PSA I had someone ask me about this in a request-to-be-added email,and I didn't realize it wasn't fairly commonly-known, so I thought I'd address it here.
Community maintainers
cannot read friends-locked entries in a journal, unless that community maintainer's personal journal is friended. Even when the person is logged into the community account. LJ has set up safeguards to prevent this kind of privacy violation.
So, as an example - If you're a member of
image_service, but I'm not on your personal friends list, I can't read your locked posts. unless I'm on your friendslist and you haven't filtered me out. And if I were logged into the community's account, the same thing holds. Communities can't be friended the same way User journals can. I use myself and this community as examples, but this is true of any community/maintainer.
HOWEVER - this is NOT true if the community-like journal you have friended isn't set up to be a community (some examples are fic journals, site-update journals, etc.) If you have a journal friended that serves a purpose like that, but isn't a community, the person who maintains that account
can log into the separate journal and read the friendslocked posts of those who have that account friended, provided that separate journal hasn't been filtered out.
If you're unsure whether the journals you're reading are communities or personal LJs used like a community, check the account's userinfo page. It'll either say "Community Info" or "User Info" at the top as appropriate.
Thanks for your time. More pretty pictures tonight when I get home.
This post intentionally left unlocked, in case those who were concerned with this issue were hesitant to ask to join.