2003/09/18 08:10 |
Having an open job offer is useful for being left alone at work. They know that if they annoy me I can jump ship at any moment. And, if I decided to demand more money or something, it puts me in a decent bargaining position. But that's kinda unfair. I feel bad about that sorta thing, at the same time that I enjoy it immensly. And my stupid ethics wno't /let/ me attempt to negotiate more money using the threat of accepting another job. Bah!
I mailed Greg last night to let him know I wasn't going to be able to take the job. Without insurance being provided, it'll amount to a significant pay cut, on top of the already significant pay cut that got me looking in the first place. Add to that the fact that things are actually getting somewhat organized and I think we actually have a chance of hitting our deadlines, and the fact that the weather change has put me in a *MUCH* better mood overall... And so, no. Sigh. And now I'm writing this where various work people will see it. But that's ok. Lydia will find out, probably the next time she asks how close to quitting I am.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=331 |
It's amazing what you find when doing lyrics searches... |
2003/09/16 18:56 |
I reformatted the output slightly, 'cause it was crap. It's only marginally better now, 'cause I'm lazy. Enjoy.
You Are Breath No More
I actually finally down loaded this song while I was creating this quiz. I was blown away. The song is amazing, though frustratingly rare to find. You are lost to yourself and to others. You don't know who you are anymore and your reality is so screwed up and distorted. I can seriously empathize with the way you are feeling because this is my song too.
Your Lyrics:
I've been looking in the mirror for so long
That I've come to believe my soul's on the other side
Oh the little pieces falling shatter
Shards of me too sharp to put back together
Too small to matter
But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces
If I try to touch her
And I bleed
I bleed
And I breathe
I breathe no more
Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirit's well
Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child
Lie to me
Convince me that I've been sick forever
And all of this will make sense when I get better
But I know the difference between myself and my reflection
I just can't help but to wonder
Which of us do you love
So I bleed
I bleed
And I breathe
I breathe no-
I bleed
And I breathe
And I breathe
And I breathe
I breathe no more
What Extremely Underrated Evanescence song are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Read 2 - Post |
2003/09/14 22:14 |
So, I've been worried about my zaurus. It didn't seem to have a soul. Most compouters I've worked with display some kind of personality, quirks and tendancies that lend a distinct flavor to working with it. The zaurus never did. The personality usually helps me find a computer's name. Most of my computers are male, because they tend towards male personalities (what do you expect, when it's all projection on my part?). It's hard to pick the name before knowing the personality. But I picked one anyway. A zaurus, and today I was finally pushed over the edge int eh direction I was already leaning... AMC was showing Planet of the Apes. That's right, I named the Zaurus "Doctor Zaius". And only THEN did it gain a personality. Shortly thereafter it stopped booting properly. I'd installed a network utility to show traffic in the taskbar, and then it wouldn't boot. I had to wipe the system and start over. Made me VERY thankful I'd bought a 256mb SD card this morning and the first thing I'd done with it was back up the internal store. So nothing important lost. Bt it's been balky and irritable ever since. I've fnially talked it down and we're back on good terms, but it took several hours. But yes, the name suits him perfectly, I've decided.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=330 |
2003/09/13 21:30 |
Lots of stuff I'm skipping oer to comment on this...
One minute, I'm sitting at a bar drinking my nth midori sour, the next I get a call asking if I want to be a christ figure tortured by euclid's postulates. 14 hours later, I'm on film tied to a chair ni my basement.
That is all.
Oh, and Jeff's really good. I was able to feed of a him a lot to fuel my character.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=329 |
2003/09/13 10:30 |
My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla
Post |
2003/09/11 11:39 |
Electron -- You are full of energy and frentic movement. Although you have a philosophicaly "negative" outlook, people would hardly be able to tell it by looking at you. You get along well with protons and those who are positive.
