Sara ([info]flare22) wrote,
@ 2003-03-21 15:40:00
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so... war, huh? i really just don't want to talk about that. i am attempting to figure out ways to work at it from the humanitarian angle, something concrete. until i figure that out, there's no use in soapboxing it. seriously, it just makes me depressed.

still no internet access at my humble abode. working on that. my hotmail box has overflowed more times than i can count in the last month.

i need a weeks vacation. i am thinking as soon as i have my rent money for may, i need to purchase a ticket out to san diego. i could really use a recharge.

in other news, my birthday is coming up soon (april second- soon enough). buy me things, or send me dollar bills. strip club adventure is nearly nigh. :)

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2003-03-21 14:18 (link)
You should come out for Soulstice in June!!! (miss you. we need to catch up soon.)

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2003-03-25 20:19 (link)
i miss you too. i will get your # from my mom and give you a call soon.

love you. :)

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asdfa sdfasd
2003-03-27 19:39 (link)
Did I dissapear off of the face of the earth, or did you?

I don't know how you're managing without internet access... Sounds like it's pretty bad if your hotmail account is overflowing.

I setup my computer and internet before I setup my bed.

I want to go on a strip club adventure too! Let me know when it is. Also, what ever happened to pictures? You said you wanted to wait until you had your own place.. Sounds like you've got that taken care of.

send me an email..

Mr. SideShow Bob
sideshowbob at

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Re: asdfa sdfasd
2003-04-02 10:24 (link)
i will, i will... are you going to five on friday? 'tis my birthday celebration, i hope. today is my actual birthday, but ryan and april ( my roomate and the other bartender from the ill-fated riverview parties) have 'something' planned for friday, and i don't quite know what it is. so, um, *hopefully* i will be in DC friday night.

pictures will be fun, when i can screw my head on straight. i just want internet access. it's the lynchpin in my solid world of the day-to-day. without it... who knows what the hell is going on. :)

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2003-03-29 07:27 (link)
Happy almost birthday. Man, you're getting old. Of course, you're only about 8-9 months older than I am but that's WAY over the hill.

Hey Sars, I'm going to be in D.C. for a week this summer since D.C. United is having a doubleheader with the U.S. National Team so you want to get together sometime? I'll buy you lunch or dinner if you're not busy.

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2003-04-02 10:26 (link)
yes, i do, dear... i am now officially old. 26. ancient. let me know when you will be in town; we shall figure something out. :)

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2003-04-02 10:28 (link)
I'm glad things are going well for you and I'll be in touch.


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