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Both a little scared, neither one prepared...
Just say my name, and I'll come runnin'...


No it can't be,
I'll just ignore,
But then again,
She's never looked at me that way before

my new phone is sexy.... [21 Sep 2003|05:41pm]
last night was tons of fun. kelly and amy got to my house and we took pictures after me and juana finally put our dresses on. we were the first to jason's house for MORE pictures. ants attacked my foot after pictures... trauma. then we finally decided to leave. riding with kelly, amy and juana was fun. 55, 55, 55!!! we passed chris without even noticing it... until he passed us. i was wondering why some guy was just sitting in the car next to me. got to macaroni grill, we had to split up, but that was ok. i had fun at my table. our waitress knows how to sing two songs in italian, the bathroom teaches you italian, and jason didn't switch ties with her.

ride home was fun... i had to turn around a little ways after everyone else, so we were behind them... but i think i'm glad. they probably would have made me nervous. get to jason's house, wait around for a few minutes and then go to the dance. they had the cafeteria made up really well. talked to laura a little... danced a lot. saw ross and danced with him, kasey and cherami. always had a group of band girls dancing. the shania twain song was the best though.. even though chris took an AWFUL picture of me and won't delete it. geez. slow danced.... eek, twice? maybe three times. i made sam myers dance the last song with me. he's so cute. i sang to wheeler, becca and kasey while we were dancing. took juana home, and kelly and amy to their car in my front yard. over all a nice night, and i'm glad i went. even if it was extremely hot and i had to hold my dress up with one hand all night because i'm too short :)

scrapbooking time. i have to go to walmart to get the actual scrapbook, or at least some cover pages. geez. and do my entry over acteens, and figure out this printer... so that i can have pictures :) good luck to me on that.
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[17 Sep 2003|10:11pm]
[ music | come back to bed- john mayer ]

wake me when it's over....

today was alright. i don't like it... i'm sorry, i'll figure it out later. maybe it's because ppl easily annoyed me today.. i'm not sure. meghan had me get her all region music during lunch, and when i came back, she was gone. i had some one talk rudely to me, when it wasn't needed. matt elbowed me in the head. but that was an accident. why can't people just be nice to everyone.

graphic design was probably my favorite class today. just because i got to doodle and my thing looks pretty darn cool. i think i'll play with it tomorrow during studio art, because she wants me and michael to work on my photos, so i'm guessing that'll be during 8B on friday.

speaking of photos, my new photo printer.. yeah.. i have no idea how to set it up. :-/ some one come fix it for me. i hate computer stuff. i want to plug it in, and it work. is that too much to ask?

i'm tired. i should go to bed. i went to bed at nine yesterday. it was nice. even though i should have gone to dillon's softball game. i'm so glad tomorrow is an a day.... took pictures of my acteens group tonight.. and we found ourselves in our magazine!! amanda sent in pictures of our trip in mexico to the acteens magazine.. and THEY PUT US IN THERE! it was an exciting moment when katie found it. :) i need to start beowolf. dawn told frank her plan for me.... he better not make me jump off the ladder tomorrow. ern... you encouraged her in getting me not afraid of it.

i'm so random.... don't hold your love over my head.....

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[16 Sep 2003|07:37pm]
[ mood | procrastinating ]
[ music | come back to bed- john mayer ]

except for this knot in my back, the day was alright.

band this morning, we went outside. didn't we? ap studio art, mrs. hensler put photoshop and pagemaker on my bar thing so that i could "play with them to my heart's content" YAY. i'll finally be DOING stuff in there. i need to bring my camera again to upload these new pictures. :) english... poems... juana and kelly in my group, good times. early release.. i came home... got money and confetti and left again. then went to dairy queen, thinking they'd be fast on food.... what a mistake. anyways.. finally ended back up at the high school..

with 45 minutes left till the bell to work on my scrapbook. i got all my pages all arranged and such. i just need a scrapook, and the cover pages.... and to do my fifth entry... and to print out pics of the zoo animals :-D

i need to do calculus, but i'm rather enjoying sitting here listening to john mayer and pretending i don't have any homework. some one make this knot come out... without having to touch it, chris almost killed me.

oh.. speaking of killing. mr. frank almost made me cry today! he came up on the ladder with me and made me scoot to the front. i was freaking out. he's not allowed to do that. at least when royall came and stood on it, he didn't go ALL the way up and make me move to the front. geez. my eyes got all watery, and i was trying not to show my fear because i could just hear mr. chris render's voice talking about not showing emotions to your band, but i couldn't help it. i don't think many people noticed though. amy did come give me a hug after rehearsal... thank you amy!! talk with dillon... :) i think i convinced kelly and juana to come to HC with us!! YAY. :-D saturday will be most fun.... hopefully.

