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What Am I, Chopped Liver?
Let's face it: At some point, you've discussed your Jewish identity, or lack thereof. You have explained, justified, wrangled with, or laughed at your religious and ethnic identity, and how it relates to American society. And let's face it, you ended up every time in the same place: Entrenched positions and hackneyed categories.

To further the debate--and add a bit of levity to it--Beliefnet offers a Jewish identity quiz that will label you in an entirely new way: Jewish foods. Sure, its silly, but we hope this quiz will still be fun and thought provoking. So grab a bowl of chicken soup, take the quiz, find out what Jewish food group you belong to, and discuss your Jewish identity (or our quiz's shortcomings) when you are done.
Q1. Do you generally wear any symbols signifying that you are Jewish?
1. A yarmulke or other head-covering
1. No, but I am proud of my Judaism nonetheless
2. A Chai, mezuzah, or Magen David necklace, or other jewelry
4. I see no reason to advertise the fact that I am Jewish
Q2. What Jewish organization do you associate with most closely?
1. Synagogue
2. Hebrew school or communal organization
3. The gym at the Jewish Community Center
4. I don't really associate myself with any Jewish organization
Q3. Would you date people who aren't Jewish?
1. No, it is wrong to date non-Jews
2. Yes, but only if it is not a serious relationship
3. Yes, but only if they would consider converting
4. Yes, there is nothing wrong with it
Q4. Would you be upset if your child married a non-Jew?
1. Yes, because my grandchildren would not be Jewish
2. Not as long as they agree to raise their children as Jews
3. No, because my children have strong enough Jewish identities that it doesn't matter
4. No, because they should marry whomever they want
Q5. What sort of Jewish education do you want to give your children?
1. Yeshiva, Day School, or other parochial school
2. After-school or weekend Hebrew school or Talmud Torah
3. Jewish nursery school and/or kindergarten only
4. None at all

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  Related Sites
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Jewish Identity Databases

The 1990 National Jewish Population Survey