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The seeds... [26 Sep 2003|02:24am]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity ]

...are growing.

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*sighs* [25 Sep 2003|08:00pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]

So I didn't get selected for jury duty. I'm very sad. It was a murder case that apparently involved the deaths of a woman and her unborn child.
Have I mentioned before how interesting my life has been recently?

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I am an LJ whore! And how! [25 Sep 2003|01:46am]
The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer
Community Attachment17.2%
You've got pals to cheer you up when you're down, but no audience to applaud you... Yet.
An expert on multiple-choice questions, an whiz at the cut-and-paste
Original Content37.1%
Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them
Psychodrama Quotient25.3%
Known to go off without warning
Attention Whoring31.82%
This quiz is part of a grand scheme to keep people reading
Your LiveJournal Obsession Number is:
Click it to see other users who had similar scores to yours!
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Candidate Selector [24 Sep 2003|04:11am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Third Eye Blind - Semi Charmed Life ]

So I tried this Presidential Canidate Selector. I'm impressed by the thoroughness of the test makers. I especially liked the additional information provided for each candidate. I'm gonna talk in detail about what agree and disagree with for each answer. First three public, the rest LJ cut.

1. Green Party Candidate (100%)
I don't know how this is 100%. I specifically support a citizen's choice to invest Social Security withholdings into the private sector, to which Nader is specifically opposed to. I think the party's platform for "Living Wages" and "30 Hour Work Week" are completely impractical, but it's a nice daydream. I like their stance on illicit drugs, civil liberties and environmental policy. I guess the foreign policy is ok, though I feel the UN has no teeth (clearly demostrated thanks to Bush), and I'm not sure how to feel about the creation of a Palestinian state. I was surprised with how much I agree with the Green Party's general platform .

2. Kucinich, Cong. Dennis, OH - Democrat (94%)
Never heard of this guy, but I give him mad props for voting NO to the Patriot Act. He earns a great deal of hatred from me because of choice issues; human cloning, abortion and gun control. This guy is an original cosponsor of the Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001, which, in my opinion is a severe setback to medical science. He received a 10% score from Planned Parenthood, and is obviously Pro-Life although he claims he would defend woman's rights. I don't know if he's being two-faced to win Democratic support or if he's being honest, so I'm leaning to the former. He received an "F" from the NRA. I don't know what that means specifically, but I'll be pissed if you take away my guns.

3. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (93%)
I love this guy, mostly because he's a doctor first, then a politician. When a politician believes in a scientific fact based approach to establishing policy, I MUST support him. Science is almost my religion, for how fanatical I am about it. His support for gay marriages and same-sex partner benefits for federal employees wins my seal of approval. He opposes privatization of Social Security as well, but I honestly think that citizens deserve the right to choose between a government plan or private equity. After all, it is OUR money to start with. He's got his head screwed on about the environment and I love his attitude about guns. The NRA gave him an A but criticized him for wanting things 'both' ways, simply because Dean supports background checks at gun shows and opposition to bills that would grant immunity to gunmakers. The former I support whole heartedly, it directly attacks a way for criminals to obtain guns and doesn't infringe the rights of a law abiding citizen. The later, I don't know what to make of as I go by the old motto "Guns don't kill people, people do". I support the creation of a well designed Universal Health Insurance. And on a side note, his awesome grassroots campaign gives me chills. All in all, this is MY candidate.

Teh rest )

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So accurate... [24 Sep 2003|01:18am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Dance Dance Revolution Extreme - PARANOiA Survivor MAX ]

The parts of this that I feel are not accurate are highlighted red.

In love, you might give the impression of dormant sensitiveness whereas in actuality you show great shyness. Your need for affection, tenderness and sensuality is enormous, but you approach love only on the tips of your toes.

You are also gnawed by great mistrust. You need certainty before engaging yourself for good. One can say that you lack spontaneity and expansiveness, because you are rarely sure of yourself. You need to be reassured, encouraged, so as to show the powerful sensuality which hides itself behind the reticence of your attitudes, behind the austerity of your manners.

You utterly hate emotional storms. In case of misunderstanding, you may lock yourself up in endless silences, doubts, and frustrations, which will hide your enormous affective needs.

Contrary to other first names, you are not frightened by single life. You succeed very well in adapting yourself to it and, sometimes, you even look for it. It's true that not many people please you, since you're so mistrustful and look for the absolute. Your sentimental problem is that your emotional maturity is acquired much later than your psychic and intellectual maturity. You are a perfect mate for belated unions!

