the system rather than from outside it. There is still plenty of room for debate as to the best course of action, as there always is. But today, at least the debate exists. Fifty years ago, it did not. And the people whom the very debate is about, have a voice in it.

    Forty years ago, Dr. King had a dream. Today, his many spiritual children and grandchildren still do. We have come a long way since 1963. But we still have a long way to go. We all need to live mindfully and work to fight racism and injustice where we encounter it: in our coworkers, our friends, and yes, in ourselves.

    Current Mood: hopeful
    5:17 pm
    Happy birthday userinfoanotherjen!

    Many happy returns of the day.

    Current Mood: jubilant
    Wednesday, August 27th, 2003
    5:34 pm
    Tara Reid?
    Your Life: The Movie by mintyduck
    Who will play you:Tara Reid
    Who will play your love interest:Colin Farrell
    Weeks you will stay in the box office:22
    Song that will play during your love scene:Pulp - Something Changed
    Song that will play during your death:Johnny Cash - Hurt
    Your name:
    Created with quill18's MemeGen!

    Good Johnny Cash song though.
    5:00 pm
    And so we two shall all love's lemmas prove,
    3:46 pm
    there is a spiffy new magnet on my fridge with a picture of an Egyptian goddess on it. yay userinfobrowngirl! she rocks! *bounce*

    also got a bunch of bills paid and mailed off.


    Current Mood: jubilant
    Tuesday, August 26th, 2003
    10:14 pm
    an exquisite dinner
    userinfolyonesse and I met up at Diesel, then went off to dinner. She'd been feeling kind of ... angsty and out of sorts, so we decided to spend some social time together.

    She suggested Namaskar, an Indian restaurant in Davis Sq. It'd been a while since I'd had Indian food, so I said yes and off we went. I was a little overwhelmed at the surroundings. It was a lot more polished than the rough-n-ready Davis Sq. eateries I'm used to, and I was kind of overwhelmed both at the place and at the level of service. They even took my riding suit and hung it up like it was a fine coat. Anyway, the food was just wonderful, and the service was extremely attentive. The conversation was delightful, as always. userinfolyonesse seemed to enjoy herself. If you're ever there, order the coffee. It comes in a cognac snifter, with cream on top, and the lip of the snifter has sugar crusted on it (think of salt on a margarita). The look userinfolyonesse got on her face after trying it was...well, let's say it was a quiet version of "When Harry Met Sally." :-)

    Must go off to work soon.

    Current Mood: full
    Saturday, August 23rd, 2003
    3:25 pm
    managed to fix the reverse light switch on the Saturn. Yay. I now have working reverse lights again.

    It's a beautiful day out. So why am I sitting inside, pissing away my time on the computer? I want to go out and ride motorcycle and breathe fresh cool air and stuff.

    Party later. Again, I have no idea what sort of food item to bring. *sigh*
    11:07 am
    quiz result, work-safe )

    Current Mood: geeky
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