Community Info

Community Information

Below is information about the "art in nudity" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:artinnudity (158175) artinnudity
Name:art in nudity
About:Hi. Welcome to ArtInNudity!


* This community is for high quality nude or semi-nude photos. Paintings, drawings and collages are also acceptable. Any post in question will be reviewed by the moderators. If a post is deemed inappropriate for the community, a moderator will first contact the member via the email address listed on their user info page and then remove the post if not deleted within 24 hours.

* All members and models must be at least 18 years of age.

* No pornography. This includes child pornography, bestiality and any tasteless genital shots.

* Members are encouraged to place multiple photos behind an lj-cut. Any photo posted as a “teaser” should be no larger than 400x400 pixels. Any pics not within these size guidelines will be deleted. If you are unsure of how to use the lj-cut function, please refer to this FAQ:

* Please do not advertise for other communities or journals in any posts. If you are a photopgrapher or artist selling your work, you may add a link to your website and/or your email address behind an lj-cut provided a photo is included in the post. Do not advertise any promotional offers or give further contact information.

* This is a supportive community. Please keep all criticism constructive in nature. Insults will not be tolerated. Repeated insults will result in moderators making reports to the lj abuse team. Also, this community was not designed to be a dating service or a place to judge the attraction of the subjects. All the comments should be about the art.

* If you are having problems with another member of the community, please DO NOT make a post or comment about it. Instead, email a moderator explaining the situation and include any links to posts that may aid in their comprehension of the problem. Moderators will deal with each case on an individual basis.

* Here is a member-suggested listing of photo hosting sites:
Web Pros Inc
Web Space Sollutions
Bare Lens
These sites are in no way affiliated with this community, its staff or creator.

Moderators: [info]pancua and [info]televiser.

Creator: [info]morrisseysriot.
Interests:59: arousal, arses, art, bbw, bbw's, beauty, bettie page, big beautiful women, bodies, bondage, breasts, chubby chicks, chubby girls, corsets, costumes, creativity, curvy women, drawings, emme, experimental art, fat acceptance, fat admirers, fat girls, fetish, fish net stockings, flesh, goth, hairy men, human form, kate dillon, lingerie, lucious women, make-up, marilyn monroe, men, mia tyler, naked, nakedness, natural, nude, nudism, nudist, nudity, open-mindedness, paintings, photography, piercings, rebellion, rockabilly, rubenesque, sexuality, shoes, skin, stomaches, tattoos, thigh high stockings, thighs, women, zaftig. [Modify yours]
Members:1928: View Members .
Watched by:1341: 0headoverheels0, 0r10n, 10101, 12voltman, 187x9, 1950mildred, 1king78, 258, 321go, 3_14159265, 3pac, 505247, 52eyesblue, ______________, ______frantic, ___x_nurse, __matt__, _apedosmil_, _caelestius, _catalyst_, _concupiscence_, _contemplation_, _crystal_rose_, _demigod, _fadeout, _immobilized_, _jamie, _john_doe_, _lj_, _raspberryberet, _revenant_, a_mad_world, a_vata_ra, abstractangel, acefrehley, acerview77e, achbarr, acidflowers, acrylica, ad_hoc, adamconneen, addictedtofuck, adman, aekai, ahdiahn, ahkuweti, aidan_boi_x, aintlosinnothin, airbearsbaby, airborneherpes, akaetcetera, akienm, alchemi, aldonova65, alien010, alienanthro, alithiea, alsatia, altair99, altarcornucopia, altenra, alteregoguy, ambgu, amie_e, ammick, ancillary, anewgirl, anewjournal, angel1701, angel_perdido, angelian, angelmcc, angelovernh, angelsdevils, angelvasectomy, angry_user, angus_og, animos, anitacox, annastar79, annyred, anomalousrhythm, anomybc, anonymouslj, anonymouslyred, anotherseajay, anteck, aoniedesade, apollo2516, apolly0n, aradtech, aragnarok, araqnid, archi_mark, arctic_wolf, argaive, artjunky, artmunky, artphotoseattle, aryaa, aryx, ashish, ashphodel, ashtreenymph, asiania, asidyti, assmonkeydiary, assplastic, atlantisrising, aurasbliss, autumn_snows, avocat68, avp, azdarkmyst, babydick, badboyarty, badboyz, badlittleneko, bagelhead, baliw, bardock420, bardryn, barenakeduser, basmati, bcr_porn, bdaddy, beaudesastre, beautifulrain_, beautysurrounds, beeeej, befen, belgiandom, ben_dover, benpeek, bergot, best_ever, bestleft_unsaid, betaunit, bettie_caroline, beyondnothing, bgirlnat, bigby2k, bigjed, billporn, binkie420, bishop169, bitter_heart, bitterflesh, blacks42, bloodsprite, ...
Member of:7: anthrophoto, darkexposures, directory, fandanta, no_colo_de_eros, photographia, she_bears
Account type:Free Account

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