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My professors would have loved this site. [23 Sep 2003|03:42pm]
[ mood | geeky ]

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[23 Sep 2003|02:42pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Your karmic zodiac is PISCES.
Good Qualities: You are intuitive and strong in
your belifes. You will not compromise for
anyone! You tend to view your self as opressed
and have some abandonment issues. With Neptune
as your ruling planet you tend to be a bit of a
dreamer. You have a strong connection with the
divine. You know your own strengths and
weaknesses as you are in touch with your
emotions. You tend to be a bit empathic to
other peoples feelings.
Bad Qualities: You tend to spend too much time with
you head in the clouds to know what's really
going on. Some people view you as crazy because
you can feel what they feel, only stronger. You
sometimes take on a "holier-than-
thou" attitude because of your close
connection with the divine.
Best Matches: Libra, Virgo
Best to Avoid: Aries, Scorpio, Taurus

What's your Karmic Zodiac Sign?
brought to you by Quizilla
I saw Underworld, the following is my bitch rant about it.

(caution: spoilers) )

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Zoit! [22 Sep 2003|12:18am]
[ mood | tired ]

I have jury selection tommorrow morning at 8 AM. Why the FUCK is the county's court system up that early?! It's gonna be tough to be up at that time considering the earliest my job normally requires me is 11 AM, which means I don't even consider getting out of bed until around 9 AM. The fact that the county court house is 40 minutes away doesn't help either. (I live on Luzerne county's border). I'm honestly considering going without sleep.
I wonder why I hate sleep so much. I know it scares me, I honestly feel like I can do without it sometimes, it's an inconvience, a waste of time. I wonder why I think like that.
I donated $25 today to Howard Dean's campaign. Yay!
My Big 5 Personality )
My Religion(s) )

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Hmmm... [19 Sep 2003|01:46am]
[ mood | amused ]

My journal says I'm 58% masculine.
What does your LJ writing style say about your gender?
LJ Gender Tool by userinfohutta
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It has begun [17 Sep 2003|02:50pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

The auctioning of my baby

Keep your fingers crossed. What happens now will determine what happens over the next few months. Like, going to MWFF or FC.

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Impulse purchase [17 Sep 2003|01:22am]
[ mood | nerdy ]

I want to take pictures of my car to sell it on Ebay. I didn't want to run through the 20 exposures I have left on the roll presently in my camera, nor did I want to run out and invest in a Polaroid camera. So, I went out and bought a digital camera today. Seems to be pretty nice. An HP 435. 3 effective megapixels, 16 MB internal storage, 5x digital zoom, $150. Here's a sampling of pictures:

Cut for your bandwidth pleasure )

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Phone Wars [16 Sep 2003|03:40pm]
[ mood | amused ]

So anyway, I had to play Phone Tennis today. Called AT&T; twice and Verizon three times. Because SOMEONE fucked up, but I'm not sure who. What I do know is:

-Verizon has infinitely nicer customer service people than AT&T.;
-Voice activated menu systems that SPECIFICALLY try to prevent you from talking to a customer rep are ASSININE! (I hate AT&T;)
-AT&T; reps are just fuck ups.

I mean, to summarize, it went like this.

Me: I have AT&T; charges on my Verizon bill, what's going on?
Verizon: We're very sorry, you have all your services through us, and you shouldn't have this AT&T; charge, but we can't give you any more information than that. You'll have to call AT&T;, we're sorry. Can we interest you in a voice mail package?

Me: I have all my services through Verizon, why are you charging me for a long distance plan?
AT&T;: WE never got a disconnect order, so you have to deal, or call Verizon and tell those idiots to send us one.

Me: AT&T; says they never received a disconnect order
Verizon: Hmm, that's odd, here's the disconnect order number, which was verified as received by AT&T.; We're sorry about the inconvience but you'll have to call AT&T; again. If there's an issue, here's a DIRECT service line for THEM to call for confirmation. (BADASS) Can we interest you in a voice mail package?

Me: Here's a disconnect order number from June 17th. Please stop charging me.
AT&T;: You mean you actually obtained uncontestable proof that we're not supposed to be charging you? Fuck me, well I guess I stop your service for you now, doing something that the other rep could have done but didn't because you didn't jump through enough hoops. Now would you like to switch to AT&T;? No? Well, call Verizon again because we think it's funny.

Me: AT&T; told me to call you again
Verizon: Those fuckups. Would you like a voice mail package?


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WooHoo! [16 Sep 2003|12:06pm]
[ mood | happy ]

I finally got the title to my Plymouth Laser. I will most likely have an Ebay auction for my car later today.

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Erf [12 Sep 2003|03:45pm]
[ mood | confused ]

Well, seems my own bitterness and cynicism has led me to lose another friend.

