LiveJournal's hiring a programmer or two, but only in the Portland, OR area. Remote developers are nice in theory, but the office facilitates a lot of communication that really can't be matched. Though, a video conference system would be neat to setup :-pAs usual, there's too much noise in news. My cousin's husband is one of the directors of operations for the new Medieval Times in Maryland, so tomorrow night Nicole and I are going to drive down and attend the grand opening. The guest list my cousin was prattling off seems intimidating: the governor and senators of Maryland will be attending, as well as various members of city councils and such. It all seems too political for an opening to a dinner theater, but then again, they did build a castle in the middle of nowhere. There's apparently a large hurricane headed our way, with predicted paths on both sides of our city. It's amazing what can set off the locals here - we went grocery shopping tonight and the water & bread stocks were completely wiped out. By the time Isabel hits this area it should degrade into tropical storm weather; hurricanes rarely last long after touching land. I'm not so sure what the locals are worried about anyways, as most of the damage will probably happen along the coast where the storm will touch down, not 150 miles inland. There are rampant flash flood warnings whenever a storm comes along, but during the summer we're coasting through a drought? Stupid state. With everyone fawning about the new arrival, I'm wondering what will happen to Katie, my little sister. No one should be subjected to someone as insanely cute as my sister, but now she'll no longer be the sole spectacle of the family. It's classic sibling psychology, I suppose - and probably something she should go through and learn about now rather than later, after having lived a lifetime in the center. Still, I worry. Sleep, now.
Two plus one year now, many more to go I hope. I suppose I should have a drink for the occasion, but I'm not that compelled. My first birthday present was a $100 Target gift card, which I spent today on assorted clearanced power tools. Nicole bought a movie which we watched tonight, and my mom gave me a brother! Speaking of which, they moved her to a maternity room at 7, so we were able to get there and stay for half an hour, before visiting hours wound to a close. We saw my brother being monitored in the clean room - he's a lot bigger than I expected. And he has a full head of hair, something Nicole was trying to tease me about :-p The nurses hadn't given my mom her dinner yet, so on our way out we made sure they remembered to. We return tomorrow for pictures, and celebration!
Last Saturday we threw on some clothes and hurried to return a couple of movies before they became overdue. The dogs hadn't gone out yet (we'd just woken up!) so we got their leashes on and put them in the back seat for the trip. For short trips like this, we don't bother putting on their seatbelts/harnesses, because they like to move about, stick their heads out of the windows, etc. While we were turning into the parking lot from the main road, the car had to bank sharply and one of the dogs got scared and put both paws up on my front seat to brace themselves. In the process, their dewclaw got a hold of my shoulder, so now I have a 2 inch gash on my shoulder that feels quite bruised. A "bumped your funny bone" feeling has been present in my bicep ever since, and typing is quite the interesting sensation now. In other unrelated news, they haven't induced my mother's labor yet, and now she's a week past her due date. After her appointment today she called me and told me how they plan to induce her on Sunday, so happy birthday (literally) to me.
Current Music: The All-American Rejects - The Last Song