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[07 Jun 2003|11:54am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | You Will Know Us by the TrailOfDead - Another Morning Stoner ]

Heheh I'm stoned. Wake n bake is the best.

I haven't written in a while.....kinda forgot to.

*loud beeping* DO DO DO *operator voice* Marijuana affects the memory.

Phew oh well. I just had my birthday in May, yay. I got a ps2 and the Matrix Reloaded ps2 game. Oh and some money, but thats all spent by now.

I have to go to summer school this .... summer. Riiiight, moving on. I don't really mind, I had fun last year an I met some pretty cool stoners...I mean people.

I'm such a fuckin fiend I swear. I just smoked about 2 and a half bowls to myself and I was to go smoke again. I went through a fucking half in two days! Thats ridiculous I can't afford that. Thats about $50 every 2-3 days. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but man. Its a stress on the budget. Oh well, I still wanna go smoke again.

I might be goin to Pridefest today! It just depends on if it rains or not, I hope it doesn't. Though the clouds are movin in. Damnit all to hell. I WANNA GO TO PRIDEFEST! I'm sposed to go with Matt, Morgan, Amanda an Jeffy. I think someone else was gonna go too but I don't remember. *shrug* Manders gets off work at 2, so needless to say I need to go shower.


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[22 Apr 2003|11:15pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Sugarcult - Pretty Girl _|_ Twiztid - We Don't Die ]

Hello again all. I thought I'd give you all an update.

For some reason, I've been feeling bitter today. I wrote an ex of mine a hate letter. Yeah that was fun. Venting is good sometimes, you know.

I feel like analyzing something. Just picking it apart and trying to explain it to myself. Sometimes, when I do this it helps me to understand things better and just be somewhat knowledgable about it.

I'll analyze "after break-up sex". Why do some people do this? Perhaps they have an insecurity about being without the person they've broken up with. Or maybe its because they have an urge for physical contact and the only person they can get some from is their ex. Another possibility is they really hate eachother, but they're excellent lovers together and they don't want to give that up. And thats as far as that goes.

I need something meaningful to analyze. I suppose it would help if I was having an analytical conversation with someone, there would be more ideas. But as for now, I'm sitting here in my room...all alone, and in the dark. I'm stoned and very involved in my music. So nothing is really coming to mind.

Tomorrow I may update again. Prolly in a few days. Realistically probably in about 2 weeks. I'll remember this journal and update it. lol.

But for now. Peace. ~Ash~

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The Stupidity...its hilarious. [28 Aug 2002|07:07pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Static X - I'm With Stupid ]

You have got to read these - we need to start sueing people more often......

Only in America :

Topic: The Stella Awards, or.... "I'll see you in court!"

The "Stella" awards rank up there with the Darwin awards. In 1994, a New Mexico jury awarded $2.9 million U.S. in damages to 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who suffered third-degree burns to her legs, groin and buttocks after spilling a cup of McDonald's coffee on herself. This case inspired an annual award - The "Stella" Award - for the most frivolous lawsuit in the U.S.

The ones listed below are clear candidates.

All of these cases are verging on the outright ridiculous and yet (in the good old USA) with the right attorney anything is possible!!

1. January 2000: Kathleen Robertson of Austin Texas was awarded $780,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving little monster was Ms. Robertson's son.

2. June 1998: A 19 year old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Mr. Truman apparently didn't notice there was someone at the wheel of the car, when he was trying to steal his neighbor's hubcaps.

3. October 1998: A Terrence Dickson of Bristol, Pennsylvania was leaving a house he had just finished robbing by way of the garage. He was not able to get the garage door to go up since the automatic door opener was malfunctioning. He couldn't reenter the house because the door connecting the house and garage locked when he pulled it shut. The family was on vacation. Mr. Dickson found himself locked in the garage for eight days. He subsisted on a case of Pepsi he found, and a large bag of dry dog food. He sued the homeowner's insurance claiming the situation caused him undue mental anguish. The jury agreed to the tune of half a million dollars.

