archive : 2001-03
Oregonian: Hidden in plain sight
05:35 PM +1000, Mar 20 2001
Steganography is being set up as the opening for the next attack on crypto. This isn't satire, these are actual quotes from the article:
Maybe you've come across steganography in...
Wired: Secret Service Raids E-Gold
11:09 AM +1000, Mar 31 2001
Not E-Gold but Gold-Age, which credits e-gold accounts for customers:
U.S. Attorney Daniel French said Friday that the investigation involved charges of credit card fraud. "We haven't...
The Register: Software poachers turn gamekeepers
11:54 AM +1000, Mar 30 2001
More security by obscurity in the "rights management" game:
A group of reformed software security breakers have developed technology to secure digital content and software applications....
LA Times: Gnutella Targeted for Piracy Control
11:37 AM +1000, Mar 30 2001
The RIAA is expanding its lawyers 'n guns business model:
The Recording Industry Assn. of America has been meeting privately with Internet security firms to learn about their...
Wired: How Kiwi Girl Became U.S. Hero
11:32 AM +1000, Mar 30 2001
The quick version: NZ girl calls in the FBI after a 15 year old threatens a school shooting in a "teenhelp" chat room.
I wonder how many disturbed kids will now be reluctant to talk about...
MSNBC: First 'Napster-proof' CD set to burn
01:10 PM +1000, Mar 29 2001
>From MSNBC, news of a forthcoming CD copy protection scheme. The article is about what you'd expect - artists rights, compatibility problems, Napster:
Music City plans to employ...
Digital US-dollar launched
05:30 PM +1000, Mar 28 2001
This one slipped by me:
20 March 2001 - Rachel Willmer, CEO of Ediburgh-based Internet payments company Intertrader has purchased the first digital dollar issued by Anguilla's Hansa...
DCITA on net gambling ban
05:15 PM +1000, Mar 28 2001
"Senator the Hon Richard Alston" has released a preview of Australia's coming 'net gambling laws:
'The prohibition will apply to all gaming and wagering services, including poker...
Korea Herald: Wiretapping on personal computers on rapid rise
05:03 PM +1000, Mar 28 2001
The Korea Herald is running an article with some stats on increased network wiretapping. The interesting part is a comment from the Ministry of Information and Communication on their...
Salon: Who is spying on your downloads?
04:36 PM +1000, Mar 28 2001
Salon outlines some of the privacy and security problems with peer-to-peer networking, particularly Napster and Gnutella:
As Gene Kan, the de facto spokesperson for Gnutella, observes,...
Australian IT: Restricting DVDs 'illegal': ACCC
12:23 PM +1000, Mar 27 2001
The ACCC is investigating the legality of DVD region coding:
ACCC chairman Allan Fels said the commission was investigating whether restrictive region coding breached the Trade...
The Register: MS plans 'Secure PC' that won't copy pirated audio
09:45 AM +1000, Mar 27 2001
Rumours from The Register:
Microsoft's research division is busily inventing a mysterious beast called the Secure PC, which is designed to win hearts, minds and wallets in the recording...
MSNBC: Microsoft digital certificate stolen
09:02 AM +1000, Mar 23 2001
Not "stolen" so much as issued to the wrong person:
Microsoft Corp. issued a warning Thursday to all its customers that a computer criminal has obtained a digital certificate with the...
OpenPGP flaw
08:55 AM +1000, Mar 23 2001
Here are a couple of articles on the recent vulnerability in OpenPGP implementations. The attack is an academic one - it requires access to the secret keyring.
( see )...
Oregonian: Hidden in plain sight
05:35 PM +1000, Mar 20 2001
Steganography is being set up as the opening for the next attack on crypto. This isn't satire, these are actual quotes from the article:
Maybe you've come across steganography in...
O'Reilly: Australian Censorship Bill Could Impact P2P
11:07 AM +1000, Mar 14 2001
If you're a subscriber to a decentralized service such as Freenet or Gnutella, the potential problems with this type of bill are even more extreme. With these types of P2P networks, if a...
Sunday Times: New camera extends watch on crime
09:55 AM +1000, Mar 14 2001
Via Slashdot:
THE number of surveillance cameras in Britain is set to double over the next three years to 2m following Home Office approval of a new system that can be run at a fraction...
The Register: Did major cable outfit host leak WinXP code?
08:00 PM +1000, Mar 13 2001
The Register has never been quick to verify a rumour before posting an article, but this is interesting nonetheless.
As far as we can gather, illicit WinXP beta code was briefly...
Yahoo: German Court Finds AOL Guilty of Internet Piracy
10:32 AM +1000, Mar 12 2001
Restrictive online copyright protection may have been bolstered by a German appeals court, which has upheld a ruling against America Online (NYSE: AOL - news) that found the Internet giant...
EFF: Peer-to-Peer File Sharing and Copyright Law after Napster
11:56 AM +1000, Mar 08 2001
EFF is hosting a piece by Fred von Lohmann from the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, on copyright issues in peer-to-peer file sharing. It includes some advice for p2p developers:...
Wired: Descramble That DVD in 7 Lines
11:44 AM +1000, Mar 08 2001
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Descrambling DVDs just got even easier, thanks to a pair of MIT programmers.
Using only seven lines of Perl code, Keith Winstein and Marc Horowitz have created the...
Australian IT: Censor Bill 'threatens' IT jobs growth
04:05 PM +1000, Mar 06 2001
More backlash at the Digital Agenda Bill:
SA Internet Association (SAIA) executive secretary and IT Council of SA board member Kitty Davis said neither body had been aware of the...
Attorney-General says forwarding email not banned
12:30 PM +1000, Mar 06 2001
A press release from the Attorney-General's office plays down the effect of the Digital Agenda bill on email. The statement confirms that the new copyright law does apply to email:... Sharing e-mail banned by law
09:21 AM +1000, Mar 05 2001
The Digital Agenda Bill appears to have hit the Australian headlines at last:
FORWARDING an e-mail to friends, family or colleagues without permission from the sender is illegal from...
Wired: Napster Clone's Curious Terms
02:10 PM +1000, Mar 03 2001
Could the RIAA be hindered by its own law?
Aimster encrypts everything that is moved around its network, including all files and directories. It is impossible for anyone outside the...
Updated link to Digital Agenda Bill
11:55 AM +1000, Mar 03 2001
Oops, the link in the previous article to is incorrect.
Here's a link that does work:
( see )
Australian IT: Copyright extended to digital content
09:59 AM +1000, Mar 01 2001
The Digital Agenda Bill, Australia's answer to the DMCA, goes into effect on Sunday. This is going to get interesting:
While incidental copies of material - such as the copies made by...