Community Info
Community Information Below is information about the "Recipe Maven" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | food_porn (663324) |
Name: | Recipe Maven |
Email: |
| About: | A community for people who understand that food - preparing it, eating it, sharing it and discussing it - is life's second-most-enjoyable pleasure. Recipes, food questions, lovingly detailed descriptions of delicious dishes and meals are encouraged; food voyeurs also welcomed. |
Interests: | 18: *really* naked chefs, baking, barbecue, cook books, cooking, food, food allergies, food porn, fruit, grilling, julia child, kitchens, kosher, naked chef, recipes, sushi, vegetables, vegetarian |
Members: | 298: 98, _gabrielle_, _kitchenwitch, _sabriel_, actresstrina, akaliko, aleph_0, aliad, aliki, alison_chains, althaea, ame_chan, anahata56, anandav, angelovernh, anisoptera, antimony, arcanum_dogma, arson, asrana, atropinesulfate, badtz_maru01, bayushi, bearybipolar, beki, belladonnarosa, belochka, bibliogirl, bigjimsjazz, birgitte, blackfyr, blackthorne6, bluegyrl, brisingamen, browngirl, bunyip, caitlin, carolyn_m, cassidyrose, catses, cattack, ccalgreen, ccprince, chaiya, circekills, circusavatar, collisions, condiment, coraline, costello1177, crankygrrl, crossfire_, cruelly_kind, cuthere, cymrullewes, czaria, dafydd, damienps, dandelion_diva, dandycat, denverbearcub, didey, digitalis, diony, dlacey, dmk, docwebster, doospack, dr_fritz, dragon_spirit, dragongrl, dreda, duncandahusky, dwc, dykeprincess, eben_silas, eck, edgar, eidheann, eleccham, electricland, elementa, eleri, elfs, elusis, elyria, entj, esimom, esmerel, euziere, ewtikins, faegoddess, faolan_dubgall, figmo, fireflyreaction, flavio, flickgc, flit, fractalmind, galestorm, geekling, geekosaur, genie22, george_ums, getupkids, gh4acws, glinda_w, greekolive, greenflash, griffen, grokme, gunhed, hadiya, helixdork, hitchhiker, homeostasis, humanx, i_am_mine, iamjw, iluvdaphne, imjustjody, indyansel, indyellen, jacktravel, javamaven1, jelaifait, jencallisto, jesperanda, jilesa, jim_p, jlm1779, jojobear99, jonsinger, karohemd, kightp, kikibean, kittiwake, kittykristi, kiunedd, klwalton, krikket, kshandra, kurara, kylakae, ladyotterfae, lainy, languagevirus, lariat, latina_dlillie, lawnrrd, lcohen, lconover, ldyicefire, likeawoman, limonene, lizardling, lizzibabe, lolleeroberts, lynsage, lyrajane, lyric1459, m00ncakes, mactavish, madocaodh, maedbh7, magid, manintheboat, martered, mel42, merlinofchaos, merrygentry, metabolica, mfh, mhw, mickeym, mimulus, misfitina, mistwolf, mmmedusa, mousme, mr_tom, msmemory, mthrtongue, muridae, mysticchyna, mystril, mzmtnlion, nalsa, nandan, neeuqdrazil, neoamnesiac, nicoleyun, nsc, nsingman, odanu, ohi, ohyes, omahas, ororo, outfrominside, owlslight, pagawne, paranoidandroid, pearlshadow, pelianth, perbac, persimmon, phaedrine, pickledginger, pickychicky1979, pistorius, postvixen, ppham2, prizmdonna, professoryaffle, purejuice, purplesofa, pyranymph, quean, queergrrrl, rampantbliss, ravenswing90, razzle, recipejournal, red_frog, redbird, rivka, roadnotes, rosefox, rowanf, rubylou, rxrfrx, savah1128, sbisson, serenejournal, shadarackarama, shaggy, shaktiqueen, silkblade, spaced, spin_cycle, spinrabbit, spiritdance, spiroxlii, spunout, subservient, sugar_kat, sutekh, suzw71, szkradz, taintedsoulmate, tanac, tapuz, tavella, teddywolf, temptress, tersa, tesselene, textivore, thanatopsis, theano, theda, thehippiechick, thenetimp, theredhead1, thrink, tigerbright, tigermoth, trinker, tsjafo, ukelele, und1sk0, undinesprite, valrhona, ventilate, voiceofthelost, votania, voxmedusa, vraptorz, webbitch, weyrdbird, whisperedstorm, white_hart, whitr, wickenden, wilderlove, windsea, wooden_boy, wordweaverlynn, xenograph, yendi, yohtan, yonmei, yummystuff, zaratyst, ziactrice, zille, zogathon |
Watched by: | 288: 98, _gabrielle_, _kitchenwitch, _sabriel_, actresstrina, akaliko, alero, aliad, aliki, alison_chains, althaea, ame_chan, anahata56, anandav, andyt, angelovernh, anisoptera, antimony, arcanum_dogma, arson, atropinesulfate, attic_addict, autosyn, badtz_maru01, bagelhead, bayushi, bearybipolar, beki, belladonnarosa, bibliogirl, birgitte, blackfyr, blackthorne6, bleppo, bluegyrl, brisingamen, broken_gizmo, browngirl, bunyip, caitlin, carolyn_m, carouselrose, cassidyrose, catses, ccalgreen, ccprince, celeloriel, chaiya, circekills, collisions, coraline, costello1177, crankygrrl, cremedelacreme, crossfire_, culturalvacuum, cuthere, cyan_blue, cymrullewes, czaria, dafydd, dandelion_diva, dandycat, denverbearcub, didey, digitalis, diony, dlacey, dmk, docwebster, doospack, dr_fritz, dragon_spirit, dreda, duncandahusky, dwc, eben_silas, edgar, eidheann, eleccham, electricland, elementa, eleri, elusis, entj, esmerel, ewtikins, faegoddess, figmo, fireflyreaction, flavio, flickgc, flit, fourgates, galestorm, geekling, geekosaur, george_ums, geraty, getupkids, gh4acws, ginamoog, girl_ignited, glinda_w, greekolive, greygirl, griffen, grokme, groovegardener, gunhed, hadiya, helixdork, helygen, hitchhiker, homeostasis, humanx, hyperseth, i_am_mine, iamjw, iluvdaphne, indyansel, indyellen, infinitehotel, jacktravel, javamaven1, jelaifait, jencallisto, jesperanda, jilesa, jim_p, jonsinger, karohemd, kath8562, kennedy, kightp, kikibean, kitanzi, kittykristi, kiunedd, klwalton, krikket, kshandra, kyca4aya, kylakae, ladyotterfae, lagaz, lainy, languagevirus, lariat, latina_dlillie, ... |
Account type: | Free User |
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