4. October 1999: Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas was awarded $14,500 and medical expenses after being bitten on the buttocks by his next door neighbor's beagle. The beagle was on a chain in it's owner's fenced-in yard. The award was less than sought because the jury felt the dog might have been just a little provoked at the time by Mr. Williams who was shooting it repeatedly with a pellet gun.

5. May 2000: A Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania $113,500 after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her coccyx. The beverage was on the floor because Ms. Carson threw it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument.

6. December 1997: Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware successfully sued the owner of a night club in a neighboring city when she fell from the bathroom window to the floor and knocked out her two front teeth. This occurred while Ms Walton was trying to sneak through the window in the ladies room to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge. She was awarded $12,000 and dental expenses.

And the winner is: And who says Pollock's are DUMB

Mr. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City. In November 2000 Mr. Grazinski purchased a brand new 32 foot Winnebago motor home. On his first trip home, having joined the freeway, he set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the drivers seat to go into the back and make himself a cup of coffee. Not surprisingly the Winnie left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mr. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not advising him in the handbook that he couldn't actually do this. He was awarded $1,750,000 plus a new Winnie. (Winnibago actually changed their handbooks on the back of this court case, just in case there are any other complete morons buying their vehicles.)

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Trading Card! [24 Aug 2002|10:33am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Placebo - Every You Every Me ]

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition
User Number: 460650
Date Created:2-5-2002
Number of Posts: 96

Ashley is slightly crazy, but nice unless given a reason not to be. She's always up for a good time, although sometimes she just likes to sit home and relax. Her mouth sometimes gets her in trouble, even when she didn't mean to say anything negative.
Strengths: Writing, acting, friendly, understanding, forgiving
Weaknesses: Sometimes too forgiving, too trusting, eats too many poptarts
Special Skills: Making friends, corrupting young minds
Weapons: Sarcasm, whatever is around to throw, fists
Allies: Miranda aka Stink Bomb or Fellow Naughty Gummi Bear Tina aka The Rock or Green Pants Sarah aka Koneko or Katje The rest always change..its a conspiracy!!!

Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
Brought to you by [info]crossfire_
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[01 Aug 2002|10:41am]

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[30 Jul 2002|02:10am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Boys II Men - I Swear ]

Well lately everything has just gone whack! HeH. I'm not going to be in a relationship with April because when I asked her out she was preggers. She miscarried last week, the day after I asked her out. Then Friday I met this really coolie chick named Sarah at VOA (Vision of Anime). We talked a lot that night an I found out shes a lot like me! :D
Saturday Sarah came over and we hung out for a while and made some beaded bracelets and a necklace. Then Peter called and asked us to come help us out with his computer problems. Later that night when it was just Sarah and I things heated up a bit ;)
Sunday her and I did the lesbian mall walk and looked around all the nifty stores in the mall. Got a few rings :)
YAY!! I just got off the phone with Peter and he said that hes prolly comin to visit me an Sarah either tomorrow or the day after!!!! *dances around* Okay I know Peter is 23, but he's just so irresistable and yummy!! Unf Unf Unf!!! Damn I want him...hes so sexy...

I made such a nifty bead necklace, its multicolored (rainbow baby!) and it says Charmer on the front, cuz a lot of people call me Charmer. I also made a multi color bead bracelet that says Ashley on one side and on the other side its got a heart then GLBT then another heart. Very cute :)

Well I must be going now, cya later! ~Ash~

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[19 Jul 2002|08:25am]
[ mood | hungry ]

Well I'm at summer school right now and I decided to quick update this. Its first hour and I'm trying to type up this thing for my English 9 class. I'm starving! Neeeeed fooood. When Amber and I were sitting there waiting for the bell to ring I said "How much do you wanna bet, that when Marissa comes up shes going to complain about her mom?". A minute later Marissa comes up and says, "OMG! My mom stopped the car suddenly and I spilled my frapachino on myself!" I think Amber was trying to contain her laughter. I wish this hour would just end so I could see April! Shes such a sweetheart, I wish her and I could do something tonight but shes grounded :(