What kind of subatomic particle are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Post |
Insurance recommendations |
2003/09/09 13:46 |
mood: listless
Now taking recommendations for private insurance providers. I've been offered a job that doesn't provide benefits, and I can't afford not to have medical/prescription benefits. I keep bouncing back and forth about whether I want to take the job, but I /can't/ as long as the insurance thing is an issue. |
Read 13 - Post |
Gah! |
2003/09/05 11:06 |
mood: disappointed
The universe likes kicking dirt in my face. So, most of you probably know that I've been in rabid-fanboy mode regarding Evanescence for a while now. I just learned that apparently they're playing the Kansas State Fair (or, at least, at the fairgrounds) tomorrow. Now, originally I was planning to take the first couple weeks of September and go on vacation... Go back home for a while, then a couple other places. If I'd done that, I'd be in Kansas right now, probably thru monday or tuesday, and would be able to drive up to Hutch to see the show.
Damn you, Universe! |
Read 2 - Post |
2003/09/04 00:03 |
The universe is toying with me. First the job thing, now this. Evanescence. 21 September. At the Moore theatre. Yes, the Moore, the place I said I'd never go again, the place I boycott our company all-hands because they're held there, the place with the worst seating in the known universe. Evanescence is playing there, and I'm seriously considering going. Because I'm just /that/ much of a rabid fanboy at the moment.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=328 |
2003/09/02 21:26 |
Got to work today, and hadn't even finished my breakfast before I got paged to a two hour meeting with the MF folks to discuss stutus of the platform for their project. Instant spike in the frustratometer, but I calmd down. Then the team went to lunch and bitched about the meeting. In the lunch line somehow I ended up telling Lydia that we needed to talk. So we did after lunch. That wasn't how I'd intended to bring it up, but it worked. Told her I'd gotten an offer, what the issues with it were, etc. Told her I didn't actively want to /leave/ amazon, at the moment, but that the other offer was very tempting. As a manager, obviously, she doesn't want me to leave. But as a person, she'd rather see me happy, so she's ok with whatever I choose. She asked what she can do - not much - and said that if I decided to leave amazon but not go to tacoma, she knows people doing similar things in the distance-learning world.
The rest of the day went fairly well.
After getting home I spent a lot of time playing with the zaurus, getting a bunch of software installed, including an ssh server. I still don't have a name for it tho.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=327 |
2003/09/01 19:08 |
Long weekend, much to catch you up on.
Friday, I threw a party. To celebrate three years at amazon, 26.5 years on this planet, and the closest Mars has been to earth for quite a while. Lots of people showed up, tho many I'd hoped to see didn't. It went really well. The LN2 icecream came out well, the mars-viewing kept many people's attention thru the evening, and in general fun seemed to be had by all. At the party, I talked to Greg, who I worked with at Loudeye, about a job opening where he's at. This is while he's showing off his new car and camera. So, I sent Greg links to my resume, and he forwarded them to the owner of the place. The guy calls me sunday while I'm at Bumbershoot and we chat for a minute and he says he'll call me monday. More on that in a minute.
Saturday loree and I went to alki for breakfast, Then we picked up eogan and hit Olympic Hot Tub company. Looked at several models. Went back that evening for a test soak, and decided we liked the Tiger River 'Siberian'. So we filled out the credit app. They're having a sale... buy by labor day and get no payments, no interest until next august. So, we bought a hot tub. It'll be delivered in a couple weeks, I think. We'll probably have to throw a party a few weeks later.
Sunday, Dana and I went to Bumbershoot. My first time there, and I only went to see Evanescence. We got there around 2 or so, wandered around shopping and eating and shopping more. Really good roasted corn. The stadium the main stage was in sucks, as do the potheads we were frequently downwind from. But cold was entertaining, and then Evanescence was on. Worth the sore feet and aching muscles and lack of oxygen and ticket prices. I'm so very glad I went. They even did Even In Death. As well as some Metalica and Nirvana.
