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18th September 2003

1:05pm: take note people!
I know it's been posted by others already, but thisis one that can't be posted enough:

US President George Bush has said there is no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 11 September attacks.

16th September 2003

3:15pm: oh, so that's why I was a nine inch nails fan for so long...

(this message brought to you by userinfowitchchild's plundering of userinfokazama's mp3 database.^_^)

crap. and my badger dances along FAR too well...
Current Music: nin: closer

14th September 2003

4:33pm: Dear clothing makers,
Piss off. Just bloody piss off.
Love, witchchild


I am apparently now in some weird in between size. Too big for "regularly" sizes, but too small for bbw sizes. What the hel?
At least I did find a nice pair of pinstripe trousers, and I purchased them.

I think it's time to hit the catalogs. Especially for shoes. It's a pain to wear ANY size wide in this world, because the shoe makers will ignore that completely.

(to clarify, I hit what is supposed to be a GOOD outlet mall today. at the least they were "higher end" stores. but I did much better buying books.)
Current Mood: annoyed

13th September 2003

9:52pm: Everyone go do the mambo because it's userinfoarcsine's birthday!

I don't see enough DANCING HERE!
Current Mood: mambothon!

8th September 2003

12:48pm: Ladies gents and others... it's the newest club hit from Project Pitchfork!

happy birthday userinfoazyuna and userinfoblergeatkitty.
Current Mood: giggly
Current Music: duh!

7th September 2003

7:43pm: it warrants a public post...
I love commercials sometimes. really.
There was just one on for AOL. They are now offering a disc to help diagnose possible computer problems.
How did they do this? By showing a zombiefied (metaphorically speaking) kids channel surfing and watching a bunch of horrid shows.

Yeah. get him back online.
So he can stare stupidly at the computer and find the same stuff on the web.

(yeah, it's obvious to make these comments, but I am doing it anyway)

28th August 2003

11:26am: goth quiz, and I am so 4AD )

I know, I try to not do quizzes anymore, but I wanted to see the results. (hey, there are some amusing ones)
and since when is Wolfsheim goth?
Current Mood: sore, want painkillers!

14th August 2003

5:25pm: For the record...
Not all of the Northeast is still without power. Here we had only a five second flicker.

just to add info for people.

[Edit: though we are apparently on low voltage, so no big extras running.]

12th August 2003

2:05pm: this is worth a public post....
Why you don't look like a supermodel.

Gregory posted this the other day and userinfodarkest_eve posted about it too. so I am spreading the word.
Current Mood: blank

30th July 2003

10:23am: and it's official NOW
Ja, må hon leva
Ja, må hon leva
Ja, må hon leva uti hundrade år
Javisst ska hon leva
Javisst ska hon leva
Javisst ska hon leva uti hundrade år

19th July 2003

8:45pm: *snarls*
Bye bye bananas.
thanks to userinfoladonne for the article...


17th July 2003

8:59am: must... not... kill... fluffy... "pagans"...
Current Mood: annoyed/bemused

16th July 2003

6:11pm: DUDE!
Read This. Right Now.

and thank you for this one userinfopounce
Current Mood: bwaahahahaaha!

14th July 2003

10:06pm: an update on the hunting for bambi thing.

I thank the Gods for snopes.

so on that note I am going to bed.

9th July 2003

3:26pm: so...
people have been adding me to their friends list recently. and in some cases I have little to no clue who you are.

so I encourage you, take advantage of this public post to say hi. I may or may not add you back, don't be offended if I don't.
Current Mood: curious
Current Music: future sound of london: dead cities

2nd July 2003

2:34pm: some good advice..
on protecting your money and identity.

(Thanks to Stefn for putting this on the Troth list.)

read me and pass me along )
Current Mood: working

1st July 2003

11:12am: fumes are bad, mmkay?

/Mr. Mackey off
Current Mood: nauseated

28th June 2003

11:42am: my line of the morning.
I was glowing like a genetically modified fish!
seriously, I find this disturbing on many levels.
Current Mood: disturbed

18th June 2003

12:47pm: oh my...
Free Will Astrology hits a big nail this week... first I see TWO people on my friends list quote the Libra one. and now mine (Leo).

A 6.7 earthquake rippled through the northwestern United States recently. No one felt it, though, because it happened in slow motion, unfolding gradually over a two-month period. Are you ready for the metaphorical equivalent of this temblor? It will subliminally shake your foundations until your birthday. Whether it ultimately relieves or aggravates deep-seated tensions will depend on your attitude. If you regard it with fear and resistance, it will amplify your existing level of stress. But if you vow to enjoy the ride, it will rock your world in the best possible way.

On that note, I was even discussing my birthday with userinfokatrionastar last night. I want to have a good party this year. ;) All interested parties start speaking up NOW with ideas, because July 30 will be here sooner than you think.
Current Mood: rejuvenated

31st May 2003

8:42am: Happy happy UBERHAPPY Birthday to one of my most favorite people on livejournal, and in general too.

Happy 30th userinfometaphorge! If I knew the tag for making text sparkly it'd be doing that right now.

now, where's my paddle?

30th May 2003

3:12pm: a little reminder to myself
Dear witchchild,

When good things happen to you...
let them happen.
don't overanaylze them like they could be bad things.
they're GOOD.
Be happy.
Don't forget this.
Current Mood: happy

29th May 2003

2:14pm: more lyrics
I've been meaning to put up these two all week. and I don't know what it says about me that they're the opening and closing tracks to the album.
but I like them. the first one kept me from feeling too down on Tuesday.

De/Vision: Sadness )

De/Vision: The Day's Not Done )

both from Devolution, which I cannot recommend enough.

28th May 2003

9:06am: it's too early for this.
not only has userinfofletcher broken my brain, but lj ate the original entry! grrr!

26th May 2003

9:37am: okay...
I see that there is now an option to change the view of the comments page. How does one change that?

25th May 2003

9:45pm: HOLY FSCK
I'm sure some
of you have heard about
and things are fetching a pretty penny, obviously.
but THIS is what I call overkill.

although I will confess I can understand the appeal of the final script signed by all the main cast members.
Current Mood: amazed
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