Well I have to go now. ~Ash~

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[13 Jul 2002|04:39pm]
Well lately so much has been going on. I told you all about Jamieson breaking up with me, but I haven't even talked to him once since that night. I miss him...but not romantically, I'd just like to talk to him as friends.
At summer school I met this girl named April, oh my god. Shes sooo beautiful...I'd give anything to be her girlfriend. I'm on the phone with her right now, I swear shes hilarious! hehe. Oh man I want her.
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[29 Jun 2002|10:01pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Static X - Push It ]

Man sometimes I just wanna get away from people. The only way I can think of to do that is to sit and listen to music and not talk to anyone. My dad is all pissed at me, and my friends are all depressed because I either a) wont go out with them; or b) can't make other people go out with them. God I'm so sick of dealing with every one else's problems. When can I ever deal with my problems?! GOD! I'm so sick of everything! I wanna fucking die or something. Just anything to get me away from this. I need a fucking cigg *twitches*
I wish it was Monday so I could just get outta this fucking house. I need to see Sean, he makes me laugh and just feel better about everything. Plus hes really hott and hes just...yummy. LoL.
Its nice to have guys find you attractive, but its hard when they all want to go out with you and you don't know how to turn them down without hurting them. I'm really sick of every guy I wanna just be friends with wanting to screw me. Its just too disturbing and sickening. heh.
I wish I could disappear.....

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[25 Jun 2002|08:48pm]
my bf broke up with me....
fuck this.
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mmm guys wearing makeup an skirts [19 Jun 2002|09:05pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | Rocky Horror - Sweet Transvestite ]

Well okay so the other day I started summer school. Its actually pretty damn fun. First hour there are two girls from my school in my class, and we all chill. Then second hour this is this hott goth guy named Sean. Him an I already talk like we've known eachother for years.
The last two days I have been trying to get him to let me put black lipstick on him. Yesterday he wouldnt let me cuz he wasnt wearing all black. This morning he wouldnt let me cuz he said that he didnt wanna be picked on first hour, cuz without me there he would snap on them. I guess I keep him grounded when the guys in our 2nd hour class say shit to him. Kinda like his comfort source. Well finally he let me put it on him when I was with him an he looked...so...fucking...yummy...
I have a goth fetish, I have a fetish for guys wearing makeup, I have a curly hair fetish, and I have a fetish for guys wearing skirts.
I loooove guys who wear makeup and skirts. mmmmmm..
Imma try to get Sean to come over to my house tomorrow after school, jus to chill.

Today was pretty good. After summer school, Jami came over an we hung out at my place for a while. Then we went to Adam's house an smoked some bud. I got soo high heheh. Then me an Jami went to eat at Taco Bell, an went back to Adam's house. Nothin to do there so we went back to his place for a while, had a little fun, an went to his softball game. Then we came back to my place an I gave him a backrub an we watched some tv till he had to leave.

Well not much to talk bout now. Cya laters ~Ash~

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Well.. [16 Jun 2002|01:53pm]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | Live - Lightning Crashes ]

Well right now I'm tryin to talk my friend Brandon outta committing suicide. His dad just beat the living shit outta him and hes feeling rather low. poor guy :-(
I mean I know its easy to say, toughen up, suicide is the easy way out. Well ya know, some people you just cant say that to. Hes got an actual reason to feel this shitty. I'm glad my parents never beat me...

Last night I had this dream that I gave up on guys totally and just was a lesbian. Doesnt sound like too bad of an idea really. I mean when I think back on alllllll my relationships with guys, they've mostly all been pretty...well...shitty. *shrugs* Right now I think I found someone who really understands me and genuinly likes me, and I like him too. I jus hope I dont screw it up cuz this is a real chance at somethin.

The other day I decided that I was really gonna work at learning html, so I started this site. Its not much yet but I think when I have the chance I'll build more onto it.

Tomorrow I start summer school. EWWW But you know what, its not my fault. If those goddamn teachers woulda let me take the finals I wouldnt have to go to summer school. But NoOoOoOo. They had to be dick heads. Oh Well. I'll go and do what has to be done. Its only for a few hours in the morning any ways, and its only for like 5 weeks. *shrugs* Besides, its easy credits.