Today, I sat around at home. Dialed in for a bit to deal with stuff for the MF guys.. I'm too damned nice. While doing that the guy from Crown College called. We spent a half hour or so talking. He told me about what they do and his ision for distance learning technology and what the job would involve and money and such. But he's basically offering me a job sight-unseen, based only on my resume and Greg's recommendation. He offered to match my current salary, and it's likely that would advance faster than it has at amazon. No benefits, however, which is a hurdle to overcome. Also, it's in Tacoma, but I could telecommute pretty much as much as I want, just come in when I actually need to be there (apparently he only goes in twice a week). So, it's tempting. Very. If I was really annoyed with Amazon right now, I'd probably have given him a tentative acceptance. But things aren't too bad right now, so I need to think about it, talk about it with some people - including my boss - and figure out the insurance thing.
Tonight's West Wing was good. Now I'm watching random anime waiting for Bebop.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=326 |
2003/08/25 18:25 |
mood: bemused music: Cowboy Bebop theme
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Mars usually cruises through a sign in five to eight weeks, but it has been in Pisces since June 16 and will remain there until December 16 -- its longest stay since 1956. But that's not all: Mars is now closer to Earth than it has been in 60,000 years. During this unprecedented convergence of unusual events, I predict that your relationship with the red planet will be more intense and intimate than it ever has been. Here are some of the tasks you can expect cosmic assistance with: discovering secrets about how to ask forcefully for what you really want; making your strategies for success more foolproof and irresistible; and getting very clear about the life goals that are most important for you to pursue in the next ten years. |
Post |
But... I almost never /use/ mood tags. |
2003/08/23 12:42 |
mood: confused
datavore is angry. |
If you're not careful some delicate part of your circulatory system is going to explode. Take up yoga or something. You're probably making people nervous. |
brought to you by interim32. wanna know your livejournal's mood ring color? enter your username and hit the button. |
Livejournal Mood Ring
Read 4 - Post |
2003/08/20 04:43 |
At work now. It's HOT in here. Not broiling, but definitely stifling. The A/C has presumably been off since 6pm, and there are a LOT of computers running 24/7 in this building. Not surprisingly, I'm the only one here. I didn't even see a security person when I came in. I got THE best parking spot, of course. Right near the exit, left side clear, 6th floor.
Now to try to get some work done.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=325 |
2003/08/20 04:09 |
Admitting defeat. Several drugs to make sure I slept thru the 3am waking, and it's now 4am. I'm showered, dressed, and fed, and about to head off to work. Ok, body, you want to be awake this early, fine. Here you go. Let's see how you like it.
In a tanget, I6ve noticed that I'm taking joy from little things like I didn't used to. Like the dental sensation of just-opened corn chex in whole milk. The crunch is SO much more satisfying than rice chex.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=324 |
2003/08/18 19:06 |
I feel like I should be doing something. And so, recursively, I'm doing something: journaling about feeling like I should be doing something.
I've had a socialization bug of late... If I'm not hanging out with people, I feel like I'm missing something. I tried organizing a spontaneous gathering of LJers last week - didn't succeed, but had fun hitting a bar with friends, I went WAY out of my way to give some people a ride home after a morale event tonight, I get home and immediately feel like I should try to get people to do something. It's weird. Does my subconscious know something I don't? Should I be worried, hindbrain?
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=322 |
Grrrr |
2003/08/13 11:29 |
There's a natural balance to the universe. If I hate my job, I love the company I work for. At present, I'm rather liking my job. You can work out the rest. |
Post |
2003/08/12 09:09 |
music: "Warning, packet loss at unacceptable levels..."
Your Viking Name is... Már Sheeptipper
Your Viking Personality: The tougher Vikings might let you on the boat, but generally only when they need ballast. Unlike most Vikings, you don't have a quick temper; you tend to think about your actions before you undertake them. Sometimes you think too long. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination.
You would have a very tough time making a long sea voyage in a Viking longboat. Vikings make fun of you all the time. Not always behind your back, either.
You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Other people tend to think of you as manipulative and conniving. |
Read 3 - Post |
A lie of omission. |
2003/08/10 23:50 |
She pages, "do you know anything about why I suddenly have a paid lj account?"
I reply, "do I look like the sort of guy who runs around giving money to cute girls just 'cause he can?"
