fabric pirate-goddess thing's Journal
14 most recent entries

Date:2003-05-01 14:56
Subject:fashion show has been MOVED

the fashion show has *officially* been MOVED to MAY 30. during 8th period.
outside if the weather is nice, gym I if it's not.
mrs. groves should be our sponsor, according to slivoskey.
more fittings and tryings on tomorrow during lunch.
troupe elections 5/23 and 5/28.

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Date:2003-03-31 19:11
Subject:Employment! Please!

It looks like my job plan for this summer might not work out. And I can't keep working at the fabric store -- it's too much manual labor, and my boss hates me for hardly working at all through the school year.

So -- i need a summer job.

Does anyone know of any opportunities? I sew, I cook, I do anything in the theatre except lights and sound [but I can learn!], I do C++ (i'm in APCS right now), I'm okay with small children, I might even answer telephones.

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Date:2003-02-20 16:12
Subject:crossposted to tjpeople

Although FCPS is closed tomorrow, we WILL be performing Bells are Ringing at 7:30 on Feb. 21. I have confirmation of this from Mrs. Lodal through Mrs. West. Please come! There are Cappies reviews on page 26 of the Fairfax section of today's Washington Post, and they are essentially glowing :)

If you are in the show and you cannot make it, you need to tell me or Mrs. West ASAP. LJ-comments, emails, and phone calls will all be processed with all deliberate speed :)

in addition: People in the show: As far as I know, I can give rides to Fudds about 2, but I can go later if it's more convenient for you. I don't think I will have a car in the morning to make it to disc. Comment or call or something if you want one, or even if you just want to be kidnapped. It's called four wheel drive :)

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Date:2002-12-15 18:36
Subject:Public Service Announcement:

Anyone who has GARB of mine (bodices, chemises) -- I want it back. (as you like it is going to involve a bunch of peasant garb)

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Date:2002-11-30 16:32

Does anyone know how to FTP or otherwise upload things to one's tjhsst.edu/~user account?

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Date:2002-07-23 20:12
Subject:Car. [cross posted to tjpeople]

Does anyone's family have a used car that they are trying to sell? I had a plan with a relative to get a car for next fall, but that fell through. So now I need a car. I'm not horribly picky, but just to let you know, any car older than about 10 years will probably by nixed by my mother because of potential for problems. (rachel metz, my mother already nixed yours. sorry.) I'd like it by the end of the summer. If you don't have one yourself, but you know of someone else who does, please let me know. Cost will be discussed individually. Thank you.

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Date:2002-03-10 00:07
Music:VNV Nation - Liebestod

I just added a bunch of people to my friends list. And when I say "a bunch," I mean "three."

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Date:2001-10-02 21:52

all this week, before school, during lunch, break, 8th, etc.
not a hard job. you can do it while talking to people, eating, etc. it also involved destroying things. :)
i have several large pieces of fabric that are destined to be part of a dress. (and some smaller ones for the bodice).
unfortunately they have a small embroidered pattern on them, a set of small lines every 3 inches or so. i'm going through and ripping out the embroidery. this is where i need help: if i cut the threads with a seam ripper, you can go ahead and pull them out. a little harder than it sounds since the weave is kind of complicated, and you have to be kind of careful so as not to weaken the fabric TOO much, but it's fun. really. but it's a big job for all the pieces i've got. if you're standing around while i'm doing it i'll rope you in, if you want to cut threads instead of pull you can do that too.
thankee :)

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Date:2001-06-06 17:37

is anyone else going to the cappies? who isn't performing? i need some way of getting there! mrs. west says you can take the metro and then take a bus, but i don't know how much the bus costs, what stop to get off at, or how long it will take (so what time i should leave). i have a formal enough dress (seriously, it looks nice enough that if i wear it to school i get stares and "what's the occasion?"s) and am getting ticket on friday from west -- but my mom's going to be at a conference ALL DAY on sunday and therefore can't drive me, even to the metro. helphelphelp. thanks :)

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Date:2001-05-06 23:07

a public post. the apocalypse is upon us.

this is here for the half-dozen or more people i just added to my friends list. hi. read my profile. i am. i usually don't make public posts or even posts all my friendslist can see, so you won't have to worry about me unless you want to. (if you have even a passing interest in reading -- you might learn something -- reply to this)

for the rest of you, you now have my permission to swoon at finding something i made public.

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Date:2000-12-03 17:58

when i got this computer with the cd-r burn capability, my mom and i spent $50 on fancy blank labels for the CDs and jewel cases and the software to design them, as well as 5 empty jewel cases. well, when i tried to burn the first CD, it burned one track and wouldn't finalize. when i tried to eject the CD, it got stuck. i eventually got it out, but now the drive won't open and the computer won't even acknowledge it exists. it makes me very sad and disappointed to see that stuff and know we spent all that money on it and now it's worthless. if somebody wants it, i'll give it to you. i know where the blank labels and jewel cases are, and i think i know where the software is, but no guarantees on it. please let me know.

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Date:2000-11-01 13:38

i have a small random cut on my nose. i don't know how it got there. i don't like it.

took a mental health day today. discovered too late probably a bad idea (missed some stuff).
but i have more homework time. have LOTS of it. and that math. wanted to take pictures of people tomorrow during lunch. guess i'll be doing math instead. (can skimp, though, we *just* had a homework check and it's the last day of the quarter too.)

however, the only truly important thing i missed today was chris.

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Date:2000-10-27 19:39

i talked to andy yesterday. whee. and today, but today i was upset so i prefer not to remember it. andy isn't being quite so Obnoxiously Male as he used to be. whee.

i'm beginning to hate the way i dress, the way i talk, the way i stand, everything. i was standing in the auditorium today yelling for rosie because she and andy were having a tickle fight onstage and i wanted to give her a hug before i went home. and i just stood there getting increasingly miserable, but not wanting to give up. eventually andy came down and gave me a hug. rosie just looked irritated and stepped on my foot. before that i'd gone to the top of drama hall and was crying, and sylvie came and gave me a hug, and all i could think of to tell her of what was wrong was "i don't want to go home," and eventually cap came along and asked what was going on. and sylvie said what i'd told her, and cap just said coldly, "sorry." why does she seem to think she has to constantly teach me a lesson? am i really that fucked up? don't answer that.

i was mainly crying about andy, because it's hard to be numb about that anymore. and hard to be numb overall. people being couple-y makes me cry, people being upset and pushing me away makes me cry, andy makes me cry (wait, i think i said that already...), people acting cold makes me cry, people always wanting love/attention/the presence of/from other people makes me cry, cap makes me cry, people in general make me cry. and i was numb for a little while; it didn't help. it was just being miserable differently.

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Date:2000-08-24 02:40

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