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[15 Sep 2003|10:16pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | split screen sadness--john mayer ]

yay for today! haha... it was a pretty decent day.

finished my calculus during economics while they were taking the test i took thursday. then just mindless work and such.

calculus...... i got an 85 on my test!!!!!!!!!!! and i'm making an 85 in that class. that's GREAT news. i'm not going to fail, i'm not going to come CLOSE to failing! :-D yayness.

band was outside and it felt good out there. matt decided that they should use my body parts since we didn't bring out chips. even though we didn't NEED chips.

graphic design was me trying to doodle. i can't do it on command. but that class is really relaxed right now because our class is 3 days ahead of her other one. yay for that, basically doing anything we want... which is nice at the end of the day. i hope i don't get one of her "talking to-s" tomorrow like mary anny did... eek. i'm nervous.

band was short and i spent almost the whole time on the middle ladder. i couldn't find frank in the band when we finished the ballad, and i didn't know if he wanted us to go on.. so i was like trying to find him, and it was useless. but then i heard him... and finally he appeared.

parade... so much fun! you guys all hate parades, but i've never really marched in one, i think i've marched in ONE.... but i loved this!! :) walking in the front doing the armswing and then stopping during the cadences.. me and ern had it down. it was great. yelling for almost ALL the girls in the cars. and showing off my posters... :-D taking lots of pics, me and ern with all the band nominees. good stuff. "are you sure you want us in here? we're not in dresses!"

scrapbooking, i've decided i'm going to work on it during my 4A early release so that i can spread out in the band hall and actually get stuff done. i can't spread out much in my room, and i hate making a mess in there, because i never clean it up :)

and it stings when it's nobody's fault..... it's only the air you took, and the breath you i'll check the weather wherever you are, 'cause i wanna know if you can see the stars tonight.....we share the sadness....

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[13 Sep 2003|06:58pm]
went to mckinney.... visited with grandmother and aunt/uncle/cousins for a little bit. then my parents, grandmother and me went to rack room shoes where i got some cute brown shoes to go with my khaki pants.. and jeans. to ross' where i got a pair of identical shirts for me and becca to wear on twin day. to best buy to play around with cameras 'cause mom didn't buy one... and print out cute pictures on this awesome camera... that i want. then to drop my grandmother off, and to target for me to stock up on secret pal gifts and get the john mayer cd for $9.98. yay for that.

i'm about to go start becca and wheeler's posters for the parade to put on their cars and listen to that CD. sounds like a plan to me, maybe i'll go rent 'american beauty' and work on 'em... if i can get the TV. anyone want to watch it with me?! call my house, the cell's charging :)
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ta-day.... [11 Sep 2003|05:49pm]
let's see.. economics was easy and i went ahead and took my test early.... free time next class period... for probably about 20 minutes.

calculus-- test... becca did great on it.. jessica... probably didn't.. i didn't go check. i'm not stupid. i'll learn my score on monday and i wish i could only wait longer.

band-- put on coats and attempt to make up a new salute.. we'll see about that. conduct... change conducting... i like it. and i get to "feel the music" which apparently takes more brains that brain surgery... so yay for me!! :-D

graphic design.. giggle time with juana..showed juana how to do her name, worked on the little paper i had been working on in studio art, helped david make his cats look more like bearcats and just doodled.

afterschool--- had tons of fun dancing around with the senior girls... as kasey said "it's great to be a senior"... we REALLY don't have to care what they think about us now :-D... it's good to have fun. be metronome person during practice INSIDE... and mr. frank smiled at me, i think he was impressed on my changing of the programs on the met. haha... go me. conduct the fanfare at 84 because ern told me that D was 84, so the ballad got a little faster tempo, but i think it worked out fine. stupid. i just realized, when he was going over the sequence, that I'M starting the show tomorrow!!!!!! that's a lot of pressure. eek. i believe in myself....i think. :)

going to matt's at 6:30, but my food's not gonna be ready, so i think i'll make me a sandwich soon so i don't starve :)

you thought your problems were gone....carry me away, away away....
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