She pages, "is that a yes?" |
Read 7 - Post |
2003/08/10 19:05 |
"no romantic interest in you". Fair enough. 18 hours of stress over, at least. And I couldn't've gotten thru it without a West Wing marathon on Bravo. And I'm proud of myself for sticking my neck out, even if it did come back with a small scar.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=320 |
2003/08/10 03:10 |
Met someone really cool today at neuro's party. She's really cute, and smart and etc etc you get the idea. Spent a large portion of the evening either pining quietly or attempting to flirt in my pitiful way. I... Was as transparent as I could manage, facilitated by being very nicely drunk. I even made her a drink, finishing off both the midori and the s&s; for her midori sour. She seemed to like it. I have NO idea what her opinions on the matter were, since every time I thought of asking her aside for a quick chat suddenly became inopportune. I thought maybe I'd stick around until everybody was filtering out and chat quickly as she was on her way back to her place, but it got to be 230 with no sign of winding down soon, so I decided I had to head out or risk falling asleep at the wheel. So now I'm home. And I just did something I have never, in my life to the best of my knowledge, done before. I asked someone out. I sent her an email asking if she'd "be interested in being bought dinner some time". It's a good thing (?!?) that SMTP doesn't support recalling messages. Oh, and here's the fun (?!?) part.. She's got my LJ now, I'm sure, and will see this entry. I have to go find a big rock to crawl under and Hide now. *whimper*
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=319 |
2003/08/05 22:34 |
It's a bad sign when even the return of rain doesn't improve my mood. I love rain. It's a big part of why I moved here in the first place. When it's gone I miss it. I bitch about the sun, and people laugh. Normally the return of rain after such an absence is enough to send me zinging along the road, radio screaming, a grin plastered on my face. Today, nothing. Just another things to deal with. It makes me sad.
I need a vacation.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=318 |
2003/08/04 07:40 |
So I got it into my head yesterday to plan a vacation that would let me visit several people in quick succession. I ended up having to trim a bit for financial, time, and technical reasons, and ended up with three destinations over a week and a half. I've now heard from all the people I'd be visiting and got at least a "Yeah, okay" (my mother didn't seem overly enthusiastic, merely confirmed that I'd need a hotel and a car [she doesn't have room for me in her new house]).
So, now I just need to talk to my boss about actually taking the time off, and we can figure out when I'm going to do it. I suspect the original concept of early september won't wash, but we'll see.
I was actually surprised at the flight prices. Best I found for seattle to wichita to athens to colorado springs to seattle was $488, tho those flights all left before 6am. I can get more reasonable schedules for $550 or less. The hotel I'd like to stay at in wichita is $80/n, so that's probably out (as I had 5 nights scheduled there). You know what's bizzare? The 3star hotels in athens are more expensive than the 4star hotels in wichita. Wacky.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=317 |
2003/08/01 20:18 |
Normally, I like movies where the bad guy wins. Arlington Road is an exception. I feel that Oliver cheated. Duping some guy into doing your dirty work for you, while an admirable skill in most endeavors, strikes me as cowardly and pointless in the terrorism game. Isn't the /point/ of creating a martyr to get people to rally behind said martyr? If you're using a guy with no agenda, and leave it looking like he acted alone, what cause is there? Okay, so you killed some people, but come on! Humans breed like rabbits, there will always be more of them. Have you changed any minds? Have you made them afraid of what your organization can do, shown them that they'd best listen to what you have to say and give you what you want? No. You've acomplished nothing except some senseless blowing up of stuff. Don't get me wrong, blowing stuff up is fun and all, but doesn't accomplish much in the way of political statements.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=316 |
2003/07/28 21:28 |
Went to the doctor today.. He showed up for my 415 appointment at 445, and rushed thru 'cause he was late for a meeting. But it wasn't too bad. Told me to keep doing what I'm doing.
Came home and made myself dinner... A steak that spent the night in the fridge sharing a baggy with garlic, garlic salt, garlic pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt. That plus tater tots and some veggies. Damned tasty.
