LiveJournal for Jenevieve Angel.
Monday, October 27th, 2003 |
I have a lot to do tomorrow: Possibly go to gym Get Lilah food, batteries and Jen food. Get Marc's b-day present Call my broker (which involves reviewing the biblical amount of literature he gave me) Chill with Sarah and/or Paul (and/or Brett) Also try to get ahold of brett and ask him if he wants to go to kill bill Friday Finish cleaning house Hand bed curtains |
I slept so hard last night. I woke up around 2 because I was talking in my sleep then woke up at 7 surprised by the alarm. For some reason I was imagining I never had to work again. I dreamt about swords and good things I think. Here is my plan: Brett said he was up for the kidnapping so if we can find another showing around 9:30 or 10 on Friday we should put him in a box and take him with us and then all go out to the club. I still need to run this by him (which kind of makes kidnapping a little less challenging...or a little more depending on how you look at it) so we shall see. Must see Kill Bill again. I almost feel like it's too much, but the fight in the Hotel just kills my head on a daily basis. ::twitch, break:: |
Sunday, October 26th, 2003 |
Will someone please tell me what that one Wumpscut is that hurts to dance to and you can hear the stomping above the music? |
Today = win. Today was a really good day. There should be more days like today. And more belts like this belt. And more crazy greek-painting angels asleep on my floor. |
Tuesday, October 21st, 2003 |
The kitchen is clean. The living room was slightly cleaner than it is now but at least I have curtains and have cleaned the floor. The coffee table is getting there, the desk is getting there, the computer cords are organized so I won't trip on them, most of my clothes are hung up, I've gathered up a lot of clothes to get rid of, the dining table is getting there. I also cleaned the fridge out, all the dishes are clean, almost every piece of clothing I own is clean including towels and such. More things to do: Clean the rat cage Clean the catbox (get cat litter) Get rid of scanner, various boxes and other crap Vacuum dining room Finish cleaning of dining table Get rid of boxes next to dining table Finishing cleaning off coffee table Vacuum steps and hall Get rid of boxes in hall Finish hanging clothes Hang bed curtains Tidy up sewing room Finish teresa's pants It seems like a lot but i've been on a roll lately. I want to get all this done by the next time Marc is here, it gives me an excuse to get my life in order. But now my back is killing me, it's time for ice cream and French in Action. |
Sunday, October 19th, 2003 |
I have done almost nothing today. Some mild cleaning. Lots of lounging around watching Dracula. You know I have never watched that movie all the way through. I should rent it and watch it unedited. Then I napped a bit, and then grocery shopped and that's all. And now I'm watching MTV which is always the sign of an amazingly lazy day for me. My brain is almost completely off. |
Happy (somewhat belated) birthday to Rachel! Presents forthcoming! |
Thursday, October 16th, 2003 |
HAHAHA want Kill Bill movie poster. Want battle ready Katana. Oh yes. My precious. |
Went to the gym, did massive amounts of laundry and still somehow it wasn't enough. I have a whole two loads left to do and I just did 3. One was even "commercial sized". Afterwards I went by Wendy's and tried to get a salad but no, they didn't have any. So I got a fucking burger and fries instead which kind of nullifies all the working out I just did. On the other hand I can already push myself harder for longer periods of time. Today I biked for twice as long as usual, set the incline as high as it would go on the treadmill and did like 30 reps each of the arm exercise-y thingie (getting technical on your ass) I am still debating the whole shoe purchase but for this paycheck I have contented myself with paying all of my bills at once and ordering a lace undies set on top of the usual meager avon purchase. Because I had to. You don't understand. It's like Victoria Secret and Avon had a love child and her name is Jen. The only way they could have been more perfect is if they were black and purple instead of black and reddish. Argh must go prevent car from becoming a compact, portable swimming pool. |
Don't you hate it when you are magnanimous enough to give someone the choice between reconciling civilly or lighting them on fire and they scoff at your attempt at reconciliation? I hope his penis rots off. |
Tuesday, October 14th, 2003 |
profoundia.com Must. Buy. Too many bindi. This is where I get my henna, the best brand I've tried is Jamila and trust me 1 box lasts like bajillions of years even for me and my hair is very ...bountiful. I think I am going to wait on the corset-tutu ensemble until I have money for new shoes and bindi. And ribbons. The monkeys made me do it. |
Monday, October 13th, 2003 |
( Kill Bill Spoiler ) On another note...Vincent Perez is sexy. I would vicariously screw him in an alley. Note I say vicariously and not actually. |
Saturday, October 11th, 2003 |
Heheheh he said Tori and Trent Reznor should "like, have hundreds of babies together." ONE OF US. |
Friday, October 3rd, 2003 |
Had a bad dream last night about something really annoying. Like, I thought I was over it, and I know my brain will continue to cycle through things even if it's buried but...ugh. Fresh wound. I get to come home and sleep tonight. |
