No Icons.Just A question. |
[29 Sep 2003|06:18pm] |
I was wondering what some of the programs are being used to make icons...I'm currently using Unlaed GIF animator 5..And I want to do more with icons that what I can currently do.
/request. |
[28 Sep 2003|09:02pm] |
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tired |
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"Hate Me" by Children Of Bodom |
] |
Hello, I have a fairly simple request. Could someone please take this picture-->![]( and make a thin red (#FF0000) border around it? Please make it the thinnest line you can.
[25 Sep 2003|11:24pm] |
If anyone has or can make me an icon of a plastic dick, I will kill one person for you. Anyone you want, whenever. Or just make a icon of me. a cool one. fuckers.
I might also give you some good old fashioned goodguy favors --wink--
[23 Sep 2003|08:15pm] |
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bored |
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i went through a folder of random horror stuff and got icon crazy again. ( random jumble of icons )
[20 Sep 2003|10:57pm] |
I'm starting a new blend community for b-rated horror, sci fi, whatever comes to my crazy mind.
i'm looking for blenders and judges. (even if you dont know how to blend, I'm looking for people to vote on peoples submissions fairly)
please come take a look at
Sally is creepy, no? |
[19 Sep 2003|03:32am] |
can someone animate ( this ) for me (as an icon) with the words "Please, Mr. Addams, Stop Calling! We Do Not Know Where They Meet!" and change the banner to read "Voodoo Witch Doctors..."? I would surely be eternally grateful :)
[19 Sep 2003|12:02am] |
I give you a finished product.
feel free to comment, critique, or praise. we appreciate it all.
yours, ~m~
Woohoo! New here. |
[18 Sep 2003|11:55am] |
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excited |
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I'm new here. I don't make icons (yet,) so I'm here to observe, but I DO have one request: I LOVE my current mood icons (Charity Cam's Goth Girl,) but I'd REALLY LOVE to have mood icons that are skeleton and/or skull-themed and NOT cheesy. Can anyone do it?
Willing to trade: I'm a writer. ;)
I've skimmed the journal, and I see some great work here. Happy to have joined!
notice |
[17 Sep 2003|01:03pm] |
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thankful |
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today is the last day to submit pictures to the album. i appreciate your support and participation. =o) email or post them here:
Hello World. |
[15 Sep 2003|10:16pm] |
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creative |
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HIM - Track 10 |
] |
Just joined this group... I'll happily take requests for icons, blinkies (shudder. the evil that is blinkies.) friends only graphics, backgrounds, but I'm only decent at icons. Here's a few I have nowhere else to put.
( before you die, you see these icons. )
cross-posted to my journal.
[12 Sep 2003|09:07am] |
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grateful |
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Any willing person.. ( here )
[10 Sep 2003|05:28pm] |
oh, btw, i really want some new mood icons. something related to buffy, angel, x-files, or horror movies. can anyone point me in the right direction?
what a newb |
[10 Sep 2003|04:46am] |
hey kids! =o) i decided to join an icon community cos i'm looking to make some interesting/original icons. if anyone has any advice, feel free to share =o)
plus! *check it*: i'm amassing a collection of badass girl pics for an album i'd like to put together. anyone who would like to share pics, feel free to email them to me: ::looking for interesting REAL LIFE women doing great/cool/destructive/fun things. NO NUDES, please:: =o) don't forget to tell me who you are so i can credit you. ;o) [the deadline for these is September 17th (wednesday) as i would like to get the album up by September 19th-- Friday.] thanks for the participation/advice/slams/happiness. =o)
[10 Sep 2003|01:55am] |
so, i really want to make an icon with a pic of skeleton jack from pirates of the caribbean. the problem is i've looked all over and can't find any pics of him when he's a skeleton. can anyone help?
[09 Sep 2003|12:16pm] |
Hello, I know this is a little off topic, but I'm trying my best to Promote a new exclusive comm called exquisite_flaws we make backgrounds, user info banners, friends only banners and Adobe Photoshop brushes. It is ran by the ex maintainers of Amazing Designs.
.mov videos? |
[07 Sep 2003|04:32pm] |
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curious |
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does anyone have any evanescence videos in the format of .mov or does anyone know how i can make them into this format??? if you do please please let m know i finally kno whow to make screen caps and want to make really cook icons for you all and for me of course hehe!!! thanks so much
blood & fishnets |
[01 Sep 2003|11:37pm] |
I've never seen an icon like I want so if this request is impossible let me know. I want an icon with this picture ( Read more... ) I want the picture to stay visable for about 7 seconds then I want blood to drip down drom the top in a curtain until the whole icon is red. Then I want the picture to show again and so on and so on..
Can someone do this for me??? Puh-lease