Then Stargate. While watching the episode where the russians open a gate to a water world - I'm sure it's just a coincidence - I decided to go poke at the shower. For a while now we haven't been getting very good hot water pressure. It recently got a lot worse, so we can barely have enough pressure to run the shower without having to mix in too much cold. The bathroom sink is the same way. We have hot water at other faucets, so it's not the water heater. I pulled the line into the sink and got plenty of pressure. So, it's in the faucets. The faucets are of the same material, and the same age, and probably the same maker. So, I disassembled the tub faucet. I have to say, the internal design is REALLY stupid. I the the problem was a rubber gasket from the hot water valve deteriorating, stretching from the water flowing by, and blocking the tiny little hole the water goes thru on its way to the outlet. I removed the gasket - it was already missing from the cold side - and reassembled things, and it WORKS. It works better than it ever has since we moved in. Go me! The sink will be a little harder, but now that I know what to expect, it shouldn't take as long.
La la. I'm gonna go take a shower now. Tomorrow, I'll try to remember to pick up some CLR or Lime-away or something to degunk the shower head.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=315 |
2003/07/27 22:45 |
Work is less pissing-me-off and more annoying and worrying. I've decided that I'm cutting Lydia and Clyde slack, this being their first significant launch each. They can fuck it up this time, do everything wrong. Fine. But I'm not letting it happen again. Next time they come to me and say they need an alpha port set up using my content and software in an afternoon I'm saying no. I expect all of you to hold me to that.
In other news, Lydia FINALLY saw the light. Yes, Virginia, we DO need another webdev. But we don't have headcount. We only have one open headcount, and that's for an SDE. But, apparently, if we can get someone as technically talented as I am, we can hire a webdev into the position to be an 'SDE-UI' as she said it, or a front-end SDE as I've been saying it. Well, unfortunately I don't actually KNOW anybody who can do what I do and would be willing to. (Don't get me wrong, I know some damned bright people, but most of them are distinctly on one side of the WDE/SDE line; few straddle it as I do) So I suggested we could move me into that slot and hire a normal webdev into my current slot. I already asked one webdev I know who's not happy with his job, and will ask some others if he turns it down.
In an interesting coincidence, I was JUST having a conversation with someone asking if I'd be interested in bailing from Amazon and starting up some other enterprise. I said I would, but the financial constraints are strong. There's no idea yet, this was just a feeler. But it's exactly what I've always wanted to do.. It's what MidSys is /for/, after all.. Doing our own thing, our way, the Right Way, and being wildly successful at it. But we just haven't figured out what that Thing is yet that'll let us support ourselves. Sigh.
I suggested fast food, ordered via the internet. But, wouldn't you know it, madcowburger.com is already taken.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=314 |
2003/07/15 18:54 |
Had a quick meeting today while waiting for a bugfix to go over our Wishlist Wishlist... the stuff we want to do for wishlists v4 next year. We've got enough stuff to last us a month, but I'll likely do a few of them as pick-up tasks as I have time... things /I/ want, for example. So, here's your chance to add to my list: send me your wishlist wishlist. Tell me what you want the amazon wishlist to do that it doesn't. Tell me how you use it and why it works and doesn't work for you. Comments here are fine, or email to marty@amazon.com.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=313 |
2003/07/14 20:13 |
So, something I've been thinking about, and meaning to write about, since last year... Family dinner. I've chosen a rather large extended family up here, but it usually feels quite disconnected... MOOers, work people, different work people, poly people, etc. And I see some here and some there and very rarely most together. In fact, the closest I get to seeing them all together is at my parties, which just aren't that often. So, my proposal was this: Family dinners. Once a month or so, as many of us as I can talk into it decend upon some poor unsuspecting restaurant as a plague unto the field, only with reservations. What do y'all think? Who's in?
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=312 |
Thanks, G |
2003/07/13 11:07 |
You are Allan Quatermain, washed up adventurer. You'd rather relive your glory days in a haze of opium than get off your ass. Hit rehab and get back in the saddle; it ain't over 'til it's over.