Tuesday, September 30th, 2003 |
last night on a rerun of Conan they played part of White Wedding when one of the guys from the "American Wedding" movie came on. And no...this did not have a giggling-squeally effect on me. I was perfectly composed in my bed at 1am and not getting stupidly giddy over something so silly. |
Monday, September 29th, 2003 |
Okay guys, can I just say that I called that one? Ugh. ::self destructs:: |
Sunday, September 28th, 2003 |
Alias Premier! Kitchen disgusting Bought new stuff! Boyfriend coming next weekend! ALIAS PREMIER! |
Saturday, September 27th, 2003 |
Last night was nice. We went out for a really nice dinner at Buca's. My lungs survived. I even took the freeway home. And I slept without lung interference. But the best part was the dinner. Happy Birthday Paul! |
Friday, September 26th, 2003 |
1. What is your most prized material possession? Wilbur my stuffed manatee, Fritz the one toy that survived my dads childhood (and his mother) who is a stuffed dog and looks like falcor, the luck dragon, and thumper whose ears I cried on every day in kindergarten. Obviously a stuffed bunny. 2. What item, that you currently own, have you had the longest? My stuffed animals, some of them I got the day I was born. 3. Are you a packrat? Yes. To say the bloody least. Give me space and I will fill it. 4. Do you prefer a spic-and-span clean house? Or is some clutter necessary to avoid the appearance of a museum? I purposly cluttered this place up, I don't care if it looks small I like it. 5. Do the rooms in your house have a theme? Or is it a mixture of knick-knacks here and there? The living room is kind of the only room that's gone together. Eventually the bedroom will be an indian/medieval lovenest. |
Thursday, September 25th, 2003 |
Made it out to CVS and back. Next on my list: Make soup. After that: I have no idea. |
Wednesday, September 24th, 2003 |
1. Which book are you currently reading? The Dragonbone Chair. It's good enough to keep my interest but I won't know if it's a top-10er until I finish the series. I'm also off-and-on reading Banker to the Poor, Chaos, and a book on speaking french. 2. What book did you read last? And finished? I think Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. 3. What book are you planning on reading next? To be honest I want to reread His Dark Materials for the third time but I promised I wouldn't until I finish at least one of the ones I'm now. 4. Do you own most of the books you read, or do you borrow them from a library? One of the four I'm reading now is from the library. I check them out in bundles but I only ever have time to read one of them. 5. Who was your favorite author when you were a child? Well around 7th or 8th grade I was reading Kate Elliott, but before that I was head over heels for The Wainscott Weasle and I can never remember the author's name. Also...whoever did the Lost Dragon of Wessex and The Ordinary Princess. 6. What were some of your favorite books when you were a child? See above. I also read a book called Fu Dog which I have not been able to find since and that was good. And another book about giant rats and a Janus coin and I really wish I could at least remember the title because it was quite good. 7. Which literary character would you like to take out on a date and why? That is a very easy one. Sanglant from his Prince of Dogs days. He is such a mad hottie I married him 9 times, he just doesn't know it. Because, you know, he doesn't exist. 8. Which author would you most like to have a `one-to-one' with? Phillip Pullman 9. Which fictional character would you most like to have a 'one-to-one' with? Lyra, Liath, plenty of others that escape my mind at the moment. 10. Which literary character would you least like to be stranded on a desert island with and why? Snape. Hugh. (but then I could kill him and use his meat for food so that might not be so bad). Mrs Coulter ::shudder::. 11. Which character would you most like to be stranded with? Aragorn. Legolas. Sanglant (coincidentally the names of my three goats). Will because he's kind of badass. Iorek Byrnison but he would get too hot. 12. In which literary/fictional location would you most like to live? One where I get to carry a sword. 13. Which is the best TV/film adaptation of a book you have seen? why? The best would be Tuck Everlasting, it's been so long since I read it I honestly can't remember if it bastardizes the book but the book doesn't really make you want to care. The movie was a better portrayal of the story. 14. Which is worst TV/film adaption of a book you have seen? why? I'm not sure. 15. What film adaption do you actually like more than the book? See Above 16. What book do you like better than the film adaption? Harry Potter 17. What are your top 5 favourite books? Prince of Dogs The Golden Compass (The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass) 5 minute bedtime stories with the story about the faeries (sooo pretty) The Goblet of Fire Other than that its got to be the books from my childhood. It's very difficult to find fabulous books anymore. 18. Who is your favourite author? Used to be Kate Elliott but her writing has gone downhill with every book after Prince of dogs. Currently Phillip Pullman holds the title and I dare anyone to knock the crown off his head. 19. What is the most memorable line delivered in a film? Meh I suck at this question 20. What is your least favourite book and why? Most of the stuff I read in English 1. I hated To Kill a Mockingbird and of Mice and Men. I hate most american classic fiction because it is incredibly mundane. 21. If your life was a book, which author would you choose to write it? Sunflower! |
Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003 |
Jen is sick. She misses her mom who would rub her back and make her hospital eggs and would like to have a hug. She is taking her mopey, sick self to bed now |
Happy Birthday Paul! Sorry we could not go out! We will make it special for you! |
I have a song about a half-price dreidle song stuck in my head and I'm 90% positive it's something I made up in my sudafed-laden sleep. When it comes time to take my vitamins every morning I feel like an HIV pt. Taking all these things to keep me healthy and now it's not even working. And I'm trying to eat healthy so my body can keep up it's end of the bargain too. I have a drs appt today at 130. I canceled the appt with morgan stanley today because I did not want the guy to get sick. He is super nice. If, as a consumer, you threaten to involve the FBI when you "don't get what you paid for" because you were stupid enough to order from something like EWA then you don't deserve to be a functioning human. When customer service rearranges itself to accommodate YOU, the amount of nice people to be found in the world lessens. |
Sunday, September 21st, 2003 |
I have been pondering for quite some time on starting my own website. After a lot of false starts and a lot of love-hate feelings toward fashion design I think I am not pretty secure in the idea that I want to start my own business. A 9-5 job will not satisfy me and I am not going to undertake the steps necessary to achieve the kind of 9-5 job I would really like (see: college). I want to get serious about sewing, I would like to learn a little more than I do now, I would like to approach it in a more organized fashion than I have in the past and I want to make it a business. I have established a few prototypes, designs and ideas, and have worked with the sort of fabrics I want to work with enough that I am now confident to begin selling. There are two problems though. Time and money. Aside from continuing to sew, practice and learn I want to start a website. I think it's a good place to start. Unfortunately I don't know where to start. I have been looking at sites similar to the one I want to start and I know which ones I do NOT like. Unfortunately it's very hard to make something look professional when it's really not. If anyone has any suggestions or resources on how to get started on building a real website please let me know. I am looking for templates that will eventually be merchant enabled. I also need to find a merchant account. Any suggestions on that front too would be greatly appreciated. Also investors are welcome ;) |
Felt like crap all day for no real reason. Maybe because I forgot to eat and as a result I've been shaky and blah all day. I'm trying to get motivated to do something with my sewing room so I can start working on some projects. Is it Friday yet? So I have a new dress made yet? Is it time for a vacation yet? These are all things I'm looking forward to. |
Saturday, September 13th, 2003 |
Last night was good. Got a CD from the DJ because we "always come out" and got like 6 cherries from TJ the pink haired bartender because I said I would check out his new store. And the silver dress is a tried and true hit. I am going to get another one, tear it apart and make a pattern so I can make it purple. There was a Right Said Fred look alike. He looked like a Sim. I danced too much and then couldn't sleep. So now I am getting up to go to Sams Club, Hot Topic and Joanns before I have to go to work with Sunflower. |
Friday, September 12th, 2003 |
Hugs to My look has gone from medieval-pirate-y-wench to elven-girl-with-frizzy-hair to gypsy and I'm having a bad hair day. Off I go to dance away the evils of my day! This just in: I miss living next door to Miss Sunflower. I thought of that as I was getting ready. P.S. Sunflower download this song or be force to watch nothing but carebears. |
Attention: I will feel a lot better when people stop threatening to cut off my hair and telling me I'm stupid for believing something that is a wholly personal choice. I really appreciate being told what I should believe and why, obviously I am completely mentally incompetent even on hypothetical occasions. This journal is now private. |
Thursday, September 11th, 2003 |
Was home for an hour or two before I went to sleep, intending to nap. Woke up with a start at 9pm and decided to take the dog out, take viatamins and everything I forgot to do. I still have that napped-too-long feeling but after last night I sleep in the face of the gods that would deprive me! Muahah! |