Not too long ago I was completely unsympathetic to userinfomadd_tom_kit's situation when dealing with Ryven, and with his house being broken into. Why? Probably because I was too logical about the situation. I saw that he was getting upset because of his own mistakes, bluntly told him that he needed to stop doing stupid shit and grow up. For some reason unknown to me at the time, that didn't work.
Time goes by, I'm more bitter than ever, and I'm again presented with a similar situation. Only this time, the person in question is dealing with an organization that refuses to make an exception for her and allow her to participate in something she wanted to.

This has happened to me on more occasions than I care to remember. Perhaps the most upseting one for me was when I wasn't allowed to participate in my YMCA's National Qualifying Freestyle Relay team, because I didn't have an 'official' time on my 50 yd freestyle. Official being, a time taken from a District or Regional competition, which I had failed to qualify for by 6/100th's of a second. So, gigantic losses for me all due to a technicality.

There was also the time I was disqualified from participating in the Jason Project, because I would be 17 at the time, and that was the cut off age. Disappointment.

Or the numerous times I've been left out of school trips (especially that one Renn Faire trip) due to my own stupid mistakes with filing paperwork, requesting permission, or simply procrastinating my ass off.

So why is it that I laugh at someone who also has been deprived of something they so desire when I'm so horribly familiar with the situation? Is it that misery loves company? Personally, at the time, I just felt a bitter hatred towards society in general, and laughed at the person for expecting anything more of the world than a swift kick in the balls.

I think the thing that disturbs me the most is, now all her friends will tell her they told her so, because they've taken every opportunity to bash me that they can get. The faith that she put in me as a person, she will see as being misplaced, despite my misguided efforts to be a genuinely good person. I feel completely and totally socially inept.
On the bright side, I think I've officially mastered the technique of ruining relationships. This one only took 4 sentences for me to absolutely obliterate. *sighs*

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Wierdness [11 Sep 2003|01:29am]
[ mood | weird ]

Listened to some GOOD karaoke tonight at Applebee's. There was this one guy who could really sing some good Toby Keith.
Was approached by a P.I. today about the motorcycle incident. Apparently, there are NO eyewitnesses to the accident, and I may be the closest thing they have. Suckness due to the fact that there's actually a lawsuit going on at this point. I'm just waiting to testify at this point.

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More strange luck [10 Sep 2003|08:55am]
[ mood | WTF?! ]

In case you thought that all that odd stuff happening to me was coincidental...
Sept. 9 - A bag that apparently contained pipe bombs found in an empty lot on Hazleton's northwest side led police Tuesday to evacuate part of a neighborhood.
The address to that lot is 4th and Peace. RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO MY GRANDPARENTS! They live across the street! They were forced out of their house, and were just let back in a couple hours ago. Armed SWAT teams blocking off the area!

WTF is going on?!?!

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Strange Luck [09 Sep 2003|11:08pm]
[ mood | worried ]

Does anyone remember that show, "Strange Luck"? The one where the guy had extraordinary events follow him all over?

I think that's happened to me, to some extent.
Most of you know of the motorcycle accident I recently dealt with. I didn't mention the arrest that happened a couple days later. I was making a delivery, and as I pulled up, 4 cop cars pulled up to the house next door, and rushed out of their cars with their guns drawn. Anyone who knows Hazleton knows its odd to see 4 cops in the same place at the same time.

Today, a trailer home, near the Domino's I'm working at caught fire, burnt to a crisp. As this was happening, I noted that *I* must have started it. Some of my coworkers agree that my presence has been causing some oddities, it seems.

Now I'm just waiting for the next door neighbors to die horribly or something... :P
Listening to too much conservative talk radio again. Are they REALLY marginalizing Howard Dean, or is he really so off the mark that there's no chance for him to be elected? I mean, that's ALL I heard today, all these conservatives and Republicans hoping and praying that Howard Dean wins the nomination and is on the 2004 ticket, because they think he stands NO chance against Bush. Dean doesn't seem THAT liberal to me, and they make it seem like he makes most Democrats sick to their stomachs and his only supporters are hippie faggots from California. I've lost a lot of faith...and I'm worried about the prospect of having to deal with Bush for another 4 years.
Work kinda sucked today. I thought it was great in the morning because it was so busy, and I kept moving and time went by really fast. But when it came time for me to leave, we were too busy for me to leave as scheduled. Now, I can understand that they needed me, but there also needs to be some understanding that my life is NOT Domino's pizza. Last week's schedule almost completely prohibited me from spending any time with Michele, which was making me crazy depressed. This week, I'm scheduled 60 hours, which I agreed to ONLY because last week it was so slow I got sent home alot. I didn't expect to get all the hours I was scheduled. Now it seems I'll end up with MORE hours than I was scheduled, which is not cool. And there is a complete lack of sympathy and coordination among the management. They all work 60 hour weeks and spend all their free time at Domino's, why shouldn't WE?! 2 weeks ago, I requested more morning hours so I could spend more time with Michele, that's apparently been forgotten or dismissed. I know I'm useful to them because I try to remain flexible, but I'm REALLY beginning to feel taken advantage of or unappreciated. Just goes to show, no good deed goes unpunished. Either that, or all that conservative bullshit just has me in major rant mode.