Which (original) LoEG Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Read 3 - Post |
2003/07/02 22:42 |
Stuck for something to do, and bored with reading, I went upstairs and worked on the cat5 o' 9 tails I promised Erin ages ago. It's done except for the connectors... I'll finish those up later, and post a picture.
In other news, a random IM from a stranger today was NOT some kid insisting that I was someone they knew from somewhere I've never been. Was someone who found my journal on LJ, and comes to us from australia. Hi there, new person!
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=311 |
Yeah, I finally did it. |
2003/06/24 21:59 |
Read 4 - Post |
2003/06/24 20:13 |
Is it weird to have you boss say "I know a girl I think you'd like"? And then later try (let's ignore the fact that she succeeded, shall we?) to talk me into doing something by offering to send me the girl's url?
In a relative tangent.. it's interesting how the internet has changed society. Once upon a time a guy like me would nod and say "That's nice" and not do a damned thing. But now, one can add a person to their LJ friend's list by way of quiet introduction. Or something like that.
Ok, I'll shut up now.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=308 |
2003/06/22 14:59 |
So, I miss a lot of the nuances of human communication. to analogize to the book I just finished, I can understand the Braxin Basic Mode fully, but the forty-six other speech modes completely elude me. Reading books, watching movies, whatever, I'm paying attention to the story, what happens, etc, but I never even notice the subtexts, the morals of the story as it were, unless they're just hitting you upside the head with them (and I generally don't like such stories, as I find them preachy and hamhanded). People talk about the meaning of this story or that movie and I just nod, having seen none of it. It's weird.
I've decided not to discuss the carrot. It ties into the memory thing above.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=307 |
2003/06/22 14:54 |
First, the knives.. I was getting a knife to cut the carrots with, and pulled two out of the dishwasher, and I'm looking at the knife block trying to figure out where they go. There's a knife in the slot the big one should go in. I examine them. They're different designs. Check the names. One is Ikea, the other is Sabatier. Only Sab's go in this knife block, Ikeas go in the other. So I put the sab knife away and then try to figure out why there isn't room for the other knife. After a couple seconds it clicks, wrong knife block.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=306 |
2003/06/22 04:01 |
I finished the book I was working on, finally. Everybody else is reading That Book, I finished http://amazon.com/o/ASIN/0756400430|In_Conquest_Born, by http://amazon.com/o/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author;=Friedman%2C%20% C.%20S.|CS_Friedman, who I got into with http://amazon.com/o/ASIN/0886774446|Madness_Season . I was going to write an entry about my understanding of such things, movies, books, etc, and compare it to something in the book, but it's 4:13am, so I'll do it later. I'll also talk about my terrible memory as it relates to Ikea and Sabatier, and maybe even forensic reconstruction of carrots.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=305 |
2003/06/19 20:19 |
Had the guys from Washington Energy Services over today, to see about installing A/C. Showed them the furnace and the technical guy says it can't be done. There isn't enough room to install the coil. They could replace the furnace with one that isn't as tall. For an additional $3k over the already $3k (very rough) cost of the A/C. Ouch. So, they left. I was expecting it to be 2-3, and was willing to go to 4, but not quite to 6. Of course, give me two months and I'll probably be willing to pay 10.
http://www.martian.cx/Words/Life/Ramblings/blog.cgi?entry=302 |
I am not a guru on this subject. |
2003/06/18 11:44 |
So, I've got a friend who's having a bit of a... crisis may or may not be too strong a word, I don't know... with her relationship. I'm going to be vague with the details as I sketch out the problem...
She's been with her boy for many years, they're both monogamy-leaning, want to be together... but he's got feelings for another woman too, and is very confused by this. So, she doesn't really know how to deal with this, he doesn't really know how to deal with this. She came to me, 'cause she knows I'm poly, and basically just wanted to hear that it /can/ work. I gave what little advice I could, and said I was happy to talk or help out in any way I could. I don't know how much help I was.
So, I come to you, reader. Any sage advice I should pass on to my friend as she tries to figure out What To Do? |
Read 6 - Post |