So last night at 3am a familiar situation occurs. The next door neighbors boyfriend comes by and spends 30 minutes knocking and ringing her doorbell. The last time this happened I found beer bottles on the lawn so I can only surmise he does this while drunk. Then this mysterious knocking begins...on my upstairs wall. I have a theory that it was one of her children. But it caused the dog to bark, it had me a little worried thinking maybe something is wrong and it was keeping me up. So I dug around for the # to security. I had dialed my own number 3 times before I realized that was not it, also dialed a wrong number and woke someone else up until I finally got our answering service and left a message. The dude was really nice, called me back and not too long afterward I heard him knock on their door. Then all was quiet. I DID threaten to call the police through the wall. The knock stopped briefly but continued. I am reserving judgment until I am given reason to believe they really were just fucking around. I was laying in bed thinking, "Maybe they're all locked in their house." or "Maybe she has a restraining order against him and he is trying to get in." "What if he decides to break one of my windows in his drunkenness." I resent having to worry about it at all. I am regretting moving here for a number of reasons. I will continue to make my complaints known even at 3 in the damn morning if that's what it takes. But then again I feel a wee bit guilty. |
Wednesday, September 10th, 2003 |
So I am consumed. Everything I think and do is an expression of my desire to live in some other, better time period (she writes at her keyboard). But I want to get a huge old house, walk around in heavy dresses with a sword and write letters with quills and ink. And I've been insecure lately. If only I had a balcony and two men under one, one to kiss me and the other to recite spontaneous poetry. If you've been watching Cyrano de Bergerac raise your hand. ::raises hand:: |
Tuesday, September 9th, 2003 |
Okay. So I have the pictures organized. The candles up. I hung a rather large painting, emptied the fish tank and replaced it with dried flowers and various other clutter. The look I am going for is like...eclectic medieval cluttery cottage. So I have action figures in with the books and wine bottles and feathers and purple ribbon on the olive green candle holders. And the black wrought iron sconce has a big leopard print candle on it. And now I have this really mismatched painting of a Matador dominating the living room. And I love it! My closet is pretty organized now. My bedroom is not, but it's getting there. I found some post cards I am dying to put up somewhere and I think I know what to do with the mirror squares. And now I hunger! Off to eat some Aloo Paratha. |
I had the kitchen nearly clean, all that was left to do was finish rinsing the dishes in the sink, all three of them, and wipe off the counter. Now it's like my kitchen threw up. I have bags and recyclable everywhere and boxes and I don't know how it happened. I am making headway in the living room. I have somewhat cleaned the carpet though it's certainly going to need a good shampoo here shortly. And so does the couch which needs to be restuffed before the party. Which I have yet to plan. I am going to hang one more picture tonight and hopefully finish going through the misc boxes I have of papers and such. I need a rolling butchers block. |
It's only a mini skirt if it's MINI. Like 18 inches max. It's only a T-shirt if it is made in the shape of a T. So there is no such thing as a strapless T-shirt. I need some red eyeshadow. |
I did obscene amounts of laundry today. Like...people walked by and shielded their childrens eyes from the obscenity of the sheer volume of my laundry. And it's all clean now so as soon as I get my second wind I am going to put it away and I am determined to tackle at least one room in this house. Dad is sending me my money. Just short of 10K according to him, I'm sure it will amount to less than that after all is said and done (taxes etc). That is enough for a new car and a really really comfy savings. I feel so useless without being able to put some money away. I was reading about the Grameen Project at the laundromat and thinking...I pay over $500 in rent, about $100 in bills, I probably make just barely 14,000 a year. I am below the poverty line but thus far I have managed my money very well in spite of my many expenses. So if I can do it I should probably organize my system a little more and set up a real business from my home. I think learning about Grameen has shed new light on my definition of 'success'. And I'm getting there :) |
My step mother wrote me, "I'm glad you and dad are talking again." I don't know of the exchange of two two line emails is really considered talking but at this point I am wondering where my money is. My uncle has been ordered to stay in Iraq until next May. His daughter will be a year old by then. Frankly I think it was irresponsible for him to have planned a family and to have remained in the guard. He had only been married for like 6 months before he was shipped off. And he's like almost 40. |
Monday, September 8th, 2003 |
I feel so much better after talking to mom. I vented, she agreed with me on stuff, we talked about various random stuff. The medicine she sent me is helping. Her plans for California seem to be going along quite well now. We talked about funeral pyres and I am going to look up some more info on it. I am going to make up a will and so is she. It might sound frivolous and premature but I find myself thinking about it a lot and she said she does too. If you do not consider the morbid aspect of it, and you shouldn't because if it's about that with me, it's only a little. It is important to me to see that my wishes are followed or at least outlined for various reasons. And on top of that it's an interesting thing. I love my mom and I'm so glad we're not living together. I would love to have her down the street, but I feel like we need eachother much more now