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Long time, no type [07 Sep 2003|11:26am]
[ mood | busy ]

Okay, been crazy busy.
My boss is a fur )
Car issues )
Dream )
Insanity )

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Damnitahell! [03 Sep 2003|10:19am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | CD-ROM whirring ]

Ok, last night userinfoidigull and I switched our bedroom with the computer room. Now, the attic/userinfoerrorist's room can be reached without going through our bedroom. More privacy for all, more room for computer, all in all, bonus.

Until I hooked my computer up.

Yeah, Linux won't boot now, and I spent most of the morning looking for a solution to the error I was getting. I simply couldn't find anything that matched it. I have a feeling my hard drive is going and possibly the motherboard as well. Neither have ever been too stable. I'm going to attempt to recover my /home directory and hope and pray that I can get my MP3's...after that, I think I'm going to hold off on Linux until I have a machine stable enough to run it well. I'll put Windows back on my machine, be able to play Ragnarok and Diablo II and relax until I've built another machine. I lost alot of work with losing my Linux install, but I also wasn't happy with it. Soo....whatever...more important things to worry about. This all seems kinda trivial anyway.

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Something I never wanted to see... [01 Sep 2003|01:59am]
[ mood | shocked ]

I was returning from a delivery, and was passed by two crotch rockets going about 150 mph up a blind hill intersection. A second later, I heard a crunch. The next second, I crested the hill, and slammed on my brakes coming to a stop to avoid hitting debris. One of the motorcycles hit a car that was making a turn at the intersection. It was an older Chevy Cavalier. It had been flipped around 180 degrees. The back half of the passenger side was destroyed, crushed in beyond the tire. The motorcyle, what was left of it, was sitting about 30 feet away. As I got out, with cell phone in hand, franticly trying to dial 911, I ran up to where I saw the rider. 50 ft from the car was his helmet. He lay another 150 ft from that. I've never seen a body twisted like that. He was bleeding from his head, and eyes, and mouth. His back arched in a way that was obviously unnatural. My phone couldn't reach 911. I felt very helpless. Nothing I ever learned about First Aid, CPR (I was certified), or anything had prepared me for something like this. His friend, the other cyclist, was hysterical, as was the driver of the Cavalier. I think after about a minute, a volunteer medic showed up. He used his CB to get ambulances. I called my work, to tell them that I wasn't going to be back anytime soon, and I was really shook up. One of the managers, Ed, ran down the hill after about 15 minutes to see how I was doing. My car was boxed into the scene by the ambulances and fire trucks that showed up. They cut the guy's jacket off...it looked like he was breathing...I mean, he WAS breathing. I was standing about 20 feet away and then the paramedics forced me away rudely, getting me away from the guy. After a while, it looked like they were doing CPR, and then they walked away, and got a white sheet to cover him. The girl in the Cavalier was taken to the hospital, she had a broken wrist and bruised ribs, I think. I felt so much pain, watching the guy's friend breaking down, calling his family on his cell. I sat next to the Cavalier on the curb, next to my manager, smoking his Newports, cold and shaking, imagining the terror everyone involved felt in that split second, forming the images of an accident I hadn't even witnessed. Knowing that the dead man on the side of the rode had enough time to leave a 200 ft skid mark tells me that he died afraid, spending his last second doing everything in his power to correct a mistake that cost him his life. I wondered if he was conscious as he flew through the air, hitting the ground with enough force to rip his helmet off. I wondered if he died with the fear of death on his mind. I wondered if the girl saw it coming. I wonder...too many things. After an hour went by, the police took my information, my statement and I went home.

I'm embarrassed with myself, getting this emotionally involved in an accident I wasn't part of. I'm disappointed that I acted hysterically, and not in a calm composed manner. I'm upset that I couldn't be the detached, cool individual I fantasize myself being, instead being a shocked, shivering victim in the face of death.

I will not sleep tonight. The only thing I have to be grateful about was that I wasn't moving a little faster, otherwise I would have seen it happen, and I don't want to think about where I would be with that image etched into my head. My brain is already doing a good enough job of imaging what it looked like.

I never want to see something like this again.

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