Man its my time of the month an I all crampin up. I'm tellin u I'm glad I got it this month cuz I was havin a scare. I was like almost a week late for it. An yeah...u all prolly understand why I was scared. Cuz like well...yall know I aint Miss Innocent. meh...

I'm all tryin to talk that dude outta killin himself still...I really hope its workin cuz hes a sweetheart an he dont deserve to die an shit. I gave him that "dont be a pussy" talk, an he says hes a pussy. So that obviously didnt work. HeH. Well I got to go now. cya ~Ash~

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meh [06 Jun 2002|02:11pm]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Reliant K - Hello McFly ]

wowie zowie
i'm a tard!!! weeeeee! yep yep yep. i'm an evil, tard. *licks u until drool drips from your skin*
life is pretty busy lately, i been livin it up! w00t. lol
today through sunday i'm pretty much booked. today i gotta get my last assignments done for school and study for the finals i have to take tomorrow morning. then i have to put together these folders of things for my moms pampered chef party shes having on sunday. tomorrow i have to take finals early in the morning, then i have to decorate the apartment for the party thing. then jami is coming over at like 1 and we're gonna see that movie with chris rock where he has to take the place of his dead twin brother in the cia. saturday i have to host my moms party while she does the cooking and everything. then sunday i have to get a haircut and then i'm going shopping with jay so he can get some new shirts. not anime ones either. u see..jay has an addiction to anime, and those are the only kinds of shirts he buys. but the thing is he wants a gf, and a lot of chicks dont dig the whole anime thing. so imma go shopping with him to make sure he gets some nice shirts that the ladies will jus love! heheh.
i'm pretty sure i'm a saddist (a person who loves inflicting pain upon others). because ever since i was little i'd always love hitting people and hurting them, and i never had any clue why. now i think i've figured out that i'm a saddist. heh. i think i'm also partly a massochist cuz i do like being bitten and whipped and tied up etc. s&m; all the way baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! heheh.
on june 18th i asked jami if we could go to the local LGBT community center to participate in the discussion they're having that night. its on how can bisexuals be noticed more in the community?
then theres also two concerts i want to go to at summerfest this year, the one with sevendust and two other bands, and the one with injected, default, and greenwheel. jami is prolly taking me to the koRn concert in madison in july, and him and i are also going to warp tour and to ozzfest. i jus need to start makin some money, and its alllll set. im going to be working for my mom and my uncle todd this summer. so i'll be setting up a website for both of their companys. i just need to brush up on my html. anyone who reads this know any good informational sites on how to do html?? it would be greatly appreciated!!!! well i'm out! ~Ash~

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[26 May 2002|04:37pm]
..heh...heh heh.. ha.. hah..HAH! HA HA!!!! MWA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
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Bleeding internally [23 May 2002|11:05am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Natalie Cole - Wild Women Do ]

wtf is my problem? i'm so fuckin confused on what to do. i mean, u know how i was having problems deciding what i should do bout my feelings and stuff bout this ex of mine. well i dont want to jump to anything, so i'm going to meet him at the mall tonight and just see how things go. definitely not gonna be all over him or anythin, i jus wanna see how well we get along an everything. an i'm not gonna cheat on my bf with my ex. jus wanna see how i feel afterwards, it might help me decide on what to do.
but last night there was a complication. this guy who i used to like for a long time told me he thinks i'm cute and that i have a nice body. and i told him about how i used to like him, and we were just like talking for like a really long time and he wants to do something on monday.
so this weekend, if everything goes as planned, imma be pretty busy.
tonight i have to meet my ex.
tomorrow i'm playin laser tag with alex and jay, and maybe cory, sarah, and sarah.
saturday night miranda might be sleeping over here.
and then monday i'm doing something with that guy
so yeah i'm confused. i dont know what i want to do about hardly anything and ugh its just really weird. oh and i keep having these really weird dreams. about me like having sex with these guys i've never seen in my life before. maybe thats a sign that i need to have some sex, and maybe its also a sign that i'm not ready for the type of committment my current bf wants. *sighs* well i'll figure things out eventually, soon i hope. well i gotta go ~Ash~