than we ever did and it is very comforting in a way. Like if I need her i don't have to feel ashamed, I can call her and vent. There is not much she can do now but it's better than having her do too much, you know? And she says she would really like to see me get back into fashion. Which is funny because last night I started my first project in like 3 months and now I am going to go finish it. People like me usually have an art to channel themselves into to keep from going (totally) insane and I feel like I don't, like I have no saving talent. I do, and it frustrates me sometimes, and is time consuming and expensive but it leads me to consider other things I enjoy and might be good at. And that's good. So isn't it about time I had one of these entries? I think so. I'm glad I'm feeling tolerably better for the time being. I won't expect too much from it because I think that would be dangerous but at this moment I am okay. |
Murphey's Law: If your alarm chirps when the battery it low it will always do this at night when you are sound asleep. Never during daylight hours. I spent 20 minutes in bed laying there worrying about what the sound could be, it came every 4 minutes or so, and then another 20 disabling everything I could think of that would cause such a noise. This was all at 3:30 AM I like Mondays. I can get by on very little sleep and just skate through one day of work until my next day off. I would prefer like one more half day off or even just 2 extra hours a week somewhere but I can't afford it. Argh.l |
Sunday, September 7th, 2003 |
I want to cook old historical recipes. I want to dip my own candles and use candle light whenever possible. I want to wear historically accurate clothing, I want to wash it myself in a river. I want to carry a sword and give my heart away medieval style. |
The inside of my ear hurts, my head is killing me and this canker sore is like being stabbed in the tongue repeatedly with sharp, hot disease. I have an idea for some undies. I wish I could sew at work. Though the stuff I have now I probably could do by hand. I am going to plan the pattern tomorrow. I highly highly recommend seeing Freda. It's punch-you-in-the-head sad but very very moving. |
My LJ has been hiding entries from me. Have this stupid sick migraine thing that laid me up in bed for 3 hours, and in my fitful sleep ::tries not to hate neighbors:: I was all tossy-turny-drooly. But I let the dog and cat sleep with me. I must vacuum and deodorize everything. And I must clean this bloody house! And then I must have a party. And I must sew. But first I must have horribly fattening ice cream. Also I must note that I got way too many compliments on my outfit on Friday and I cannot remember the last time that's happened. It made me feel unbelievably sparkly. Like the pink haired bartender would not stop telling me how pretty I looked when I saw him. I wanted to go in the corner and blush a lot. I spent the evening talking with Sean and Boring Coffee Guy. Apparently they are roomies and I qualify as Boring Coffee Guy's dream girl with the exception that I am involved with someone and that I probably came off as really rude because I felt like I was spacing out from lack of air. Despite the compliments I have to give the corset a rest for a while. I wasn't even synched up that tight but I was in corset-agony all damn night. And then the next day I had a fat-day backlash. I must lose a little weight before halloween. |
So much to say but I don't have the heart for it. |
Friday, September 5th, 2003 |
Dad chose to respond to my final request for my college fund by email which is utterly shocking I thought for sure he would take advantage of my phone number. Lilah is frustrating me. It's like she's CHOOSING to poop on the floor. I am endlessly amused by Sunflower's comment to my "put on my corset and get to work" remark. Hehehehe muahahaha! |
Thursday, September 4th, 2003 |
Today sucked. Fish died. Let very important fax slip through my netting and it sat for far far too long. Felt awful. Apologized up and down, prayed to gods the nicest guy in the office doesn't get chewed out because of it. Apologized some more. Could not get in either door of my house, not sure why. Managed to get one door open. Just hope there isn't a fire. Maint did not come by today. They are the first stop on my shit list when I go on a rampant killing spree. Electric bill is outrageous and just sucked my savings. In need of some cuddling. Considering laying around in lingerie but this house is so messy I can't stand it. Maybe I'll put on my corset and get to work. |
On the AOL Welcome screen "Report blasts Postwar Plans" And next to it is a picture of Jack Black with a silly look on his face pointing to a blackboard with various band names and genres on it. I think it just lagged in refreshing the picture but ...that's some funny stuff. |
Wednesday, September 3rd, 2003 |
BillyIdolBillyIdolBillyIdolBillyIdol! And now that I have that out of my system for the next 2.5 seconds... Sunflower and I watched Tuck Everlasting again. It is a cute wonderful movie and it just smashed whatever hope I was maintaining about ...things. Jen wants more from life. She does not want to be a prisoner of it. She wonders how other people love and if she expects too much. |
Something tells me... |
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003 |
Must...resist....urge to sabotage...sanity. |
LiveJournal for Jenevieve Angel.