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hmm [21 May 2002|01:48pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Aquabats - Red Sweater ]

So whats up ppl? I'm chillin here, listenin to music and thinking over the meaning of life. Yes, yes I am actually giving thought to something that actually means something. Not only am I thinking over life, but I'm thinking over Love. I mean...what is love? I think I know, I think I've experienced it. But how can you really truly know when you're in love? My heart has fooled me a few times now, and I'm just thinking over things. Ever have it where after u tell someone u love them so many times, that 'I Love You' becomes just a 3 word sentence and nothing more? Its kind of like saying hello, automatic and not really thought about.
Sometimes I feel like a 22 year old stuck in a 15 year olds body. Its sad really, because I'm more mature than a lot of people my age, and older people really dunno if they can take me seriously or not. I've always had a mindset of an adult since I can remember. In a way I want to be older so that my maturity matches my age, but I also dont want to get older because bein my age is actually fun sometimes, an u dun have to worry about paying bills and stuff. *shrugs* oh well, nothing I can do bout it anyways.
My thoughts keep drifting to this one person...*smiles* Well...I must get going now ~Ash~

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Punk [18 May 2002|04:32pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Alkaline Trio - Armageddon ]

Okay so on the topic of Punk.
Wouldnt you agree that punk is a state of mind, not a trend?
If you answered yes to that question, congrats!
For those of you who answered no, you're just a damn poser.

You see, it is very nice to call yourself punk and dress in the proper clothes to match! But some people just do it all for the clothes, which I think is pretty lame. I mean punk...punk is well...PUNK! You can have mismatched clothes and dyed mohawks, but not be a TRUE punk. Punks, true punks, have it inside of them! They dont even HAVE to dress in clothes from Hot Topic or whatever to know that they are punk. Punk is rebelion! You cant even truly classify punk, because punks do whatever the fuck they want, when the fuck they want, how the fuck they want! Its definitely nice to have the punk clothes, and dyed hair and the bracelets all up your arms, and whatever else the fuck, because punks love to rebel and be against the normal, but...at the same time, inside they know its not what makes them punk! Music, music my friends. Punk rock! PUNK MUSIC! True punk music, that is punk. THAT is what brings punks together. I love being punk!

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Alright I took two tests because I was bored [15 May 2002|01:05pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Bette Middler - Wind Beneath My Wings ]

Find your Role-Playing
at mutedfaith.com.

your so hardcore.
just like your mohawk..
take the quiz
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Heya [10 May 2002|11:27am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Extreme - More Than Words ]

So whats up ppl? Well this week has been really boring actually. Mostly just done school work and chilled. Today I have to go to gaming because its Russell's birthday. I really DONT care. *sighs* I really am uncomfortable there, his parents creep me out! In fact, HE creeps me out. *shudders* I dun wanna see Steve either, he always tries to grab me, in places I'd rather not be grabbed by anyone except Billy. Meh...speaking of Billy. I'm waiting for him to get home from work right now. I'm bored bored bored. Just moved my moms car, hadta park it in the garage cuz it was in the way of some truck. *shrug* I'm bored...Imma go. ttyl! ~Ash~

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[06 May 2002|11:01am]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | Orgy - Dreams in Digital ]

Well Friday rawked!!! 3:30 Alex picked me up an we drove out to Waukesha to cash his check and see Spiderman. Jamieson met us at the theatre. Spiderman was an O.K. movie, not as good as it was rated, but not bad either. After that we went and picked Cory and Sarah up. Drove to Alex's bro's house and hung out for a while. Drove around for a while. Stole some toilet paper from Arby's, went to a playground and played around on the jungle gym and the swings an stuff. Then we went to Alex's house for a while, Jamieson left, and we went midnight bowling. That was really fun! We played four games. Left and drove around for a while. tp'ed a few houses, random trees, and anythin else in sight. Got home around 2 am. Saturday and Sunday were pretty borin, cept Dave an Malyah came over (my brother and my niece) on Sunday. So...now I'm sittin here watching Urban Legends and bein irritated by my allergies. kinda lonely =( I need a hug =(

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